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def /bs4 {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show TK} bind def /js4 {250 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show TK} bind def /ss4 {250 /Symbol FS show TK} bind def /is4 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -60 rmoveto show 0 60 rmoveto TK} bind def /es4 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 130 rmoveto show 0 -130 rmoveto TK} bind def /ib4 {200 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 -60 rmoveto show 0 60 rmoveto TK} bind def /eb4 {200 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 130 rmoveto show 0 -130 rmoveto TK} bind def /ip4 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 30 30 rmoveto (\267) show 30 -30 rmoveto TK} bind def %XCHA01.PS BEG /rec %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch def /width exch def moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colrecfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecst %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec stroke} bind def /rem %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch 0.5 mul def /width exch 0.5 mul def /yleftb exch heigth 0.5 mul add def /xleftb exch width 0.5 mul add def xleftb yleftb moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colremfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmykcolor rem fill} bind def /colremst %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmykcolor rem stroke} bind def /tzr {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tzg {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0} bind def /tzb {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzc {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzm {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzy {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0} bind def /tzn {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.00} bind def %Graureihe /tzd {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.75} bind def /tzz {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50} bind def /tzh {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25} bind def /tzw {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00} bind def /tfr {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfg {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfb {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfc {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfm {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfy {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfrz {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfgz {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfbz {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfcz {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfmz {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfyz {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfn {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.00 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Graureihe /tfd {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.75 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfz {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfh {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfw {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /cvishow {cvi 10 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow2 {100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow3 {1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow4 {10000 mul cvi 0.0001 mul 9 string cvs show} def %%EndProlog gsave %lanindL2 START 20150505 /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showea {1 lanind le {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colormd colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetamd pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output %5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def %75 85 moveto %lanind cvishow (-) show %colorm cvishow %deintp cvishow %xcolor cvishow %xchart cvishow %pchart cvishow %colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave %lanindL2 END 4 /Times-ISOL1 FS 74 86 moveto (AGQ20-1N) show %xchart 0 eq {(N) show} % {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse 72 90 translate 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale /xwidth 5400 def /ywidth 3000 def 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto xwidth 0 rlineto 0 ywidth rlineto xwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto xwidth 0 rlineto 0 ywidth rlineto xwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath stroke /ishowg {0 -50 rmoveto TK (g) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowp {0 -50 rmoveto TK (p) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishoww {0 -50 rmoveto TK (w) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishows {0 -50 rmoveto TK (s) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /eshow2 {0 100 rmoveto TK (2) show 0 -100 rmoveto TM} def /eshowo {0 100 rmoveto TK (o) show 0 -100 rmoveto TM} def /ishowD65 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (D65) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowA00 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (A) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowP00 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (P) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowD00 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (D) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def %viewing situation left /xm1 1300 def %center circle %/ym1 2800 def /ym1 1700 def /dytext 350 def /xm0 xm1 800 sub def /ym0 ym1 800 sub def xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 colrecfi xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 colrecst /xm0 xm1 640 sub def /ym0 ym1 640 sub def xm0 ym0 1280 1280 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 colrecfi 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0800 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 1050 add 100 add def /xm3 xm2 1600 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1600 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 50 add ym3 100 sub moveto TM ( B\374ro) showde (office) showen 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0640 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 0900 add def /xm3 xm2 1280 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1280 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke xm2 500 sub ym3 100 sub moveto TM (20) show eshowo xm1 550 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishowg xm1 200 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishowg xm1 1150 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishoww xm1 0800 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishoww /xm4 xm1 150 sub def %start lower text line /ym4 ym1 1050 sub def %arrow 100 higher xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 300 0 rlineto stroke xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 100 50 rlineto stroke xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 100 -50 rlineto stroke xm4 300 add ym4 100 add moveto -100 50 rlineto stroke xm4 300 add ym4 100 add moveto -100 -50 rlineto stroke xm4 500 add ym4 moveto TM (2,6) show eshowo %/xm5 xm4 def %/ym5 ym4 dytext sub def %xm5 ym5 moveto TIM (t) show ishowp %TM (>25) show TIM (s) show TM xm1 250 sub ym1 400 add moveto TIM (Y, L) show xm1 585 sub ym1 100 sub moveto SM (D) show TIM (Y) show xm1 220 add ym1 100 sub moveto SM (D) show TIM (L) show /xm2 xm1 150 sub def /ym2 ym1 000 sub def xm2 ym2 300 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 colrecfi /xm3 xm1 150 sub def /ym3 ym1 300 sub def xm3 ym3 300 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 colrecfi %***************************************************** %viewing situation right /xm1 3800 def %center circle /ym1 1700 def /xm0 xm1 800 sub def /ym0 ym1 800 sub def xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 colrecfi xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 colrecst /xm0 xm1 640 sub def /ym0 ym1 640 sub def xm0 ym0 1280 1280 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 colrecfi 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0800 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 1050 add 100 add def /xm3 xm2 1600 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1600 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0640 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 0900 add def /xm3 xm2 1280 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1280 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke xm2 1280 add 200 add ym3 100 sub moveto TM (20) show eshowo xm1 550 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishowg xm1 200 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishowg xm1 1150 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishoww xm1 0800 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishoww /xm4 xm1 150 sub def %start lower text line /ym4 ym1 1050 sub def %arrow 100 higher xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 300 0 rlineto stroke xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 100 50 rlineto stroke xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 100 -50 rlineto stroke xm4 300 add ym4 100 add moveto -100 50 rlineto stroke xm4 300 add ym4 100 add moveto -100 -50 rlineto stroke xm4 500 add ym4 moveto TM (2,6) show eshowo xm1 250 sub ym1 420 add moveto TIM (Y, L) show xm1 585 sub ym1 100 sub moveto SM (D) show TIM (Y) show xm1 220 add ym1 100 sub moveto SM (D) show TIM (L) show newpath /xm2 xm1 150 sub def /ym2 ym1 000 sub def xm2 ym2 300 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 colrecfi /xm3 xm1 150 sub def /ym3 ym1 350 sub def xm3 ym3 300 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 colrecfi 0 setgray /xm8 xm1 920 add def %start lower text line /ym8 ym1 25 sub def %arrow 100 higher xm8 ym8 25 sub moveto 0 -200 rlineto stroke xm8 ym8 25 sub moveto 50 -100 rlineto stroke xm8 ym8 25 sub moveto -50 -100 rlineto stroke xm8 ym8 25 add moveto 0 200 rlineto stroke xm8 ym8 25 add moveto 50 100 rlineto stroke xm8 ym8 25 add moveto -50 100 rlineto stroke xm8 100 add ym8 500 add moveto TM (gap:) showen xm8 100 add ym8 200 add moveto TK (0) show 30 0 rmoveto (mm) show xm8 100 add ym8 050 sub moveto TK (1) show 30 0 rmoveto (mm) show xm8 100 add ym8 300 sub moveto TK (2) show 30 0 rmoveto (mm) show /xm9 xm1 3200 sub def /ym9 ym1 1400 sub def xm9 ym9 moveto TM (B\374robeobachtungsabstand 500) showde (office viewing distance 500) showen 30 0 rmoveto (mm) show showpage grestore %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 86 SHAl add MM 152 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 12 %line 349 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ20-2 %%BoundingBox: 70 83 226 206 %START PDFDE011.EPS /pdfmark02 where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark02 /cleartomark load put} ifelse /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn (]) cvn load put} if [/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ2.HTM) /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2020110112000) /ModDate (D:2020110112000) /DOCINFO pdfmark02 [ /View [ /Fit ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark02 %END PDFDE011 %SETCMYK_OLV.PS /setcmyk_olvcolor %transfer cmyk to olv {/ncolor exch def /ycolor exch def /mcolor exch def /ccolor exch def ncolor 0 eq {1 ccolor sub 1 mcolor sub 1 ycolor sub setrgbcolor } {ccolor 0 eq mcolor 0 eq and ycolor 0 eq and {%only black n 1 ncolor sub dup dup setrgbcolor } {%cmy and black n 1 ccolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 mcolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 ycolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul setrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Times-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse 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{350 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIS {200 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIK {250 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIM {300 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIG {350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBS {200 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBK {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBM {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBG {350 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIS {200 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIK {250 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIM {300 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIG {350 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /SS {200 /Symbol FS} bind def /SK {250 /Symbol FS} bind def /SM {290 /Symbol FS} bind def /SG {350 /Symbol FS} bind def /CSS {115 /Courier-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CSK {140 /Courier-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CS {200 /Courier-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CK {250 /Courier-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CM {300 /Courier-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CG {350 /Courier-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CBSS {115 /CourierB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CBSK {140 /CourierB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CBS {200 /CourierB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CBK {250 /CourierB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CBM {300 /CourierB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /CBG {350 /CourierB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /ns {350 /Times-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /ks {350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /bs {350 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /js {350 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /ss {350 /Symbol FS show} bind def /is {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -90 rmoveto show 0 90 rmoveto} bind def /es {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 200 rmoveto show 0 -200 rmoveto} bind def /ib {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 -90 rmoveto show 0 90 rmoveto} bind def /eb {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 200 rmoveto show 0 -200 rmoveto} bind def /ip {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS 50 50 rmoveto (\267) show 50 -50 rmoveto} bind def %20% kleiner /ns2 {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS show TM} bind def /ks2 {300 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show TM} bind def /bs2 {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show TM} bind def /js2 {300 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show TM} bind def /ss2 {300 /Symbol FS show TM} bind def /is2 {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -70 rmoveto show 0 70 rmoveto TM} bind def /es2 {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 160 rmoveto show 0 -160 rmoveto TM} bind def /ib2 {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 -70 rmoveto show 0 70 rmoveto TM} bind def /eb2 {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 160 rmoveto show 0 -160 rmoveto TM} bind def /ip2 {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 40 40 rmoveto (\267) show 40 -40 rmoveto TM} bind def %40% kleiner /ns4 {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS show TK} bind def /ks4 {250 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show TK} bind def /bs4 {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show TK} bind def /js4 {250 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show TK} bind def /ss4 {250 /Symbol FS show TK} bind def /is4 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -60 rmoveto show 0 60 rmoveto TK} bind def /es4 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 130 rmoveto show 0 -130 rmoveto TK} bind def /ib4 {200 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 -60 rmoveto show 0 60 rmoveto TK} bind def /eb4 {200 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS 0 130 rmoveto show 0 -130 rmoveto TK} bind def /ip4 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 30 30 rmoveto (\267) show 30 -30 rmoveto TK} bind def %XCHA01.PS BEG /rec %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch def /width exch def moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colrecfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecst %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec stroke} bind def /rem %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch 0.5 mul def /width exch 0.5 mul def /yleftb exch heigth 0.5 mul add def /xleftb exch width 0.5 mul add def xleftb yleftb moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colremfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmykcolor rem fill} bind def /colremst %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmykcolor rem stroke} bind def /tzr {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tzg {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0} bind def /tzb {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzc {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzm {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzy {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0} bind def /tzn {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.00} bind def %Graureihe /tzd {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.75} bind def /tzz {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50} bind def /tzh {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25} bind def /tzw {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00} bind def /tfr {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfg {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfb {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfc {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfm {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfy {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfrz {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfgz {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfbz {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfcz {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfmz {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfyz {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfn {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.00 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Graureihe /tfd {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.75 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfz {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfh {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfw {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /cvishow {cvi 10 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow2 {100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow3 {1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 9 string cvs show} def /cvsshow4 {10000 mul cvi 0.0001 mul 9 string cvs show} def %%EndProlog gsave %LANINDL2 START 20150505 /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showea {1 lanind le {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colormd colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetamd pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output %5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def %75 85 moveto %lanind cvishow (-) show %colorm cvishow %deintp cvishow %xcolor cvishow %xchart cvishow %pchart cvishow %colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave %LANINDL2 END 4 /Times-ISOL1 FS 74 86 moveto (AGQ20-2N) show %xchart 0 eq {(N) show} % {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse 72 90 translate 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale /xwidth 5400 def /ywidth 4000 def 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto xwidth 0 rlineto 0 ywidth rlineto xwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto xwidth 0 rlineto 0 ywidth rlineto xwidth neg 0 rlineto closepath stroke 600 400 translate 15 setlinewidth 0 0 moveto 4000 0 rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto 0 3000 rlineto stroke 300 /Times-ISOL1 FS %! 