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Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://www.ps.bam.de or /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices, colour vision) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2016010112000) /ModDate (D:2016010112000) /DOCINFO pdfmark17 [ /View [ /FitB ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark17 %END PDFDE011 %SETCMYK_OLV.PS /setcmyk_olvcolor %transfer cmyk to olv {/ncolor exch def /ycolor exch def /mcolor exch def /ccolor exch def ncolor 0 eq {1 ccolor sub 1 mcolor sub 1 ycolor sub setrgbcolor } {ccolor 0 eq mcolor 0 eq and ycolor 0 eq and {%only black n 1 ncolor sub dup dup setrgbcolor } {%cmy and black n 1 ccolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 mcolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 ycolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul setrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } bind def % 113mm = 113*72/25.4 = 320; 320+72 = 392 % 60mm = 60*72/25.4 = 176; 170+90+8 = 268 % !AUSTAUSCH Times-Roman -> Times-Roman-ISOLatin1=Times-I /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding 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/colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output 5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def 75 85 moveto lanind cvishow (-) show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow xcolor cvishow xchart cvishow pchart cvishow colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave %LANINDL2 END 5 /Times-ISOL1 FS 340 85 moveto (ME981-7) show xchart 0 eq {(N) show} {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse 72 90 translate /yhoe 8500 def 0.01 MM dup scale 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 11000 0 rlineto 0 yhoe rlineto -11000 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 11000 0 rlineto 0 yhoe rlineto -11000 0 rlineto closepath stroke /tfo {0 1 1 0 setcmyk_olvcolor} def /tfl {1 0 1 0 setcmyk_olvcolor} def /tfv {1 1 0 0 setcmyk_olvcolor} def /tfn {0 0 0 1 setcmyk_olvcolor} def /tfw {0 0 0 0 setcmyk_olvcolor} def /yd -520 def %y-Zeilenabstand %Spalten /S1 100 def /S2 200 def /S3 2200 def /S4 8550 def /yz 480 def /yu0 1100 def /yu1 {yu0 -100 add yz 3.7 mul add} bind def /yu2 {yu1 000 add yz 0.0 mul add} bind def /yu3 {yu2 200 add yz 5.9 mul add} bind def /yu4 {yu3 100 add yz 1.80 mul add} bind def /yu5 {yu4 050 add yz 1.80 mul add} bind def /yu6 {yu5 000 add yz 1.0 mul add} bind def 0 yu5 320 add moveto 11000 0 rlineto stroke 0 yu4 400 add moveto 11000 0 rlineto stroke 0 yu3 350 add moveto 11000 0 rlineto stroke 0 yu2 320 add moveto 11000 0 rlineto stroke S3 100 sub yhoe 440 sub moveto 0 yhoe 440 sub neg rlineto stroke S4 100 sub yhoe 440 sub moveto 0 yhoe 440 sub neg rlineto stroke /tedef {/anz exch def /ydt exch def /y0t exch def /x0t exch def} bind def /ns {350 /Times-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /ks {350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /bs {350 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /js {350 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /ss {350 /Symbol FS show} bind def /is {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -90 rlineto show 0 90 rlineto} bind def /es {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 200 rlineto show 0 -200 rlineto} bind def /TEn {350 /Times-ISOL1 FS tedef} bind def /TEk {350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS tedef} bind def /TEb {350 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS tedef} bind def /TEj {350 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS tedef} bind def /TEs {350 /Symbol FS tedef} bind def %20% kleiner /ns2 {280 /Times-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /ks2 {280 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /bs2 {280 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /js2 {280 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /is2 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 10 -40 rlineto show -10 40 rlineto} bind def /iks2 {200 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 10 -40 rlineto show -10 40 rlineto} bind def /es2 {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 160 rlineto show 0 -160 rlineto} bind def /TEn2 {280 /Times-ISOL1 FS tedef} bind def /TEk2 {280 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS tedef} bind def /TEb2 {280 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS tedef} bind def /TEj2 {280 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS tedef} bind def /TEs2 {280 /Symbol FS tedef} bind def /TEA {anz 1 sub -1 0 {ydt mul y0t add x0t exch moveto show} for} bind def /TBM1 {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def %Titeltext TBG S1 yu6 yd 0 mul add moveto (H\366here Farbmetrik \050Farbdaten: ) showde %0ME981-7 00T04 (higher colour metric \050color data: ) showen %1ME981-7 00T04 (m\351trico de color alto ) showes %2ME981-7 00T03 (colorim\351trie sup\351rieure \050donn\351es: ) showfr %3ME981-7 00T03 TBM1 (Metrica del colore basata sulla percezione : ) showit %4ME981-7 00T03 TBG (h\370yere fargemetrikk \050fargedata: ) showjp %5ME981-7 00T03 (nichtlineare Beziehung zu CIE 1931\051) showde %0ME981-7 01T04 (nonlinear relation to CIE 1931 data\051) showen %1ME981-7 01T04 (\050relaci\363n no lineal con los datos CIE 1931\051) showes %2ME981-7 01T04 (relation non lin\351aire \340 CIE 1931\051) showfr %3ME981-7 01T04 TBM1 ((relazioni non lineari dai dati CIE 1931)) showit %4ME981-7 01T04 TBG (ikke\255line\346r relasjon til CIE 1931 data\051) showjp %5ME981-7 01T04 S1 yu5 yd 0 mul add moveto (nichtlineare) showde %0ME981-7 02T04 (nonlinear ) showen %1ME981-7 02T04 (t\351rminos) showes %2ME981-7 02T04 (terme) showfr %3ME981-7 02T04 TBM (termini di colore) showit %4ME980-7 02T03 TBG (ikke\255line\346re) showjp %5ME981-7 02T04 S1 yu5 400 sub moveto (Farbgr\366\337en) showde %0ME981-7 03T04 (color terms) showen %1ME981-7 03T04 (no lineales) showes %2ME981-7 03T04 (non lin\351aire) showfr %3ME981-7 03T04 TBM ("non lineare") showit %4ME980-7 03T03 TBG (st\370rrelser) showjp %5ME981-7 03T04 %TBK %three lines for it % S1 50 sub yu5 050 add moveto %(Denominazione) showit %4ME981-7 02T04 % S1 50 sub yu5 200 sub moveto %(degli attributi di) showit %4ME981-7 03T04 % S1 50 sub yu5 450 sub moveto %(colori "non lineari") showit %4ME981-7 03T0 %TBG S3 yu5 yd 0 mul add moveto (Name und Zusammenhang mit) showde %0ME981-7 04T04 (name and relationship with) showen %1ME981-7 04T04 (nombre y relaci\363n con) showes %2ME981-7 04T04 (nom et rapport aux valeurs) showfr %3ME981-7 04T04 TBM1 (Simbolo e relazione con i valori tristimolo) showit %4ME981-7 04T04 TBG (navn og sammenheng med) showjp %5ME981-7 04T04 S3 yu5 400 sub moveto (Normfarbwerten und \255anteilen) showde %0ME981-7 05T04 (tristimulues or chromaticity values) showen %1ME981-7 05T04 (valores triest\355mulo o cromaticidad) showes %2ME981-7 05T04 (de tristimulus ou de chromaticit\351) showfr %3ME981-7 05T04 TBM1 (o di cromaticit\340 CIE) showit %4ME981-7 05T04 TBG (tristimulus\255 eller kromatisitetsverdier) showjp %5ME981-7 05T04 S4 yu5 yd 0 mul add moveto (Bemerkungen) showde %0ME981-7 06T04 (notes) showen %1ME981-7 06T04 (notas) showes %2ME981-7 06T04 (remarque) showfr %3ME981-7 06T04 TBM1 (Note) showit %4ME981-7 06T04 TBG (merknader) showjp %5ME981-7 06T04 TM S4 yu4 50 sub yd 0 mul add moveto (CIELAB 1976) showde %0ME981-7 07T04 (CIELAB 1976) showen %1ME981-7 07T04 (CIELAB 1976) showes %2ME981-7 07T04 (CIELAB 1976) showfr %3ME981-7 07T04 (CIELAB 1976) showit %4ME981-7 07T04 (CIELAB 1976) showjp %5ME981-7 07T04 TM S4 yu3 yd 1 mul add moveto (CIELAB 1976) show S4 yu3 yd 3 mul add moveto (CIELAB 1976) show TIM S4 yu3 yd 4 mul add moveto (n=D65) show TIM S4 yu3 yd 5 mul add moveto (\050Umfeld\051) showde %0ME981-7 08T04 (\050background\051) showen %1ME981-7 08T04 (\050campo circundante\051) showes %2ME981-7 08T04 (\050fond\051) showfr %3ME981-7 08T04 (\050sfondo\051) showit %4ME981-7 08T04 (\050omfelt\051) showjp %5ME981-7 08T04 TM S4 yu3 yd 3 mul add moveto (CIELAB 1976) show TBM S1 yu4 50 sub yd 0 mul add moveto (Helligkeit) showde %0ME981-7 09T04 (lightness) showen %1ME981-7 09T04 (claridad) showes %2ME981-7 09T04 (clart\351) showfr %3ME981-7 09T04 (chiarezza) showit %4ME981-7 09T04 (lyshet) showjp %5ME981-7 09T04 S3 yu4 50 sub moveto (L*) ks ( = 116 \050 ) ns (Y) ks ( / 100 \051 ) ns (1/3) es ( - 16) ns ( ) show (\050Y) ks ( > 0,8\051) ns TM S3 yu4 yd add moveto (N\344herung: ) showde %0ME981-7 10T04 (approximation: ) showen %1ME981-7 10T04 (aproximaci\363n: ) showes %2ME981-7 10T04 (approximation:) showfr %3ME981-7 10T04 (Approssimazione: ) showit %4ME981-7 10T04 (tiln\346rming: ) showjp %5ME981-7 10T04 S3 2400 add yu4 yd add moveto (L*) ks (=100 \050) ns (Y) ks (/100\051) ns (1/2,4) es ( \050Y) ks ( >0\051) ns TBM S1 yu3 yd 0 mul add moveto (Buntheit) showde %0ME981-7 11T04 (chroma) showen %1ME981-7 11T04 (croma) showes %2ME981-7 