MF98IMAL.TXT (Farbmerkmale der niederen) showde %0MK980-1 00T02 (colour attributes of low) showen %1MK980-1 00T02 (Atributos del color en) showes %2MK980-1 00T02 (attributs de couleur m\351trique) showfr %3MK980-1 00T02 (attributi di colore di basso) showit %4MK980-1 00T02 (colour attributes of low) showjp %5MK980-1 00T02 E (und h\366heren Farbmetrik) showde %0MK980-1 01T02 (and high colour metric) showen %1MK980-1 01T02 (m\351tricas de color baja y alta) showes %2MK980-1 01T02 (de niveau bas et haut) showfr %3MK980-1 01T02 (e l'alto colore metrico) showit %4MK980-1 01T02 (and high colour metric) showjp %5MK980-1 01T02 E (Art der Farbmischung) showde %0MK980-1 02T02 (mode of colour mixture) showen %1MK980-1 02T02 (Tipo de mezcla de color) showes %2MK980-1 02T02 (mode de m\351lange de couleur) showfr %3MK980-1 02T02 (modo miscuglio di colore) showit %4MK980-1 02T02 (Mode of colour mixture) showjp %5MK980-1 02T02 E (dichromatisch) showde %0MK980-1 03T02 (dichromatic) showen %1MK980-1 03T02 (dicrom\341tica) showes %2MK980-1 03T02 (dichromatique) showfr %3MK980-1 03T02 (bicromatico) showit %4MK980-1 03T02 (dichromatic) showjp %5MK980-1 03T02 E (trichromatisch) showde %0MK980-1 04T02 (trichromatic) showen %1MK980-1 04T02 (tricrom\341tica) showes %2MK980-1 04T02 (trichromatique) showfr %3MK980-1 04T02 (tricromatico) showit %4MK980-1 04T02 (trichromatic) showjp %5MK980-1 04T02 E (Niedere Farb\255 oder Valenzmetrik) showde %0MK980-1 05T02 (low colour\255 or valence metric) showen %1MK980-1 05T02 (m\351trica de color baja o de valencia) showes %2MK980-1 05T02 (m\351trique de couleur de niveau bas) showfr %3MK980-1 05T02 (colore basso\255 o valenza metrica) showit %4MK980-1 05T02 (low colour\255 or valence metric) showjp %5MK980-1 05T02 E (\050f\374r) showde %0MK980-1 06T02 (\050for) showen %1MK980-1 06T02 (\050para) showes %2MK980-1 06T02 (\050pour) showfr %3MK980-1 06T02 (\050per) showit %4MK980-1 06T02 (\050for) showjp %5MK980-1 06T02 E (\050f\374r) showde %0MK980-1 07T02 (\050for) showen %1MK980-1 07T02 (\050para) showes %2MK980-1 07T02 (\050pur) showfr %3MK980-1 07T02 (\050per) showit %4MK980-1 07T02 (\050for) showjp %5MK980-1 07T02 E (Wei\337wert) showde %0MK980-1 08T02 (white value) showen %1MK980-1 08T02 (valor blanco) showes %2MK980-1 08T02 (valeur blanche) showfr %3MK980-1 08T02 (valore bianco) showit %4MK980-1 08T02 (white value) showjp %5MK980-1 08T02 E (Schwarzwert) showde %0MK980-1 09T02 (black value) showen %1MK980-1 09T02 (valor negro) showes %2MK980-1 09T02 (valeur noire) showfr %3MK980-1 09T02 (valore nero) showit %4MK980-1 09T02 (black value) showjp %5MK980-1 09T02 E (Buntwert) showde %0MK980-1 10T02 (chromatic value) showen %1MK980-1 10T02 (valor crom\341tico) showes %2MK980-1 10T02 (valeur chromatique) showfr %3MK980-1 10T02 (valore cromatico) showit %4MK980-1 10T02 (chromatic value) showjp %5MK980-1 10T02 E (H\366here Farb\255 oder Empfindungmetrik) showde %0MK980-1 11T02 (high colour\255 or sensation metric) showen %1MK980-1 11T02 (m\351trica de color alta o de sensaciones) showes %2MK980-1 11T02 (haute couleur ou sensation m\351trique) showfr %3MK980-1 11T02 (alto colore\255 o sensazione metrica) showit %4MK980-1 11T02 (high colour\255 or sensation metric) showjp %5MK980-1 11T02 E (\050f\374r) showde %0MK980-1 12T02 (\050for) showen %1MK980-1 12T02 (\050para) showes %2MK980-1 12T02 (\050pour) showfr %3MK980-1 12T02 (\050per) showit %4MK980-1 12T02 (\050for) showjp %5MK980-1 12T02 E (\050f\374r) showde %0MK980-1 13T02 (\050for) showen %1MK980-1 13T02 (\050para) showes %2MK980-1 13T02 (\050pour) showfr %3MK980-1 13T02 (\050per) showit %4MK980-1 13T02 (\050for) showjp %5MK980-1 13T02 E (Wei\337heit) showde %0MK980-1 14T02 (whiteness) showen %1MK980-1 14T02 (blancura) showes %2MK980-1 14T02 (blancheur) showfr %3MK980-1 14T02 (biancore) showit %4MK980-1 14T02 (whiteness) showjp %5MK980-1 14T02 E (Schwarzheit) showde %0MK980-1 15T02 (blackness) showen %1MK980-1 15T02 (negrura) showes %2MK980-1 15T02 (noirceur) showfr %3MK980-1 15T02 (oscurit\340) showit %4MK980-1 15T02 (blackness) showjp %5MK980-1 15T02 E (Buntheit) showde %0MK980-1 16T02 (chromaticness) showen %1MK980-1 16T02 (cromaticidad) showes %2MK980-1 16T02 (chroma) showfr %3MK980-1 16T02 (croma) showit %4MK980-1 16T02 (chromaticness) showjp %5MK980-1 16T02 E (o Muster) showde %0MK980-3 00521 (o samples) showen %1MK980-3 00521 (o muestras) showes %2MK980-3 00521 (o essaie) showfr %3MK980-3 00521 (o saggia) showit %4MK980-3 00521 (o samples) showjp %5MK980-3 00521 E (Niedere Farbmetrik \050Farbdaten: ) showde %0MK980-7 00T03 (colour valence metric \050color data: ) showen %1MK980-7 00T03 (m\351trica de valencia de color \050) showes %2MK980-7 00T03 (couleur m\351trique de niveau bas: \050donn\351es: ) showfr %3MK980-7 00T03 (valenza di color metrici: \050dati: ) showit %4MK980-7 00T03 (colour valence metric \050color data: ) showjp %5MK980-7 00T03 E (lineare Beziehung zu CIE 1931\051) showde %0MK980-7 01T03 (linear relation to CIE 1931 data\051) showen %1MK980-7 01T03 (relaci\363n lineal con datos CIE 1931\051) showes %2MK980-7 01T03 (relation lin\351aire \340 CIE 1931\051) showfr %3MK980-7 01T03 (relazione lineare a CIE 1931\051) showit %4MK980-7 01T03 (linear relation to CIE 1931 data\051) showjp %5MK980-7 01T03 E (lineare) showde %0MK980-7 02T03 (linear) showen %1MK980-7 02T03 (t\351rminos de) showes %2MK980-7 02T03 (termes de) showfr %3MK980-7 02T03 (termini di colore) showit %4MK980-7 02T03 (linear) showjp %5MK980-7 02T03 E (Farbgr\366\337en) showde %0MK980-7 03T03 (color terms) showen %1MK980-7 03T03 (color lineales) showes %2MK980-7 03T03 (couleur lin\351aire) showfr %3MK980-7 03T03 (lineare) showit %4MK980-7 03T03 (color terms) showjp %5MK980-7 03T03 E (Bezeichnung und Zusammenhang) showde %0MK980-7 04T03 (name and relationship to CIE) showen %1MK980-7 04T03 (nombre y relaci\363n con los valores) showes %2MK980-7 04T03 (nom et la relation \340 valeur) showfr %3MK980-7 04T03 (nome ed il rapporto a CIE) showit %4MK980-7 04T03 (name and relationship to CIE) showjp %5MK980-7 04T03 E (mit Normfarbwerten / \255anteilen) showde %0MK980-7 05T03 (tristimulus or chromaticity values) showen %1MK980-7 05T03 (triest\355mulo o cromaticidad CIE) showes %2MK980-7 05T03 (tristimulus ou chromatica) showfr %3MK980-7 05T03 (tristimulus o la cromaticit\340 valutano) showit %4MK980-7 05T03 (tristimulus or chromaticity values) showjp %5MK980-7 05T03 E (Bemerkungen) showde %0MK980-7 06T03 (notes) showen %1MK980-7 06T03 (notas) showes %2MK980-7 06T03 (notes) showfr %3MK980-7 06T03 (note) showit %4MK980-7 06T03 (notes) showjp %5MK980-7 06T03 E (\050Umfeld\051) showde %0MK980-7 07T03 (\050background\051) showen %1MK980-7 07T03 TIM %1MK980-7 0700# TIM %1MK980-7 0700# TIM %1MK980-7 0700# TIM %1MK980-7 0700# E (\050campo circundante\051) showes %2MK980-7 07T03 (\050entourer\051) showfr %3MK980-7 07T03 (\050circonda\051) showit %4MK980-7 07T03 (\050background\051) showjp %5MK980-7 07T03 E (Hellbezugswert) showde %0MK980-7 08T03 (luminous value) showen %1MK980-7 08T03 (valor luminoso) showes %2MK980-7 08T03 (valeur lumineuse) showfr %3MK980-7 08T03 (valore luminoso) showit %4MK980-7 08T03 (luminous value) showjp %5MK980-7 08T03 E (Buntwert) showde %0MK980-7 09T03 (chromatic value ) showen %1MK980-7 09T03 (valor crom\341tico ) showes %2MK980-7 09T03 (val. chromatique) showfr %3MK980-7 09T03 (valore cromatico ) showit %4MK980-7 09T03 (chromatic value ) showjp %5MK980-7 09T03 E (lineares Buntwertdiagramm (A, B)) showde %0MK980-7 10T03 (linear chromatic value diagram (A, B)) showen %1MK980-7 10T03 TIM1 %1MK980-7 1000# TIM1 %1MK980-7 1000# TIM1 %1MK980-7 1000# TIM1 %1MK980-7 1000# E (diagrama lineal de valor crom\341tico (A, B)) showes %2MK980-7 10T03 (diagramme de chromatique lin\351aire A,B) showfr %3MK980-7 10T03 (diagramma di lineare cromatico (A, B)) showit %4MK980-7 10T03 (linear chromatic value diagram (A, B)) showjp %5MK980-7 10T03 E (Rot-Gr\374n) showde %0MK980-7 11T03 (red-green) showen %1MK980-7 11T03 (rojo-verde) showes %2MK980-7 11T03 (rouge-vert) showfr %3MK980-7 11T03 (rosso-verde) showit %4MK980-7 11T03 (red-green) showjp %5MK980-7 11T03 E (Gelb-Blau) showde %0MK980-7 12T03 (yellow-blue) showen %1MK980-7 12T03 (amarillo-azul) showes %2MK980-7 12T03 (jaune-bleu) showfr %3MK980-7 12T03 (giallo-blu) showit %4MK980-7 12T03 (yellow-blue) showjp %5MK980-7 12T03 E (radial) showde %0MK980-7 13T03 (radial) showen %1MK980-7 13T03 (radial) showes %2MK980-7 13T03 (radial) showfr %3MK980-7 13T03 (radiale) showit %4MK980-7 13T03 (radial) showjp %5MK980-7 13T03 E (Farbartwert) showde %0MK980-7 14T03 (chromaticity) showen %1MK980-7 14T03 (cromaticidad) showes %2MK980-7 14T03 (chromatica) showfr %3MK980-7 14T03 (cromaticit\340) showit %4MK980-7 14T03 (chromaticity ) showjp %5MK980-7 14T03 E (lineare Farbtafel (a, b)) showde %0MK980-7 15T03 (linear chromaticity diagram (a, b)) showen %1MK980-7 15T03 (diagrama de cromaticidad lineal (a, b)) showes %2MK980-7 15T03 (diagramme de chromatica lin\351air (a, b)) showfr %3MK980-7 15T03 (diagramma di cromaticit\340 lineare (a, b)) showit %4MK980-7 15T03 (linear chromaticity diagram (a, b)) showjp %5MK980-7 15T03 E (vergleiche lineare) showde %0MK980-7 16T03 (compare to linear) showen %1MK980-7 16T03 (comparar excitaci\255) showes %2MK980-7 16T03 (compare excitation) showfr %3MK980-7 16T03 (paragona eccitazio\255) showit %4MK980-7 16T03 (compare to linear) showjp %5MK980-7 16T03 E (Zapfens\344ttigung) showde %0MK980-7 17T03 (cone excitation) showen %1MK980-7 17T03 (\363n lineal de conos) showes %2MK980-7 17T03 (lin\351aire de c\364nes) showfr %3MK980-7 17T03 (ne lineare di cono) showit %4MK980-7 17T03 (cone excitation) showjp %5MK980-7 17T03 E (Rot-Gr\374n) showde %0MK980-7 18T03 (red-green) showen %1MK980-7 18T03 (rojo-verde) showes %2MK980-7 18T03 (rouge-vert) showfr %3MK980-7 18T03 (rosso-verde) showit %4MK980-7 18T03 (red-green) showjp %5MK980-7 18T03 E (Gelb-Blau) showde %0MK980-7 19T03 (yellow-blue) showen %1MK980-7 19T03 (amarillo-azul) showes %2MK980-7 19T03 (jaune-bleu) showfr %3MK980-7 19T03 (giallo-blu) showit %4MK980-7 19T03 (yellow-blue) showjp %5MK980-7 19T03 E (radial) showde %0MK980-7 20T03 (radial) showen %1MK980-7 20T03 (radial) showes %2MK980-7 20T03 (radial) showfr %3MK980-7 20T03 (radiale) showit %4MK980-7 20T03 (radial) showjp %5MK980-7 20T03 E (Wellenl\344nge ) showde %0MK981-1 00441 (wavelength ) showen %1MK981-1 00441 (longitud de onda ) showes %2MK981-1 00441 (longueur d'ondes ) showfr %3MK981-1 00441 (lunghezza d'onda ) showit %4MK981-1 00441 (wavelength ) showjp %5MK981-1 00441 E (\051 Spektraler Reflexionsfaktor) showde %0MK981-1 01441 (\051 spectral reflection factor) showen %1MK981-1 01441 (\051 factor de reflexi\363n espectral) showes %2MK981-1 01441 (\051 facteur de r\351flexion spectral) showfr %3MK981-1 01441 (\051 fattore di riflessione spettrale) showit %4MK981-1 01441 (\051 spectral reflection factor) showjp %5MK981-1 01441 E (zwei metamere Farben) showde %0MK981-1 02441 (two metamer colors) showen %1MK981-1 02441 (dos colores met\341meros) showes %2MK981-1 02441 (deux couleurs metamers) showfr %3MK981-1 02441 (due colori metamer) showit %4MK981-1 02441 (two metamer colors) showjp %5MK981-1 02441 E (f\374r Normlichtart D65) showde %0MK981-1 03441 (for illuminant D65) showen %1MK981-1 03441 (para el iluminante D65) showes %2MK981-1 03441 (pour l'illuminant D65) showfr %3MK981-1 03441 (per illuminante D65) showit %4MK981-1 03441 (for illuminant D65) showjp %5MK981-1 03441 E (Wellenl\344nge ) showde %0MK981-2 00442 (wavelength ) showen %1MK981-2 00442 (longitud de onda ) showes %2MK981-2 00442 (longueur d'ondes ) showfr %3MK981-2 00442 (lunghezza d'onda ) showit %4MK981-2 00442 (wavelength ) showjp %5MK981-2 00442 E (Laser\255Scanner\255Spektralwerte) showde %0MK981-2 01442 (laser band scanner spectral values) showen %1MK981-2 01442 (valores espectrales para esc\341ner l\341ser) showes %2MK981-2 01442 (laser\255scanner\255valeurs spectrales) showfr %3MK981-2 01442 (scanner di banda di laser valori spettrali) showit %4MK981-2 01442 (laser band scanner spectral values) showjp %5MK981-2 01442 E (Wellenl\344nge ) showde %0MK981-3 00443 (wavelength ) showen %1MK981-3 00443 (longitud de onda ) showes %2MK981-3 00443 (longueur d'ondes ) showfr %3MK981-3 00443 (lunghezza d'onda ) showit %4MK981-3 00443 (wavelength ) showjp %5MK981-3 00443 E (Breitband\255Scanner\255Spektralwerte) showde %0MK981-3 01443 (broad band scanner spectral values) showen %1MK981-3 01443 (valores espectrales para esc\341ner de banda ancha) showes %2MK981-3 01443 (bande large-scanner-valeurs spectrales) showfr %3MK981-3 01443 (scanner di banda largo valori spettrali) showit %4MK981-3 01443 (broad band scanner spectral values) showjp %5MK981-3 01443 E (H\366here Farbmetrik \050Farbdaten: ) showde %0MK981-7 00T04 (higher colour metric \050color data: ) showen %1MK981-7 00T04 (m\351trico de color alto ) showes %2MK981-7 00T03 (plus haute couleur m\351trique \050 donn\351es: ) showfr %3MK981-7 00T03 (pi\371 alto colore metrici \050 dati: ) showit %4MK981-7 00T03 (higher colour metric \050color data: ) showjp %5MK981-7 00T03 E (nichtlineare Beziehung zu CIE 1931\051) showde %0MK981-7 01T04 (nonlinear relation to CIE 1931 data\051) showen %1MK981-7 01T04 (\050relaci\363n no lineal con los datos CIE 1931\051) showes %2MK981-7 01T04 (relation non lin\351aire \340 CIE 1931\051) showfr %3MK981-7 01T04 (relazione non lineare a CIE 1931 dati\051) showit %4MK981-7 01T04 (nonlinear relation to CIE 1931 data\051) showjp %5MK981-7 01T04 E (nichtlineare) showde %0MK981-7 02T04 (nonlinear ) showen %1MK981-7 02T04 (t\351rminos) showes %2MK981-7 02T04 (attribue) showfr %3MK981-7 02T04 (atribuisce) showit %4MK981-7 02T04 (nonlinear ) showjp %5MK981-7 02T04 E (Farbgr\366\337en) showde %0MK981-7 03T04 (color terms) showen %1MK981-7 03T04 (no lineales) showes %2MK981-7 03T04 (non lin\351aire) showfr %3MK981-7 03T04 (non lineare) showit %4MK981-7 03T04 (color terms) showjp %5MK981-7 03T04 E (Name und Zusammenhang