0,5-a-Einheiten = 1000 Skalen-Einheiten 1500 100 moveto TM (Farbmusterl\374cke in mm) showde (colour sample gap in mm) showea 0 50 moveto 0 -100 rlineto stroke 1000 50 moveto 0 -100 rlineto stroke 2000 50 moveto 0 -100 rlineto stroke 3000 50 moveto 0 -100 rlineto stroke 4000 50 moveto 0 -100 rlineto stroke TK -80 -300 moveto (0,0) show 920 -300 moveto (0,5) show 1920 -300 moveto (1,0) show 2920 -300 moveto (1,5) show 3920 -300 moveto (2,0) show %! 100 S-Einheiten = 1000 Skalen-Einheiten -50 0 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 1000 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 2000 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 3000 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke TK -500 -80 moveto (0,0) show -500 920 moveto (0,5) show -500 1920 moveto (1,0) show -500 2920 moveto (1,5) show -500 3300 moveto TM (Farbdifferenz ) showde %08310-3 1 (colour difference ) showea %18310-3 1 SM (D) show TIM (E*) show (ab) is TM ( an Schwelle) showde ( at threshold) showea %Farbabstaende_geometrischer_Abstand.xls in Kittelmann_10 %farbmuster 0 to 6 %geometrischer Abstand 0 to 3 /x_gap [0.0000 0.3125 0.6250 1.2500] def /y_delta_E*ab [%7 colour x 4 distances 0.198 0.538 0.557 0.549 %0 0.267 0.692 0.689 0.751 %1 0.405 1.001 1.299 1.413 %2 0.232 0.821 0.917 0.917 %3 0.224 0.599 0.725 0.728 %4 0.279 0.664 0.764 0.798 %5 0.233 0.555 0.739 0.837 %6 ] def /Lab* [%7 samples (50 0 0) (90 0 0) (10 0 0) (50 40 0) (50 -40 0) (50 0 40) (50 0 -40) ] def %cmyk colours of sample 50/0/0 /tfc0 {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %mean grey /tfc1 {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %white /tfc2 {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %black /tfc3 {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %red /tfc4 {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %green /tfc5 {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.2 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %dark yellow /tfc6 {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %light blue 3100 2900 moveto TIM tfw (colour pair) show 3300 2600 moveto (L* a* b*) show 0 1 5 {/i exch def %i=0,5 newpath i 0 eq {tfc0} if i 1 eq {tfc1} if i 2 eq {tfc2} if i 3 eq {tfc3} if i 4 eq {tfc4} if i 5 eq {tfc5} if 3100 2300 i 300 mul sub 100 add 50 0 360 arc fill tfw TBK newpath 3300 2300 i 300 mul sub moveto Lab* i get show newpath } for %i=0,5 newpath 0 1 5 {/i exch def %i=0,5 /i4 i 4 mul def i 0 eq {tfc0} if i 1 eq {tfc1} if i 2 eq {tfc2} if i 3 eq {tfc3} if i 4 eq {tfc4} if i 5 eq {tfc5} if 0 1 3 {/j exch def %j=0,3 x_gap j get 2000 mul y_delta_E*ab i4 j add get 2000 mul 50 0 360 arc fill } for %j=0,3 x_gap 0 get 2000 mul y_delta_E*ab i4 0 add get 2000 mul moveto x_gap 1 get 2000 mul y_delta_E*ab i4 1 add get 2000 mul lineto x_gap 2 get 2000 mul y_delta_E*ab i4 2 add get 2000 mul lineto x_gap 3 get 2000 mul y_delta_E*ab i4 3 add get 2000 mul lineto stroke } for %i=0,5 showpage grestore %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 28 SHSl sub MM 108 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 13 %line 359 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ20-3 %%BoundingBox: 70 85 226 206 %START PDFDE011.EPS /pdfmark03 where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark03 /cleartomark load put} ifelse /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn (]) cvn load put} if [/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ2.HTM) /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2020110112000) /ModDate (D:20201101112000) /DOCINFO pdfmark03 [ /View [ /Fit ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark03 %END PDFDE011 %SETCMYK_OLV.PS /setcmyk_olvcolor %transfer cmyk to olv {/ncolor exch def /ycolor exch def /mcolor exch def /ccolor exch def ncolor 0 eq {1 ccolor sub 1 mcolor sub 1 ycolor sub setrgbcolor } {ccolor 0 eq mcolor 0 eq and ycolor 0 eq and {%only black n 1 ncolor sub dup dup setrgbcolor } {%cmy and black n 1 ccolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 mcolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 ycolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul setrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Times-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave %LANINDL2 START 20000505 /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showno {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showpt {6 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showx1 {7 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showy1 {8 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showz1 {9 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colormd colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetamd pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output 5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def 75 85 moveto lanind cvishow (-) show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow xcolor cvishow xchart cvishow pchart cvishow colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave %LANINDL2 END 4 /Times-ISOL1 FS 72 86 moveto (AGQ20-3N) show %xchart 0 eq {(N) show} % {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse %(, B2_39) show % ( B8310_2, M8120-5, B2_39, N=2_39) show 72 90 translate 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %d2:[rr.b4f]bausz8y.eps 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 5333 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5333 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 5333 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5333 0 rlineto closepath stroke 600 400 translate 0 0 moveto 4000 0 rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto 0 3200 rlineto stroke %! 100 S-Einheiten = 2000 Skalen-Einheiten 300 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 800 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 1600 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 2400 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 3200 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 4000 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke -100 -300 moveto (0,0) show 700 -300 moveto (0,2) show 1500 -300 moveto (0,4) show 2300 -300 moveto (0,6) show 3100 -300 moveto (0,8) show 3900 -300 moveto (1,0) show %! 100 S-Einheiten = 2000 Skalen-Einheiten -50 0 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 800 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 1600 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 2400 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 3200 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -450 -80 moveto (0,0) show -450 720 moveto (0,2) show -450 1520 moveto (0,4) show -450 2320 moveto (0,6) show -450 3120 moveto (0,8) show 350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS -300 2800 moveto (y) show 350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 4200 150 moveto (x) show 300 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 2600 150 moveto (CIE 1931) show 350 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0850 3200 moveto (Normfarbtafel) showde %0AGQ20-5 00000 (chromaticity diagram) showen %1AGQ20-5 00001 (diagrama de cromaticidad) showes %3AGQ20-5 00003 (diagramme de chromaticit\351) showfr %2AGQ20-5 00002 (diagramma cromaticit\340) showit %4AGQ20-5 00004 (kromatisitetsdiagram) showno %5AGQ20-5 00005 (diagramme de chromaticit\351) showpt %6AGQ20-5 00006 (chromaticity diagram) showx1 %7AGQ20-5 00007 (chromaticity diagram) showy1 %8AGQ20-5 00008 (chromaticity diagram) showz1 %9AGQ20-5 00009 2300 2800 moveto (2\260\255Beobachter) showde %0AGQ20-5 01000 (2\260\255 observer) showen %1AGQ20-5 01001 (observador de 2\260) showes %3AGQ20-5 01003 (2\260\255 observateur) showfr %2AGQ20-5 01002 (osservatore 2\260\255) showit %4AGQ20-5 01004 (2\260\255 observat\370r) showno %5AGQ20-5 01005 (2\260\255 observateur) showpt %6AGQ20-5 01006 (2\260\255 observer) showx1 %7AGQ20-5 01007 (2\260\255 observer) showy1 %8AGQ20-5 01008 (2\260\255 observer) showz1 %9AGQ20-5 01009 -600 -400 translate %1000 02 **************************************** %ANF PROZSPEP.FOR: MULYA= 4000 BEO=02 xy-Norm-Farbtafel IXY0: 600 400 600 400 translate 693 19 moveto %400 693 19 692 19 690 19 curveto 688 19 685 20 681 23 curveto %425 675 27 667 34 657 43 curveto 644 55 626 70 603 90 curveto %455 575 118 542 159 496 231 curveto 438 347 365 530 274 802 curveto %485 181 1179 93 1650 32 2153 curveto 15 2619 55 3000 155 3248 curveto %515 297 3335 456 3304 618 3223 curveto 771 3126 918 3017 1063 2897 curveto %545 1206 2769 1349 2635 1492 2497 curveto 1634 2358 1776 2218 1915 2080 curveto %575 2049 1946 2179 1817 2300 1696 curveto 2411 1585 2508 1489 2592 1405 curveto 2663 1336 2720 1278 2765 1233 curveto 2802 1197 2831 1168 2856 1143 curveto 2876 1123 2892 1107 2903 1096 curveto 2913 1086 2919 1080 2924 1075 curveto 2927 1072 2930 1069 2933 1066 curveto 2936 1063 2937 1062 2938 1061 curveto 2938 1061 2939 1060 2744 971 curveto 2261 748 2040 643 1908 582 curveto 1819 541 1758 512 1708 490 curveto 1660 468 1612 445 1558 420 curveto 1495 391 1419 356 1320 309 curveto 1184 247 986 155 693 19 curveto stroke 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 693 19 30 0 360 arc fill % 400 681 23 30 0 360 arc fill % 425 626 70 30 0 360 arc fill % 450 438 347 30 0 360 arc fill % 475 32 2153 30 0 360 arc fill % 500 456 3304 30 0 360 arc fill % 525 1206 2769 30 0 360 arc fill % 550 1915 2080 30 0 360 arc fill % 575 2508 1489 30 0 360 arc fill % 600 2802 1197 30 0 360 arc fill % 625 2903 1096 30 0 360 arc fill % 650 2930 1069 30 0 360 arc fill % 675 2938 1061 30 0 360 arc fill % 700 2261 748 30 0 360 arc fill %500c 1708 490 30 0 360 arc fill %525c 1419 356 30 0 360 arc fill %550c 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 693 19 30 0 360 arc stroke % 400 681 23 30 0 360 arc stroke % 425 626 70 30 0 360 arc stroke % 450 438 347 30 0 360 arc stroke % 475 32 2153 30 0 360 arc stroke % 500 456 3304 30 0 360 arc stroke % 525 1206 2769 30 0 360 arc stroke % 550 1915 2080 30 0 360 arc stroke % 575 2508 1489 30 0 360 arc stroke % 600 2802 1197 30 0 360 arc stroke % 625 2903 1096 30 0 360 arc stroke % 650 2930 1069 30 0 360 arc stroke % 675 2938 1061 30 0 360 arc stroke % 700 2261 748 30 0 360 arc stroke %500c 1708 490 30 0 360 arc stroke %525c 1419 356 30 0 360 arc stroke %550c % 1250 1316 30 0 360 arc fill %D65 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 250 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 693 375 sub 19 250 sub moveto (400) show % 681 600 sub 23 100 sub moveto (425) show % 626 450 sub 70 100 sub moveto (450) show 438 400 sub 347 225 sub moveto (475) show 32 450 sub 2153 100 sub moveto (500) show 456 150 sub 3304 070 add moveto (525) show 1206 100 add 2769 moveto (550) show 1915 100 add 2080 moveto (575) show 2508 100 add 1489 moveto (600) show 2802 100 add 1197 moveto (625) show % 2903 100 add 1096 moveto (650) show % 2930 100 add 1069 moveto (675) show 2938 100 add 1061 100 sub moveto (700) show 2261 100 add 748 200 sub moveto (500c,E) show 1708 100 add 490 200 sub moveto (525c,E) show 1419 356 250 sub moveto (550c,E) show 1250 600 sub 1316 200 sub moveto %(D65 ) show newpath % 93 1650 30 0 360 arc fill %495 % 93 450 sub 1650 100 add moveto (494) show newpath % 1634 2358 30 0 360 arc fill %565 % 1634 100 add 2358 moveto (565) show % 1492 2497 30 0 360 arc fill %560 % 1492 100 add 2497 moveto (560) show % 1690 2274 30 0 360 arc fill %567 % 1690 50 add 2274 50 add moveto (567) show newpath [100] 0 setdash %500 - 500c 32 2153 moveto %500 2261 748 lineto stroke %500c %525 - 525c 456 3304 moveto %525 1708 490 lineto stroke %550 - 550c 1206 2769 moveto %550 1419 356 lineto stroke %550c %400 % 693 19 moveto %400 % 1492 2497 lineto stroke %560 % 1634 2358 lineto stroke %565 % 1776 2218 lineto stroke %570 % 1690 2274 lineto stroke %567 %475 - 575 % 438 347 moveto %475 % 1915 2080 lineto stroke %575 %495 -700 % 93 1650 moveto %495 % 2938 1061 lineto stroke %700 1 0 0 setrgbcolor 1333 1333 50 0 360 arc fill %E 1333 100 add 1333 000 add moveto (E ) show 0 setgray -600 -400 translate %ENDE: 1 showpage grestore %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 86 SHAl add MM 108 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 14 %line 369 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ20-4 %%BoundingBox: 70 85 226 206 %START PDFDE011.EPS /pdfmark04 where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark04 /cleartomark load put} ifelse /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn (]) cvn load put} if [/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ2.HTM) /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2020110112000) /ModDate (D:20201101112000) /DOCINFO pdfmark04 [ /View [ /Fit ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark04 %END PDFDE011 %SETCMYK_OLV.PS /setcmyk_olvcolor %transfer cmyk to olv {/ncolor exch def /ycolor exch def /mcolor exch def /ccolor exch def ncolor 0 eq {1 ccolor sub 1 mcolor sub 1 ycolor sub setrgbcolor } {ccolor 0 eq mcolor 0 eq and ycolor 0 eq and {%only black n 1 ncolor sub dup dup setrgbcolor } {%cmy and black n 1 ccolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 mcolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 ycolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul setrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Times-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave %LANINDL2 START 20000505 /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showm {6 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /popde {0 lanind ne {pop} if} bind def /popen {1 lanind ne {pop} if} bind def /popes {2 lanind ne {pop} if} bind def /popfr {3 lanind ne {pop} if} bind def /popit {4 lanind ne {pop} if} bind def /popjp {5 lanind ne {pop} if} bind def /popm {6 lanind ne {pop} if} bind def /popxde {/n exch def 0 lanind ne {n {pop} repeat} if} bind def /popxen {/n exch def 1 lanind ne {n {pop} repeat} if} bind def /popxes {/n exch def 2 lanind ne {n {pop} repeat} if} bind def /popxfr {/n exch def 3 lanind ne {n {pop} repeat} if} bind def /popxit {/n exch def 4 lanind ne {n {pop} repeat} if} bind def /popxjp {/n exch def 5 lanind ne {n {pop} repeat} if} bind def /popxm {/n exch def 6 lanind ne {n {pop} repeat} if} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colormd colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetamd pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output %5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def %75 85 moveto %lanind cvishow (-) show %colorm cvishow %deintp cvishow %xcolor cvishow %xchart cvishow %pchart cvishow %colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave %LANINDL2 END 4 /Times-ISOL1 FS 74 86 moveto (AGQ20-4N) show 72 90 translate 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %d2:[rr.b4f]bausz8y.eps 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 5333 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5333 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 5333 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5333 0 rlineto closepath stroke 600 400 translate 0 0 moveto 4000 0 rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto 0 3200 rlineto stroke %! 100 S-Einheiten = 2000 Skalen-Einheiten 300 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 800 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 1600 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 2400 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 3200 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 4000 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke -100 -300 moveto (0,0) show 700 -300 moveto (0,2) show 1500 -300 moveto (0,4) show 2300 -300 moveto (0,6) show 3100 -300 moveto (0,8) show 3900 -300 moveto (1,0) show %! 