190101 and 080501: A/ZE.HTM

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For the preceding page, see YE in English or YG in German.
For the next page, see Ae in English or Ag in German.

Colour data for relative colour reproduction with office colour devices

Test charts in the folders ZExx (E=English, xx=00 to 99)

Colour data of colour devices and their colours for 360 hues for the CIE standard illuminant D65

Relationship of olv* coordinates and rgb* coordinates (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1) intended for the elementary colours Red R, Green G and Blue B and (1,1,0) for the elementary colour yellow J (=jaune)

All files use the PS operator olv* setrgbcolor or w* setgray

Transfer of 11 intermediate colours between the device colours O (R) and Y (J):
Colour data transfer of one input data set to equivalent data sets

Colour data transfer of input data LCH*a0 or olv*30 to data LCH*aM, olv*3M of the maximal colours M
and LCH*a, olv*3 of the given colour
Transfer of input data NRS18, ZE00
Example file (1 pages, 50 kByte) ZE00/10L/L00E00NP.PDF

Transfer of input data TLS00, ZE01
Colour data transfer of input data LCH*a0 or olv*30 (NRS18) to eight standard output systems (8 pages), ZE02

Colour data transfer of one input system to four output systems ORS18, TLS00, NRS18 and SRS18
Colour data transfer of input data LCH*a0 or olv*30 to data LCH*a of the four output systems:
Transfer of input data NRS18, ZE03
Transfer of input data TLS00, ZE04
Transfer of input data of eight standard systems (8 pages), ZE05

Colour data transfer of one input system to four output systems ORS18, TLS00, NRS18 and SRS18
Colour data transfer of input data LCH*a0 or olv*30 to data olv*3 of the four output systems:
Transfer of input data NRS18, ZE06
Transfer of input data TLS00, ZE07
Transfer of input data of eight standard systems (8 pages), ZE08

Special colour data transfer of hue angles
Colour data transfer of input data olv*30 for SRS18 to data
H*ai (CIELAB hue angle) and H*ei (Elementary system hue angle) of the four output systems: ZE09

Transfer of 27 = 3x3x3 colours of the rgb device colour space (12 pages):

Colour data transfer of one input sytem to four output systems ORS18, TLS00, NRS18 and SRS18
Colour data transfer of input data olv*30 , LCH*a0, nce*0 for systems NRS18 and ORS18
to data olv*31of the four output systems: ZE10
Colour data transfer of input data olv*30 , LCH*a0, nce*0 for systems TLS00 and SRS18
to data LCH*a1of the four output systems: ZE11

Colour data transfer
Between LCH*a, olv*3 and nce* and vice versa; for Natural Reflective System NRS18: ZE12
Example file (1 pages, 100 kByte) ZE12/10L/L12E00NP.PDF

Between LCH*a, olv*3 and nce* and vice versa; tables for NRS18 recommended for fast transfer; ZE13
No files up to now: ZE14

Colour image reproduction
Colour transformation data, 17 step colour scale, output simulation of O-C, Y-V, L-M by equation: ZE15
Example file (3 pages, 300 kByte) ZE15/10L/L15E00NP.PDF

CIE elementary colours, workflow and CIELAB camera, file output change by office colour workflow: ZE16

Relation colour coordinates
Colorimetric and physiological coordinates, definition of blackness N* and other coordinates: ZE17
Example file (1 pages, 150 kByte) ZE17/10L/L17E00NP.PDF

Colour and hue data transfer
Between LCH*, olv*3 and nce* and vice versa, transfer with equations or tables: ZE18
Example file (1 pages, 50 kByte) ZE18/10L/L18E00NP.PDF

Absolute and relative CIELAB data; for systems (N/S)RS00 and (N/S)RS18: ZE19
Example file (1 pages, 100 kByte) ZE19/10L/L19E00NP.PDF

Hue transfer between hab, hab,s, hab,e and vice versa; for systems (N/S)RS00 and (N/S)RS18: ZE20
User coordinates; Transfer LCH*, olv*3, nce*; tables for systems (N/S)RS00 and (N/S)RS18: ZE21
Example file (1 pages, 100 kByte) ZE21/10L/L21E00NP.PDF