11T04 (chroma) showfr %3ME981-7 11T04 (croma) showit %4ME981-7 11T04 (kul\370rthet ) showjp %5ME981-7 11T04 TIM S3 yu3 yd 0 mul add moveto (nichtlineare Transformation Buntwerte) showde %0ME981-7 12T04 (nonlinear transform chromatic values) showen %1ME981-7 12T04 (transformaci\363n nolin de crom\341ticos) showes %2ME981-7 12T04 (transformation non lin\351aire des valeurs) showfr %3ME981-7 12T04 (trasformazioni non lineari dei valori cromatici) showit %4ME981-7 12T04 (ikke\255line\346r transformasjon av kul\370rverdier) showjp %5ME981-7 12T04 ( A, B) show TM S2 yu3 yd 1 mul add moveto (Rot-Gr\374n) showde %0ME981-7 13T04 (red-green) showen %1ME981-7 13T04 (rojo-verde) showes %2ME981-7 13T04 (rouge-vert) showfr %3ME981-7 13T04 (rosso-verde) showit %4ME981-7 13T04 (r\370d-gr\370nn) showjp %5ME981-7 13T04 TM S2 yu3 yd 3 mul add moveto (Gelb-Blau) showde %0ME981-7 14T04 (yellow-blue) showen %1ME981-7 14T04 (amarillo-azul) showes %2ME981-7 14T04 (jaune-bleu) showfr %3ME981-7 14T04 (giallo-blu) showit %4ME981-7 14T04 (gul-bl\345) showjp %5ME981-7 14T04 TM S2 yu3 yd 5 mul add moveto (radial) showde %0ME981-7 15T04 (radial) showen %1ME981-7 15T04 (radial) showes %2ME981-7 15T04 (radial) showfr %3ME981-7 15T04 (radiale) showit %4ME981-7 15T04 (radiell) showjp %5ME981-7 15T04 S3 yu3 yd 1 mul add moveto (a*) ks ( = 500 [ \050 ) ns (X / X) ks (n) is (\051) ns (1/3) es ( - \050 ) ns (Y / Y) ks (n) is (\051) ns (1/3) es ( ]) ns S3 yu3 yd 2 mul add moveto ( )ns ( = 500 \050) ns ( a' - a') ks -100 0 rmoveto (n) is ( \051 ) ns (Y) ks (1/3) es S3 yu3 yd 3 mul add moveto (b*) ks ( = 200 [ \050 ) ns (Y / Y) ks (n) is (\051) ns (1/3) es ( - \050 ) ns (Z / Z) ks (n) is (\051) ns (1/3) es ( ]) ns S3 yu3 yd 4 mul add moveto ( )ns ( = 500 \050) ns ( b' - b') ks -100 0 rmoveto (n) is ( \051 ) ns (Y) ks (1/3) es S3 yu3 yd 5 mul add moveto (C*) ks (ab) is ( = [ ) ns (a*) ks (2) es ( + ) ns (b*) ks (2) es ( ] ) ns (1/2) es TBM S1 yu1 50 sub yd 0 mul add moveto (Farbart) showde %0ME981-7 16T04 (chromaticity) showen %1ME981-7 16T04 (cromaticidad) showes %2ME981-7 16T04 (chromaticit\351) showfr %3ME981-7 16T04 (cromaticit\340) showit %4ME981-7 16T04 (kromatisitet) showjp %5ME981-7 16T04 TIM S3 yu1 50 sub yd 0 mul add moveto (nichtlinearer Transfer Farbarten) showde %0ME981-7 17T04 (nonlinear transform chromaticities) showen %1ME981-7 17T04 (transformaci\363n no lineal de cromaticidades) showes %2ME981-7 17T04 (transformation non lin\351aire) showfr %3ME981-7 17T04 (trasformazioni non lineari delle cromaticit\340) showit %4ME981-7 17T04 (ikke\255line\346r transformasjon av kromatisiteter) showjp %5ME981-7 17T04 ( x/y, z/y) show TIM S4 50 sub yu1 50 sub yd 0 mul add moveto (vergleiche log) showde %0ME981-7 18T04 (compare to log) showen %1ME981-7 18T04 (comparar log) showes %2ME981-7 18T04 (comparer log) showfr %3ME981-7 18T04 (confrontabili con le) showit %4ME981-7 18T04 (sammenlign med log) showjp %5ME981-7 18T04 S4 50 sub yu1 00 sub yd 0.7 mul add moveto (Zapfens\344ttigung) showde %0ME981-7 19T04 (cone excitation) showen %1ME981-7 19T04 (excitaci\363n de conos) showes %2ME981-7 19T04 (stimulation des c\364nes) showfr %3ME981-7 19T04 (sensibilit\340 dei coni in) showit %4ME981-7 19T04 (tappe\255eksitasjon) showjp %5ME981-7 19T04 S4 50 sub yu1 yd 1.4 mul add moveto () showde %0ME981-7 20T04 () showen %1ME981-7 20T04 () showes %2ME981-7 20T04 () showfr %3ME981-7 20T04 (modo logaritmico) showit %4ME981-7 20T04 () showjp %5ME981-7 20T04 TM S4 yu1 yd 2.3 mul add moveto 0 0 1 0 setcmyk_olvcolor (= ) show tfn (log[) show TIM tfo (L) show TM tfn ( / \050) show TIM tfo (L) show TM tfn (+) show TIM tfl (M) show TM tfn (\051]) show S4 yu1 yd 3.2 mul add moveto tfn (= ) show tfn (log[) show TIM tfo (P) show TM tfn ( / \050) show TIM tfo (P) show TM tfn (+) show TIM tfl (D) show TM tfn (\051]) show S4 yu1 yd 4.1 mul add moveto 0 0 1 0 setcmyk_olvcolor (= ) show tfn (log[) show TIM tfv (S) show TM tfn ( / \050) show TIM tfo (L) show TM tfn (+) show TIM tfl (M) show TM tfn (\051]) show S4 yu1 yd 5 mul add moveto tfn (= ) show tfn (log[) show TIM tfv (T) show TM tfn ( / \050) show TIM tfo (P) show TM tfn (+) show TIM tfl (D) show TM tfn (\051]) show TM S2 yu1 yd 1 mul add moveto (Rot-Gr\374n) showde %0ME981-7 21T04 (red-green) showen %1ME981-7 21T04 (rojo-verde) showes %2ME981-7 21T04 (rouge-vert) showfr %3ME981-7 21T04 (rosso-verde) showit %4ME981-7 21T04 (r\370d-gr\370nn) showjp %5ME981-7 21T04 TM S2 yu1 yd 3 mul add moveto (Gelb-Blau) showde %0ME981-7 22T04 (yellow-blue) showen %1ME981-7 22T04 (amarillo-azul) showes %2ME981-7 22T04 (jaune-bleu) showfr %3ME981-7 22T04 (giallo-blu) showit %4ME981-7 22T04 (gul-bl\345) showjp %5ME981-7 22T04 TM S2 yu1 yd 5 mul add moveto (radial) showde %0ME981-7 23T04 (radial) showen %1ME981-7 23T04 (radial) showes %2ME981-7 23T04 (radial) showfr %3ME981-7 23T04 (radiale) showit %4ME981-7 23T04 (radiell) showjp %5ME981-7 23T04 S3 yu1 yd 1 mul add moveto (a') ks ( = \050 1 / ) ns (X) ks (n) is ( \051) ns (1/3) es ( \050 ) ns (x / y) ks ( \051) ns (1/3) es S3 yu1 yd 2 mul add moveto ( ) ks ( = 0,2191 \050 ) ns (x / y) ks ( \051) ns (1/3) es TM ( f\374r ) showde %0ME981-7 24T04 ( for ) showen %1ME981-7 24T04 ( para ) showes %2ME981-7 24T04 ( pour) showfr %3ME981-7 24T04 ( per) showit %4ME981-7 24T04 ( for ) showjp %5ME981-7 24T04 (D65) show S3 yu1 yd 3 mul add moveto (b') ks ( = - 0,4 \050 1 / ) ns (Z) ks (n) is ( \051) ns (1/3) es ( \050 ) ns (z / y) ks ( \051) ns (1/3) es S3 yu1 yd 4 mul add moveto ( ) ks ( = - 0,08376 \050 ) ns (z / y) ks ( \051) ns (1/3) es TM ( f\374r ) showde %0ME981-7 25T04 ( for ) showen %1ME981-7 25T04 ( para ) showes %2ME981-7 25T04 ( pour ) showfr %3ME981-7 25T04 ( per ) showit %4ME981-7 25T04 ( for ) showjp %5ME981-7 25T04 (D65) show S3 yu1 yd 5 mul add moveto (c') ks (ab) is ( = [ \050 ) ns (a' - a') ks -100 0 rmoveto (n) is ( \051) ns (2) es ( + \050 ) ns (b' - b') ks -100 0 rmoveto (n) is ( \051) ns (2) es ( ]) ns (1/2) es showpage grestore %%Trailer