100 S-Einheiten = 2000 Skalen-Einheiten -50 0 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 800 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 1600 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 2400 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 3200 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -450 -80 moveto (0,0) show -450 720 moveto (0,2) show -450 1520 moveto (0,4) show -450 2320 moveto (0,6) show -450 3120 moveto (0,8) show 350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS -300 2800 moveto (y) show 350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 4200 150 moveto (x) show 300 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 2600 150 moveto (CIE 1931) show 350 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0850 3200 moveto (Normfarbtafel) showde %0AGQ20-2 0051# (chromaticity diagram) showen %1AGQ20-2 0051# (esquema de chromaticity) showes %2AGQ20-2 0051# (diagramme de chromaticit\351) showfr %3AGQ20-2 0051# (diagramma di cromaticit\340) showit %4AGQ20-2 0051# (kromatisitetsdiagram) showjp %5AGQ20-2 0051# 2100 2800 moveto (2\260\255Beobachter) showde %0AGQ20-2 0151# (2\260\255 observer) showen %1AGQ20-2 0151# (observador 2\260\255) showes %2AGQ20-2 0151# (2\260\255 observateur) showfr %3AGQ20-2 0151# (2\260\255 l'osservatore) showit %4AGQ20-2 0151# (2\260\255 observat\370r) showjp %5AGQ20-2 0151# -600 -400 translate %1000 02 **************************************** %ANF PROZSPEP.FOR: MULYA= 4000 BEO=02 xy-Norm-Farbtafel IXY0: 600 400 600 400 translate 693 19 moveto 693 19 692 19 690 19 curveto 688 19 685 20 681 23 curveto %425 675 27 667 34 657 43 curveto 644 55 626 70 603 90 curveto %455 575 118 542 159 496 231 curveto 438 347 365 530 274 802 curveto %485 181 1179 93 1650 32 2153 curveto 15 2619 55 3000 155 3248 curveto %515 297 3335 456 3304 618 3223 curveto 771 3126 918 3017 1063 2897 curveto %545 1206 2769 1349 2635 1492 2497 curveto 1634 2358 1776 2218 1915 2080 curveto %575 2049 1946 2179 1817 2300 1696 curveto 2411 1585 2508 1489 2592 1405 curveto 2663 1336 2720 1278 2765 1233 curveto 2802 1197 2831 1168 2856 1143 curveto 2876 1123 2892 1107 2903 1096 curveto 2913 1086 2919 1080 2924 1075 curveto 2927 1072 2930 1069 2933 1066 curveto 2936 1063 2937 1062 2938 1061 curveto 2938 1061 2939 1060 2744 971 curveto 2261 748 2040 643 1908 582 curveto 1819 541 1758 512 1708 490 curveto 1660 468 1612 445 1558 420 curveto 1495 391 1419 356 1320 309 curveto 1184 247 986 155 693 19 curveto stroke 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 693 19 30 0 360 arc fill % 400 681 23 30 0 360 arc fill % 425 626 70 30 0 360 arc fill % 450 438 347 30 0 360 arc fill % 475 32 2153 30 0 360 arc fill % 500 456 3304 30 0 360 arc fill % 525 1206 2769 30 0 360 arc fill % 550 1915 2080 30 0 360 arc fill % 575 2508 1489 30 0 360 arc fill % 600 2802 1197 30 0 360 arc fill % 625 2903 1096 30 0 360 arc fill % 650 2930 1069 30 0 360 arc fill % 675 2938 1061 30 0 360 arc fill % 700 2261 748 30 0 360 arc fill %500c 1708 490 30 0 360 arc fill %525c 1419 356 30 0 360 arc fill %550c 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 693 19 30 0 360 arc stroke % 400 681 23 30 0 360 arc stroke % 425 626 70 30 0 360 arc stroke % 450 438 347 30 0 360 arc stroke % 475 32 2153 30 0 360 arc stroke % 500 456 3304 30 0 360 arc stroke % 525 1206 2769 30 0 360 arc stroke % 550 1915 2080 30 0 360 arc stroke % 575 2508 1489 30 0 360 arc stroke % 600 2802 1197 30 0 360 arc stroke % 625 2903 1096 30 0 360 arc stroke % 650 2930 1069 30 0 360 arc stroke % 675 2938 1061 30 0 360 arc stroke % 700 2261 748 30 0 360 arc stroke %500c 1708 490 30 0 360 arc stroke %525c 1419 356 30 0 360 arc stroke %550c 1250 1316 30 0 360 arc fill %D65 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 250 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 693 375 sub 19 250 sub moveto (400) show % 681 600 sub 23 100 sub moveto (425) show % 626 450 sub 70 100 sub moveto (450) show 438 400 sub 347 225 sub moveto (470) show 32 450 sub 2153 100 sub moveto (500) show 456 150 sub 3304 070 add moveto (520) show 1206 100 add 2769 moveto (550) show 1915 100 add 2080 moveto (570) show 2508 100 add 1489 moveto (600) show 2802 100 add 1197 moveto (625) show % 2903 100 add 1096 moveto (650) show % 2930 100 add 1069 moveto (675) show 2938 100 add 1061 100 sub moveto (700) show 2261 100 add 748 200 sub moveto (500c,E) show 1708 100 add 490 200 sub moveto (520c,E) show 1419 356 250 sub moveto (550c,E) show 0 1 0 setrgbcolor 438 347 moveto % 475 1915 2080 lineto stroke %575 0 setgray % 693 19 moveto % 400 % 1634 2358 lineto stroke %565 % 1634 2358 30 0 360 arc stroke %565 % 1634 100 add 2358 moveto (565) show /XIE 0.3 def %567 %565, 570: 1634 2358 1776 2218 /x0 1634 def /y0 2358 def /x1 1776 def /y1 2218 def /xm x1 x0 sub XIE mul x0 add def /ym y1 y0 sub XIE mul y0 add def 0 1 0 setrgbcolor xm ym moveto %567 693 19 lineto stroke %400 0 setgray xm ym 30 0 360 arc stroke %567 xm 100 add ym moveto (561) show % 93 1650 moveto %495 % 2938 1061 lineto stroke %700 % 93 100 add 1650 moveto (495) show /XIE 0.60 def %593 %590,595: xy0,xy1 181 1179 93 1650 /x0 181 def /y0 1179 def /x1 93 def /y1 1650 def /xm x1 x0 sub XIE mul x0 add def /ym y1 y0 sub XIE mul y0 add def 0 1 0 setrgbcolor xm ym moveto %493 2938 1061 lineto stroke %700 0 setgray xm ym 30 0 360 arc stroke %494 xm 100 add ym moveto (494) show [100] 0 setdash %500 - 500c 32 2153 moveto %500 2261 748 lineto stroke %500c %525 - 525c 456 3304 moveto %525 1708 490 lineto stroke %550 - 550c 1206 2769 moveto %550 1419 356 lineto stroke %550c 1 0 0 setrgbcolor 1333 1333 30 0 360 arc fill %E 1333 100 add 1333 000 sub moveto (E ) show 0 1 0 setrgbcolor 1250 1316 50 0 360 arc fill %D65 1250 600 sub 1316 200 sub moveto (D65 ) show -600 -400 translate %ENDE: 1 showpage grestore %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 28 SHSl sub MM 064 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 15 %line 379 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ20-5 %%BoundingBox: 70 83 392 206 %START PDFDE011.EPS /pdfmark05 where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark05 /cleartomark load put} ifelse /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn (]) cvn load put} if [/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ2.HTM) /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2020110112000) /ModDate (D:20201101112000) /DOCINFO pdfmark05 [ /View [ /Fit ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark05 %END PDFDE011 %SETCMYK_OLV.PS /setcmyk_olvcolor %transfer cmyk to olv {/ncolor exch def /ycolor exch def /mcolor exch def /ccolor exch def ncolor 0 eq {1 ccolor sub 1 mcolor sub 1 ycolor sub setrgbcolor } {ccolor 0 eq mcolor 0 eq and ycolor 0 eq and {%only black n 1 ncolor sub dup dup setrgbcolor } {%cmy and black n 1 ccolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 mcolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 ycolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul setrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Times-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def /TK {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TM {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TG {350 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIK {250 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIM {300 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIG {350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBK {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBM {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBG {350 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIK {250 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIM {300 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIG {350 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /SK {250 /Symbol FS} bind def /SM {300 /Symbol FS} bind def /SG {350 /Symbol FS} bind def /rec %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch def /width exch def moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colrecfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecst %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec stroke} bind def %%EndProlog gsave %LANINDL2 START 20000505 /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showm {6 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colormd colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetamd pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output %5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def %75 85 moveto %lanind cvishow (-) show %colorm cvishow %deintp cvishow %xcolor cvishow %xchart cvishow %pchart cvishow %colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave %LANINDL2 END 4 /Times-ISOL1 FS 74 86 moveto (AGQ20-5N) show %xchart 0 eq {(N) show} % {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse 72 90 translate 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %d2:[rr.b4f]bausz8y.eps 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 11200 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -11200 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 11200 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -11200 0 rlineto closepath stroke /ishowg {0 -50 rmoveto TK (g) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowp {0 -50 rmoveto TK (p) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishoww {0 -50 rmoveto TK (w) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /eshow2 {0 100 rmoveto TK (2) show 0 -100 rmoveto TM} def /ishowD65 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (D65) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowA00 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (A) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowP00 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (P) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowD00 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (D) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def %viewing situation left /xm1 1300 def %center circle /ym1 2800 def /xm0 xm1 800 sub def /ym0 ym1 800 sub def xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 colrecfi xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 colrecst /xm0 xm1 640 sub def /ym0 ym1 640 sub def xm0 ym0 1280 1280 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 colrecfi 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0800 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 1050 add def /xm3 xm2 1600 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1600 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 50 add ym3 100 sub moveto TM (10\260) show 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0640 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 0900 add def /xm3 xm2 1280 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1280 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke xm2 500 sub ym3 100 sub moveto TM (8\260) show /xm4 xm2 def %start lower text /ym4 ym1 1050 sub def /dytext 350 def xm4 ym4 moveto TIM (Y) show ishoww TM (=6) show TIM (Y) show ishowg xm4 ym4 dytext sub moveto TIM (t) show ishowp (=25) show TIM (s) show xm1 550 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishowg xm1 200 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishowg xm1 1150 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishoww xm1 0800 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishoww /xm5 xm4 600 sub def /ym5 ym4 dytext 2 mul sub def xm5 ym5 moveto TIM (Y) show ishoww TM (=88,6, ) show TIM (Y) show ishowg TM (=14,4, ) show TIM (L) show ishoww TM (=300cd/m) show eshow2 TIM (, L) show ishowg TM (=50cd/m) show eshow2 /xm6 xm4 600 sub def /ym6 ym4 dytext 3 mul sub def xm6 ym6 moveto TM (0,01) show TIM (Y) show ishoww TM (<=) show TIM (Y) show TM (<=100) show TIM (Y) show ishoww TM ( \050) show TIM (Y) show TM (<=200 for D, <=1200 for P) show (\051) show /xm7 xm4 600 sub def /ym7 ym4 dytext 4 mul sub def xm7 ym7 moveto TIM (L) show ishoww TM (=300cd/m) show eshow2 TM (\050120cd/m) show eshow2 TM (\051) show %data K. Richter %/xanD 0.3252 def /yanD 0.3598 def %/xanP 0.3930 def /yanP 0.4148 def %achromatic central and surround field TIM (, x) show TM ishowP00 (=0,33) show TIM (, y) show TM ishowP00 (=0,36) show /xm8 xm4 600 sub def /ym8 ym4 dytext 5 mul sub 50 add def xm8 ym8 moveto TIK (K. Richter, BAM Report 115 (1985), 60-92) show %***************************************************** %viewing situation right /xm1 3800 def %center circle /ym1 2800 def /xm0 xm1 800 sub def /ym0 ym1 800 sub def xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 colrecfi xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 colrecst /xm0 xm1 640 sub def /ym0 ym1 640 sub def xm0 ym0 1280 1280 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 colrecfi 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0800 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 1050 add def /xm3 xm2 1600 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1600 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 50 add ym3 100 sub moveto TM (10\260) show 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0640 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 0900 add def /xm3 xm2 1280 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1280 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke xm2 500 sub ym3 100 sub moveto TM (8\260) show xm1 550 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishowg xm1 200 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishowg xm1 1150 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishoww xm1 0800 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishoww /xm4 xm1 200 sub def %start lower text line /ym4 ym1 1050 sub def %arrow 100 higher xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 400 0 rlineto stroke xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 100 50 rlineto stroke xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 100 -50 rlineto stroke xm4 400 add ym4 100 add moveto -100 50 rlineto stroke xm4 400 add ym4 100 add moveto -100 -50 rlineto stroke xm4 500 add ym4 moveto TM (2\260) show %( \0500,5/1/2/3\260) show (\051) show /xm5 xm4 def /ym5 ym4 dytext sub def xm5 ym5 moveto TIM (t) show ishowp TM (=25) show TIM (s) show TM %( \050) show TM (25) show TIM (s) show (\051) show xm1 250 sub ym1 300 add moveto TIM (Y, L) show xm1 585 sub ym1 100 sub moveto SM (D) show TIM (Y) show xm1 220 add ym1 100 sub moveto SM (D) show TIM (L) show newpath 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 setcmyk_olvcolor xm1 ym1 200 0 180 arc fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 setcmyk_olvcolor xm1 ym1 200 180 360 arc fill %chromaticity diagramm 6700 400 translate 0 setgray 0 0 moveto 4000 0 rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto 0 3200 rlineto stroke %! 100 S-Einheiten = 2000 Skalen-Einheiten 300 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 800 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 1600 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 2400 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 3200 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 4000 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke -100 -300 moveto (0,0) show 700 -300 moveto (0,2) show 1500 -300 moveto (0,4) show 2300 -300 moveto (0,6) show 3100 -300 moveto (0,8) show 3900 -300 moveto (1,0) show %! 