091101: http://web.me.com/klaus.richter/NE99/index.html and/or

TUB-test chart NE99; In development

Further information about DIN- and ISO/IEC-test charts for the test
of image reproduction, yield and emission in english (E) or german on the BAM micro web site
see in english INFOALLE
or in german INFOALLG

Further Information about International and National Standards,
Technical Reports, and Meetings in the field of Image Technology on the BAM micro web site
see in english 4STAE
or in german 4STA

go to the homepage of the BAM micro website: Colour Image Technology and Colorimetry homepageBAMF

go to the homepage of the section: Lighting Technology of the Berlin University of Technology homepageTUL

go to the homepage of the TU micro website of the section Lighting Technology: Colour Image Technology and Colorimetry homepageTULF

go to the homepage of the author Klaus Richter: Colour Image Technology and Colorimetry homepageKR