%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 20130201 %%BoundingBox: 14 08 828 584 /pdfmark where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt { userdict (<<) cvn ([) cvn load put userdict (>>) cvn (]) cvn load put} if [ /Title (PostScript pictures: www.ps.bam.de/XG05/XG05.HTM) /Author (compare K. Richter "Computergrafik ...": ISBN 3-8007-1775-1) /Subject (goto: http://www.ps.bam.de or /Keywords (image reproduction, colour devices) /Creator (klaus.richter@mac.com) /CreationDate (D:2013020112000) /ModDate (D:20130210112000) /DOCINFO pdfmark [ /View [ /Fit ] /DOCVIEW pdfmark /sfgray {setgray} bind def %Early Frame File (f) definition /sfrgbcolor {setrgbcolor} bind def /sfcmykcolor {setcmykcolor} bind def %line 20****************************************************** %BEG XG05/OUTLIN10.PS Emty 20120301 %END XG05/OUTLIN10.PS Emty 20120301 %**************************************************** %BEG 'XG05'OUTLIN1X.PS Other procedures for sRGB output linearization %**************************************************** %BEG COLDATA_SRGB_00.PS %BEG TRANSFER_EARLY_F.TXT **********************************2012-02-01 %Early definition of FF_LM_setgray_F0 identical to former setgray /FF_LM_setgray_F0 {setgray} bind def /FF_LM_setrgbcolor_F0 {setrgbcolor} bind def /FF_LM_setcmykcolor_F0 {setcmykcolor} bind def /FF_LM_transfer_F0 {settransfer} bind def /FF_LM_colortransfer_F0 {setcolortransfer} bind def %END TRANSFER_EARLY_F.TXT **********************************2012-02-01 %***************************************************************************** /setcolortrans_F {%BEG procedure setcolortrans_F %1MR-Transform of setgray and setcmykcolor to FF_LM_de_setrgbcolor_F %Three procedures and use of the procedure FF_LM_de_setrgbcolor_F of main FF /setgray {%BEG procedure setgray_F dup dup FF_LM_de_setrgbcolor_F %STOPs } def %END procedure setgray_F /setcmykcolor {%BEG procedure setcmykcolor_F /FF_LM_k exch def /FF_LM_y exch def /FF_LM_m exch def /FF_LM_c exch def FF_LM_k 0 eq {%FF_LM_k=0 1 FF_LM_c sub 1 FF_LM_m sub 1 FF_LM_y sub FF_LM_de_setrgbcolor_F }%FF_LM_k=0 {%FF_LM_k#0 FF_LM_c 0 eq FF_LM_m 0 eq and FF_LM_y 0 eq and {%FF_LM_k#0 and c=m=y=0 achromatic 1 FF_LM_k sub dup dup FF_LM_de_setrgbcolor_F }%FF_LM_k#0 and c=m=y=0 achromatic {%FF_LM_k#0 and c or m or y#0 chromatic 1 FF_LM_c sub 1 FF_LM_k sub mul 1 FF_LM_m sub 1 FF_LM_k sub mul 1 FF_LM_y sub 1 FF_LM_k sub mul FF_LM_de_setrgbcolor_F } ifelse %FF_LM_k#0 and c or m or y#0 chromatic } ifelse %FF_LM_k#0 } def %END procedure setcmykcolor_F /setrgbcolor {%BEG procedure setrgbcolor_F /FF_LM_b exch def /FF_LM_g exch def /FF_LM_r exch def FF_LM_r FF_LM_g FF_LM_b FF_LM_de_setrgbcolor_F %STOPr } def %BEG procedure setrgbcolor_F /settransfer {FF_LM_transfer_F} def /setcolortransfer {FF_LM_colortransfer_F} def %******************************************************************* /FF_LM_de_setrgbcolor_F { %BEG FF_LM_de_setrgbcolor_F %assumes input of rgb, which is called rgb_dyF %calculation of intended rgb*dyF, LABCh*dyF %Lab2RGBinterpolation for colorm=1 %calculation of inverse rgb'*dyF, LABCh'*dyF, which produces rgb*dyF, LABCh*dyF %requires /hab*dy362Mi 362 array def %(y=s,d,e) %requires /rgb*dy362Mi 362 array def %(y=s,d,e) %requires /LAB*dyx362Mi 362 array def %(y=s,d,e, x=LabCh) /b_dyF exch def /g_dyF exch def /r_dyF exch def %calculation of i_dyF, c_dyF, and t_dyF /maxd r_dyF def g_dyF maxd gt {/maxd g_dyF def} if b_dyF maxd gt {/maxd b_dyF def} if /mind r_dyF def g_dyF mind lt {/mind g_dyF def} if b_dyF mind lt {/mind b_dyF def} if /i_dyF maxd def /c_dyF maxd mind sub def /t_dyF i_dyF c_dyF 0.5 mul sub def /hsiF r_dyF 030 sin mul g_dyF 150 sin mul add b_dyF 270 sin mul add %y_e r_dyF 030 cos mul g_dyF 150 cos mul add %x_e 0.0001 add atan 0.5 add cvi def %range 30 ... 390 %perhaps change %to decide hab*dyF/dsF/deF ! hsiF hab*ds362Mi 0 get sub 0 le {/hsiF hsiF 360 add def} if /hsiFm30 hsiF 30 sub def %range 00 ... 360 %test grey r_dyF g_dyF sub abs 0.002 le g_dyF b_dyF sub abs 0.002 le and {%grey, not grey /r*dyM 1 def /g*dyM 1 def /b*dyM 1 def /hsiM r*dyM 030 sin mul g*dyM 150 sin mul add b*dyM 270 sin mul add %y_d r*dyM 030 cos mul g*dyM 150 cos mul add %x_d 0.0001 add atan def hsiM hab*ds362Mi 0 get sub 0 le {/hsiM hsiM 360 add def} if /hsiMm30 hsiM 30 sub def /LAB*LdyM L*Wioa def /LAB*adyM 0 def /LAB*bdyM 0 def /LAB*LdyF L*Nioa r_dyF L*Wioa L*Nioa sub mul add def /LAB*adyF 0 def /LAB*bdyF 0 def /r*dyF r_dyF def /g*dyF g_dyF def /b*dyF b_dyF def /r'*dyF r_dyF def /g'*dyF g_dyF def /b'*dyF b_dyF def }%grey {%color hsiFm30 0 lt {/hsiFm30 0 def} if %for correction to be deleted! hsiFm30 360 gt {/hsiFm30 360 def} if %calculation of intended rgb*dyM, LAB*LabdyM deintp 0 eq {%deintp=0 /r*dyM r*dd362Mi hsiFm30 get def /g*dyM g*dd362Mi hsiFm30 get def /b*dyM b*dd362Mi hsiFm30 get def /LAB*LdyM LAB*Ldd362Mi hsiFm30 get def /LAB*adyM LAB*add362Mi hsiFm30 get def /LAB*bdyM LAB*bdd362Mi hsiFm30 get def } if %deintp=0 deintp 1 eq {%deintp=1 /r*dyM r*de362Mi hsiFm30 get def /g*dyM g*de362Mi hsiFm30 get def /b*dyM b*de362Mi hsiFm30 get def /LAB*LdyM LAB*Lde362Mi hsiFm30 get def /LAB*adyM LAB*ade362Mi hsiFm30 get def /LAB*bdyM LAB*bde362Mi hsiFm30 get def } if %deintp=1 %calculation of intended rgb*dyF, LAB*LabdyF c_dyF 1 eq {%c_dy=1,#1 /r*dyF r*dyM def /g*dyF g*dyM def /b*dyF b*dyM def /LAB*LdyF LAB*LdyM def /LAB*adyF LAB*adyM def /LAB*bdyF LAB*bdyM def }%c_dyF=1 {%c_dyF#1 /t00 1.0 c_dyF 0.5 mul sub def /t0x 0.5 t_dyF 0.5 sub 0.5 mul t00 0.5 sub div add def /r*dyF t0x r*dyM t0x sub c_dyF mul add def /g*dyF t0x g*dyM t0x sub c_dyF mul add def /b*dyF t0x b*dyM t0x sub c_dyF mul add def /L*Xioa L*Nioa t0x L*Wioa L*Nioa sub mul add def /LAB*LdyF L*Xioa LAB*LdyM L*Xioa sub c_dyF mul add def /LAB*adyF 0 LAB*adyM 0 sub c_dyF mul add def /LAB*bdyF 0 LAB*bdyM 0 sub c_dyF mul add def } ifelse %c_dyF=1,#1 } ifelse %grey or color %only for control, not used: calculation of hsiM /hsiM r*dyM 030 sin mul g*dyM 150 sin mul add b*dyM 270 sin mul add %y_d r*dyM 030 cos mul g*dyM 150 cos mul add %x_d 0.0001 add atan def hsiM hab*ds362Mi 0 get sub 0 le {/hsiM hsiM 360 add def} if /hsiMm30 hsiM 30 sub def %only for control, not used: calculation of ict*dyM and ict*dyF %calculation of i*dyM, c*dyM, and t*dyM /maxd r*dyM def g*dyM maxd gt {/maxd g*dyM def} if b*dyM maxd gt {/maxd b*dyM def} if /mind r*dyM def g*dyM mind lt {/mind g*dyM def} if b*dyM mind lt {/mind b*dyM def} if /i*dyM maxd def /c*dyM maxd mind sub def /t*dyM i*dyM c*dyM 0.5 mul sub def %%only for control, not used: calculation of i*dyF, c*dyF, and t*dyF /maxd r*dyF def g*dyF maxd gt {/maxd g*dyF def} if b*dyF maxd gt {/maxd b*dyF def} if /mind r*dyF def g*dyF mind lt {/mind g*dyF def} if b*dyF mind lt {/mind b*dyF def} if /i*dyF maxd def /c*dyF maxd mind sub def /t*dyF i*dyF c*dyF 0.5 mul sub def colorm 0 eq {%colorm=0 r*dyF g*dyF b*dyF }%colorm=0 {%colorm=1 LAB*LdyF LAB*adyF LAB*bdyF Lab2RGBinterpolation /b'*dyF exch def /g'*dyF exch def /r'*dyF exch def r'*dyF g'*dyF b'*dyF } ifelse %colorm=1 FF_LM_setrgbcolor_F } bind def %END FF_LM_de_setrgbcolor_F /FF_LM_xchart_gamma_F {/xchart where {pop /xchartN xchart 8 idiv def /xchartP xchart xchart 8 idiv 8 mul sub def} {/xchartN 2.0 def %default /xchartP 0.5 def} ifelse /gamma_F 2.4 xchartP 0.18 mul sub 2.4 div 1 2.4 xchartN 0.18 mul sub 2.4 div div mul def gamma_F exp } def /FF_LM_setrgbcolor_F {%FF_LM_setrgbcolor_F /FF_LM_b0L exch def /FF_LM_g0L exch def /FF_LM_r0L exch def FF_LM_r0L 0 le {/FF_LM_r0L 0.0001 def} if FF_LM_g0L 0 le {/FF_LM_g0L 0.0001 def} if FF_LM_b0L 0 le {/FF_LM_b0L 0.0001 def} if /FF_LM_r1F FF_LM_r0L FF_LM_xchart_gamma_F def /FF_LM_g1F FF_LM_g0L FF_LM_xchart_gamma_F def /FF_LM_b1F FF_LM_b0L FF_LM_xchart_gamma_F def FF_LM_r1F FF_LM_g1F FF_LM_b1F FF_LM_setrgbcolor_F0 } def %FF_LM_setrgbcolor_F /FF_LM_transfer_F {{FF_LM_xchart_gamma_F} FF_LM_transfer_F0} def /FF_LM_colortransfer_F {{FF_LM_xchart_gamma_F} {FF_LM_xchart_gamma_F} {FF_LM_xchart_gamma_F} FF_LM_colortransfer_F0} def } def %END procedure setcolortrans_F %******************************************************************* /Colordata_sRGB_F {%BEG procedure Colordata_sRGB_F /Xrx089 729 array def /Yrx089 729 array def /Zrx089 729 array def /Xrx100 729 array def /Yrx100 729 array def /Zrx100 729 array def /R0 729 array def /G0 729 array def /B0 729 array def %/RGB0_to_XYZj_F { %BEG procedure RGB0_to_XYZj_F %transfers standard sRGB data (IEC 61966-2-1) to XYZ data for 9x9x9=729 colours %normalized