mit) showde %0MK981-7 04T04 (name and relationship with) showen %1MK981-7 04T04 (nombre y relaci\363n con) showes %2MK981-7 04T04 (nom et relation \340 valeur) showfr %3MK981-7 04T04 (nome ed il rapporto con) showit %4MK981-7 04T04 (name and relationship with) showjp %5MK981-7 04T04 E (Normfarbwerten und \255anteilen) showde %0MK981-7 05T04 (tristimulues or chromaticity values) showen %1MK981-7 05T04 (valores triest\355mulo o cromaticidad) showes %2MK981-7 05T04 (tristimulues ou chromatica) showfr %3MK981-7 05T04 (tristimulues o la cromaticit\340 valutano) showit %4MK981-7 05T04 (tristimulues or chromaticity values) showjp %5MK981-7 05T04 E (Bemerkungen) showde %0MK981-7 06T04 (notes) showen %1MK981-7 06T04 (notas) showes %2MK981-7 06T04 (notes) showfr %3MK981-7 06T04 (note) showit %4MK981-7 06T04 (notes) showjp %5MK981-7 06T04 E (CIELAB 1976) showde %0MK981-7 07T04 (CIELAB 1976) showen %1MK981-7 07T04 (CIELAB 1976) showes %2MK981-7 07T04 (CIELAB 1976) showfr %3MK981-7 07T04 (CIELAB 1976) showit %4MK981-7 07T04 (CIELAB 1976) showjp %5MK981-7 07T04 E (\050Umfeld\051) showde %0MK981-7 08T04 (\050background\051) showen %1MK981-7 08T04 TIM1 %1MK981-7 0800# TIM1 %1MK981-7 0800# TIM1 %1MK981-7 0800# TIM1 %1MK981-7 0800# E (\050campo circundante\051) showes %2MK981-7 08T04 (\050entourer\051) showfr %3MK981-7 08T04 (\050circonda\051) showit %4MK981-7 08T04 (\050background\051) showjp %5MK981-7 08T04 E (Helligkeit) showde %0MK981-7 09T04 (lightness) showen %1MK981-7 09T04 (claridad) showes %2MK981-7 09T04 (clart\351) showfr %3MK981-7 09T04 (leggerezza) showit %4MK981-7 09T04 (lightness) showjp %5MK981-7 09T04 E (N\344herung: ) showde %0MK981-7 10T04 (approximation: ) showen %1MK981-7 10T04 (aproximaci\363n: ) showes %2MK981-7 10T04 (approximation:) showfr %3MK981-7 10T04 (approssimazione: ) showit %4MK981-7 10T04 (approximation: ) showjp %5MK981-7 10T04 E (Buntheit) showde %0MK981-7 11T04 (chroma) showen %1MK981-7 11T04 (croma) showes %2MK981-7 11T04 (chroma) showfr %3MK981-7 11T04 (croma) showit %4MK981-7 11T04 (chromaticness ) showjp %5MK981-7 11T04 E (nichtlineare Transformation Buntwerte A, B) showde %0MK981-7 12T04 (nonlinear transform chromatic values A, B) showen %1MK981-7 12T04 (transformaci\363n nolin de crom\341ticos A, B) showes %2MK981-7 12T04 (transform non lin\351aire des chromatiques A, B) showfr %3MK981-7 12T04 (trasforma non lineare dei cromatici A, B) showit %4MK981-7 12T04 (nonlinear transform chromatic values A, B) showjp %5MK981-7 12T04 E (Rot-Gr\374n) showde %0MK981-7 13T04 (red-green) showen %1MK981-7 13T04 (rojo-verde) showes %2MK981-7 13T04 (rouge-vert) showfr %3MK981-7 13T04 (rosso-verde) showit %4MK981-7 13T04 (red-green) showjp %5MK981-7 13T04 E (Gelb-Blau) showde %0MK981-7 14T04 (yellow-blue) showen %1MK981-7 14T04 (amarillo-azul) showes %2MK981-7 14T04 (jaune-bleu) showfr %3MK981-7 14T04 (giallo-blu) showit %4MK981-7 14T04 (yellow-blue) showjp %5MK981-7 14T04 E (radial) showde %0MK981-7 15T04 (radial) showen %1MK981-7 15T04 (radial) showes %2MK981-7 15T04 (radial) showfr %3MK981-7 15T04 (radiale) showit %4MK981-7 15T04 (radial) showjp %5MK981-7 15T04 E (Farbart) showde %0MK981-7 16T04 (chromaticity) showen %1MK981-7 16T04 (cromaticidad) showes %2MK981-7 16T04 (chromatica) showfr %3MK981-7 16T04 (cromaticit\340) showit %4MK981-7 16T04 (chromaticity) showjp %5MK981-7 16T04 E (nichtlinearer Transfer Farbarten x/y, z/y) showde %0MK981-7 17T04 (nonlinear transform chromaticities x/y, z/y) showen %1MK981-7 17T04 (transformaci\363n no lineal de cromaticidades) showes %2MK981-7 17T04 (transforme non lin\351aire de chromatica a, b) showfr %3MK981-7 17T04 (trasforma non lineare di cromaticit\340 a, b) showit %4MK981-7 17T04 (nonlinear chromaticity diagram x/y, z/y) showjp %5MK981-7 17T04 E (vergleiche log) showde %0MK981-7 18T04 (compare to log) showen %1MK981-7 18T04 TIG1 %1MK981-7 1800# TIG1 %1MK981-7 1800# TIG1 %1MK981-7 1800# TIG1 %1MK981-7 1800# E (comparar log) showes %2MK981-7 18T04 (compare log) showfr %3MK981-7 18T04 (paragona log) showit %4MK981-7 18T04 (compare to log) showjp %5MK981-7 18T04 E (Zapfens\344ttigung) showde %0MK981-7 19T04 (cone excitation) showen %1MK981-7 19T04 TIG1 %1MK981-7 1900# TIG1 %1MK981-7 1900# TIG1 %1MK981-7 1900# TIG1 %1MK981-7 1900# E (excitaci\363n de conos) showes %2MK981-7 19T04 (c\364ne excitation) showfr %3MK981-7 19T04 (cono eccitazione) showit %4MK981-7 19T04 (cone excitation) showjp %5MK981-7 19T04 E () showde %0MK981-7 20T04 () showen %1MK981-7 20T04 () showes %2MK981-7 20T04 () showfr %3MK981-7 20T04 () showit %4MK981-7 20T04 () showjp %5MK981-7 20T04 E (Rot-Gr\374n) showde %0MK981-7 21T04 (red-green) showen %1MK981-7 21T04 (rojo-verde) showes %2MK981-7 21T04 (rouge-vert) showfr %3MK981-7 21T04 (rosso-verde) showit %4MK981-7 21T04 (red-green) showjp %5MK981-7 21T04 E (Gelb-Blau) showde %0MK981-7 22T04 (yellow-blue) showen %1MK981-7 22T04 (amarillo-azul) showes %2MK981-7 22T04 (jaune-bleu) showfr %3MK981-7 22T04 (giallo-blu) showit %4MK981-7 22T04 (yellow-blue) showjp %5MK981-7 22T04 E (radial) showde %0MK981-7 23T04 (radial) showen %1MK981-7 23T04 (radial) showes %2MK981-7 23T04 (radial) showfr %3MK981-7 23T04 (radiale) showit %4MK981-7 23T04 (radial) showjp %5MK981-7 23T04 E ( f\374r ) showde %0MK981-7 24T04 ( for ) showen %1MK981-7 24T04 ( para ) showes %2MK981-7 24T04 ( pour) showfr %3MK981-7 24T04 ( per) showit %4MK981-7 24T04 ( for ) showjp %5MK981-7 24T04 E ( f\374r ) showde %0MK981-7 25T04 ( for ) showen %1MK981-7 25T04 ( para ) showes %2MK981-7 25T04 ( pour ) showfr %3MK981-7 25T04 ( per ) showit %4MK981-7 25T04 ( for ) showjp %5MK981-7 25T04 E