100 S-Einheiten = 2000 Skalen-Einheiten -50 0 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 800 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 1600 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 2400 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 3200 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -450 -80 moveto (0,0) show -450 720 moveto (0,2) show -450 1520 moveto (0,4) show -450 2320 moveto (0,6) show -450 3120 moveto (0,8) show TIG -300 2800 moveto (y) show 4200 150 moveto (x) show TIM 2600 150 moveto (CIE 1931) show TM 1100 3200 moveto (Normfarbtafel) showde %0AGQ20-5 00501 (chromaticity diagram) showen %1AGQ20-5 00501 (diagrama de cromaticidad) showes %2AGQ20-5 00501 (diagramme chromatica) showfr %3AGQ20-5 00501 (diagramma di cromaticit\340) showit %4AGQ20-5 00501 (chromaticity diagram) showjp %5AGQ20-5 00501 2600 2850 moveto (2\260\255Beobachter) showde %0AGQ20-5 01501 (2\260\255 observer) showen %1AGQ20-5 01501 (observador de 2\260) showes %2AGQ20-5 01501 (2\260\255 observateur) showfr %3AGQ20-5 01501 (2\260\255 l'osservatore) showit %4AGQ20-5 01501 (2\260\255 observer) showjp %5AGQ20-5 01501 2600 2500 moveto (Umfelder:) showde %0AGQ20-5 03501 (surrounds:) showen %1AGQ20-5 03501 (surrounds:) showes %2AGQ20-5 03501 (surrounds:) showfr %3AGQ20-5 03501 (surrounds:) showit %4AGQ20-5 03501 (surrounds:) showjp %5AGQ20-5 03501 2600 2150 moveto (D und P) showde %0AGQ20-5 04501 (D and P) showen %1AGQ20-5 04501 (D and P) showes %2AGQ20-5 04501 (D et P) showfr %3AGQ20-5 04501 (D and P) showit %4AGQ20-5 04501 (D and P) showjp %5AGQ20-5 04501 -600 -400 translate %1000 02 **************************************** %ANF PROZSPEP.FOR: MULYA= 4000 BEO=02 xy-Norm-Farbtafel IXY0: 600 400 600 400 translate 693 19 moveto %400 693 19 692 19 690 19 curveto 688 19 685 20 681 23 curveto %425 675 27 667 34 657 43 curveto 644 55 626 70 603 90 curveto %455 575 118 542 159 496 231 curveto 438 347 365 530 274 802 curveto %485 181 1179 93 1650 32 2153 curveto 15 2619 55 3000 155 3248 curveto %515 297 3335 456 3304 618 3223 curveto 771 3126 918 3017 1063 2897 curveto %545 1206 2769 1349 2635 1492 2497 curveto 1634 2358 1776 2218 1915 2080 curveto %575 2049 1946 2179 1817 2300 1696 curveto 2411 1585 2508 1489 2592 1405 curveto 2663 1336 2720 1278 2765 1233 curveto 2802 1197 2831 1168 2856 1143 curveto 2876 1123 2892 1107 2903 1096 curveto 2913 1086 2919 1080 2924 1075 curveto 2927 1072 2930 1069 2933 1066 curveto 2936 1063 2937 1062 2938 1061 curveto 2938 1061 2939 1060 2744 971 curveto 2261 748 2040 643 1908 582 curveto 1819 541 1758 512 1708 490 curveto 1660 468 1612 445 1558 420 curveto 1495 391 1419 356 1320 309 curveto 1184 247 986 155 693 19 curveto stroke 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 693 19 30 0 360 arc fill % 400 681 23 30 0 360 arc fill % 425 626 70 30 0 360 arc fill % 450 438 347 30 0 360 arc fill % 475 32 2153 30 0 360 arc fill % 500 456 3304 30 0 360 arc fill % 525 1206 2769 30 0 360 arc fill % 550 1915 2080 30 0 360 arc fill % 575 2508 1489 30 0 360 arc fill % 600 2802 1197 30 0 360 arc fill % 625 2903 1096 30 0 360 arc fill % 650 2930 1069 30 0 360 arc fill % 675 2938 1061 30 0 360 arc fill % 700 2261 748 30 0 360 arc fill %500c 1708 490 30 0 360 arc fill %525c 1419 356 30 0 360 arc fill %550c 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 693 19 30 0 360 arc stroke % 400 681 23 30 0 360 arc stroke % 425 626 70 30 0 360 arc stroke % 450 438 347 30 0 360 arc stroke % 475 32 2153 30 0 360 arc stroke % 500 456 3304 30 0 360 arc stroke % 525 1206 2769 30 0 360 arc stroke % 550 1915 2080 30 0 360 arc stroke % 575 2508 1489 30 0 360 arc stroke % 600 2802 1197 30 0 360 arc stroke % 625 2903 1096 30 0 360 arc stroke % 650 2930 1069 30 0 360 arc stroke % 675 2938 1061 30 0 360 arc stroke % 700 2261 748 30 0 360 arc stroke %500c 1708 490 30 0 360 arc stroke %525c 1419 356 30 0 360 arc stroke %550c 1250 1316 30 0 360 arc fill %D65 1250 1316 60 0 360 arc stroke %D65 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 250 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 693 375 sub 19 250 sub moveto (400) show % 681 600 sub 23 100 sub moveto (425) show % 626 450 sub 70 100 sub moveto (450) show 438 400 sub 347 225 sub moveto (475) show 32 450 sub 2153 100 sub moveto (500) show 456 100 add 3304 moveto (525) show 1206 100 add 2769 moveto (550) show 1915 100 add 2080 moveto (575) show 2508 100 add 1489 moveto (600) show 2802 100 add 1197 moveto (625) show % 2903 100 add 1096 moveto (650) show % 2930 100 add 1069 moveto (675) show 2938 100 add 1061 100 sub moveto (700) show 2261 100 add 748 200 sub moveto (500c) show 1708 100 add 490 200 sub moveto (525c) show 1419 356 250 sub moveto (550c) show 1250 600 sub 1316 200 sub moveto (D65 ) show newpath [100] 0 setdash %475 - 575 438 347 moveto %475 1915 2080 lineto stroke %575 newpath 1333 1333 30 0 360 arc fill %E newpath 1333 100 add 1333 100 sub moveto (E ) show %/xanP 0.3127 def /yanP 0.3290 def %page XX /xanP 0.3977 def /yanP 0.4178 def /YP 16.67 def %page 10, 49 und 50 %/xanP 0.4196 def /yanP 0.4198 def %page 23 %/xanD 0.3127 def /yanD 0.3290 def %page XX /xanD 0.3252 def /yanD 0.3598 def /YD 16.67 %page 10, 44, 46, 51, 52, 55 %/xanD 0.3127 def /yanD 0.3290 def %page 24 %/xanB 0.2589 def /yanB 0.2979 def %p. XX /xanB 0.2800 def /yanB 0.3200 def /YB=16.67 %p. 10, 45 %/xanB 0.2000 def /yanB 0.2000 def %p. 26 %/xanM 0.4880 def /yanM 0.2235 def %p. XX /xanM 0.4480 def /yanM 0.2580 def /YM 16.67 %p. 10, 53 %/xanB 0.2800 def /yanB 0.4700 def %p. 26 %/xanT 0.1423 def /yanT 0.3907 def %p. XX /xanT 0.2400 def /yanT 0.3750 def /YT 16.67 def %p. 10, 54 %/xanG 0.2800 def /yanB 0.4700 def %p. 26 %/xanJ 0.4674 def /yanJ 0.4829 def %p. XX /xanJ 0.4420 def /yanJ 0.4600 def %p. 10, 47 %/xanJ 0.4300 def /yanJ 0.4600 def %. 27 %/xanR 0.2589 def /yanB 0.2979 def %p. XX %/xanR 0.4000 def /yanB 0.3700 def %p. 28 /MULYA 4000 def newpath xanP MULYA mul yanP MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %P newpath xanP MULYA mul 100 add yanP MULYA mul 100 sub moveto (P) show newpath xanD MULYA mul yanD MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %D newpath xanD MULYA mul 200 sub yanD MULYA mul 050 add moveto (D) show %xanB MULYA mul yanB MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %B %xanB MULYA mul 250 sub yanB MULYA mul 100 sub moveto (B) show %xanM MULYA mul yanM MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %M (R) %xanM MULYA mul 100 add yanM MULYA mul 100 sub moveto (M) show %xanT MULYA mul yanT MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %T (G) %xanT MULYA mul 200 sub yanT MULYA mul 100 sub moveto (T) show %xanJ MULYA mul yanJ MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %Y %xanJ MULYA mul 100 add yanJ MULYA mul 100 sub moveto (Y) show -6700 -400 translate %ENDE: 1 showpage grestore %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 86 SHAl add MM 064 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 16 %line 389 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 AGQ20-6, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (AGQ20-6,) show 72 90 translate %! 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %! 15 setlinewidth %! 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto %! closepath stroke grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF /xc1 16 def /yc1 12 def /xt 1 def xchart 1 eq {/xt 1 def} if 28 SHSl sub MM 20 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 17 %line 399 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ20-7 %%BoundingBox: 70 83 392 206 %START PDFDE011.EPS /pdfmark07 where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark07 /cleartomark load put} ifelse /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn (]) cvn load put} if [/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ2.HTM) /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2020110112000) /ModDate (D:20201101112000) /DOCINFO pdfmark07 [ /View [ /Fit ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark07 %END PDFDE011 %SETCMYK_OLV.PS /setcmyk_olvcolor %transfer cmyk to olv {/ncolor exch def /ycolor exch def /mcolor exch def /ccolor exch def ncolor 0 eq {1 ccolor sub 1 mcolor sub 1 ycolor sub setrgbcolor } {ccolor 0 eq mcolor 0 eq and ycolor 0 eq and {%only black n 1 ncolor sub dup dup setrgbcolor } {%cmy and black n 1 ccolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 mcolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 ycolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul setrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } bind def % !AUSTAUSCH Times-Roman -> Times-Roman-ISOLatin1=Times-I /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Times-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def /RS {200 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RK {250 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RM {300 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RG {350 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RIS {200 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RIK {250 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RIM {300 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RIG {350 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RBS {200 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /RBK {250 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /RBM {300 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /RBG {350 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /TS_mde {RS (-) showde TS} bind def /TK_mde {RK (-) showde TK} bind def /TM_mde {RM (-) showde TM} bind def /TG_mde {RG (-) showde TG} bind def /TIS_mde {RIS (-) showde TIS} bind def /TIK_mde {RIK (-) showde TIK} bind def /TIM_mde {RIM (-) showde TIM} bind def /TIG_mde {RIG (-) showde TIG} bind def /TBS_mde {RBS (-) showde TBS} bind def /TBK_mde {RBK (-) showde TBK} bind def /TBM_mde {RBM (-) showde TBM} bind def /TBG_mde {RBG (-) showde TBG} bind def /TBIS_mde {RBIS (-) showde TBIS} bind def /TBIK_mde {RBIK (-) showde TBIK} bind def /TBIM_mde {RBIM (-) showde TBIM} bind def /TBIG_mde {RBIG (-) showde TBIG} bind def /TS_men {RS (-) showen TS} bind def /TK_men {RK (-) showen TK} bind def /TM_men {RM (-) showen TM} bind def /TG_men {RG (-) showen TG} bind def /TIS_men {RIS (-) showen TIS} bind def /TIK_men {RIK (-) showen TIK} bind def /TIM_men {RIM (-) showen TIM} bind def /TIG_men {RIG (-) showen TIG} bind def /TBS_men {RBS (-) showen TBS} bind def /TBK_men {RBK (-) showen TBK} bind def /TBM_men {RBM (-) showen TBM} bind def /TBG_men {RBG (-) showen TBG} bind def /TBIS_men {RBIS (-) showen TBIS} bind def /TBIK_men {RBIK (-) showen TBIK} bind def /TBIM_men {RBIM (-) showen TBIM} bind def /TBIG_men {RBIG (-) showen TBIG} bind def /TK {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TM {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TG {350 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIK {250 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIM {300 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIG {350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBK {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBM {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBG {350 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIK {250 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIM {300 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIG {350 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /SK {250 /Symbol FS} bind def /SM {300 /Symbol FS} bind def /SG {350 /Symbol FS} bind def /rec %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch def /width exch def moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colrecfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecst %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec stroke} bind def %%EndProlog gsave %LANINDL2 START 20000505 /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showm {6 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colormd colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetamd pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output %5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def %75 85 moveto %lanind cvishow (-) show %colorm cvishow %deintp cvishow %xcolor cvishow %xchart cvishow %pchart cvishow %colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave %LANINDL2 END 4 /Times-ISOL1 FS 74 86 moveto (AGQ20-7N) show %xchart 0 eq {(N) show} % {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse 72 90 translate 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %d2:[rr.b4f]bausz8y.eps 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 11200 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -11200 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 11200 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -11200 0 rlineto closepath stroke /ishowg {0 -50 rmoveto TK (g) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowp {0 -50 rmoveto TK (p) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishoww {0 -50 rmoveto TK (w) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishows {0 -50 rmoveto TK (s) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /eshow2 {0 100 rmoveto TK (2) show 0 -100 rmoveto TM} def /eshowo {0 100 rmoveto TK (o) show 0 -100 rmoveto TM} def /ishowD65 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (D65) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowA00 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (A) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowP00 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (P) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def /ishowD00 {0 -50 rmoveto TK (D) show 0 50 rmoveto TM} def %viewing situation left /xm1 1300 def %center circle /ym1 2800 def /dytext 350 def /xm0 xm1 800 sub def /ym0 ym1 800 sub def xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 colrecfi xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 colrecst /xm0 xm1 640 sub def /ym0 ym1 640 sub def xm0 ym0 1280 1280 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 colrecfi 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0800 sub 50 add def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 1050 add def /xm3 xm2 1600 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1600 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 50 add ym3 100 sub moveto TM ( B\374ro) showde (office) showen 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0640 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 0900 add def /xm3 xm2 1280 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1280 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke xm2 500 sub ym3 100 sub moveto TM (20) show eshowo xm1 550 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishowg xm1 200 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishowg xm1 1150 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishoww xm1 0800 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishoww /xm4 xm1 200 sub def %start lower text line /ym4 ym1 1050 sub def %arrow 100 higher xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 400 0 rlineto stroke xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 100 50 rlineto stroke xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 100 -50 rlineto stroke xm4 400 add ym4 100 add moveto -100 50 rlineto stroke xm4 400 add ym4 100 add moveto -100 -50 rlineto stroke xm4 500 add ym4 moveto TM (2,6) show eshowo /xm5 xm4 def /ym5 ym4 dytext sub def xm5 ym5 moveto TIM (t) show ishowp TM (>25) show TIM (s) show TM xm1 250 sub ym1 400 add moveto TIM (Y, L) show xm1 585 sub ym1 100 sub moveto SM (D) show TIM (Y) show xm1 220 add ym1 100 sub moveto SM (D) show TIM (L) show /xm2 xm1 150 sub def /ym2 ym1 000 sub def xm2 ym2 300 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 colrecfi /xm3 xm1 150 sub def /ym3 ym1 300 sub def xm3 ym3 300 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 colrecfi /xm5 xm4 1000 sub def /ym5 ym4 dytext 2 mul sub def xm5 ym5 moveto TIM (Y) show ishoww TM (=89, ) show TIM (Y) show ishowg TM (=18, ) show TIM (L) show ishoww TM (=300cd/m) show eshow2 TIM (, L) show ishowg TM (=60cd/m) show eshow2 /xm6 xm4 1000 sub def /ym6 ym4 dytext 3 mul sub def xm6 ym6 moveto TM (1) show TM (<=) show TIM (Y) show TM (<=89) show (, benachbarte und separate Farben, ) showde (, adjacent and separated colours, ) showen %SM (D) show TIM (L*) show TM (=const.) show /xm7 xm4 1000 sub def /ym7 ym4 dytext 4 mul sub def xm7 ym7 moveto TIM (L) show ishoww TM (=300cd/m) show eshow2 %TM (\050120cd/m) show eshow2 TM (\051) show %data P. Kittelmann %sample size 1,8 cm, page 24 %gray surround size, 87cm x 87cm x 58 cm %luminance between 1243 and 1299 lux %viewing cabinet Macbeth Spectral Light SPL 65B %/xanD 0.3225 def /yanD 0.3638 def %page 23, TTC = 5895K %/xanP 0.3930 def /yanP 0.4148 def %achromatic central and surround field TIM (, x) show TM ishowD00 (=0,317) show TIM (, y) show TM ishowD00 (=0,330) show /xm8 xm4 600 sub def /ym8 ym4 dytext 5 mul sub 50 add def xm8 ym8 moveto TIK (P. Kittelman, TU Berlin, PhD thesis (2009), 1-164) show %***************************************************** %viewing situation right /xm1 3800 def %center circle /ym1 2800 def /xm0 xm1 800 sub def /ym0 ym1 800 sub def xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 colrecfi xm0 ym0 1600 1600 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 colrecst /xm0 xm1 640 sub def /ym0 ym1 640 sub def xm0 ym0 1280 1280 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 colrecfi 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0800 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 1050 add def /xm3 xm2 1600 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1600 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke %xm3 50 add ym3 100 sub moveto TM (10\260) show 0 setgray /xm2 xm1 0640 sub def %start upper line /ym2 ym1 0900 add def /xm3 xm2 1280 add def %end upper line /ym3 ym2 def xm2 ym2 moveto 1280 0 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 050 rlineto stroke xm2 ym2 moveto 100 -050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 050 rlineto stroke xm3 ym3 moveto -100 -050 rlineto stroke xm2 1280 add 200 add ym3 100 sub moveto TM (20) show eshowo xm1 550 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishowg xm1 200 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishowg xm1 1150 sub ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (Y) show ishoww xm1 0800 add ym1 550 sub moveto TIM (L) show ishoww /xm4 xm1 200 sub def %start lower text line /ym4 ym1 1050 sub def %arrow 100 higher xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 400 0 rlineto stroke xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 100 50 rlineto stroke xm4 ym4 100 add moveto 100 -50 rlineto stroke xm4 400 add ym4 100 add moveto -100 50 rlineto stroke xm4 400 add ym4 100 add moveto -100 -50 rlineto stroke xm4 500 add ym4 moveto TM (2,6) show eshowo /xm5 xm4 def /ym5 ym4 dytext sub def xm5 ym5 moveto TIM (t) show ishowp TM (>25) show TIM (s) show TM xm1 250 sub ym1 420 add moveto TIM (Y, L) show xm1 585 sub ym1 100 sub moveto SM (D) show TIM (Y) show xm1 220 add ym1 100 sub moveto SM (D) show TIM (L) show newpath %0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 setcmyk_olvcolor %xm1 ym1 200 0 180 arc fill %0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 setcmyk_olvcolor %xm1 ym1 200 180 360 arc fill /xm2 xm1 150 sub def /ym2 ym1 000 sub def xm2 ym2 300 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 colrecfi /xm3 xm1 150 sub def /ym3 ym1 350 sub def xm3 ym3 300 300 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 colrecfi 0 setgray /xm8 xm1 920 add def %start lower text line /ym8 ym1 25 sub def %arrow 100 higher xm8 ym8 25 sub moveto 0 50 rlineto stroke xm8 ym8 25 sub moveto 50 -100 rlineto stroke xm8 ym8 25 sub moveto -50 -100 rlineto stroke xm8 ym8 25 add moveto 50 100 rlineto stroke xm8 ym8 25 add moveto -50 100 rlineto stroke xm8 100 add ym8 100 sub moveto TM (0,1/0,2/0,4) show eshowo newpath %chromaticity diagramm 6700 400 translate 0 setgray 0 0 moveto 4000 0 rlineto stroke 0 0 moveto 0 3200 rlineto stroke %! 100 S-Einheiten = 2000 Skalen-Einheiten 300 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 800 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 1600 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 2400 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 3200 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke 4000 -50 moveto 0 100 rlineto stroke -100 -300 moveto (0,0) show 700 -300 moveto (0,2) show 1500 -300 moveto (0,4) show 2300 -300 moveto (0,6) show 3100 -300 moveto (0,8) show 3900 -300 moveto (1,0) show %! 