XYZ data with Y=88.59 for display white, compare ISO 9241-306:2008. %requires /(XYZ)rx089 729 array def % /(XYZ)rx100 729 array def %requires in addition /RGB0_F 1080 array def %/Xrx089 729 array def %/Yrx089 729 array def %/Zrx089 729 array def %/Xrx100 729 array def %/Yrx100 729 array def %/Zrx100 729 array def %/R0 729 array def %/G0 729 array def %/B0 729 array def %row no.1 and 2: 9xrgb /imax 08 def /jmax 08 def /kmax 08 def 0 1 kmax {/k exch def %beg k=0,08 0 1 jmax {/j exch def %beg j=0,jmax 0 1 imax {/i exch def %beg i=0,imax /n i j 9 mul add k 81 mul add def R0 n k kmax div 1000 mul put G0 n j jmax div 1000 mul put B0 n i imax div 1000 mul put } for %end i=0,jmax } for %end j=0,jmax } for %end k=0,kmax /IM0 729 def /IM1 IM0 1 sub def 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=0,IM1 R0 i get 0.04045 le %equations of IEC 61966-2-1:2003 {/RsRGB R0 i get 12.92 div def} {/RsRGB R0 i get 0.001 mul 0.055 add 1.055 div 2.4 exp def} ifelse G0 i get 0.04045 le {/GsRGB G0 i get 12.92 div def} {/GsRGB G0 i get 0.001 mul 0.055 add 1.055 div 2.4 exp def} ifelse B0 i get 0.04045 le {/BsRGB B0 i get 12.92 div def} {/BsRGB B0 i get 0.001 mul 0.055 add 1.055 div 2.4 exp def} ifelse Xrx100 i 0.4124 RsRGB mul 0.3576 GsRGB mul add 0.1805 BsRGB mul add 100 mul put Yrx100 i 0.2126 RsRGB mul 0.7152 GsRGB mul add 0.0722 BsRGB mul add 100 mul put Zrx100 i 0.0193 RsRGB mul 0.1192 GsRGB mul add 0.9505 BsRGB mul add 100 mul put } for %i=0,IM1 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=0,IM1 Xrx089 i Xrx100 i get 0.8859 mul put Yrx089 i Yrx100 i get 0.8859 mul put Zrx089 i Zrx100 i get 0.8859 mul put } for %i=0,IM1 /iN 0 def /iW 728 def /XLN100 Xrx100 iN get def /YLN100 Yrx100 iN get def /ZLN100 Zrx100 iN get def /XLW100 Xrx100 iW get def /YLW100 Yrx100 iW get def /ZLW100 Zrx100 iW get def /XLN089 Xrx089 iN get def /YLN089 Yrx089 iN get def /ZLN089 Zrx089 iN get def /XLW089 Xrx089 iW get def /YLW089 Yrx089 iW get def /ZLW089 Zrx089 iW get def % achromatic (D65) colours /XLWD65100 95.04 def /YLWD65100 100.00 def /ZLWD65100 108.88 def /XLWD65089 95.04 0.8859 mul def /YLWD65089 100.00 0.8859 mul def /ZLWD65089 108.88 0.8859 mul def /XLN001 XLWD65100 100 div def /YLN001 YLWD65100 100 div def /ZLN001 ZLWD65100 100 div def %} bind def %END procedure RGB0_to_XYZj_F %/xchartj_XYZj_FAB729a_F { %BEG Procedure xchartj_FAB729a_F %transfer from XYZj data to LAB729a CIELAB data for 9x9x9=729 colours %requires 0<= xchartj <=10 (11 luminance reflections) %requires /(XYZ)x089 3240 array def (x=rc,ra,na,la) %requires /(Lab)x089 3240 array def (x=rc,ra,na,la) %requires /x729 729 array def (x=X,Y,Z) %not adapted %requires /x729 729 array def (x=L,a,b) %not adapted %requires /x729a 729 array def (x=L,a,b) %adapted /Lrc089 729 array def /arc089 729 array def /brc089 729 array def /Xrc089 729 array def /Yrc089 729 array def /Zrc089 729 array def /Lra089 729 array def /ara089 729 array def /bra089 729 array def /Xra089 729 array def /Yra089 729 array def /Zra089 729 array def /Lna089 729 array def /ana089 729 array def /bna089 729 array def /Xna089 729 array def /Yna089 729 array def /Zna089 729 array def /Lla089 729 array def /ala089 729 array def /bla089 729 array def /Xla089 729 array def /Yla089 729 array def /Zla089 729 array def /Xj 729 array def /Yj 729 array def /Zj 729 array def /LAB*Lj 729 array def %not adapted /LAB*aj 729 array def /LAB*bj 729 array def /LAB*Lja 729 array def %adapted /LAB*aja 729 array def /LAB*bja 729 array def /DecodeXYZ* {dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse} bind def /XD65W 95.04 def /YD65W 100.00 def /ZD65W 108.88 def /XD50W 96.42 def /YD50W 100.00 def /ZD50W 82.51 def /DAKTE [(D65) (D50)] def /ilf 8 array def /ilf [0.00 0.25 0.50 1.00 2.00 4.00 8.00 16.00] def /Lrefl 11 array def /Lrefl [(0%) (0%) (0%) (0%) (0,6%) (1,2%) (2,5%) (5%) (10%) (20%) (40%)] def xchartj 2 le {/il 0 def} {/il xchartj 3 sub def} ifelse %Reference black and factors /YrN 2.52 def /Xtref089 YrN ilf il get mul XLN001 mul def /Ytref089 YrN ilf il get mul def /Ztref089 YrN ilf il get mul ZLN001 mul def /YNil Ytref089 def /YNil001 YNil 100 div def YNil001 6 29 div 3 exp ge {/FYYn YNil001 0.3333 exp def} {/FYYn 841 108 div YNil001 mul 4 29 div add def} ifelse /L*Nil 116 FYYn mul 16 sub def /IM1 728 def 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=0,IM1 Xrc089 i Xrx089 i get put Yrc089 i Yrx089 i get put Zrc089 i Zrx089 i get put /XQ Xrc089 i get XLWD65100 div def /YQ Yrc089 i get YLWD65100 div def /ZQ Zrc089 i get ZLWD65100 div def XQ 0 lt {/XQ 0.00000001 def} if YQ 0 lt {/YQ 0.00000001 def} if ZQ 0 lt {/ZQ 0.00000001 def} if Lrc089 i YQ 0.008856 lt {903.3 YQ mul} {YQ 0.33333333 exp 116 mul 16 sub} ifelse put arc089 i XQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 XQ mul 16 116 div add} {XQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse YQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 YQ mul 16 116 div add} {YQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse sub 500 mul put brc089 i YQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 YQ mul 16 116 div add} {YQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse ZQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 ZQ mul 16 116 div add} {ZQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse sub 200 mul put } for %i=0,IM1 /L*N Lrc089 0 get def /A*N arc089 0 get def /B*N brc089 0 get def /L*W Lrc089 728 get def /A*W arc089 728 get def /B*W brc089 728 get def 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=0,IM1 Lra089 i Lrc089 i get put /l*CIE Lrc089 i get L*N sub L*W L*N sub div def %system rel. lightn. /a*s A*W A*N sub l*CIE mul def /b*s B*W B*N sub l*CIE mul def ara089 i arc089 i get A*N sub a*s sub put bra089 i brc089 i get B*N sub b*s sub put } for %i=0,IM1 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=0,IM1 /X* {Lra089 i get 16 add 116 div ara089 i get 500 div add} bind def /Y* {Lra089 i get 16 add 116 div} bind def /Z* {Lra089 i get 16 add 116 div bra089 i get 200 div sub} bind def Xra089 i X* DecodeXYZ* XLWD65100 mul put Yra089 i Y* DecodeXYZ* YLWD65100 mul put Zra089 i Z* DecodeXYZ* ZLWD65100 mul put } for %i=0,IM1 xchartj 2 ge {%xchartj>=2 %for white X data /Xwref089 Xra089 728 get def /Ywref089 Yra089 728 get def /Zwref089 Zra089 728 get def %for black X data /YrN Yra089 0 get def /Xnref089 YrN XLN001 mul def /Ynref089 YrN def /Znref089 YrN ZLN001 mul def /IM1 728 def 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=1,IM1 Xna089 i Xra089 i get Xnref089 sub Xwref089 Xwref089 Xnref089 sub div mul put Yna089 i Yra089 i get Ynref089 sub Ywref089 Ywref089 Ynref089 sub div mul put Zna089 i Zra089 i get Znref089 sub Zwref089 Zwref089 Znref089 sub div mul put } for %i=1,IM1 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=1,IM1 /XQ Xna089 i get XLWD65100 div def /YQ Yna089 i get YLWD65100 div def /ZQ Zna089 i get ZLWD65100 div def XQ 0 lt {/XQ 0.00000001 def} if YQ 0 lt {/YQ 0.00000001 def} if ZQ 0 lt {/ZQ 0.00000001 def} if Lna089 i YQ 0.008856 lt {903.3 YQ mul} {YQ 0.33333333 exp 116 mul 16 sub} ifelse put ana089 i XQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 XQ mul 16 116 div add} {XQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse YQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 YQ mul 16 116 div add} {YQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse sub 500 mul put bna089 i YQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 YQ mul 16 116 div add} {YQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse ZQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 ZQ mul 16 116 div add} {ZQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse sub 200 mul put } for %i=1,IM1 } if %xchart>=2 xchartj 3 ge {%xchart>=3 %for white X data /Xwref089 Xra089 728 get def /Ywref089 Yra089 728 get def /Zwref089 Zra089 728 get def /kn Ywref089 Ywref089 Ytref089 sub div def 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=1,IM1 Xla089 i Xna089 i get kn div Xtref089 add put Yla089 i Yna089 i get kn div Ytref089 add put Zla089 i Zna089 i get kn div Ztref089 add put } for %i=1,IM1 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=1,IM1 /XQ Xla089 i get XLWD65100 div def /YQ Yla089 i get YLWD65100 div def /ZQ Zla089 i get ZLWD65100 div def XQ 0 lt {/XQ 0.00000001 def} if YQ 0 lt {/YQ 0.00000001 def} if ZQ 0 lt {/ZQ 0.00000001 def} if Lla089 i YQ 0.008856 lt {903.3 YQ mul} {YQ 0.33333333 exp 116 mul 16 sub} ifelse put ala089 i XQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 XQ mul 16 116 div add} {XQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse YQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 YQ mul 16 116 div add} {YQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse sub 500 mul put bla089 i YQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 YQ mul 16 116 div add} {YQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse ZQ 0.008856 lt {7.787 ZQ mul 16 116 div add} {ZQ 0.33333333 exp} ifelse sub 200 mul put } for %i=1,IM1 } if %xchart>=3 xchartj 0 eq {%xchartj=0 (1x) 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=0,IM1 LAB*Lj i Lrc089 i get put LAB*aj i arc089 i get put LAB*bj i brc089 i get put Xj i Xrc089 i get put Yj i Yrc089 i get put Zj i Zrc089 i get put } for %i=0,IM1 } if %xchartj=0 (1x) xchartj 1 eq {%xchartj=1 (1x) 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=0,IM1 LAB*Lj i Lra089 i get put LAB*aj i ara089 i get put LAB*bj i bra089 i get put Xj i Xra089 i get put Yj i Yra089 i get put Zj i Zra089 i get put } for %i=0,IM1 } if %xchartj=1 (1x) xchartj 2 eq {%xchartj=2 (1x) 0 1 IM1 {/i exch def %i=0,IM1 LAB*Lj i Lna089 i get put LAB*aj i ana089 i get put LAB*bj i bna089 i get put Xj i Xna089 i get put Yj i Yna089 i get put Zj i Zna089 i get put } for %i=0,IM1 } if %xchartj=2 (1x) xchartj 3 ge {%xchartj=3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (8x) 0 1 728 {/i exch def %i=0,IM1 LAB*Lj i Lla089 i get put LAB*aj i ala089 i get put LAB*bj i bla089 i get put Xj i Xla089 i get put Yj i Yla089 i get put Zj i Zla089 i get put } for %i=0,IM1 } if %xchartj=3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 (8x) %Adaptation /L*Nio LAB*Lj 000 get def /A*Nio LAB*aj 000 get def /B*Nio LAB*bj 000 get def /L*Wio LAB*Lj 728 get def /A*Wio LAB*aj 728 get def /B*Wio LAB*bj 728 get def /A*Dio A*Wio A*Nio sub def /B*Dio B*Wio B*Nio sub def 0 1 728 {/j exch def %j=0,728 LAB*Lja j LAB*Lj j get put /l*CIE LAB*Lj j get L*Nio sub L*Wio L*Nio sub div def %system rel. lightn. /a*s A*Wio A*Nio sub l*CIE mul def /b*s B*Wio B*Nio sub l*CIE mul def LAB*aja j LAB*aj j get A*Nio sub a*s sub put LAB*bja j LAB*bj j get B*Nio sub b*s sub put } for %j=0,728 /L*Nioa LAB*Lja 0 get def /A*Nioa LAB*aja 0 get def /B*Nioa LAB*bja 0 get def /L*Wioa LAB*Lja 728 get def /A*Wioa LAB*aja 728 get def /B*Wioa LAB*bja 728 get def /nR 9 def %lut size /nG 9 def /nB 9 def /nges nR nG nB mul mul def /lut 2187 array def %729x3=2187 (only 9x9x9 used) 0 1 728 {/i exch def %i=0,728 /i3 i 3 mul def lut i3 LAB*Lja i get put lut i3 1 add LAB*aja i get put lut i3 2 add LAB*bja i get put } for %i=0,729 %} bind def %END xchartj_XYZj_FAB729a_F } bind def %END procedure Colordata_sRGB_F %***************************************************************************** %BEG Procedure PROC_SPEC_IOF Colour special for NP-file 20120401 %***************************************************************************** %different procedures: % proc_LAB729a_to_LAB*LabCh64M and proc_LAB*LabCh64M_to_tab362_dy %*********************************************************** /proc_LAB729a_to_LAB*LabCh64M { %BEG Procedure proc_LAB729a_to_LAB*LabCh64M %transfer from proc_LAB729a_to_LAB*LabCh64M, %9x9x9=729 steps used for LAB729a %requires /LAB*LabCh64M 64 array def %requires in addition /LAB729a 729 array def /LAB*Ldd64M 64 array def /LAB*add64M 64 array def /LAB*bdd64M 64 array def /LAB*Cdd64M 64 array def /LAB*hdd64M 64 array def /hab*dd64M 64 array def /M1jx 49 array def 0 1 5 {/xtonj exch def %xtonj=0,5 0 1 7 {/j exch def %j=0,7 /ja xtonj 8 mul j add def xtonj 0 eq {/jx 648 j 09 mul add def} if %see O00Y-O83Y, -0 xtonj 1 eq {/jx 720 j 81 mul sub def} if %see Y00L-Y83L, -81 xtonj 2 eq {/jx 072 j add def} if %see L00C-L83C, +01 xtonj 3 eq {/jx 080 j 09 mul sub def} if %see C00V-C83V, -09 xtonj 4 eq {/jx 008 j 81 mul add def} if %see V00M-V83M, -81 xtonj 5 eq {/jx 656 j sub def} if %see M00O-M83O, +01 LAB*Ldd64M ja LAB*Lja jx get put LAB*add64M ja LAB*aja jx get put LAB*bdd64M ja LAB*bja jx get put LAB*Cdd64M ja LAB*add64M ja get dup mul LAB*bdd64M ja get dup mul add sqrt put LAB*hdd64M ja LAB*bdd64M ja get LAB*add64M ja get 0.0001 add atan put xtonj 5 eq LAB*hdd64M ja get 90 le and {LAB*hdd64M ja LAB*hdd64M ja get 360 add put} if M1jx ja jx put } for %j=0,7 } for %xtonj=0,5 M1jx 48 M1jx 0 get put 0 1 15 {/i exch def %i=0,15 LAB*Ldd64M 48 i add LAB*Ldd64M i get put LAB*add64M 48 i add LAB*add64M i get put LAB*bdd64M 48 i add LAB*bdd64M i get put LAB*Cdd64M 48 i add LAB*Cdd64M i get put LAB*hdd64M 48 i add LAB*hdd64M i get 360 add put } for %i=1,15 0 1 63 {/i exch def %i=0,63 hab*dd64M i LAB*hdd64M i get put } for %i=0,63 %data test according to increasing hue angle and appropriate correction /xtesthuea -1 def /xtesthuei 64 array def 0 1 48 {/i exch def %i=0,49 hab*dd64M i get hab*dd64M i 1 add get gt {/xtesthuea xtesthuea 1 add def xtesthuei xtesthuea i put hab*dd64M i 1 add hab*dd64M i get put LAB*Ldd64M i 1 add LAB*Ldd64M i get put LAB*add64M i 1 add LAB*add64M i get put LAB*bdd64M i 1 add LAB*bdd64M i get put LAB*Cdd64M i 1 add LAB*Cdd64M i get put LAB*hdd64M i 1 add LAB*hdd64M i get put } if } for %i=0,49 } bind def %END proc_LAB729a_to_LAB*LabCh64M %*********************************************************** /proc_LAB*LabCh64M_to_tab362_dy { %BEG procedure proc_LAB*LabCh64M_to_tab362_dy /LAB*e 40 array def %8x5=40 LabCh* /LAB*e [39.92 58.74 27.99 0.0 0.0 %0 00_04 R CIE No.09 elementary in LAB 81.26 -2.89 71.56 0.0 0.0 %1 05_09 J CIE No.10 52.23 -42.42 13.60 0.0 0.0 %2 10_14 G CIE No.11 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %3 15_19 Cgb to be calculated 30.57 1.41 -46.47 0.0 0.0 %4 20_24 B CIE No.12 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 %5 25_29 Mbr to be calculated 39.92 58.74 27.99 0.0 0.0 %6 30_34 Re+360 to be calculated 81.26 -2.89 71.56 0.0 0.0 %7 35_39 Ye+360 to be calculated ] def %add no. 03_04 Re LAB*e 03 LAB*e 01 get dup mul LAB*e 02 get dup mul add sqrt put LAB*e 04 LAB*e 02 get LAB*e 01 get 0.0001 add atan put %add no. 08_09 Ye LAB*e 08 LAB*e 06 get dup mul LAB*e 07 get dup mul add sqrt put LAB*e 09 LAB*e 07 get LAB*e 06 get 0.0001 add atan put %add no. 13_14 Ge LAB*e 13 LAB*e 11 get dup mul LAB*e 12 get dup mul add sqrt put LAB*e 14 LAB*e 12 get LAB*e 11 get 0.0001 add atan put %add no. 23_24 Be LAB*e 23 LAB*e 21 get dup mul LAB*e 22 get dup mul add sqrt put LAB*e 24 LAB*e 22 get LAB*e 21 get 0.0001 add atan put %add no. 33_34 Re+360 LAB*e 33 LAB*e 31 get dup mul LAB*e 32 get dup mul add sqrt put LAB*e 34 LAB*e 32 get LAB*e 31 get 0.0001 add atan 360 add put %add no. 38_39 Ye+360 LAB*e 38 LAB*e 36 get dup mul LAB*e 37 get dup mul add sqrt put LAB*e 39 LAB*e 37 get LAB*e 36 get 0.0001 add atan 360 add put %new no. 15_19 Cgb with Ge_Be LAB*e 19 LAB*e 14 get LAB*e 24 get add 0.5 mul put %hab LAB*e 18 LAB*e 13 get LAB*e 23 get add 0.5 mul put %C*ab LAB*e 15 LAB*e 10 get LAB*e 20 get add 0.5 mul put %L* LAB*e 16 LAB*e 18 get LAB*e 19 get cos mul put %a* LAB*e 17 LAB*e 18 get LAB*e 19 get sin mul put %b* %new no. 25_29 Mbr with Be_Re+360 LAB*e 29 LAB*e 24 get LAB*e 34 get add 0.5 mul put %hab LAB*e 28 LAB*e 23 get LAB*e 33 get add 0.5 mul put %C*ab LAB*e 25 LAB*e 20 get LAB*e 00 get add 0.5 mul put %L* LAB*e 26 LAB*e 28 get LAB*e 29 get cos mul put %a* LAB*e 27 LAB*e 28 get LAB*e 29 get sin mul put %b* /LAB*He 8 array def 0 1 7 {/i exch def %i=0,7 LAB*He i LAB*e i 5 mul 4 add get put } for %i=0,7 /hab*de64M 50 array def 0 1 47 {/i exch def %i=0,47 /i8 i 8 idiv def /i8d i i8 8 mul sub def /dLAB*He LAB*He i8 1 add get LAB*He i8 get sub 8 div def hab*de64M i LAB*He i8 get dLAB*He i8d mul add put } for %i=0,47 hab*de64M 48 hab*de64M 0 get 360 add put hab*de64M 49 hab*de64M 1 get 360 add put /LAB*Hs 8 array def /LAB*Hs [30. 90. 150. 210. 270. 330. 390. 