190107 and 080601: A/33872AE.html.
For this page in German see
For the test charts according to DIN 33872-1 to 6 in English see 33872DE.html
For the start page of DIN 33872-1 to 6 in English see 33872E.html
Digital test charts of ISO/IEC TR 24705:2005, ISO/IEC TR 19797:2004 and ISO/FDIS 9241-306:2007 with equivalent PS operators in the file for the test of equal output
For the last public version
of ISO/IEC TR 19797, see
For the last public version of ISO/IEC TR 24705, see
ISO/IEC TR 24705:2005,
Information technology Office machines Information
technology Office machines Machines for colour image
reproduction Method of specifying image reproduction of
colour devices by digital and analog test charts
(similar to DIN 33866-3,
-4, -5:2000)
Test of colour spacing
and equal output with chroamtic test charts no. 2 (CMY-colours)
according to ISO/IEC 15775:1999 and ISO/IEC TR 24705:2005
Remark: Two pages
no. 1(OLV) and no. 2(CMY0) with the PS operators rgb setrgbcolor
and cmy0 setcmykcolor are necessary for the test of
equal output of CMY colours.
Example file no. 1(OLV) with PS operator rgb setrgbcolor
(1 page, 300 kByte)
Example file no. 2(CMY0) with
PS operator cmy0 setcmykcolor (1 page, 300 kByte)
Test of colour spacing and equal output with chormatic test charts no. 4 (OLV- colours) according to ISO/IEC 15775:1999 and ISO/IEC TR 24705:2005
Remark: Two pages no. 1(OLV)
and no. 2(CMY0) with the PS operators rgb setrgbcolor
and cmy0 setcmykcolor are necessary for the test of
equal output of OLV-colours
Example file no. 1(OLV) with PS operator rgb setrgbcolor
(1 page 300 kByte)
Example file no. 2(CMY0) with
PS operator cmy0 setcmykcolor (1 page, 300 kByte)
Remark: For similar chromatic
ISO/IEC-test charts with ISO/IEC image in different resolutions
according to ISO/IEC TR 24705: 2005, see 24705T
Further test for the gray spacing and the equal output of achromatic colours (YES/NO criteria) with achromatic PDF file no. 3 according to ISO/IEC 15775:1999 and ISO/IEC TR 24705:2005
Remark: Four pages no. 1(000N), no. 2(W), no. 3(NNN0), and no. 4(WWW) with the PS operators 000n setcmykcolor, w setgray, nnn0 setcymkcolor and www setrgbcolor are necessary for the test of the equal output.
Example file no. 1(000N) with PS operator 000n setcmykcolor
(1 page, 200 kByte)
Example file no. 2(W) with
PS operator w setgray (1 page, 200 kByte)
Example file no. 3(NNN0) with
PS operator nnn0 setcmykcolor (1 page, 200 kByte)
Example file no. 4(WWW) with www setrgbcolor (1 page, 200
ISO/IEC TR 19797:2004, Information technology Office machines Device output for 16-step colour scales, output linearization method (LM) and specification of the reproduction properties
ISO/IEC TR 19797:2004:
128 colours for colour spacing and measurement,
Output not linearised (File names end with ..NP.PDF or ..NA.PS)
Example file no. 1(CMY0+000N)
with PS operators my0 setrcmykcolor and 000n
setcmykcolor (1 page, 140 kByte for PS file and 210 kByte
for PDF file)
Example file no. 2(OLV+W) with
PS operators olv* setrgbcolor and w* setgray
(1 page, 140/210 kByte)
Example file no. 3(LAB*) with
PS-operator LAB* setcolor (1 page, 140 kByte)
(no web image available for LAB*-Definition)
ISO/IEC TR 19797:2004:
128 colours for colour spacing and measurement,
Output linearised (File names end with ..FP.PDF or ..FA.PS)
Example file no. 1F(CMY0+000N)
with PS operators cmy0 setrcmykcolor and 000n
setcmykcolor (1 page, 240/310 kByte)
Example file no. 2F(OLV+W) with
PS operators olv* setrgbcolor and w* setgray
(1 page, 240/310 kByte)
Example file no. 3F(LAB*)
with PS operator LAB* setcolor (1 page, 240/310
(no web image available for LAB*-Definition)
ISO/FDIS 9241-306:2008,
Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Ergonomic requirements
and measurement techniques for electronic visual displays - Part
306: Field assessment methods
ISO/FDIS 9241-306:2007,
Test chart for display output with 16 step gray scales according
to ISO-IEC 15775:1999
Output not linearized (File names end with ..NP.PDF or ..NA.PS)
Example file no. 1
with PS operator w* setgray (1 page, 140 for PS
and 50 kByte for PDF format)
Output with different model
linearisations (File names end with ..FP.PDF or ..FA.PS)
for different monitor reflexions of the room light on the display
Example file no. 2F(W)
with PS operator w* setgray (16 pages, 230 for PS
and 1.7 MByte for PDF format)
For information (archive 2000-2009) about International and National Standards, Technical Reports, and Meetings, see
4STAE.html in English or
4STAG.html in German.
For information (archive 2000-2009) about colour test charts and colorimetric calculations, see
indexAE.html in English or
indexAG.html in German.
For publications (archive 2000-2009) of the BAM research group, see
XY91AE.html in English or
XY91AG.html in German.
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../index.html in English.
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