100 S-Einheiten = 2000 Skalen-Einheiten -50 0 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 800 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 1600 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 2400 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -50 3200 moveto 100 0 rlineto stroke -450 -80 moveto (0,0) show -450 720 moveto (0,2) show -450 1520 moveto (0,4) show -450 2320 moveto (0,6) show -450 3120 moveto (0,8) show 350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS -300 2800 moveto (y) show 350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 4200 150 moveto (x) show 300 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 2600 150 moveto (CIE 1931) show TM 1100 3200 moveto (Normfarbtafel) showde %0AGQ21-3 00501 (chromaticity diagram) showen %1AGQ21-3 00501 (diagrama de cromaticidad) showes %2AGQ21-3 00501 (diagramme chromatica) showfr %3AGQ21-3 00501 (diagramma di cromaticit\340) showit %4AGQ21-3 00501 (chromaticity diagram) showjp %5AGQ21-3 00501 2100 2850 moveto (2) showde TM_mde (Grad) showde TM_mde (Beobachter) showde %0AGQ21-3 01501 (2) showen TM_men (degree) showen ( observer) showen %1AGQ21-3 01501 (observador de 2\260) showes %2AGQ21-3 01501 (2\260\255 observateur) showfr %3AGQ21-3 01501 (2\260\255 l'osservatore) showit %4AGQ21-3 01501 (2\260\255 observer) showjp %5AGQ21-3 01501 2600 2500 moveto (Umfeld:) showde %0AGQ21-3 03501 (surround:) showen %1AGQ21-3 03501 (surround:) showes %2AGQ21-3 03501 (surround:) showfr %3AGQ21-3 03501 (surround:) showit %4AGQ21-3 03501 (surround:) showjp %5AGQ21-3 03501 TIM ( D) show 2600 2150 moveto TM (98 Koerper\255) showde %0AGQ21-3 03501 (98 surface) showen %1AGQ21-3 03501 (98 surface) showes %2AGQ21-3 03501 (98 surface) showfr %3AGQ21-3 03501 (98 surface) showit %4AGQ21-3 03501 (98 surface) showjp %5AGQ21-3 03501 2600 1800 moveto (Farben) showde %0AGQ21-3 04501 (colours) showen %1AGQ21-3 04501 (colours) showes %2AGQ21-3 04501 (colours) showfr %3AGQ21-3 04501 (colours) showit %4AGQ21-3 04501 (colours) showjp %5AGQ21-3 04501 -600 -400 translate %1000 02 **************************************** %ANF PROZSPEP.FOR: MULYA= 4000 BEO=02 xy-Norm-Farbtafel IXY0: 600 400 600 400 translate 693 19 moveto %400 693 19 692 19 690 19 curveto 688 19 685 20 681 23 curveto %425 675 27 667 34 657 43 curveto 644 55 626 70 603 90 curveto %455 575 118 542 159 496 231 curveto 438 347 365 530 274 802 curveto %485 181 1179 93 1650 32 2153 curveto 15 2619 55 3000 155 3248 curveto %515 297 3335 456 3304 618 3223 curveto 771 3126 918 3017 1063 2897 curveto %545 1206 2769 1349 2635 1492 2497 curveto 1634 2358 1776 2218 1915 2080 curveto %575 2049 1946 2179 1817 2300 1696 curveto 2411 1585 2508 1489 2592 1405 curveto 2663 1336 2720 1278 2765 1233 curveto 2802 1197 2831 1168 2856 1143 curveto 2876 1123 2892 1107 2903 1096 curveto 2913 1086 2919 1080 2924 1075 curveto 2927 1072 2930 1069 2933 1066 curveto 2936 1063 2937 1062 2938 1061 curveto 2938 1061 2939 1060 2744 971 curveto 2261 748 2040 643 1908 582 curveto 1819 541 1758 512 1708 490 curveto 1660 468 1612 445 1558 420 curveto 1495 391 1419 356 1320 309 curveto 1184 247 986 155 693 19 curveto stroke 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 693 19 30 0 360 arc fill % 400 681 23 30 0 360 arc fill % 425 626 70 30 0 360 arc fill % 450 438 347 30 0 360 arc fill % 475 32 2153 30 0 360 arc fill % 500 456 3304 30 0 360 arc fill % 525 1206 2769 30 0 360 arc fill % 550 1915 2080 30 0 360 arc fill % 575 2508 1489 30 0 360 arc fill % 600 2802 1197 30 0 360 arc fill % 625 2903 1096 30 0 360 arc fill % 650 2930 1069 30 0 360 arc fill % 675 2938 1061 30 0 360 arc fill % 700 2261 748 30 0 360 arc fill %500c 1708 490 30 0 360 arc fill %525c 1419 356 30 0 360 arc fill %550c 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 693 19 30 0 360 arc stroke % 400 681 23 30 0 360 arc stroke % 425 626 70 30 0 360 arc stroke % 450 438 347 30 0 360 arc stroke % 475 32 2153 30 0 360 arc stroke % 500 456 3304 30 0 360 arc stroke % 525 1206 2769 30 0 360 arc stroke % 550 1915 2080 30 0 360 arc stroke % 575 2508 1489 30 0 360 arc stroke % 600 2802 1197 30 0 360 arc stroke % 625 2903 1096 30 0 360 arc stroke % 650 2930 1069 30 0 360 arc stroke % 675 2938 1061 30 0 360 arc stroke % 700 2261 748 30 0 360 arc stroke %500c 1708 490 30 0 360 arc stroke %525c 1419 356 30 0 360 arc stroke %550c 1250 1316 30 0 360 arc fill %D65 1250 1316 60 0 360 arc stroke %D65 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 250 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 693 375 sub 19 250 sub moveto (400) show % 681 600 sub 23 100 sub moveto (425) show % 626 450 sub 70 100 sub moveto (450) show 438 400 sub 347 225 sub moveto (475) show 32 450 sub 2153 100 sub moveto (500) show 456 100 add 3304 moveto (525) show 1206 100 add 2769 moveto (550) show 1915 100 add 2080 moveto (575) show 2508 100 add 1489 moveto (600) show 2802 100 add 1197 moveto (625) show % 2903 100 add 1096 moveto (650) show % 2930 100 add 1069 moveto (675) show 2938 100 add 1061 100 sub moveto (700) show 2261 100 add 748 200 sub moveto (500c) show 1708 100 add 490 200 sub moveto (525c) show 1419 356 250 sub moveto (550c) show 1250 600 sub 1316 200 sub moveto (D65 ) show newpath [100] 0 setdash %475 - 575 438 347 moveto %475 1915 2080 lineto stroke %575 newpath 1333 1333 30 0 360 arc fill %E newpath 1333 100 add 1333 100 sub moveto (E ) show newpath %data A. Rosemann %/xanD 0.3225 def /yanD 0.3638 def %page 23, TTC = 5895K, achromatic surround %data P. Kittelmann /xanD 0.317 def /yanD 0.330 def %page 24?, TTC = 6200K?, achromatic surround %/xanP 0.3127 def /yanP 0.3290 def %page XX %/xanP 0.3977 def /yanP 0.4178 def /YP 16.67 def %page 10, 49 und 50 %/xanP 0.4196 def /yanP 0.4198 def %page 23 %/xanD 0.3127 def /yanD 0.3290 def %page XX %/xanD 0.3252 def /yanD 0.3598 def /YD 16.67 %page 10, 44, 46, 51, 52, 55 %/xanD 0.3127 def /yanD 0.3290 def %page 24 %/xanB 0.2589 def /yanB 0.2979 def %p. XX % /xanB 0.2800 def /yanB 0.3200 def /YB=16.67 %p. 10, 45 %/xanB 0.2000 def /yanB 0.2000 def %p. 26 %/xanM 0.4880 def /yanM 0.2235 def %p. XX % /xanM 0.4480 def /yanM 0.2580 def /YM 16.67 %p. 10, 53 %/xanB 0.2800 def /yanB 0.4700 def %p. 26 %/xanT 0.1423 def /yanT 0.3907 def %p. XX % /xanT 0.2400 def /yanT 0.3750 def /YT 16.67 def %p. 10, 54 %/xanG 0.2800 def /yanB 0.4700 def %p. 26 %/xanJ 0.4674 def /yanJ 0.4829 def %p. XX %/xanJ 0.4420 def /yanJ 0.4600 def %p. 10, 47 %/xanJ 0.4300 def /yanJ 0.4600 def %. 27 %/xanR 0.2589 def /yanB 0.2979 def %p. XX %/xanR 0.4000 def /yanB 0.3700 def %p. 28 /MULYA 4000 def %xanP MULYA mul yanP MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %P %xanP MULYA mul 100 add yanP MULYA mul 100 sub moveto (P) show newpath xanD MULYA mul yanD MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %D newpath xanD MULYA mul 200 sub yanD MULYA mul 050 add moveto (D) show %xanB MULYA mul yanB MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %B %xanB MULYA mul 250 sub yanB MULYA mul 100 sub moveto (B) show %xanM MULYA mul yanM MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %M (R) %xanM MULYA mul 100 add yanM MULYA mul 100 sub moveto (M) show %xanT MULYA mul yanT MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %T (G) %xanT MULYA mul 200 sub yanT MULYA mul 100 sub moveto (T) show %xanJ MULYA mul yanJ MULYA mul 30 0 360 arc fill %Y %xanJ MULYA mul 100 add yanJ MULYA mul 100 sub moveto (Y) show -6700 -400 translate %ENDE: 1 showpage grestore %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 86 SHAl add MM 020 MM translate 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS -9 MM -7 MM moveto ( ) show 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 18 %line 409 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 AGQ20-8, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (AGQ20-8,) show 72 90 translate %! 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %! 15 setlinewidth %! 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto %! closepath stroke grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 161 MM 197 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 12 %line 419 %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave /SHSr 2 MM def /SHAr 2 MM def BeginEPSF 161 MM 06 MM sub SHSr sub 152 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 21 %line 429 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 AGQ21-1, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (AGQ21-1,) show 72 90 translate %! 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %! 15 setlinewidth %! 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto %! closepath stroke grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 219 MM 06 MM sub SHAr add 152 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 22 %line 439 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 AGQ21-2, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (AGQ21-2,) show 72 90 translate %! 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %! 15 setlinewidth %! 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto %! closepath stroke grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 161 MM 06 MM sub SHSr sub 108 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 23 %line 449 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ21-3 %%BoundingBox: 70 83 392 335 %START PDFDE011.EPS /pdfmark13 where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark13 /cleartomark load put} ifelse /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn (]) cvn load put} if [/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ2.HTM) /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2020110112000) /ModDate (D:20201101112000) /DOCINFO pdfmark13 [ /View [ /Fit ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark13 %END PDFDE011 %SETCMYK_OLV.PS /setcmyk_olvcolor %transfer cmyk to olv {/ncolor exch def /ycolor exch def /mcolor exch def /ccolor exch def ncolor 0 eq {1 ccolor sub 1 mcolor sub 1 ycolor sub setrgbcolor } {ccolor 0 eq mcolor 0 eq and ycolor 0 eq and {%only black n 1 ncolor sub dup dup setrgbcolor } {%cmy and black n 1 ccolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 mcolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 ycolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul setrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Times-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesB-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-BoldItalic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesBI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def /str {8 string } bind def %special 250->240, 300->290, 350->340 /RS {200 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RK {240 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RM {290 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RG {340 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RIS {200 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RIK {240 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RIM {290 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RIG {340 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RBS {200 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /RBK {240 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /RBM {290 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /RBG {340 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /TS_mde {RS (-) showde TS} bind def /TK_mde {RK (-) showde TK} bind def /TM_mde {RM (-) showde TM} bind def /TG_mde {RG (-) showde TG} bind def /TIS_mde {RIS (-) showde TIS} bind def /TIK_mde {RIK (-) showde TIK} bind def /TIM_mde {RIM (-) showde TIM} bind def /TIG_mde {RIG (-) showde TIG} bind def /TBS_mde {RBS (-) showde TBS} bind def /TBK_mde {RBK (-) showde TBK} bind def /TBM_mde {RBM (-) showde TBM} bind def /TBG_mde {RBG (-) showde TBG} bind def /TBIS_mde {RBIS (-) showde TBIS} bind def /TBIK_mde {RBIK (-) showde TBIK} bind def /TBIM_mde {RBIM (-) showde TBIM} bind def /TBIG_mde {RBIG (-) showde TBIG} bind def /TS_men {RS (-) showen TS} bind def /TK_men {RK (-) showen TK} bind def /TM_men {RM (-) showen TM} bind def /TG_men {RG (-) showen TG} bind def /TIS_men {RIS (-) showen TIS} bind def /TIK_men {RIK (-) showen TIK} bind def /TIM_men {RIM (-) showen TIM} bind def /TIG_men {RIG (-) showen TIG} bind def /TBS_men {RBS (-) showen TBS} bind def /TBK_men {RBK (-) showen TBK} bind def /TBM_men {RBM (-) showen TBM} bind def /TBG_men {RBG (-) showen TBG} bind def /TBIS_men {RBIS (-) showen TBIS} bind def /TBIK_men {RBIK (-) showen TBIK} bind def /TBIM_men {RBIM (-) showen TBIM} bind def /TBIG_men {RBIG (-) showen TBIG} bind def /TK {240 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TM {290 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TG {340 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIK {240 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIM {290 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIG {340 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBK {240 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBM {290 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBG {340 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIK {240 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIM {290 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIG {340 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /SK {240 1 sub /Symbol FS} bind def /SM {290 1 sub /Symbol FS} bind def /SG {340 1 sub /Symbol FS} bind def %XCHA01.PS BEG /rec %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch def /width exch def moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colrecfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecst %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec stroke} bind def /rem %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch 0.5 mul def /width exch 0.5 mul def /yleftb exch heigth 0.5 mul add def /xleftb exch width 0.5 mul add def xleftb yleftb moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colremfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmykcolor rem fill} bind def /colremst %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmykcolor rem stroke} bind def /tzr {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tzg {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0} bind def /tzb {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzc {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzm {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzy {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0} bind def /tzn {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.00} bind def %Graureihe /tzd {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.75} bind def /tzz {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50} bind def /tzh {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25} bind def /tzw {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00} bind def /tfr {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfg {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfb {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfc {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfm {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfy {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfrz {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfgz {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfbz {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfcz {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfmz {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfyz {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfn {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.00 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Graureihe /tfd {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.75 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfz {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfh {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfw {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /cvishow {cvi 10 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow2 {100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow3 {1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 7 string cvs show} def %%EndProlog gsave /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showea {1 lanind le {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colorMD colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetaMD pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output 5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def 75 85 moveto lanind cvishow (-) show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow xcolor cvishow xchart cvishow pchart cvishow colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave /xchart xchart1 def 4 /Times-ISOL1 FS 74 86 moveto (AGQ21-3N) show %xchart 0 eq {(N) show} % {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse 72 90 translate /yhoe 8500 def 0.01 MM dup scale 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 11200 0 rlineto 0 yhoe rlineto -11200 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 11200 0 rlineto 0 yhoe rlineto -11200 0 rlineto closepath stroke 0 yhoe 550 sub moveto 11200 0 rlineto stroke /ns {350 /Times-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /ks {350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /bs {350 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /js {350 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /ss {350 /Symbol FS show} bind def /is {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -90 rmoveto show 0 90 rmoveto} bind def /es {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 200 rmoveto show 0 -200 rmoveto} bind def /ipoint {350 /Times-ISOL1 FS 50 50 rmoveto show 50 -50 rmoveto} bind def /ip {(.) ipoint} bind def /ipr {(.) ipoint -40 0 rmoveto} bind def %20% kleiner /ns2 {280 /Times-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /ks2 {280 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /bs2 {280 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /js2 {280 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /is2 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 10 -40 rmoveto show -10 40 rmoveto TG} bind def /iks2 {200 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 10 -40 rmoveto show -10 40 rmoveto TG} bind def /es2 {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 160 rmoveto show 0 -160 rmoveto TG} bind def %40% kleiner /ns4 {230 /Times-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /ks4 {230 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /bs4 {230 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /js4 {230 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /is4 {160 /Times-ISOL1 FS 8 -48 rmoveto show -8 48 rmoveto TG} bind def /iks4 {160 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 8 -48 rmoveto show -8 48 rmoveto TG} bind def /es4 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 190 rmoveto show 0 -190 rmoveto TG} bind def /yd 600 def %y-Zeilenabstand %Spalten /S1 080 def /S2 500 def /S3 900 def /S4 6600 def /yz 600 def /yu0 3100 def /yu1 {yu0 200 add yz 0 mul add} bind def /yu2 {yu1 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu3 {yu2 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu4 {yu3 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu5 {yu4 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu6 {yu5 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu7 {yu6 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu8 {yu7 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu9 {yu8 50 add yz 1 mul add} bind def %Titeltext 100 yu9 moveto TBG (Farbabstandsformel LABJND 1985 ) showde %08560-3 1 (Colour-difference formula LABJND 1985 ) showea %18560-3 1 ((JND = just noticeable difference)) showde %08560-3 11 ((JND=just noticeable difference)) showea %18560-3 11 S1 yu8 moveto (D) ss (E) ks (*) es -100 0 rmoveto (JND) is ( = ) ns (D) ss (E) ks (*) es -100 0 rmoveto (85) is ( = ) ns (A) ks (0) is ( [ \050) ns (D) ss ( Y) ks (\051) ns (2) es ( + \050) ns (A) ns (3) is ( D) ss ( a") ks ipr (Y) ks (\051) ns (2) es ( + \050) ns (A) ns (4) is ( D) ss ( b") ks ipr (Y) ks (\051) ns (2) es (]) ns (1/2) es ( / \050) ns (A) ns (1) is ( + ) ns (A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks (\051) ns S1 yu7 yd 0 mul sub moveto (a) ks S2 yu7 yd 0 mul sub moveto ( = ) ns S3 yu7 moveto (x / y) ks ( a) ns (n) is ( = ) ns (x) ns (n) is ( / ) ns (y) ns (n) is ( b) ks ( = - 0,4 ) ns (z) ks ( / ) ns (Y) ks ( b) ns (n) is ( = - 0,4 ) ns (z) ns (n) is ( / ) ns (y) ns (n) is S1 yu6 moveto (a") ks S2 yu6 moveto ( = ) ns S3 yu6 moveto (a) ns (n) is ( + \050 ) ns (a) ks ( - a) ns (n) is (\051 / \050 1 + 0,5 ) ns (\275) ss (a) ks ( - a) ns (n) is (\275) ss ( \051) ns S1 yu5 moveto (b") ks S2 yu5 moveto ( = ) ns S3 yu5 moveto (b) ns (n) is ( + \050 ) ns (b) ks ( - b) ns (n) is (\051 / \050 1 + 0,5 ) ns (\275) ss (b) ks ( - b) ns (n) is (\275) ss ( \051) ns TG S4 yu5 400 add moveto (n = D65 oder A (Umfeld)) showde %08560-3 2 (n = D65 or A (background)) showea %18560-3 2 S1 yu4 moveto (Y) ks S2 yu4 moveto ( = ) ns S3 yu4 moveto (\050 ) ns (Y) ks (1) is ( + ) ns (Y) ks (2) is ( \051 / 2) ns ( ) ns (D) ss 50 0 rmoveto (Y) ks ( = ) ns (Y) ks (1) is ( - ) ns (Y) ks (2) is ( ) ns (D) ss 50 0 rmoveto (a") ks ( = ) ns (a") ks -150 0 rmoveto (1) is ( - ) ns (a") ks -150 0 rmoveto (2) is ( ) ns (D) ss 50 0 rmoveto (b") ks ( = ) ns (b") ks -150 0 rmoveto (1) is ( - ) ns (b") ks -150 0 rmoveto (2) is S1 yu3 moveto (A) ns (1) is ( = 0,0170) ns ( A) ns (2) is ( = 0,0058) ns S1 yu2 moveto (A) ns (3) is ( = 1,0) ns ( A) ns (4) is ( = 1,8) ns ( A) ns (0) is ( = 1,5) ns ( Umfeld D65 ) showde %08560-3 3 ( background D65 ) showea %18560-3 3 S1 yu1 moveto (A) ns (3) is ( = 1,0) ns ( A) ns (4) is ( = 1,7) ns ( A) ns (0) is ( = 1,0) ns ( Umfeld A) showde %08560-3 4 ( background A) showen %18560-3 4 /yv1 yu1 yd 1.0 mul sub def /yv2 yu1 yd 2.1 mul sub def /yv3 yu1 yd 3.1 mul sub def /yv4 yu1 yd 4.1 mul sub def /yv5 yu1 yd 5.1 mul sub def TBG S1 yv1 moveto (Gerade erkennbarer Unterschied (JND) ) showde %08560-3 11 (Just noticeable difference (JND) ) showea %18560-3 11 (in vier Farbrichtungen) showde (in four colour directions) showea /xt 920 def /xtt 6500 def S1 yv2 moveto (D) ss (Y) ks S1 xt add yv2 moveto ( = const \050) ns (A) ns (1) is ( + ) ns (A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks ( \051 / A) ns (0) is S1 xtt add yv2 moveto TG (in Leuchtdichte) showde TG_mde (Richtung ) showde (in luminance direction ) showea TIG (WN) show S1 yv3 moveto (D) ss (a") ks ipr (Y) ks S1 xt add yv3 moveto ( = const \050) ns (A) ns (1) is ( + ) ns (A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks ( \051 / \050A) ns (0) is ip ( A) ns (3) is (\051) ns S1 xtt add yv3 moveto TG (in Farbartrichtung ) showde (in chromaticity direction ) showea (RG) ks S1 yv4 moveto (D) ss (b") ks TBG ip TIG (Y) show S1 xt add yv4 moveto ( = const \050) ns (A) ns (1) is ( + ) ns (A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks ( \051 / \050A) ns (0) is ip ( A) ns (4) is (\051) show S1 xtt add yv4 moveto TG (in Farbartrichtung ) showde (in chromaticity direction ) showea (YB) ks S1 yv5 moveto (D) ss (c) ks (ab) is -50 0 rmoveto (") ns -20 0 rmoveto ipr (Y) ks S1 xt add yv5 moveto ( = const \050) ns (A) ns (1) is (+) ns (A) ns (2) is ip (Y) ks ( \051/\050A) ns (0) is ip ([A) ns (3) is (2) es (+A) ns (4) is (2) es (]) ns (1/2) es (\051) ns S1 xtt add yv5 moveto TG (in jede Farbartrichtung ) showde (in any chromaticity direction ) showea (c) ns (ab) is showpage grestore %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 219 MM 06 MM sub SHAr add 108 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 24 %line 459 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 AGQ21-4, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (AGQ21-4,) show 72 90 translate %! 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %! 15 setlinewidth %! 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto %! closepath stroke grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 161 MM 06 MM sub SHSr sub 064 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 25 %line 469 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 AGQ21-5, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (AGQ21-5,) show 72 90 translate %! 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %! 15 setlinewidth %! 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto %! closepath stroke grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 219 MM 06 MM sub SHAr add 064 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 26 %line 479 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 AGQ21-6, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (AGQ21-6,) show 72 90 translate %! 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %! 15 setlinewidth %! 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto %! closepath stroke grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 161 MM 06 MM sub SHSr sub 020 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 27 %line 489 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ21-7 %%BoundingBox: 70 83 392 335 %START PDFDE011.EPS /pdfmark17 where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark17 /cleartomark load put} ifelse /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn (]) cvn load put} if [/Title (PostScript pictures: farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ2.HTM) /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2020110112000) /ModDate (D:20201101112000) /DOCINFO pdfmark17 [ /View [ /Fit ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark17 %END PDFDE011 %SETCMYK_OLV.PS /setcmyk_olvcolor %transfer cmyk to olv {/ncolor exch def /ycolor exch def /mcolor exch def /ccolor exch def ncolor 0 eq {1 ccolor sub 1 mcolor sub 1 ycolor sub setrgbcolor } {ccolor 0 eq mcolor 0 eq and ycolor 0 eq and {%only black n 1 ncolor sub dup dup setrgbcolor } {%cmy and black n 1 ccolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 mcolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul 1 ycolor sub 1 ncolor sub mul setrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Times-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesB-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-BoldItalic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesBI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def /str {8 string } bind def %special 250->240, 300->290, 350->340 /RS {200 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RK {240 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RM {290 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RG {340 /Times-Roman FS} bind def /RIS {200 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RIK {240 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RIM {290 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RIG {340 /Times-Italic FS} bind def /RBS {200 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /RBK {240 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /RBM {290 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /RBG {340 /Times-Bold FS} bind def /TS_mde {RS (-) showde TS} bind def /TK_mde {RK (-) showde TK} bind def /TM_mde {RM (-) showde TM} bind def /TG_mde {RG (-) showde TG} bind def /TIS_mde {RIS (-) showde TIS} bind def /TIK_mde {RIK (-) showde TIK} bind def /TIM_mde {RIM (-) showde TIM} bind def /TIG_mde {RIG (-) showde TIG} bind def /TBS_mde {RBS (-) showde TBS} bind def /TBK_mde {RBK (-) showde TBK} bind def /TBM_mde {RBM (-) showde TBM} bind def /TBG_mde {RBG (-) showde TBG} bind def /TBIS_mde {RBIS (-) showde TBIS} bind def /TBIK_mde {RBIK (-) showde TBIK} bind def /TBIM_mde {RBIM (-) showde TBIM} bind def /TBIG_mde {RBIG (-) showde TBIG} bind def /TS_men {RS (-) showen TS} bind def /TK_men {RK (-) showen TK} bind def /TM_men {RM (-) showen TM} bind def /TG_men {RG (-) showen TG} bind def /TIS_men {RIS (-) showen TIS} bind def /TIK_men {RIK (-) showen TIK} bind def /TIM_men {RIM (-) showen TIM} bind def /TIG_men {RIG (-) showen TIG} bind def /TBS_men {RBS (-) showen TBS} bind def /TBK_men {RBK (-) showen TBK} bind def /TBM_men {RBM (-) showen TBM} bind def /TBG_men {RBG (-) showen TBG} bind def /TBIS_men {RBIS (-) showen TBIS} bind def /TBIK_men {RBIK (-) showen TBIK} bind def /TBIM_men {RBIM (-) showen TBIM} bind def /TBIG_men {RBIG (-) showen TBIG} bind def /TK {240 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TM {290 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TG {340 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIK {240 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIM {290 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIG {340 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBK {240 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBM {290 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBG {340 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIK {240 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIM {290 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIG {340 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /SK {240 1 sub /Symbol FS} bind def /SM {290 1 sub /Symbol FS} bind def /SG {340 1 sub /Symbol FS} bind def %XCHA01.PS BEG /rec %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch def /width exch def moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colrecfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecst %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmyk_olvcolor rec stroke} bind def /rem %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch 0.5 mul def /width exch 0.5 mul def /yleftb exch heigth 0.5 mul add def /xleftb exch width 0.5 mul add def xleftb yleftb moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colremfi %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmykcolor rem fill} bind def /colremst %x y width heigth c m y k {setcmykcolor rem stroke} bind def /tzr {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tzg {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0} bind def /tzb {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzc {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzm {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzy {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0} bind def /tzn {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.00} bind def %Graureihe /tzd {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.75} bind def /tzz {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50} bind def /tzh {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25} bind def /tzw {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00} bind def /tfr {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfg {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfb {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfc {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfm {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfy {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfrz {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Reproduktionsfarben /tfgz {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfbz {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfcz {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfmz {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfyz {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.5 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfn {0.0 0.0 0.0 1.00 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def %Graureihe /tfd {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.75 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfz {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.50 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfh {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.25 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /tfw {0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /cvishow {cvi 10 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow2 {100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow3 {1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 7 string cvs show} def %%EndProlog gsave /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showea {1 lanind le {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colorMD colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetaMD pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output 5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def 75 85 moveto lanind cvishow (-) show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow xcolor cvishow xchart cvishow pchart cvishow colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave /xchart xchart1 def 4 /Times-ISOL1 FS 74 86 moveto (AGQ21-7N) show %xchart 0 eq {(N) show} % {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse 72 90 translate /yhoe 8500 def 0.01 MM dup scale 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 11200 0 rlineto 0 yhoe rlineto -11200 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto 11200 0 rlineto 0 yhoe rlineto -11200 0 rlineto closepath stroke 0 yhoe 550 sub moveto 11200 0 rlineto stroke /ns {350 /Times-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /ks {350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /bs {350 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /js {350 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show} bind def /ss {350 /Symbol FS show} bind def /is {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -90 rmoveto show 0 90 rmoveto} bind def /es {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 200 rmoveto show 0 -200 rmoveto} bind def /ipoint {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 50 50 rmoveto show 50 -50 rmoveto} bind def /ip {(.) ipoint} bind def /ipr {(.) ipoint -40 0 rmoveto} bind def %/ip {(\267) ns} bind def %20% kleiner /ns2 {280 /Times-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /ks2 {280 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /bs2 {280 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /js2 {280 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /is2 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 10 -40 rmoveto show -10 40 rmoveto TG} bind def /iks2 {200 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 10 -40 rmoveto show -10 40 rmoveto TG} bind def /es2 {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 160 rmoveto show 0 -160 rmoveto TG} bind def %/ip2 {(\267) ns2} bind def %40% kleiner /ns4 {230 /Times-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /ks4 {230 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /bs4 {230 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /js4 {230 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS show TG} bind def /is4 {160 /Times-ISOL1 FS 8 -48 rmoveto show -8 48 rmoveto TG} bind def /iks4 {160 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 8 -48 rmoveto show -8 48 rmoveto TG} bind def /es4 {200 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 190 rmoveto show 0 -190 rmoveto TG} bind def %/ip4 {(\267) ns4} bind def /yd 600 def %y-Zeilenabstand %Spalten /S1 080 def /S2 500 def /S3 900 def /S4 6600 def /yz 600 def /yu0 3100 def /yu1 {yu0 200 add yz 0 mul add} bind def /yu2 {yu1 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu3 {yu2 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu4 {yu3 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu5 {yu4 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu6 {yu5 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu7 {yu6 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu8 {yu7 000 add yz 1 mul add} bind def /yu9 {yu8 50 add yz 1 mul add} bind def %Titeltext 100 yu9 moveto TBG (Farbabstandsformel LABJND 1985 ) showde %08560-3 1 (Colour-difference formula LABJND 1985 ) showea %18560-3 1 (nur f\374r unbunte Farben) showde %08560-3 11 (only for achromatic colours) showea %18560-3 11 S1 yu8 moveto (D) ss (E) ks (*) es -100 0 rmoveto (JND) is ( = ) ns (D) ss (E) ks (*) es -100 0 rmoveto (85) is ( = ) ns (A) ks (0) is ( [ \050) ns (D) ss ( Y) ks (\051) ns (2) es ( + \050) ns (A) ns (3) is ( D) ss ( a) ks ipr (Y) ks (\051) ns (2) es ( + \050) ns (A) ns (4) is ( D) ss ( b) ks ipr (Y) ks (\051) ns (2) es (]) ns (1/2) es ( / \050) ns (A) ns (1) is ( + ) ns (A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks (\051) ns S1 yu7 yd 0 mul sub moveto (a) ks S2 yu7 yd 0 mul sub moveto ( = ) ns S3 yu7 moveto (x / y) ks %( a) ns (n) is ( = ) ns % (x) ns (n) is ( / ) ns % (y) ns (n) is ( b) ks ( = - 0,4 ) ns (z) ks ( / ) ns (y) ks % ( b) ns (n) is ( = - 0,4 ) ns % (z) ns (n) is ( / ) ns % (y) ns (n) is S1 yu6 moveto (Y) ks S2 yu6 moveto ( = ) ns S3 yu6 moveto (\050 ) ns (Y) ks (1) is ( + ) ns (Y) ks (2) is ( \051 / 2) ns ( ) ns (D) ss 50 0 rmoveto (Y) ks ( = ) ns (Y) ks (1) is ( - ) ns (Y) ks (2) is ( ) ns (D) ss 50 0 rmoveto (a) ks ( = ) ns (a) ks (1) is ( - ) ns (a) ks (2) is ( ) ns (D) ss 50 0 rmoveto (b) ks ( = ) ns (b) ks (1) is ( - ) ns (b) ks (2) is S1 yu5 moveto (A) ns (1) is ( = 0,0170) ns ( A) ns (2) is ( = 0,0058) ns S1 yu4 moveto (A) ns (3) is ( = 1,0) ns ( A) ns (4) is ( = 1,8) ns ( A) ns (0) is ( = 1,5) ns ( Umfeld D65 ) showde %08560-3 3 ( background D65 ) showea %18560-3 3 S1 yu3 moveto (A) ns (3) is ( = 1,0) ns ( A) ns (4) is ( = 1,7) ns ( A) ns (0) is ( = 1,0) ns ( Umfeld A) showde %08560-3 4 ( background A) showen %18560-3 4 /yv1 yu3 yd 0.9 mul sub def /yv2 yu3 yd 1.8 mul sub def /yv3 yu3 yd 2.8 mul sub def /yv4 yu3 yd 3.8 mul sub def /yv5 yu3 yd 4.8 mul sub def /yv6 yu3 yd 5.9 mul sub def /yv7 yu3 yd 7.0 mul sub def TBG S1 40 sub yv1 moveto (Erkennbarer Unterschied (JND) ) showde %08560-3 11 (Just noticeable difference (JND) ) showea %18560-3 11 (in drei Farbrichtungen und Linienelemente) showde (in three colour directions and line elements) showea /xt 1900 def /xtt 6900 def /xt2 6800 def S1 yv2 moveto (A) ns (0) is ip (D) ss (Y) ks S1 xt add yv2 moveto ( = \050) ns (A) ns (1) is ( + ) ns (A) ns (2) is ip (Y) ks ( \051) ns S1 xtt add yv2 moveto TG (in Leuchtdichte) showde TG_mde (Richtung ) showde (in luminance direction ) showea TIG (WN) show S1 yv3 moveto (A) ns (0) is ip (D) ss (a) ks ip (A) ns (3) is ipr (Y) ks S1 xt add yv3 moveto ( = \050) ns (A) ns (1) is ( + ) ns (A) ns (2) is ip (Y) ks ( \051) ns S1 xtt add yv3 moveto TG (in Farbartrichtung ) showde (in chromaticity direction ) showea (RG) ks S1 yv4 moveto (A) ns (0) is ip (D) ss (b) ks TBG ip (A) ns (4) is ipr (Y) ks S1 xt add yv4 moveto ( = \050) ns (A) ns (1) is ( + ) ns (A) ns (2) is ip (Y) ks ( \051) ns S1 xtt add yv4 moveto TG (in Farbartrichtung ) showde (in chromaticity direction ) showea (YB) ks /xt1 1000 def S1 yv5 moveto (dE*) ks -50 0 rmoveto (85,L) is S1 xt1 add yv7 moveto S1 950 add yv5 moveto (=) ns 050 150 rmoveto (__) ns -250 030 rmoveto (d) ss -300 -350 rmoveto (d) ss (Y) ks 50 170 rmoveto (L*) ks -50 0 rmoveto (85) is S1 2200 add yv5 moveto (=) ns %(dY) ks ip 050 150 rmoveto (__) ns -250 030 rmoveto (d) ss -300 -350 rmoveto (d) ss (Y) ks 50 170 rmoveto ([\050) ns (A) ns (0) is ( / ) ns (A) ns (2) is (\051) ns ipr (ln) ks ( \050 A) ns (1) is ( + A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks ( \051]) ns S1 xt2 add 230 add yv5 moveto (= ) ns (A) ns (0) is ip (dY) ks ( / \050 A) ns (1) is ( + A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks (\051) ns S1 yv6 moveto (dE*) ks -50 0 rmoveto (85,a) is S1 xt1 add yv6 moveto S1 950 add yv6 moveto (=) ns 050 150 rmoveto (__) ns -250 030 rmoveto (d) ss -300 -350 rmoveto (d) ss (a) ks 50 170 rmoveto (a*) ks -50 0 rmoveto (85) is S1 2200 add yv6 moveto (=) ns %(db) ks ip 050 150 rmoveto (__) ns -250 030 rmoveto (d) ss -300 -350 rmoveto (d) ss (a) ks 50 170 rmoveto ([\050) ns (A) ns (0) is ip (A) ns (3) is ipr (Y) ks ip (a) ks (\051 / \050 A) ns (1) is ( + A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks ( \051]) ns S1 xt2 add 230 add yv6 moveto (= ) ns (A) ns (0) is ip (da) ks ip (A) ns (3) is ipr (Y) ks ( / \050 A) ns (1) is ( + A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks (\051) ns S1 yv7 moveto (dE*) ks -50 0 rmoveto (85,b) is S1 xt1 add yv7 moveto S1 950 add yv7 moveto (=) ns 050 150 rmoveto (__) ns -250 030 rmoveto (d) ss -300 -350 rmoveto (d) ss (b) ks 50 170 rmoveto (b*) ks -50 0 rmoveto (85) is S1 2200 add yv7 moveto (=) ns %(db) ks ip 050 150 rmoveto (__) ns -250 030 rmoveto (d) ss -300 -350 rmoveto (d) ss (b) ks 50 170 rmoveto ([\050) ns (A) ns (0) is ip (A) ns (4) is ipr (Y) ks ip (b) ks (\051 / \050 A) ns (1) is ( + A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks ( \051]) ns S1 xt2 add 230 add yv7 moveto (= ) ns (A) ns (0) is ip (db) ks ip (A) ns (4) is ipr (Y) ks ( / \050 A) ns (1) is ( + A) ns (2) is ipr (Y) ks (\051) ns showpage grestore %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 219 MM 06 MM sub SHAr add 020 MM translate 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS -9 MM -7 MM moveto ( ) show 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 28 %line 499 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 AGQ20-8, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (AGQ20-8,) show 72 90 translate %! 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %! 15 setlinewidth %! 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto %! closepath stroke grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 219 MM 080 MM add 008 MM translate %80 MM Breite von TestStreifen 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto () show 1 1 scale -77 21 MM sub -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 29 Teststreifen Ueberlaenge %line 509 %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF -0.0 MM -0.0 MM translate %xy-Verschiebung Rechteckrahmen nach innen% %%BeginDocument: Bild 30 %Rechteckrahmen %line 519 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 Frame arround with Internet text DG02 20070101 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 598 845 %%EndProlog gsave /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (N) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showea {1 lanind le {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanind1 01 def /lanind2 01 def /lanindd 01 def /colorm1 00 def /colorm2 00 def /colormd 01 def /deintp1 00 def /deintp2 00 def /deintpd 01 def /xcolor1 03 def /xcolor2 03 def /xcolord 01 def /xchart1 00 def /xchart2 00 def /xchartd 01 def /pchart1 00 def /pchart2 00 def /pchartd 01 def /colsep1 00 def /colsep2 00 def /colsepd 01 def /pmetam1 00 def /pmetam2 00 def /pmetamd 01 def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} if /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colormd colormdf def} if /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} if /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} if /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 1 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} if /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} if /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetamd pmetamdf def} if /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % /GSS$ where {pop /LSS$ GSS$ def} {/LSS$ (1) def} ifelse /GSC$ where {pop /LSC$ GSC$ def} {/LSC$ (N) def} ifelse /GSX$ where {pop /LSX$ GSX$ def} {/LSX$ (0) def} ifelse /GSY$ where {pop /LSY$ GSY$ def} {/LSY$ (0) def} ifelse /GEX$ where {pop /LEX$ GEX$ def} {/LEX$ (P.PS./PDF) def} ifelse /GEY$ where {pop /LEY$ GEY$ def} {/LEY$ (P.DAT) def} ifelse /IMES 0 def /i*ptrsc 0 def gsave 0 setgray 1.0 1.0 scale 0.0 MM 0.0 MM translate 0.15 MM setlinewidth /x 20 array def /y 20 array def /d 20 array def /x [000 296 296 000 002 294 294 002 005 291 291 005 %speziell 006 290 290 006 008 288 288 008 ] def /y [000 000 210 210 002 002 208 208 005 005 205 205 %speziell 006 006 204 204 008 008 202 202 ] def /d [060 017 -60 -17 058 015 -58 -15 056 013 -56 -13 054 011 -54 -11 052 009 -52 -09 ] def colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if xchart 1 ge {%xchart>=1 /i0 12 def /i1 i0 1 add def /i2 i0 2 add def /i3 i0 3 add def 2.5 MM /Times-ISOL1 FS x i0 get MM 40 MM add y i0 get MM 1 MM sub moveto lanind cvishow (-) show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow xcolor cvishow xchart cvishow pchart cvishow colsep cvishow (-F) show pmetam cvishow } if %xchart>=1 /xt 1 def xchart 1 eq {/xt 1 def} if xt 0 eq {%xt=0,1 ifelse /i0 12 def /i1 i0 1 add def /i2 i0 2 add def /i3 i0 3 add def 2.5 MM /Times-ISOL1 FS x i0 get MM 110 MM add y i0 get MM 1 MM sub moveto ( show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow colorm 0 eq {(N) show} {(F) show} ifelse (P.PDF & ) show ( show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow colorm 0 eq {(N) show} {(F) show} ifelse (P.TXT & ) show ( show } %xt=0 { %xt=1 /xlu 017 MM def /ylu 017 MM def /xro 279 MM def /yro 193 MM def /xlo 017 MM def /ylo 193 MM def /xru 279 MM def /yru 017 MM def /xmo xlo xro xlo sub 0.5 mul add def /ymo yro 1 MM sub def xmo 1 MM sub ymo moveto 2 MM 0 rlineto stroke xmo ymo 1 MM sub moveto 0 1 MM rlineto stroke xlu 8 MM sub ylu moveto 16 MM 0 rlineto stroke xlu ylu 8 MM sub moveto 0 16 MM rlineto stroke xro 8 MM add yro moveto -16 MM 0 rlineto stroke xro yro 8 MM add moveto 0 -16 MM rlineto stroke xru 8 MM sub yru moveto 16 MM 0 rlineto stroke xru yru 8 MM sub moveto 0 16 MM rlineto stroke xlo 8 MM add ylo moveto -16 MM 0 rlineto stroke xlo ylo 8 MM add moveto 0 -16 MM rlineto stroke 1 2 7 {/i exch def %Zentrierkreise xlu ylu i MM 0 360 arc stroke xro yro i MM 0 360 arc stroke xru yru i MM 0 360 arc stroke xlo ylo i MM 0 360 arc stroke } for %i 12 4 16 {/i exch def /i0 i def %i=0,16 %0 4 16 {/i exch def /i0 i def %i=0,16 /i1 i0 1 add def /i2 i0 2 add def /i3 i0 3 add def i 16 eq {0.30 MM setlinewidth} {0.15 MM setlinewidth} ifelse 0 setgray x i0 get MM y i0 get MM moveto x i1 get MM y i1 get MM lineto x i2 get MM y i2 get MM lineto x i3 get MM y i3 get MM lineto x i0 get MM y i0 get MM lineto stroke i 16 eq {6 /Times-ISOL1 FS /x00 67 def /xdif 32 def /y0o 202.3 def /y0u 6.3 def /x0l 6.1 def /x0r 288 def /y00 22 def /ydif 32 def x00 xdif 0 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (V) show x00 xdif 0 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (C) show x00 xdif 1 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (L) show x00 xdif 1 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (M) show x00 xdif 2 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (O) show x00 xdif 2 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (Y) show x00 xdif 3 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (Y) show x00 xdif 3 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (O) show x00 xdif 4 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (M) show x00 xdif 4 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (L) show x00 xdif 5 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (C) show x00 xdif 5 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (V) show x0l MM y00 ydif 0 mul add MM moveto (V) show x0r MM y00 ydif 0 mul add MM moveto (C) show x0l MM y00 ydif 1 mul add MM moveto (L) show x0r MM y00 ydif 1 mul add MM moveto (M) show x0l MM y00 ydif 2 mul add MM moveto (O) show x0r MM y00 ydif 2 mul add MM moveto (Y) show x0l MM y00 ydif 3 mul add MM moveto (Y) show x0r MM y00 ydif 3 mul add MM moveto (O) show x0l MM y00 ydif 4 mul add MM moveto (M) show x0r MM y00 ydif 4 mul add MM moveto (L) show x0l MM y00 ydif 5 mul add MM moveto (C) show x0r MM y00 ydif 5 mul add MM moveto (V) show } if } for %i=0,16 0 1 10 {/j0 exch def /j1 j0 1 add def %j0 j0 0 eq {tzccmy0* setcmykcolor} if j0 1 eq {0 setgray} if j0 2 eq {tzmcmy0* setcmykcolor} if j0 3 eq {0 setgray} if j0 4 eq {tzycmy0* setcmykcolor} if j0 5 eq {0 setgray} if j0 6 eq {tzocmy0* setcmykcolor} if j0 7 eq {0 setgray} if j0 8 eq {tzlcmy0* setcmykcolor} if j0 9 eq {0 setgray} if j0 10 eq {tzvcmy0* setcmykcolor} if 12 4 16 {/i exch def /i0 i def %i=0,16 %0 4 16 {/i exch def /i0 i def %i=0,16 /i1 i0 1 add def /i2 i0 2 add def /i3 i0 3 add def i 16 eq {0.30 MM setlinewidth} {0.15 MM setlinewidth} ifelse x i0 get d i0 get add 16 j0 mul add MM y i0 get MM moveto x i0 get d i0 get add 16 j1 mul add MM y i0 get MM lineto stroke x i1 get MM y i1 get d i1 get add 16 j0 mul add MM moveto x i1 get MM y i1 get d i1 get add 16 j1 mul add MM lineto stroke x i2 get d i2 get add 16 j0 mul sub MM y i2 get MM moveto x i2 get d i2 get add 16 j1 mul sub MM y i2 get MM lineto stroke x i3 get MM y i3 get d i3 get add 16 j0 mul sub MM moveto x i3 get MM y i3 get d i3 get add 16 j1 mul sub MM lineto stroke } for %i=0,16 } for %j0 0.15 MM setlinewidth /s 7 MM def /s1 8 MM def /s5 36 MM def 16 1 20 {/j exch def /j0 j 16 sub def %j=16,20 /ix0 xlu 8 MM add j0 7 MM mul add def /iy0 ylu 8 MM sub def 0 1 3 {/ij exch def %ij=0,3 ij 0 eq {/ix0 xlu 8 MM add j0 7 MM mul add def /iy0 ylu 8 MM sub def} if ij 1 eq {/ix0 xru 43 MM sub j0 7 MM mul add def /iy0 yru 8 MM sub def} if ij 2 eq {/ix0 xlo 8 MM add j0 7 MM mul add def /iy0 ylo 1 MM add def} if ij 3 eq {/ix0 xro 43 MM sub j0 7 MM mul add def /iy0 yro 1 MM add def} if i*ptrsc 0 eq i*ptrsc 2 eq or {%i*ptrsc=0,2 cmy0* setcmykcolor j 16 eq {tzan j get dup dup 0 setcmykcolor ix0 0.5 MM sub iy0 0.5 MM sub s5 s1 rec fill} if tzan j get dup dup 0 setcmykcolor ix0 iy0 s s rec fill } if %i*ptrsc=0,2 i*ptrsc 1 eq i*ptrsc 3 eq or {%i*ptrsc=1,3 www* setrgbcolor j 16 eq {1 tzan j get 1 sub dup dup setrgbcolor %N ix0 0.5 MM sub iy0 0.5 MM sub s5 s1 rec fill} if 1 tzan j get sub dup dup setrgbcolor %N ix0 iy0 s s rec fill } if %i*ptrsc=1,3 i*ptrsc 4 eq i*ptrsc 5 eq or {%i*ptrsc=4,5 [/CIEBasedABC << %Farbraum und Grenzen fuer D65 /RangeABC [0 100 -128 127 -128 127] /DecodeABC [{16 add 116 div} bind {500 div} bind {200 div} bind] /MatrixABC [1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1] /DecodeLMN [{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 0.9505 mul} bind {dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse} bind {dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 1.0890 mul} bind] /WhitePoint [0.9505 1 1.089] %CIEXYZ fuer D65 >>] setcolorspace j 16 eq {tznLAB* 0 get tzwLAB* 0 get tznLAB* 0 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add tznLAB* 1 get tzwLAB* 1 get tznLAB* 1 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add tznLAB* 2 get tzwLAB* 2 get tznLAB* 2 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add setcolor %N ix0 0.5 MM sub iy0 0.5 MM sub s5 s1 rec fill} if tznLAB* 0 get tzwLAB* 0 get tznLAB* 0 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add tznLAB* 1 get tzwLAB* 1 get tznLAB* 1 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add tznLAB* 2 get tzwLAB* 2 get tznLAB* 2 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add setcolor %N ix0 iy0 s s rec fill } if %i*ptrsc=4,5 i*ptrsc 6 eq {%i*ptrsc=6 000n* setcmykcolor j 16 eq {0 0 0 tzan j get setcmykcolor ix0 0.5 MM sub iy0 0.5 MM sub s5 s1 rec fill} if 0 0 0 tzan j get setcmykcolor ix0 iy0 s s rec fill } if %i*ptrsc=6 i*ptrsc 7 eq {%i*ptrsc=7 w* setgray j 16 eq {1 tzan j get sub setgray ix0 0.5 MM sub iy0 0.5 MM sub s5 s1 rec fill} if 1 tzan j get sub setgray ix0 iy0 s s rec fill } if %i*ptrsc=7 } for %ij=0,3 } for %j=16,20 0 setgray 018 MM 008.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-8) show 018 MM 006.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-6) show 276 MM 008.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-8) show 276 MM 006.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-6) show 018 MM 202.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-8) show 018 MM 204.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-6) show 276 MM 202.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-8) show 276 MM 204.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-6) show /10TIN {10 /Times-ISOL1 FS} def /10TRN {10 /Times-Roman FS} def /12TIN {12 /Times-ISOL1 FS} def /12TRN {12 /Times-Roman FS} def /10TII {10 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} def /10TRI {10 /Times-Italic FS} def /12TII {12 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} def /12TRI {12 /Times-Italic FS} def /10TIB {10 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} def /10TRB {10 /Times-Bold FS} def /12TIB {12 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} def /12TRB {12 /Times-Bold FS} def /10TIBI {10 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} def /10TRBI {10 /Times-BoldItalic FS} def /12TIBI {12 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} def /12TRBI {12 /Times-BoldItalic FS} def %special /10TIN10 {10TIN 0 -3 rmoveto xcolor 1 eq {(10) show} if 0 3 rmoveto} def /10TINi10 {10TIN 0 -3 rmoveto (i) show xcolor 1 eq {(,10) show} if 0 3 rmoveto} def /TELi0 8 array def /TELi1 8 array def /TELi 8 array def /TELi0 [(P60) (P55) (P50) (P45) (P40) (P35) (P30) (P25)] def %7 illumin. /TELi1 [(D65) (D50) (P40) (A00) (E00) (C00) (P00) (Q00)] def %7 illumin. /xchart8 1 def %xchart8=0: Pxx, xchart8=1: Dxx 0 1 7 {/i exch def %i=0,7 xchart8 0 eq {%xchart8=0 TELi i TELi0 i get put }%xchart8=0 {%xchart8=1 TELi i TELi1 i get put } ifelse %xchart8=1 } for %i=0,7 /xchart41 0 def /xchart42 0 def 0 setgray 12TIN 61 MM 13.5 MM moveto (TUB\255Pr\374fvorlage AGQ2; ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 0000# (TUB\255test chart AGQ2; ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 0000# (gr\341fico TUB\255AGQ2; ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 0000# (TUB\255test graphique AGQ2; ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 0000# (grafico TUB\255AGQ2; ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 0000# (TUB\255test chart AGQ2; ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 0000# xchart41 0 eq {%xchart41=0 %F0,1 12TIN (Farbschwellen-Experimente) showde (Colour threshold experiments) showen } if %xchart41=0 61 MM 09.5 MM moveto 12TIN xchart42 0 eq {%xchart42=0 (Sehsituationen von separaten und aneinandergrenzenden Farben ) showde (Normfarbtafel (x, y), LABJND-Formel und -Linienelementen) showde (Viewing situations for separate and adjacent colours ) showen (chromaticity (x,y), LABJND formula and line elements) showen } if %xchart42=0 xchart 1 ge {%xchart>=1 12TIN (, 3D=) show colorm cvishow (, de=) show deintp cvishow 12TII xchart5f 0 eq {(, sRGB) show} if xchart5f 1 eq {(, cmyk) show} if xchart5f 2 eq {(, cmy0) show} if xchart5f 3 eq {(, cmyk) show} if colorm 1 eq {(*) show} if } if %xchart>=1 12TIN 182 MM 13.5 MM moveto (Eingabe: ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 0500# (input: ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 0500# (entrada: ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 0500# (entr\351e: ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 0500# (immettere: ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 0500# (input: ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 0500# 12TII (rgb/cmy0/000k/n) show %xchart41 0 eq {( (No 1MR)) show} % {(->rgb ) show % ((1MR)) show} ifelse %xchart xchart3 lt {(w/rgb/cmyk) show % } if %xchart xchart3 ge {%xchart>=xchart3 % (rgb) show % } if %xchart>=xchart3 %10 /Times-ISOL1 FS %0 -2 rmoveto Txx show 0 2 rmoveto %12TIN %12TIN %182 MM 9.5 MM moveto %(Ausgabe: ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 0600# %(output: ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 0600# %(salida: ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 0600# %(sortie: ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 0600# %(uscita: ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 0600# %(output: ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 0600# %colorm=0,1! 