450.] def /hab*ds64M 50 array def 0 1 47 {/i exch def %i=0,47 /i8 i 8 idiv def /i8d i i8 8 mul sub def /dLAB*Hs LAB*Hs i8 1 add get LAB*Hs i8 get sub 8 div def hab*ds64M i LAB*Hs i8 get dLAB*Hs i8d mul add put } for %i=0,47 hab*ds64M 48 hab*ds64M 0 get 360 add put hab*ds64M 49 hab*ds64M 1 get 360 add put %***************** calculation of LAB*LabChd362Mi and rgb*dd362Mi %***************** for 362 elementary hue angles /LAB*Ldd362Mi 362 array def /LAB*add362Mi 362 array def /LAB*bdd362Mi 362 array def /LAB*Cdd362Mi 362 array def /LAB*hdd362Mi 362 array def /r*dd362Mi 362 array def /g*dd362Mi 362 array def /b*dd362Mi 362 array def %******default rgb-input data for output of device colours /r*dd64M 64 array def /r*dd64M [1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 %R 1.000 0.875 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.375 0.250 0.125 %J 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 %G 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 %C 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 %B 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 %M 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 %R 1.000 0.875 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.375 0.250 0.125 %J ] def /g*dd64M 64 array def /g*dd64M [0.000 0.125 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 %R 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 %J 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 %G 1.000 0.875 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.375 0.250 0.125 %C 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 %B 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 %M 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 %R 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 %J ] def /b*dd64M 64 array def /b*dd64M [0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 %R 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 %J 0.000 0.125 0.250 0.375 0.500 0.625 0.750 0.875 %G 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 %C 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 %B 1.000 0.875 0.750 0.625 0.500 0.375 0.250 0.125 %M 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 %R 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 %J ] def %calculate all data of 16+1=17 step elementary colour circle /ind64M 17 array def /ind64M %R00Y R25Y R50Y R75Y Y00G Y25G Y50G Y75G [0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 %G00B G25B G50B G75G B00R B25R B50R B75R R00Y 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 0 ] def %actual 16 step device circle + N + W /r*dd18M 18 array def /g*dd18M 18 array def /b*dd18M 18 array def 0 1 15 {/i exch def %i=0,15 /indi ind64M i get def r*dd18M i r*dd64M indi get put %16 device colours g*dd18M i g*dd64M indi get put b*dd18M i b*dd64M indi get put } for %i=0,15 r*dd18M 16 0 put %N g*dd18M 16 0 put b*dd18M 16 0 put r*dd18M 17 1 put %W g*dd18M 17 1 put b*dd18M 17 1 put %actual 6 step device circle + N + W /r*dd08M 08 array def /g*dd08M 08 array def /b*dd08M 08 array def 0 1 5 {/i exch def %i=0,5 r*dd08M i r*dd64M i 8 mul get put %6 device colours g*dd08M i g*dd64M i 8 mul get put b*dd08M i b*dd64M i 8 mul get put } for %i=0,5 r*dd08M 6 0 put %N g*dd08M 6 0 put b*dd08M 6 0 put r*dd08M 7 1 put %W g*dd08M 7 1 put b*dd08M 7 1 put 0 1 361 {/i exch def %i=0,361 %default only for test r*dd362Mi i 0 put %of irregularities g*dd362Mi i 0 put b*dd362Mi i 0 put LAB*Ldd362Mi i 0.0001 put LAB*add362Mi i 0 put LAB*bdd362Mi i 0 put LAB*Cdd362Mi i 0 put LAB*hdd362Mi i 0 put } for %i=0,361 % s-data 030,0 -> LAB*hdd64M 0 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 30,0 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=40 % s-data 037,5 -> LAB*hdd64M 1 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 37,5 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=41,3 % s-data 045,0 -> LAB*hdd64M 2 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 45,0 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=44,6 % s-data 052,5 -> LAB*hdd64M 3 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 52,5 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=50,7 %... % s-data 090,0 -> LAB*hdd64M 8 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 90,0 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=102,8 % s-data 330,0 -> LAB*hdd64M 41 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 330,0 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=328 % s-data 337,5 -> LAB*hdd64M 42 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 337,5 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=334 % s-data 345,0 -> LAB*hdd64M 43 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 345,0 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=341 % s-data 352,5 -> LAB*hdd64M 44 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 352,5 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=351 % s-data 360,0 -> LAB*hdd64M 45 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 360,0 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=352 %... % s-data 390,0 -> LAB*hdd64M 49 get -> LAB*Ldd362Mi 390,0 put: LAB*hdd362Mi=400 0 15 345 {/i exch def %i=0,15,345 /ix00 i 15 idiv 2 mul def /ix01 ix00 1 add def /ix02 ix00 2 add def 0 1 14 {/j exch def %j=0,14 j 07 le {%j<=7 /XIE j 7.5 div def /i0 i j add def /ix0 ix00 def /ix1 ix01 def }%j<=7 {%j>7 /XIE j 8 sub 0.5 add 7.5 div def /i0 i j add def /ix0 ix01 def /ix1 ix02 def } ifelse %j>7 LAB*Ldd362Mi i0 LAB*Ldd64M ix0 get LAB*Ldd64M ix1 get LAB*Ldd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put LAB*Cdd362Mi i0 LAB*Cdd64M ix0 get LAB*Cdd64M ix1 get LAB*Cdd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put LAB*hdd362Mi i0 LAB*hdd64M ix0 get LAB*hdd64M ix1 get LAB*hdd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add dup 90 gt i0 45 le and {360 sub} if put LAB*add362Mi i0 LAB*Cdd362Mi i0 get LAB*hdd362Mi i0 get cos mul put LAB*bdd362Mi i0 LAB*Cdd362Mi i0 get LAB*hdd362Mi i0 get sin mul put r*dd362Mi i0 r*dd64M ix0 get r*dd64M ix1 get r*dd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put g*dd362Mi i0 g*dd64M ix0 get g*dd64M ix1 get g*dd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put b*dd362Mi i0 b*dd64M ix0 get b*dd64M ix1 get b*dd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put } for %j=0,14 } for %i0=0,15,345 0 1 1 {/i exch def %i=0,1 LAB*Ldd362Mi 360 i add LAB*Ldd362Mi i get put LAB*add362Mi 360 i add LAB*add362Mi i get put LAB*bdd362Mi 360 i add LAB*bdd362Mi i get put LAB*Cdd362Mi 360 i add LAB*Cdd362Mi i get put LAB*hdd362Mi 360 i add LAB*hdd362Mi i get 360 add put r*dd362Mi 360 i add r*dd362Mi i get put g*dd362Mi 360 i add g*dd362Mi i get put b*dd362Mi 360 i add b*dd362Mi i get put } for %i=0,1 /hab*dd362Fi 362 array def 0 1 361 {/i exch def %i=0,361 hab*dd362Fi i LAB*hdd362Mi i get put %floating point F } for %i=0,361 %***************** calculation of hab*ds362Mi %integer %***************** for 362 standard hue angles /hab*ds362Mi 362 array def 0 1 361 {/i exch def %i=0,361 %range 30..391 hab*ds362Mi i 30 i add put %always integer } for %i=0,361 %***************** calculation of LAB*LabChs362Mi and rgb*ds362Mi %***************** for 362 device hue angles /LAB*Lds362Mi 362 array def /LAB*ads362Mi 362 array def /LAB*bds362Mi 362 array def /LAB*Cds362Mi 362 array def /LAB*hds362Mi 362 array def /r*ds362Mi 362 array def /g*ds362Mi 362 array def /b*ds362Mi 362 array def 0 1 361 {/i exch def %i=0,361 %default only for test r*ds362Mi i 0 put %of irregularities g*ds362Mi i 0 put b*ds362Mi i 0 put LAB*Lds362Mi i 0.0001 put LAB*ads362Mi i 0 put LAB*bds362Mi i 0 put LAB*Cds362Mi i 0 put LAB*hds362Mi i 0 put } for %i=0,361 0 1 359 {/i0 exch def %i=0,359 /i0i hab*ds362Mi i0 get def %integer range 30...390 i0i hab*dd362Fi 0 get lt {/i0i i0i 360 add def} if 0 1 47 {/ix0 exch def %ix0=0,48 /ix1 ix0 1 add def i0i LAB*hdd64M ix0 get sub 0 ge i0i LAB*hdd64M ix1 get sub 0 lt and {%ge..lt /XIE i0i LAB*hdd64M ix0 get sub LAB*hdd64M ix1 get LAB*hdd64M ix0 get sub div def LAB*Lds362Mi i0 LAB*Ldd64M ix0 get LAB*Ldd64M ix1 get LAB*Ldd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put LAB*Cds362Mi i0 LAB*Cdd64M ix0 get LAB*Cdd64M ix1 get LAB*Cdd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put LAB*hds362Mi i0 LAB*hdd64M ix0 get LAB*hdd64M ix1 get LAB*hdd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add dup 90 gt i0 45 le and {360 sub} if put LAB*ads362Mi i0 LAB*Cds362Mi i0 get LAB*hds362Mi i0 get cos mul put LAB*bds362Mi i0 LAB*Cds362Mi i0 get LAB*hds362Mi i0 get sin mul put r*ds362Mi i0 r*dd64M ix0 get r*dd64M ix1 get r*dd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put g*ds362Mi i0 g*dd64M ix0 get g*dd64M ix1 get g*dd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put b*ds362Mi i0 b*dd64M ix0 get b*dd64M ix1 get b*dd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put exit } if %ge..lt } for %ix0=0,47 } for %i=0,359 0 1 1 {/i exch def %i=0,1 LAB*Lds362Mi 360 i add LAB*Lds362Mi i get put LAB*ads362Mi 360 i add LAB*ads362Mi i get put LAB*bds362Mi 360 i add LAB*bds362Mi i get put LAB*Cds362Mi 