Hue transfer for hab, hab,s or hab,e; 10 degree hue tables for (N/S)RS00, (N/S)RS18: ZE22
Hue planes, absolute and relative chroma; for systems (N/S)RS00 and (N/S)RS18: ZE23
Example file (1 pages, 200 kByte) ZE23/10L/L23E00NP.PDF

Hue data transfer, 4 pages
Hue transfer for hab, hab,s or hab,e; 1 degree hue tables for systems SRS00 and SRS18: ZE24
Hue transfer for hab, hab,s or hab,e; 1 degree hue tables for systems NRS00 and NRS18: ZE25

Colour image reproduction
Standard and relative colour coordinates; elementary hues and receptor sensivities: ZE26
Standard and relative colour coordinates; elementary hues and receptor sensivities: ZE27
Example file (1 pages, 150 kByte) ZE27/10L/L27E00NP.PDF

Standard and relative colour coordinates; lementary hues and receptor sensivities: ZE28

Threshold and scaling mode
Relative luminance difference in grey surround; laws for adjacent and separate central fields: ZE29
Example file (1 pages, 150 kByte) ZE29/10L/L29E00NP.PDF

Office illuminants D65, D50, A
CIE data of Television Luminous System TLS00; change of CIE data by office illuminant reflection: ZE30
Example file (1 pages, 50 kByte) ZE30/10L/L30E00NP.PDF

CIE data of Television Luminous System TLS00; change of CIE data by office illuminant reflection: ZE31

Chroma transformation for orange red O
Change of relative chroma c* by two parameters a,b; application for more or less chromatic output: ZE32

Example file (1 pages, 150 kByte) ZE32/10L/L32E00NP.PDF

Chroma transformation for six device colours OYLCVM
Change of relative chroma c* by two parameters a,b; application for more or less chromatic output: ZE33

From scan to print
9x9x9 colour cube (column A to a), grey and colour, series W-CMY, OLV-N, hue circle (column b to i): ZE34
Example file (1 pages, 60 kByte) ZE34/10L/L34E00NP.PDF

Definition of a mask to average the colour values of test chart ZE34: ZE35
27 step gray scale (column A) and 34 hue planes (column B to i) with 27 different colours: ZE36

Office colour workflow and colour image reproduction
CIE illuminants and output compatibility classes. User input and output needs, ZE37
Example file (1 page, 30 kByte) ZE37/10L/L37E00NP.PDF

CIE measuring data and output needs. User input, user output choise and output needs, ZE38
Colour data in file, user choise and output needs. User change of chroma, user data interpretation, ZE39
Triangle coordinates. Steps of input-output workflow in a hue plane. Transfer coordinates blackness and brilliantness, ZE40
Colour image reproduction. Colorimetric data, colour transfer and workflow. Double cone, hue planes and device coordinates, ZE41
Example file (1 page, 100 kByte) ZE41/10L/L41E00NP.PDF

Colour image reproduction Colorimetric data, colour transfer and workflow. Absolute, and relative CIELAB diagrams (a*,b*), (L*,C*ab), ZE42
Example file (1 page, 350 kByte) ZE42/10L/L42E00NP.PDF

Office colour workflow. Colour image reproduction. rgb* coordinates of elementary hues, ZE43
Office colour workflow. Application of CIE-Illuminants. Comparison of colour systems ORS18, TLS18, NRS18 and SRS18, ZE44

1080 standard colours. Output includes data tables: 000n, w, cmy0, rgb for 4 transfers
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and olv* transfer and LAB* linearisation (4 pages), ZE45
Example file (4 pages, 500 kByte) ZE45/10L/L45E00NP.PDF

Original and cmy0* transfer and LAB* linearisation (4 pages), ZE46

Original and cmyn4* transfer and LAB* linearisation (4 pages), ZE47
Original and cmyn5* transfer and LAB* linearisation (4 pages), ZE48

1080 standard colours. Output includes LAB* colour data tables of 24 standard colour systems
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and olv* transfer and LAB* linearisation (28 pages), ZE49

Original and cmy0* transfer and LAB* linearisation (28 pages), ZE50
Original and cmyn4* transfer and LAB* linearisation (28 pages), ZE51
Original and cmyn5* transfer and LAB* linearisation (28 pages), ZE52