12TIN xchart 0 eq {%xchart=0,#0 xchart41 0 eq {12TIN %(no change) showen %(keine \304nderung) showde } {12TIN (change of gamma ) showen (\304nderung Gamma ) showde 12TII (g) show 10TIN 0 -2 rmoveto (P) show 0 2 rmoveto} ifelse %12TIN %(rechts) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 0700# %(right) showea %1AGQ2X-Y 0700# %(ning\372n cambio) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 0700# %(aucun changement) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 0700# %(nessun cambiamento) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 0700# %(no change compared) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 0700# }%xchart=0 {%xchart#0 12TIN colorm 0 eq {%colorm=0 (Transfer nach ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 0800# (transfer to ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 0800# (transfiera a ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 0800# (transf\351rer \340 ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 0800# (trasferire a ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 0800# (transfer to ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 0800# }%colorm=0 {%colorm=1 (3D\255Linearisierung ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 0900# (3D\255linearization to ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 0900# (3D\255linealizaci\363n a ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 0900# (linearisation 3D selon ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 0900# (3D\255linearizzazione a ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 0900# (3D\255linearization to ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 0900# } ifelse %colorm=1 12TII xchart5f 0 eq {(rgb) show} if xchart5f 1 eq {(cmyk) show} if xchart5f 2 eq {(cmy0) show} if xchart5f 3 eq {(cmyk) show} if colorm 1 eq {(*) show} if 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -2 rmoveto Txx show 0 2 rmoveto 12TIN } ifelse %xchart=0,#0 %0 setgray %end white and unvisible 12TIN 62 MM 198.5 MM moveto 12TRN (http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ2L) show 12TIN (0) show % LSC$ show LEX$ show xchart41 4 le {(; only vector graphic VG) showen (; nur Vektorgrafik VG) showde} if % {(; VG with ISO\255PG image) showen % (; VG mit ISO\255PG\255Bild) showde} ifelse %1 setgray %start white and unvisible (; ) show xchart 0 eq { (Start\255Ausgabe) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 1000# (start output) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 1000# (comience salida) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 1000# (sortie de production) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 1000# (cominciare l'uscita) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 1000# (start output) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 1000# } if LSC$ (C) eq { (Start\255Ausgabe) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 1100# (start output) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 1100# (comience salida) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 1100# (sortie de production) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 1100# (cominciare l'uscita) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 1100# (start output) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 1100# } if xchart 1 ge {%xchart>=1 colorm 0 eq {%colorm=0,1 (Transfer Ausgabe) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 1200# (transfer output) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 1200# (salida de transferencia) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 1200# (sortie de transfert) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 1200# (uscita di trasferimento) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 1200# (transfer output) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 1200# }%colorm=0 {%colorm=1 (3D\255Linearisierung) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 1300# (3D\255linearization) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 1300# (3D\255linealizaci\363n) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 1300# (linearisation 3D) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 1300# (3D\255linearizzzazione) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 1300# (3D\255linearization) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 1300# } ifelse %colorm=0,1 } if %xchart>=1 62 MM 194 MM moveto LSC$ (N) eq LSC$ (C) eq or { (N: Keine 3D\255Linearisierung (OL) ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 1400# (N: no 3D\255linearization (OL) ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 1400# (N: ninguna 3D\255linealizaci\363n (OL) ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 1400# (N: aucun linearisation 3D (OL) ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 1400# (N: nessun 3D\255linearizzazione (OL) ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 1400# (N: no 3D\255linearization (OL) ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 1400# (in Datei (F) oder PS\255Startup (S)) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 1500# (in file (F) or PS\255startup (S)) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 1500# (en archivo (F) o PS\255startup (S)) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 1500# (dans fichier (F) ou PS\255startup (S)) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 1500# (nel file (F) o PS\255startup (S)) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 1500# (in file (F) or PS\255startup (S)) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 1500# } {LSC$ show (: ) show (3D\255Linearisierung) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 1600# (3D\255linearization) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 1600# (3D\255linealizaci\363n) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 1600# (linearisation 3D) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 1600# (3D\255linearizzzazione) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 1600# (3D\255linearization) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 1600# ( AGQ2/AGQ2L) show LSS$ show LSX$ show (0) show % LSC$ show LEY$ show } ifelse LSC$ (F) eq { ( in Datei (F)) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 1700# ( in file (F)) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 1700# ( en archivo (F)) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 1700# ( dans fichier (F)) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 1700# ( nel file (F)) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 1700# ( in file (F)) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 1700# } if LSC$ (S) eq { ( im Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 1800# ( in Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 1800# ( en el Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 1800# ( dans le Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 1800# ( nel Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 1800# ( in Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 1800# } if LSC$ (D) eq { ( in PS\255Device (D)) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 1900# ( in PS\255device (D)) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 1900# ( en el PS\255device (D)) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 1900# ( dans l'appareil PS (D)) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 1900# ( nel PS\255dispositivo (D)) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 1900# ( in PS\255Device (D)) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 1900# } if LSC$ (T) eq { ( im Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 2000# ( in Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 2000# ( en el Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 2000# ( dans le Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 2000# ( nel Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 2000# ( in Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 2000# } if LSC$ (E) eq { ( in PS\255Device (D)) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 2100# ( in PS\255device (D)) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 2100# ( en el PS\255device (D)) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 2100# ( dans appareil PS (D)) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 2100# ( nel PS\255dispositivo (D)) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 2100# ( in PS\255Device (D)) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 2100# } if %0 setgray %end white and unvisible %(, Seite ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 2200# %(, page ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 2200# %(, p\341gina ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 2200# %(, page ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 2200# %(, pagina ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 2200# %(, page ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 2200# %xchart 1 add cvishow (/) show %xchartm cvishow 16 MM 185 MM moveto -90 rotate (Siehe \344hnliche Dateien: ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 2300# (see similar files: ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 2300# (vea archivos semejantes: ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 2300# (voir des fichiers similaires: ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 2300# (vedere dei file simili: ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 2300# (see similar files: ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 2300# 12TRN (http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AGQ2/AGQ2.HTM) show 12TIN %(0) show % %LSC$ show LEX$ show 90 rotate 12 MM 185 MM moveto -90 rotate (Technische Information: ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 2400# (technical information: ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 2400# (informaci\363n t\351cnica: ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 2400# (informations techniques: ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 2400# (informazioni tecniche: ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 2400# (technical information: ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 2400# 12TRN (http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de) show 12TIN ( oder ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 2500# ( or ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 2500# ( o ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 2500# ( ou ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 2500# ( o ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 2500# ( or ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 2500# 12TRN ( show 12TIN 90 rotate 281 MM 185 MM moveto -90 rotate (TUB\255Registrierung: 20201101\255AGQ2/AGQ2L) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 2600# (TUB registration: 20201101\255AGQ2/AGQ2L) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 2600# (TUB matr\355cula: 20201101\255AGQ2/AGQ2L) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 2600# (TUB enregistrement: 20201101\255AGQ2/AGQ2L) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 2600# (TUB iscrizione: 20201101\255AGQ2/AGQ2L) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 2600# (TUB registration: 20201101\255AGQ2/AGQ2L) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 2600# (0) show % LSC$ show LEX$ show 90 rotate 281 MM 74 MM moveto -90 rotate (TUB\255Material: Code=rha4ta) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 2700# (TUB material: code=rha4ta) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 2700# (TUB material: code=rha4ta) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 2700# (TUB mat\351riel: code=rha4ta) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 2700# (TUB materiale: code=rha4ta) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 2700# (TUB material: code=rha4ta) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 2700# 90 rotate 277 MM 185 MM moveto -90 rotate /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 7 string cvs show} def ( Anwendung f\374r Beurteilung und Messung ) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 2800# ( application for evaluation and measurement ) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 2800# ( aplicaci\363n para la medida ) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 2800# ( application pour la mesure ) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 2800# ( la domanda per la misura ) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 2800# ( application for measurement ) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 2800# xchart5f 0 eq {%xchart5f=0 (von Display\255 oder Druck\255Ausgabe) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 2900# (of display or print output) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 2900# (de display output) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 2900# (de sortie sur \350cran) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 2900# (di stampa di display) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 2900# (of display output) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 2900# } if %xchart5f=0 xchart5f 1 eq xchart5f 2 eq or {%xchart5f=1,2 (von Offsetdruck\255Ausgabe) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 3000# (of offset print output) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 3000# (salida en la impressi\363n offset) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 3000# (des sorties sur offset) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 3000# (uscita nella stampa di offset) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 3000# (of offset print output) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 3000# } if %xchart5f=1,2 xchart5f 3 eq {%xchart5f=3 (von Laserdrucker\255Ausgabe) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 3100# (of laser printer output) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 3100# (salida de impresora l\341ser) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 3100# (des sorties sur imprimante laser) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 3100# (di uscita della stampante laser) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 3100# (of laser printer output) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 3100# } if %xchart5f=3 xchart 1 ge {%xchart>=1 xchart5f 0 eq {%xchart5f=0 (, keine Separation) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 3200# (, no separation) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 3200# (, ninguna separaci\363n) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 3200# (, aucune s\351paration) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 3200# (, nessuna separazione) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 3200# (, no separation) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 3200# } if %chart5f=0 xchart5f 1 ge {%xchart5f>=1 (, Separation) showde %0AGQ2X-Y 3300# (, separation) showen %1AGQ2X-Y 3300# (, separaci\363n) showes %2AGQ2X-Y 3300# (, s\351paration) showfr %3AGQ2X-Y 3300# (, separazione) showit %4AGQ2X-Y 3300# (, separation) showjp %5AGQ2X-Y 3300# xchart5f 1 eq xchart5f 3 eq or {(cmyn6) show} if xchart5f 2 eq {(cmy0) show} if colorm 1 eq {(*) show} if colsep 0 eq {( (CMYK))}{( (CMY0))} ifelse show } if %xchart5f>=1 } if %xchart>=1 IMES 1 eq LSC$ (N) ne and { %IMES=1 (, Yr=) show Yre cvsshow1 (, XYZ) show } if %IMES=1 90 rotate /i0 8 def /i1 i0 1 add def /i2 i0 2 add def /i3 i0 3 add def 0.30 MM setlinewidth 0 setgray x i0 get MM y i0 get MM moveto x i1 get MM y i1 get MM lineto x i2 get MM y i2 get MM lineto x i3 get MM y i3 get MM lineto x i0 get MM y i0 get MM lineto stroke %/xlu1 013 MM def /ylu1 010 MM def %/xro1 283 MM def /yro1 200 MM def %/xlo1 013 MM def /ylo1 200 MM def %/xru1 283 MM def /yru1 010 MM def %xlu1 4 MM sub ylu1 moveto 8 MM 0 rlineto stroke %xlu1 ylu1 4 MM sub moveto 0 8 MM rlineto stroke %xro1 4 MM add yro1 moveto -8 MM 0 rlineto stroke %xro1 yro1 4 MM add moveto 0 -8 MM rlineto stroke %xru1 4 MM sub yru1 moveto 8 MM 0 rlineto stroke %xru1 yru1 4 MM sub moveto 0 8 MM rlineto stroke %xlo1 4 MM add ylo1 moveto -8 MM 0 rlineto stroke %xlo1 ylo1 4 MM add moveto 0 -8 MM rlineto stroke } ifelse %xt=1 grestore gsave %********************************************************** %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave showpage grestore %} for %colsepf=0,1 %} for %pchartf=0,0 %} for %xchartf=0,0 %} for %xcolorf=0,1 %} for %deintpf=0,1 %} for %colormf=0,1 %} for %lanindf=0,0 %%Trailer