360 i add LAB*Cds362Mi i get put LAB*hds362Mi 360 i add LAB*hds362Mi i get 360 add put r*ds362Mi 360 i add r*ds362Mi i get put g*ds362Mi 360 i add g*ds362Mi i get put b*ds362Mi 360 i add b*ds362Mi i get put } for %i=0,1 %***************** calculation of hab*de362Fi %***************** for 362 elementary hue angles /hab*de362Fi 362 array def %floating point %range 26..386 30 1 389 {/i exch def %i=30,389 /im30 i 30 sub def /hab*sM i def %alphas = [habs - LAB*Hs(h)]/[LAB*Hs(n+1) - LAB*Hs(n)] % = [habs - LAB*Hs(h)]/60 %habe = LAB*He(n) + alphas [LAB*He(n+1) - LAB*He(n)] %use of LAB*He 0..7 Re_to_Ye i 030 ge i 089 le and {/ipan0 0 def /ipan1 1 def} if i 090 ge i 149 le and {/ipan0 1 def /ipan1 2 def} if i 150 ge i 209 le and {/ipan0 2 def /ipan1 3 def} if i 210 ge i 269 le and {/ipan0 3 def /ipan1 4 def} if i 270 ge i 329 le and {/ipan0 4 def /ipan1 5 def} if i 330 ge i 359 le and {/ipan0 5 def /ipan1 6 def} if i 360 ge i 389 le and {/ipan0 6 def /ipan1 7 def} if /alphas {hab*sM LAB*Hs ipan0 get sub 60 div} bind def /habe {LAB*He ipan0 get LAB*He ipan1 get LAB*He ipan0 get sub alphas mul add} bind def hab*de362Fi im30 habe put %floating point } for %i=30,389 hab*de362Fi 360 hab*de362Fi 0 get 360 add put hab*de362Fi 361 hab*de362Fi 1 get 360 add put %***************** calculation LAB*LabChe32Mi and rgb*de362Mi %***************** for 362 elementary hue angles /LAB*Lde362Mi 362 array def /LAB*ade362Mi 362 array def /LAB*bde362Mi 362 array def /LAB*Cde362Mi 362 array def /LAB*hde362Mi 362 array def /r*de362Mi 362 array def /g*de362Mi 362 array def /b*de362Mi 362 array def 0 1 361 {/i exch def %i=0,361 %default only for test r*de362Mi i 0 put %of irregularities g*de362Mi i 0 put b*de362Mi i 0 put LAB*Lde362Mi i 0.0001 put LAB*ade362Mi i 0 put LAB*bde362Mi i 0 put LAB*Cde362Mi i 0 put LAB*hde362Mi i 0 put } for %i=0,361 0 1 359 {/i0 exch def %i=0,359 /i0i hab*de362Fi i0 get def %range 26...386 i0i hab*dd362Fi 0 get lt {/i0i i0i 360 add def} if 0 1 47 {/ix0 exch def %ix0=0,48 /ix1 ix0 1 add def i0i LAB*hdd64M ix0 get sub 0 ge i0i LAB*hdd64M ix1 get sub 0 lt and {%ge..lt /XIE i0i LAB*hdd64M ix0 get sub LAB*hdd64M ix1 get LAB*hdd64M ix0 get sub div def LAB*Lde362Mi i0 LAB*Ldd64M ix0 get LAB*Ldd64M ix1 get LAB*Ldd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put LAB*Cde362Mi i0 LAB*Cdd64M ix0 get LAB*Cdd64M ix1 get LAB*Cdd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put LAB*hde362Mi i0 LAB*hdd64M ix0 get LAB*hdd64M ix1 get LAB*hdd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add dup 90 gt i0 45 le and {360 sub} if put LAB*ade362Mi i0 LAB*Cde362Mi i0 get LAB*hde362Mi i0 get cos mul put LAB*bde362Mi i0 LAB*Cde362Mi i0 get LAB*hde362Mi i0 get sin mul put r*de362Mi i0 r*dd64M ix0 get r*dd64M ix1 get r*dd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put g*de362Mi i0 g*dd64M ix0 get g*dd64M ix1 get g*dd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put b*de362Mi i0 b*dd64M ix0 get b*dd64M ix1 get b*dd64M ix0 get sub XIE mul add put exit } if %ge..lt } for %ix0=0,47 } for %i=0,359 0 1 1 {/i exch def %i=0,1 LAB*Lde362Mi 360 i add LAB*Lde362Mi i get put LAB*ade362Mi 360 i add LAB*ade362Mi i get put LAB*bde362Mi 360 i add LAB*bde362Mi i get put LAB*Cde362Mi 360 i add LAB*Cde362Mi i get put LAB*hde362Mi 360 i add LAB*hde362Mi i get 360 add put r*de362Mi 360 i add r*de362Mi i get put g*de362Mi 360 i add g*de362Mi i get put b*de362Mi 360 i add b*de362Mi i get put } for %i=0,1 %special LAB* data calculation of 17 step colour circle %needs LAB*LabCh64M, hab*dd64M /ind64M 17 array def /ind64M %R00Y R25Y R50Y R75Y Y00G Y25G Y50G Y75G [0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 %G00B G25B G50B G75G B00R B25R B50R B75R R00Y 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 0 ] def /LAB*Ldd18M 17 array def /LAB*add18M 17 array def /LAB*bdd18M 17 array def /LAB*Cdd18M 17 array def /LAB*hdd18M 17 array def /hab*dd18M 17 array def 0 1 16 {/i exch def %i=0,16 /indi ind64M i get def LAB*Ldd18M i LAB*Ldd64M indi get put LAB*add18M i LAB*add64M indi get put LAB*bdd18M i LAB*bdd64M indi get put LAB*Cdd18M i LAB*Cdd64M indi get put LAB*hdd18M i LAB*hdd64M indi get put hab*dd18M i hab*dd64M indi get put } for %i=0,16 } bind def %END proc_LAB*LabCh64M_to_tab362_dy %***************************************************************************** %END Procedure PROC_SPEC_IOF Colour special for NP-file 20120401 %***************************************************************************** /FileDaten (sRGB standard device; no separation, D65) def /FileDatde (sRGB Norm\255Ger\344t; keine Separation, D65) def /RGB0_F 3240 array def %1080*3 /RGB0_F [%1000 x rgb* nr. pos 1080 colours 0000 0000 0000 %0000 A01 0000 0000 0125 %0001 A02 0000 0000 0250 %0002 A03 0000 0000 0375 %0003 A04 0000 0000 0500 %0004 A05 0000 0000 0625 %0005 A06 0000 0000 0750 %0006 A07 0000 0000 0875 %0007 A08 0000 0000 1000 %0008 A09 0000 0125 0000 %0009 B01 0000 0125 0125 %0010 B02 0000 0125 0250 %0011 B03 0000 0125 0375 %0012 B04 0000 0125 0500 %0013 B05 0000 0125 0625 %0014 B06 0000 0125 0750 %0015 B07 0000 0125 0875 %0016 B08 0000 0125 1000 %0017 B09 0000 0250 0000 %0018 C01 0000 0250 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0250 %0659 T21 1000 0125 0375 %0660 T22 1000 0125 0500 %0661 T23 1000 0125 0625 %0662 T24 1000 0125 0750 %0663 T25 1000 0125 0875 %0664 T26 1000 0125 1000 %0665 T27 1000 0250 0000 %0666 U19 1000 0250 0125 %0667 U20 1000 0250 0250 %0668 U21 1000 0250 0375 %0669 U22 1000 0250 0500 %0670 U23 1000 0250 0625 %0671 U24 1000 0250 0750 %0672 U25 1000 0250 0875 %0673 U26 1000 0250 1000 %0674 U27 1000 0375 0000 %0675 V19 1000 0375 0125 %0676 V20 1000 0375 0250 %0677 V21 1000 0375 0375 %0678 V22 1000 0375 0500 %0679 V23 1000 0375 0625 %0680 V24 1000 0375 0750 %0681 V25 1000 0375 0875 %0682 V26 1000 0375 1000 %0683 V27 1000 0500 0000 %0684 W19 1000 0500 0125 %0685 W20 1000 0500 0250 %0686 W21 1000 0500 0375 %0687 W22 1000 0500 0500 %0688 W23 1000 0500 0625 %0689 W24 1000 0500 0750 %0690 W25 1000 0500 0875 %0691 W26 1000 0500 1000 %0692 W27 1000 0625 0000 %0693 X19 1000 0625 0125 %0694 X20 1000 0625 0250 %0695 X21 1000 0625 0375 %0696 X22 1000 0625 0500 %0697 X23 1000 0625 0625 %0698 X24 1000 0625 0750 %0699 X25 1000 0625 0875 %0700 X26 1000 0625 1000 %0701 X27 1000 0750 0000 %0702 Y19 1000 0750 0125 %0703 Y20 1000 0750 0250 %0704 Y21 1000 0750 0375 %0705 Y22 1000 0750 0500 %0706 Y23 1000 0750 0625 %0707 Y24 1000 0750 0750 %0708 Y25 1000 0750 0875 %0709 Y26 1000 0750 1000 %0710 Y27 1000 0875 0000 %0711 Z19 1000 0875 0125 %0712 Z20 1000 0875 0250 %0713 Z21 1000 0875 0375 %0714 Z22 1000 0875 0500 %0715 Z23 1000 0875 0625 %0716 Z24 1000 0875 0750 %0717 Z25 1000 0875 0875 %0718 Z26 1000 0875 1000 %0719 Z27 1000 1000 0000 %0720 a19 1000 1000 0125 %0721 a20 1000 1000 0250 %0722 a21 1000 1000 0375 %0723 a22 1000 1000 0500 %0724 a23 1000 1000 0625 %0725 a24 1000 1000 0750 %0726 a25 1000 1000 0875 %0727 a26 1000 1000 1000 %0728 a27 1000 1000 1000 %0729 b01 0875 1000 1000 %0730 b02 0750 1000 1000 %0731 b03 0625 1000 1000 %0732 b04 0500 1000 1000 %0733 b05 0375 1000 1000 %0734 b06 0250 1000 1000 %0735 b07 0125 1000 1000 %0736 b08 0000 1000 1000 %0737 b09 1000 0875 0875 %0738 c01 0875 0875 0875 %0739 c02 0750 0875 0875 %0740 c03 0625 0875 0875 %0741 c04 0500 0875 0875 %0742 c05 0375 0875 0875 %0743 c06 0250 0875 0875 %0744 c07 0125 0875 0875 %0745 c08 0000 0875 0875 %0746 c09 1000 0750 0750 %0747 d01 0875 0750 0750 %0748 d02 0750 0750 0750 %0749 d03 0625 0750 0750 %0750 d04 0500 0750 0750 %0751 d05 0375 0750 0750 %0752 d06 0250 0750 0750 %0753 d07 0125 0750 0750 %0754 d08 0000 0750 0750 %0755 d09 1000 0625 0625 %0756 e01 0875 0625 0625 %0757 e02 0750 0625 0625 %0758 e03 0625 0625 0625 %0759 e04 0500 0625 0625 %0760 e05 0375 0625 0625 %0761 e06 0250 0625 0625 %0762 e07 0125 0625 0625 %0763 e08 0000 0625 0625 %0764 e09 1000 0500 0500 %0765 f01 0875 0500 0500 %0766 f02 0750 0500 0500 %0767 f03 0625 0500 0500 %0768 f04 0500 0500 0500 %0769 f05 0375 0500 0500 %0770 f06 0250 0500 0500 %0771 f07 0125 0500 0500 %0772 f08 0000 0500 0500 %0773 f09 1000 0375 0375 %0774 g01 0875 0375 0375 %0775 g02 0750 0375 0375 %0776 g03 0625 0375 0375 %0777 g04 0500 0375 0375 %0778 g05 0375 0375 0375 %0779 g06 0250 0375 0375 %0780 g07 0125 0375 0375 %0781 g08 0000 0375 0375 %0782 g09 1000 0250 0250 %0783 h01 0875 0250 0250 %0784 h02 0750 0250 0250 %0785 h03 0625 0250 0250 %0786 h04 0500 0250 0250 %0787 h05 0375 0250 0250 %0788 h06 0250 