1080 standard colours for olv* transfer
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and olv* transfer and LAB* linearisation (2 pages), ZE53
Example file (2 pages, 300 kByte) ZE53/10L/L53E00NP.PDF

3x360=1080 standard hue colours for olv* transfer.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and olv*transfer and LAB* linearisation (2 pages), ZE54
Example file (2 pages, 330 kByte) ZE54/10L/L54E00NP.PDF

5/16 step colour series of 10 hue planes and 1080 standard colours for olv* transfer
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and olv* transfer and LAB* linearisation (2 pages), ZE55
Example file (2 pages, 1,5 MByte) ZE55/10L/L55E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series of 10 hue planes and 1080 standard colours for olv* transfer
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and olv* transfer and LAB* linearisation (2 pages), ZE56
Example file (2 pages, 1,5 MByte) ZE56/10L/L56E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series of 10 hue planes and 1080 standard colours for 4 colour separations
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and cmy0* transfer with 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE57
Original and cmyn4* transfer with 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE58

Original and cmyn5* transfer with 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE59

1080 standard colours, 3x360=1080 colour hues, 5/16 step colour series in 10 hue planes with cmy0* transfer and with 4 colour separations (6 to 60 pages)

1080 standard colours.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and cmyn0 *transfer with 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE60
Example file (6 pages, 330 kByte) ZE60/10L/L60E00NP.PDF

3x360=1080 colour hues.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and cmy0* transfer with 4 colour colour separations (6 pages), ZE61
Example file (6 pages, 330 kByte) ZE61/10L/L61E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series in 10 hue planes
Original, cmy0* transfer and 4 colour separations in one files
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and cmyn4 *transfer and 4 separations, LAB* linearisation (60 pages) ZE62
Example file (60 pages, 1,9 MByte) ZE62/10L/L62E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series in 10 hue planes
Original, cmy0* transfer and 4 colour separations in separate files
Original and LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE63
cmy0* transfer and LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE64
cmy0* transfer with Cyan colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE65
Example file (10 pages, 330 kByte) ZE65/10L/L65E00NP.PDF

cmy0* transfer with Magenta colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE66

cmy0* transfer with Yellow colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE67
cmy0* transfe with Black colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 empty pages), ZE68

5/16 step colour series of 10 hue planes and 1080 standard colours.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and cmy0* transfer and 4 separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE69
Example file (6 pages, 3,5 MByte) ZE69/10L/L69E00NP.PDF

1080 standard colours, 3x360=1080 colour hues, 5/16 step colour series in 10 hue planes with cmyn4* transfer and with 4 colour separations (6 to 60 pages)

1080 standard colours.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and cmyn4 *transfer and 4 separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages) ZE70
Example file (6 pages, 330 kByte) ZE70/10L/L70E00NP.PDF

3x360=1080 colour hues
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and cmyn4 *transfer and 4 separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages) ZE71
Example file (6 pages, 330 kByte) ZE71/10L/L71E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series in 10 hue planes
Original, cmy0* transfer and 4 colour separations in one files
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and cmyn4 *transfer and 4 separations, LAB* linearisation (60 pages) ZE72
Example file (60 pages, 1,9 MByte) ZE72/10L/L72E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series in 10 hue planes
Original, cmy0* transfer and 4 colour separations in separate files
Original and LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE73
cmy0* transfer and LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE74
cmy0* transfer with Cyan colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE75
cmy0* transfer with Magenta colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE76
Example file (10 pages, 330 kByte) ZE76/10L/L76E00NP.PDF

cmy0* transfer with Yellow colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE77

cmy0* transfe with Black colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 empty pages), ZE78
Example file (10 pages, 330 kByte) ZE78/10L/L78E00NP.PDF

5/16 step colour series of 10 hue planes and 1080 standard colours.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, cmyn4* transfer and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE79
Example file (6 pages, 3,5 MByte) ZE79/10L/L79E00NP.PDF

1080 standard colours, 3x360=1080 colour hues, 5/16 step colour series in 10 hue planes with cmyn5* transfer and with 4 colour separations (6 to 60 pages)

Original, cmyn5* transfer and 4 colour separations
1080 standard colours.

Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, cmyn5* transfer and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE80
Example file (6 pages, 330 kByte) ZE80/10L/L80E00NP.PDF

3x360=1080 colour hues.

Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, cmyn5* transfer and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE81
Example file (6 pages, 330 kByte) ZE81/10L/L81E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series in 10 hue planes
Original, cmy0* transfer and 4 colour separations in one files
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original and cmyn4 *transfer and 4 separations, LAB* linearisation (60 pages) ZE82
Example file (60 pages, 1,9 MByte) ZE82/10L/L82E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series in 10 hue planes
Original, cmy0* transfer and 4 colour separations in separate files
Original and LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE83
cmy0* transfer and LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE84
cmy0* transfer with Cyan colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE85
cmy0* transfer with Magenta colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE86
Example file (10 pages, 330 kByte) ZE86/10L/L86E00NP.PDF

cmy0* transfer with Yellow colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 pages), ZE87

cmy0* transfe with Black colour separation, LAB* linearisation (10 empty pages), ZE88
Example file (10 pages, 330 kByte) ZE88/10L/L88E00NP.PDF

5/16 step colour series of 10 hue planes and 1080 standard colours.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, cmyn5* transfer and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE89
Example file (6 pages, 3,5 MByte) ZE89/10L/L89E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series in 10 hue planes with cmyn5* transfer and with 4 colour separations (6 to 96 pages)

9/16 step colour series of 6 device hues on 36 pages
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, cmyn5* transfer and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (36 pages), ZE90
Example file (36 pages, 1,4 MByte) ZE90/10L/L90E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series of 4 elementary hues on 24 pages
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, cmyn5* transfer and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (24 pages), ZE91
Example file (24 pages, 900 kByte) ZE91/10L/L91E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series of 16 elementary hues on 96 pages
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, cmyn5* transfer and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (96 pages), ZE92
Example file (96 pages, 3,8 MByte) ZE92/10L/L92E00NP.PDF

9/16 step colour series of 4 elementary hues on one page
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, cmyn5* transfer and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE93
Example file (6 pages, 700 kByte) ZE93/10L/L93E00NP.PDF

5/16 step colour series of elementary Red R and 3 intermediate hues towards Yellow J on one page.
Colour data for steps and standard colours: 000n, w, cmy0, rgb
Original, cmyn5* transfer and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE94
Example file (6 pages, 700 kByte) ZE94/10L/L94E00NP.PDF

5/16 step colour series of 4 elementary and 12 intermediate hues on one page.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, cmyn5* transfer and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation (6 pages), ZE95
Example file (6 pages, 2,6 MByte) ZE95/10L/L95E00NP.PDF

5/16 step colour series of 6 device and 4 elementary huee planes, and 1080 standard colours.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, rgb -> olv* and rgb* transfer (no colour separation), LAB* linearisation, ZE96
Example file (2 pages, 1,5 MByte) ZE96/10L/L96E00NP.PDF

5/16 step colour series of 6 device and 4 elementary hue planes, and 1080 standard colours.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, rgb -> cmy0* transfer, and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation, ZE97
Example file (6 pages, 2,5 MByte) ZE97/10L/L97E00NP.PDF

5/16 step colour series of 6 device and 4 elementary hue planes, and 1080 standard colours.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, rgb -> cmyn4* transfer, and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation, ZE98
Example file (6 pages, 2,5 MByte) ZE98/10L/L98E00NP.PDF

5/16 step colour series of 6 device and 4 elementary hue planes, and 1080 standard colours.
Colour data in file: 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, cmy0 setcmykcolor, rgb setrgbcolor
Original, rgb -> cmyn5* transfer (VT=1,00), and 4 colour separations, LAB* linearisation, ZE99
Example file (6 pages, 2,5 MByte) ZE99/10L/L99E00NP.PDF

For information (archive 2000-2009) about International and National Standards, Technical Reports, and Meetings, see
4STAE.html in English or
4STAG.html in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about colour test charts and colorimetric calculations, see
indexAE.html in English or
indexAG.html in German.

For publications (archive 2000-2009) of the BAM research group, see
XY91AE.html in English or
XY91AG.html in German.

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