181212 and 030101: A/DE08/DE08.HTM

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Test Material: Linearization Method with digital test files which include
8bit image data of 5 and 16 grey steps in relative coordinates olv* (rgb*) and absolute coordinates OLV* (RGB*)
using the PS operatorsettransfer

Test intention for Linearization Method:
A standard image file including 8bit image data in relative coordinates olv* (rgb*) or absolute coordinates OLV* (RGB*) is changed by different transfer functions.

There are 12 times 16 gray series on the page. The series no. 1 and 4 on the left side and no. 7 and 10 on the right side are identical and serve as reference.

In the series no. 3, 5 and 7 on the left side and in the series 8 and 10 on the right side a function is used to transfer the image data before the output.

The function {0.5 exp} transfers the image data to the square root of the image data, see the series no. 5.

The function {0.1801 sub 0.7740 mul} transfers the absolute OLV* data to the relative olv* data, see the series no. 3

The standard PS-operator settransfer is modified in the series no. 12 (last series) to produce the original image (No. 1, 4, 7, 10) from the square root hex data in the image file. In this special case the output LAB* data are used to make the inverse transformation.

This last case is the most interesting one for Linearization Method as here the output change of a device (here asumed to be a square root function, Exponent 0.5) can be eliminated by a inverse transformation (Exponent 2.0). The inverse transformation is only based on the output measurement data of the 16 gray steps of the device. The lightness L* data used here are 18.01, 37.99, 46.21, ..., 92.79, 95.41.

For the inverse transformation in a first step the global (g) PS-operator is defined to be identical to the standard PS-operator

/sgtransfer {settransfer} bind def

Then the former standard PS-operator is redefined by the global (g) PS-operator which is modified by the PS-square function {2.0 exp} here in the following example.

%p=positive change with lightness for olv* (rgb*)
/transp {2.0 exp} bind def

Finally this function is used for the inverse transformation in the following PS-line

/settransfer {/ntransfer exch def {ntransfer transp} sgtransfer} def

The effect is very important for Linearization Method: All colour data of the 8bit image are modified by the PS-square function and become darker.

In the series no. 12 the inverse transformation is not based on a function (square function) but only on the L* output of the device (18.01, 37.99, ..., 92.79, 95.41)

Linearization Method by digital test files including olv* and OLV* data and the settransfer PS-operator Remarks for use and reproduction  PostScript format
File type A.TXT or A.PS
PostScript and Portable Document Format (Version 3.0)
File type P.PS or P.PDF
Gray series output of 3 and 16 standard grey steps Output used as reference (no.1, 4, 7, 10)
Different transformations

 L8630ENA(.TXT / .PS)
98 kByte

L8630ENP(.PS / .PDF )
98 / 44 kByte

Table 1: The files in Table 1 use olv* data for the PS-operator settransfer.

For an introduction (archive 2000-2009) to all folders compared to this folder DE08, see
../DE.HTM in English or ../DG.HTM in German.

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../4STAE.html in English or ../4STAG.html in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about colour test charts and colorimetric calculations, see
../indexAE.html in English or ../indexAG.html in German.

For publications (archive 2000-2009) of the BAM research group, see
../XY91AE.html in English or ../XY91AG.html in German.

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