0250 0250 %0789 h07 0125 0250 0250 %0790 h08 0000 0250 0250 %0791 h09 1000 0125 0125 %0792 i01 0875 0125 0125 %0793 i02 0750 0125 0125 %0794 i03 0625 0125 0125 %0795 i04 0500 0125 0125 %0796 i05 0375 0125 0125 %0797 i06 0250 0125 0125 %0798 i07 0125 0125 0125 %0799 i08 0000 0125 0125 %0800 i09 1000 0000 0000 %0801 j01 0875 0000 0000 %0802 j02 0750 0000 0000 %0803 j03 0625 0000 0000 %0804 j04 0500 0000 0000 %0805 j05 0375 0000 0000 %0806 j06 0250 0000 0000 %0807 j07 0125 0000 0000 %0808 j08 0000 0000 0000 %0809 j09 1000 1000 1000 %0810 b10 0875 0875 1000 %0811 b11 0750 0750 1000 %0812 b12 0625 0625 1000 %0813 b13 0500 0500 1000 %0814 b14 0375 0375 1000 %0815 b15 0250 0250 1000 %0816 b16 0125 0125 1000 %0817 b17 0000 0000 1000 %0818 b18 1000 1000 0875 %0819 c10 0875 0875 0875 %0820 c11 0750 0750 0875 %0821 c12 0625 0625 0875 %0822 c13 0500 0500 0875 %0823 c14 0375 0375 0875 %0824 c15 0250 0250 0875 %0825 c16 0125 0125 0875 %0826 c17 0000 0000 0875 %0827 c18 1000 1000 0750 %0828 d10 0875 0875 0750 %0829 d11 0750 0750 0750 %0830 d12 0625 0625 0750 %0831 d13 0500 0500 0750 %0832 d14 0375 0375 0750 %0833 d15 0250 0250 0750 %0834 d16 0125 0125 0750 %0835 d17 0000 0000 0750 %0836 d18 1000 1000 0625 %0837 e10 0875 0875 0625 %0838 e11 0750 0750 0625 %0839 e12 0625 0625 0625 %0840 e13 0500 0500 0625 %0841 e14 0375 0375 0625 %0842 e15 0250 0250 0625 %0843 e16 0125 0125 0625 %0844 e17 0000 0000 0625 %0845 e18 1000 1000 0500 %0846 f10 0875 0875 0500 %0847 f11 0750 0750 0500 %0848 f12 0625 0625 0500 %0849 f13 0500 0500 0500 %0850 f14 0375 0375 0500 %0851 f15 0250 0250 0500 %0852 f16 0125 0125 0500 %0853 f17 0000 0000 0500 %0854 f18 1000 1000 0375 %0855 g10 0875 0875 0375 %0856 g11 0750 0750 0375 %0857 g12 0625 0625 0375 %0858 g13 0500 0500 0375 %0859 g14 0375 0375 0375 %0860 g15 0250 0250 0375 %0861 g16 0125 0125 0375 %0862 g17 0000 0000 0375 %0863 g18 1000 1000 0250 %0864 h10 0875 0875 0250 %0865 h11 0750 0750 0250 %0866 h12 0625 0625 0250 %0867 h13 0500 0500 0250 %0868 h14 0375 0375 0250 %0869 h15 0250 0250 0250 %0870 h16 0125 0125 0250 %0871 h17 0000 0000 0250 %0872 h18 1000 1000 0125 %0873 i10 0875 0875 0125 %0874 i11 0750 0750 0125 %0875 i12 0625 0625 0125 %0876 i13 0500 0500 0125 %0877 i14 0375 0375 0125 %0878 i15 0250 0250 0125 %0879 i16 0125 0125 0125 %0880 i17 0000 0000 0125 %0881 i18 1000 1000 0000 %0882 j10 0875 0875 0000 %0883 j11 0750 0750 0000 %0884 j12 0625 0625 0000 %0885 j13 0500 0500 0000 %0886 j14 0375 0375 0000 %0887 j15 0250 0250 0000 %0888 j16 0125 0125 0000 %0889 j17 0000 0000 0000 %0890 j18 1000 1000 1000 %0891 b19 1000 0875 1000 %0892 b20 1000 0750 1000 %0893 b21 1000 0625 1000 %0894 b22 1000 0500 1000 %0895 b23 1000 0375 1000 %0896 b24 1000 0250 1000 %0897 b25 1000 0125 1000 %0898 b26 1000 0000 1000 %0899 b27 0875 1000 0875 %0900 c19 0875 0875 0875 %0901 c20 0875 0750 0875 %0902 c21 0875 0625 0875 %0903 c22 0875 0500 0875 %0904 c23 0875 0375 0875 %0905 c24 0875 0250 0875 %0906 c25 0875 0125 0875 %0907 c26 0875 0000 0875 %0908 c27 0750 1000 0750 %0909 d19 0750 0875 0750 %0910 d20 0750 0750 0750 %0911 d21 0750 0625 0750 %0912 d22 0750 0500 0750 %0913 d23 0750 0375 0750 %0914 d24 0750 0250 0750 %0915 d25 0750 0125 0750 %0916 d26 0750 0000 0750 %0917 d27 0625 1000 0625 %0918 e19 0625 0875 0625 %0919 e20 0625 0750 0625 %0920 e21 0625 0625 0625 %0921 e22 0625 0500 0625 %0922 e23 0625 0375 0625 %0923 e24 0625 0250 0625 %0924 e25 0625 0125 0625 %0925 e26 0625 0000 0625 %0926 e27 0500 1000 0500 %0927 f19 0500 0875 0500 %0928 f20 0500 0750 0500 %0929 f21 0500 0625 0500 %0930 f22 0500 0500 0500 %0931 f23 0500 0375 0500 %0932 f24 0500 0250 0500 %0933 f25 0500 0125 0500 %0934 f26 0500 0000 0500 %0935 f27 0375 1000 0375 %0936 g19 0375 0875 0375 %0937 g20 0375 0750 0375 %0938 g21 0375 0625 0375 %0939 g22 0375 0500 0375 %0940 g23 0375 0375 0375 %0941 g24 0375 0250 0375 %0942 g25 0375 0125 0375 %0943 g26 0375 0000 0375 %0944 g27 0250 1000 0250 %0945 h19 0250 0875 0250 %0946 h20 0250 0750 0250 %0947 h21 0250 0625 0250 %0948 h22 0250 0500 0250 %0949 h23 0250 0375 0250 %0950 h24 0250 0250 0250 %0951 h25 0250 0125 0250 %0952 h26 0250 0000 0250 %0953 h27 0125 1000 0125 %0954 i19 0125 0875 0125 %0955 i20 0125 0750 0125 %0956 i21 0125 0625 0125 %0957 i22 0125 0500 0125 %0958 i23 0125 0375 0125 %0959 i24 0125 0250 0125 %0960 i25 0125 0125 0125 %0961 i26 0125 0000 0125 %0962 i27 0000 1000 0000 %0963 j19 0000 0875 0000 %0964 j20 0000 0750 0000 %0965 j21 0000 0625 0000 %0966 j22 0000 0500 0000 %0967 j23 0000 0375 0000 %0968 j24 0000 0250 0000 %0969 j25 0000 0125 0000 %0970 j26 0000 0000 0000 %0971 j27 0000 0000 0000 %0972 k01 0125 0125 0125 %0973 k02 0250 0250 0250 %0974 k03 0375 0375 0375 %0975 k04 0500 0500 0500 %0976 k05 0625 0625 0625 %0977 k06 0750 0750 0750 %0978 k07 0875 0875 0875 %0979 k08 1000 1000 1000 %0980 k09 0000 0000 0000 %0981 l01 0125 0125 0125 %0982 l02 0250 0250 0250 %0983 l03 0375 0375 0375 %0984 l04 0500 0500 0500 %0985 l05 0625 0625 0625 %0986 l06 0750 0750 0750 %0987 l07 0875 0875 0875 %0988 l08 1000 1000 1000 %0989 l09 0000 0000 0000 %0990 m01 0125 0125 0125 %0991 m02 0250 0250 0250 %0992 m03 0375 0375 0375 %0993 m04 0500 0500 0500 %0994 m05 0625 0625 0625 %0995 m06 0750 0750 0750 %0996 m07 0875 0875 0875 %0997 m08 1000 1000 1000 %0998 m09 0000 0000 0000 %0999 n01 0125 0125 0125 %1000 n02 0250 0250 0250 %1001 n03 0375 0375 0375 %1002 n04 0500 0500 0500 %1003 n05 0625 0625 0625 %1004 n06 0750 0750 0750 %1005 n07 0875 0875 0875 %1006 n08 1000 1000 1000 %1007 n09 0000 0000 0000 %1008 k10 0066 0066 0066 %1009 k11 0133 0133 0133 %1010 k12 0200 0200 0200 %1011 k13 0266 0266 0266 %1012 k14 0333 0333 0333 %1013 k15 0400 0400 0400 %1014 k16 0466 0466 0466 %1015 k17 0533 0533 0533 %1016 k18 0600 0600 0600 %1017 k19 0666 0666 0666 %1018 k20 0734 0734 0734 %1019 k21 0800 0800 0800 %1020 k22 0866 0866 0866 %1021 k23 0933 0933 0933 %1022 k24 1000 1000 1000 %1023 k25 0000 0000 0000 %1024 l10 0066 0066 0066 %1025 l11 0133 0133 0133 %1026 l12 0200 0200 0200 %1027 l13 0266 0266 0266 %1028 l14 0333 0333 0333 %1029 l15 0400 0400 0400 %1030 l16 0466 0466 0466 %1031 l17 0533 0533 0533 %1032 l18 0600 0600 0600 %1033 l19 0666 0666 0666 %1034 l20 0734 0734 0734 %1035 l21 0800 0800 0800 %1036 l22 0866 0866 0866 %1037 l23 0933 0933 0933 %1038 l24 1000 1000 1000 %1039 l25 0000 0000 0000 %1040 m10 0066 0066 0066 %1041 m11 0133 0133 0133 %1042 m12 0200 0200 0200 %1043 m13 0266 0266 0266 %1044 m14 0333 0333 0333 %1045 m15 0400 0400 0400 %1046 m16 0466 0466 0466 %1047 m17 0533 0533 0533 %1048 m18 0600 0600 0600 %1049 m19 0666 0666 0666 %1050 m20 0734 0734 0734 %1051 m21 0800 0800 0800 %1052 m22 0866 0866 0866 %1053 m23 0933 0933 0933 %1054 m24 1000 1000 1000 %1055 m25 0000 0000 0000 %1056 n10 0066 0066 0066 %1057 n11 0133 0133 0133 %1058 n12 0200 0200 0200 %1059 n13 0266 0266 0266 %1060 n14 0333 0333 0333 %1061 n15 0400 0400 0400 %1062 n16 0466 0466 0466 %1063 n17 0533 0533 0533 %1064 n18 0600 0600 0600 %1065 n19 0666 0666 0666 %1066 n20 0734 0734 0734 %1067 n21 0800 0800 0800 %1068 n22 0866 0866 0866 %1069 n23 0933 0933 0933 %1070 n24 1000 1000 1000 %1071 n25 0000 0000 0000 %1072 k26 1000 1000 1000 %1073 k27 1000 0000 0000 %1074 l26 0000 1000 1000 %1075 l27 1000 1000 0000 %1076 m26 0000 0000 1000 %1077 m27 0000 1000 0000 %1078 n26 1000 0000 1000 %1079 n27 0000 1000 0000 %1078 nx6 1000 0000 1000 %1079 nx7 ] def %END RGB0_F %***************************************************************** %} def %END PROC_SPEC_IOF.PS %END COLDATA-SRGB_00.PS %**************************************************** %END 'XG05'OUTLIN1X.PS Other procedures for sRGB output linearization %**************************************************** %BEG XG05/OUTLIN1Y.PS Emty 20101101 %END XG05/OUTLIN1Y.PS Emty 20101101 /BeginEPSF {% def % Prepare for EPS file /b4_Inc_state save def % Save state for cleanup /dict_count countdictstack def /op_count count 1 sub def % Count objects on op stack userdict begin % Make userdict current dict /showpage {} def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash newpath /languagelevel where % If level not equal to 1 then {pop languagelevel where % If level not equal to 1 then 1 ne {false setstrokeadjust false setoverprint } if } if } bind def /EndEPSF {% def % End for EPS file count op_count sub {pop} repeat countdictstack dict_count sub {end} repeat % Clean up dict stack b4_Inc_state restore } bind def /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def /str {8 string } bind def /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse /PSL12 exch def /dictende {counttomark 2 idiv dup dict begin {def} repeat pop currentdict end} bind def % !AUSTAUSCH Times-Roman -> Times-Roman-ISOLatin1=Times-I /Times-Roman findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /Times-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Italic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-Bold findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesB-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /Times-BoldItalic findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse }forall /Encoding ISOLatin1Encoding def currentdict end /TimesBI-ISOL1 exch definefont pop /TK {250 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TM {300 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TG {350 /Times-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIK {250 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIM {300 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TIG {350 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBK {250 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBM {300 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBG {350 /TimesB-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIK {250 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIM {300 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def /TBIG {350 /TimesBI-ISOL1 FS} bind def %ANFA CMYKDEF %CMYKDEA0 (A0=Standard-Drucker-CMYKDEF) 15.3.97 /tzac [1.000 0.933 0.867 0.800 0.733 0.667 0.600 0.533 0.467 0.400 0.333 0.267 0.200 0.132 0.067 0.000 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000] def /tzam [1.000 0.933 0.867 0.800 0.733 0.667 0.600 0.533 0.467 0.400 0.333 0.267 0.200 0.132 0.067 0.000 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000] def /tzay [1.000 0.933 0.867 0.800 0.733 0.667 0.600 0.533 0.467 0.400 0.333 0.267 0.200 0.132 0.067 0.000 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000] def /tzan [1.000 0.933 0.867 0.800 0.733 0.667 0.600 0.533 0.467 0.400 0.333 0.267 0.200 0.132 0.067 0.000 1.000 0.750 0.500 0.250 0.000] def /tza0 [0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000] def /tza1 [1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000] def %ENDE CMYKD /rec %x, y width heigth {/heigth exch def /width exch def moveto width 0 rlineto 0 heigth rlineto width neg 0 rlineto closepath } bind def /colrecfiLAB* %x y width heigth LAB* { setcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecstLAB* %x y width heigth LAB* { setcolor rec stroke} bind def /colrecficmyn* %x y width heigth cmy0* or 000n* { setcmykcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecstcmyn* %x y width heigth cmy0* or 000n* { setcmykcolor rec stroke} bind def /colrecfiw* %x y width heigth w* { setgray rec fill} bind def /colrecstw* %x y width heigth w* { setgray rec stroke} bind def /colrecfiolv* %x y width heigth olv* { setrgbcolor rec fill} bind def /colrecstolv* %x y width heigth olv* { setrgbcolor rec stroke} bind def /tzocmy0* {0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0} bind def %Reproduction colours /tzlcmy0* {1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0} bind def %cmyn* setcmykcolor /tzvcmy0* {1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzccmy0* {1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzmcmy0* {0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def /tzycmy0* {0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0} bind def /tzoolv* {1.0 0.0 0.0} bind def 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{0.50} bind def /tzhw* {0.75} bind def /tzww* {1.00} bind def /tznolv* {0.00 0.00 0.00} bind def %grey series /tzdolv* {0.25 0.25 0.25} bind def %olv* setrgbcolor /tzzolv* {0.50 0.50 0.50} bind def /tzholv* {0.75 0.75 0.75} bind def /tzwolv* {1.00 1.00 1.00} bind def /tznLAB* [18.01 0.00 0.00] def %grey series /tzdLAB* [37.36 0.00 0.00] def %LAB* setcolor /tzzLAB* [56.71 0.00 0.00] def /tzhLAB* [76.06 0.00 0.00] def /tzwLAB* [95.41 0.00 0.00] def /tfn {0 setgray} bind def /tfw {1 setgray} bind def /A4quer {598 0 translate 90 rotate} def /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow2 {100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow3 {1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 7 string cvs show} def %%EndProlog %*********************************************************** %%BeginPageSetup /#copies 1 def %A4querF 1.0 1.0 scale /pgsave save def %%EndPageSetup /SS$ [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /SC$ [(N) (F) (S) (D) (T) (E) (C)] def /SX$ [(0) (1) (2) 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0.0 0.0 0.00 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /cvishow {cvi 10 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow2 {100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow3 {1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow4 {10000 mul cvi 0.0001 mul 7 string cvs show} def %BEG UE510-7T.TXT 141125 in 'UK91' %Daten XYZ 330 x 21 = 6930, 330 colours a 21 data /iim 329 def /ii2 329 300 sub def /xcmax 07 def /ncode (_RI) def /NRSER 11000000 def /XYZ 12600 array def %max 600 x 21 data /XYZ [ %1-003030-L0 UE510-7R_0_0 'UK0X'UE510-7R.TXT %XS YS ZS X0 Y0 Z0 X1 Y1 Z1 DV dE*ab dE*CH dE*94 dE*CM dE*00 dE*85 NR Code L* a* b* % %CIEXYZ*1000 data for all colour (a) of experiment % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014858 0017330 0027161 0014843 0017330 0027379 0001000 00372 00372 00177 00205 00178 01555 11000000 (BDY_BY60) 48 -4 -24 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014833 0016910 0023328 0014813 0016910 0023582 0001000 00481 00481 00265 00307 00270 01978 11000001 (BDY_BY60) 48 -2 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015282 0017290 0020399 0015264 0017290 0020612 0001000 00441 00441 00288 00342 00295 01757 11000002 (BDY_BY60) 48 -2 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015503 0017440 0018410 0015486 0017440 0018609 0001000 00439 00439 00330 00412 00336 01706 11000003 (BDY_BY60) 48 -1 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015736 0017510 0016718 0015719 0017510 0016920 0001000 00473 00473 00412 00563 00418 01797 11000004 (BDY_BY60) 48 0 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014827 0016480 0014463 0014812 0016480 0014644 0001000 00465 00465 00459 00700 00466 01743 11000005 (BDY_BY60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015108 0016230 0010362 0015085 0016230 0010600 0001000 00758 00758 00504 00604 00515 02134 11000006 (BDY_BY60) 47 2 10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018854 0019940 0007674 0018836 0019940 0007888 0001000 00824 00824 00362 00422 00366 01463 11000007 (BDY_BY60) 51 4 27 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017008 0017750 0004346 0016993 0017750 0004570 0001000 01240 01240 00450 00545 00456 01602 11000008 (BDY_BY60) 49 5 38 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017535 0018080 0002180 0017517 0018080 0002413 0001000 02006 02006 00581 00755 00591 01575 11000009 (BDY_BY60) 49 6 53 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018023 0018485 0000599 0018010 0018494 0000868 0001000 04859 04859 01108 01596 01144 01740 11000010 (BDY_BY60) 50 7 73 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0029532 0016445 0001945 0029529 0016455 0002207 0001000 02385 02385 00859 01589 00997 01900 11000011 (RDC_BY60) 47 70 52 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024855 0015815 0005103 0024844 0015825 0005373 0001000 01320 01320 00600 01087 00652 02163 11000012 (RDC_BY60) 46 54 29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0022368 0016205 0010517 0022361 0016214 0010814 0001000 00899 00899 00528 00998 00513 02598 11000013 (RDC_BY60) 47 41 9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019446 0016725 0011235 0019433 0016734 0011509 0001000 00800 00800 00535 01050 00525 02361 11000014 (RDC_BY60) 47 24 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017111 0016800 0013325 0017094 0016800 0013570 0001000 00655 00655 00537 01202 00499 02247 11000015 (RDC_BY60) 48 11 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014996 0016650 0014875 0014975 0016650 0015078 0001000 00517 00517 00499 00750 00509 01932 11000016 (RDC_BY60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012597 0016059 0015168 0012581 0016059 0015388 0001000 00548 00548 00441 00513 00421 02105 11000017 (RDC_BY60) 47 -12 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010506 0016700 0016891 0010486 0016700 0017145 0001000 00595 00595 00379 00363 00381 02282 11000018 (RDC_BY60) 47 -31 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009779 0017720 0018544 0009763 0017720 0018788 0001000 00538 00538 00308 00285 00314 02062 11000019 (RDC_BY60) 49 -42 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008601 0018030 0019427 0008583 0018030 0019670 0001000 00527 00527 00267 00248 00274 01993 11000020 (RDC_BY60) 49 -54 -8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007633 0018335 0020226 0007616 0018345 0020493 0001000 00561 00561 00253 00241 00260 02053 11000021 (RDC_BY60) 49 -64 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005509 0017425 0002401 0005490 0017435 0002666 0001000 02131 02131 00809 00861 00669 01846 11000022 (GDV_BY60) 48 -82 50 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007619 0016910 0005181 0007599 0016910 0005416 0001000 01175 01175 00564 00555 00481 01791 11000023 (GDV_BY60) 48 -57 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010061 0016410 0008532 0010041 0016410 0008763 0001000 00838 00838 00523 00513 00465 01953 11000024 (GDV_BY60) 47 -33 17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012462 0016920 0011472 0012446 0016920 0011716 0001000 00726 00726 00544 00596 00493 02139 11000025 (GDV_BY60) 48 -18 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0013889 0016710 0013292 0013872 0016710 0013519 0001000 00612 00612 00540 00712 00516 02095 11000026 (GDV_BY60) 47 -7 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014919 0016520 0014686 0014903 0016520 0014896 0001000 00532 00532 00518 00789 00523 02005 11000027 (GDV_BY60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014954 0015065 0015132 0014941 0015075 0015397 0001000 00637 00637 00544 01098 00511 02517 11000028 (GDV_BY60) 45 8 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015894 0014180 0016832 0015869 0014180 0017075 0001000 00572 00572 00419 00770 00378 02358 11000029 (GDV_BY60) 44 19 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017260 0014065 0018835 0017248 0014075 0019124 0001000 00600 00600 00393 00675 00358 02542 11000030 (GDV_BY60) 44 27 -16 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017825 0013575 0019777 0017813 0013585 0020069 0001000 00586 00586 00359 00603 00325 02522 11000031 (GDV_BY60) 43 33 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018453 0013265 0020774 0018445 0013275 0021063 0001000 00557 00557 00321 00534 00289 02432 11000032 (GDV_BY60) 43 39 -22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004570 0015000 0018199 0004551 0015000 0018438 0001000 00576 00576 00223 00222 00229 02177 11000033 (TDM_BY60) 45 -80 -12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007137 0015040 0016898 0007115 0015040 0017123 0001000 00556 00556 00276 00261 00281 02127 11000034 (TDM_BY60) 45 -51 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010252 0015750 0016154 0010237 0015750 0016351 0001000 00474 00474 00311 00303 00309 01849 11000035 (TDM_BY60) 46 -28 -6 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012818 0016800 0016251 0012802 0016800 0016456 0001000 00490 00490 00376 00418 00358 01870 11000036 (TDM_BY60) 48 -15 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014589 0017280 0015964 0014573 0017280 0016180 0001000 00517 00517 00453 00583 00442 01952 11000037 (TDM_BY60) 48 -6 -2 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014869 0016560 0014763 0014853 0016560 0014960 0001000 00498 00498 00481 00718 00485 01877 11000038 (TDM_BY60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019481 0015790 0015754 0019461 0015790 0015989 0001000 00569 00569 00392 00756 00340 02235 11000039 (TDM_BY60) 46 29 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0026196 0015974 0018237 0026182 0015985 0018531 0001000 00621 00621 00326 00595 00270 02512 11000040 (TDM_BY60) 46 59 -10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0032694 0016995 0021270 0032687 0017005 0021607 0001000 00639 00639 00289 00543 00234 02620 11000041 (TDM_BY60) 48 79 -14 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0036601 0017145 0022930 0036595 0017154 0023316 0001000 00696 00696 00289 00558 00230 02890 11000042 (TDM_BY60) 48 92 -17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0039346 0017215 0024373 0039335 0017224 0024804 0001000 00747 00747 00294 00578 00232 03124 11000043 (TDM_BY60) 48 100 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024589 0027160 0023071 0024578 0027160 0023206 0001000 00255 00255 00241 00355 00249 00837 11000044 (WDN_BY60) 59 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015114 0016730 0014790 0015106 0016730 0014889 0001000 00250 00250 00246 00379 00250 00939 11000045 (WDN_BY60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009398 0010410 0009461 0009393 0010410 0009541 0001000 00270 00270 00257 00379 00260 01102 11000046 (WDN_BY60) 38 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006304 0006980 0006385 0006300 0006980 0006451 0001000 00286 00286 00272 00401 00274 01209 11000047 (WDN_BY60) 31 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004324 0004790 0004343 0004322 0004790 0004392 0001000 00274 00274 00264 00397 00266 01156 11000048 (WDN_BY60) 26 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0002997 0003320 0002959 0002993 0003320 0003004 0001000 00330 00330 00324 00498 00328 01335 11000049 (WDN_BY60) 21 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0002075 0002290 0001989 0002072 0002290 0002026 0001000 00352 00352 00351 00542 00359 01317 11000050 (WDN_BY60) 16 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001618 0001770 0001497 0001615 0001770 0001529 0001000 00371 00371 00362 00542 00369 01274 11000051 (WDN_BY60) 14 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001166 0001270 0001032 0001164 0001270 0001059 0001000 00396 00396 00377 00554 00386 01179 11000052 (WDN_BY60) 11 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000849 0000920 0000713 0000846 0000920 0000738 0001000 00456 00456 00420 00603 00433 01185 11000053 (WDN_BY60) 8 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000594 0000640 0000467 0000592 0000640 0000491 0001000 00434 00434 00403 00581 00415 01200 11000054 (WDN_BY60) 5 0 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0188650 0197480 0086027 0188562 0197520 0087870 0001000 01760 01760 01720 02490 01720 01703 21000055 (QPN_BY60) 129 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0114205 0120290 0054559 0114118 0120310 0055580 0001000 01328 01328 01221 01749 01197 01535 21000056 (QPN_BY60) 107 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0070386 0074329 0034521 0070356 0074350 0035187 0001000 01165 01165 01021 01403 01001 01575 21000057 (QPN_BY60) 89 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0047148 0049805 0023261 0047124 0049815 0023707 0001000 01018 01018 00895 01233 00880 01547 21000058 (QPN_BY60) 75 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0032628 0034395 0015895 0032614 0034405 0016244 0001000 01024 01024 00933 01325 00916 01710 21000059 (QPN_BY60) 65 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0023511 0024665 0011285 0023504 0024675 0011537 0001000 00921 00921 00863 01258 00852 01660 21000060 (QPN_BY60) 56 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0016979 0017740 0007904 0016963 0017740 0008105 0001000 00952 00952 00933 01410 00931 01817 21000061 (QPN_BY60) 49 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0012387 0012870 0005557 0012376 0012870 0005724 0001000 00999 00999 00978 01427 00975 01979 21000062 (QPN_BY60) 42 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0008903 0009190 0003800 0008892 0009190 0003942 0001000 01086 01086 01009 01430 01027 02170 21000063 (QPN_BY60) 36 1 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0006464 0006620 0002606 0006454 0006620 0002729 0001000 01209 01209 01071 01489 01099 02377 21000064 (QPN_BY60) 30 1 2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004608 0004680 0001738 0004600 0004680 0001841 0001000 01317 01317 01122 01545 01155 02470 21000065 (QPN_BY60) 25 1 3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004836 0005120 0002381 0004829 0005120 0002465 0001000 00886 00886 00836 01225 00824 01942 21000066 (OPN_BY60) 27 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0002977 0003170 0001525 0002972 0003170 0001595 0001000 00972 00972 00895 01280 00880 02081 21000067 (OPN_BY60) 20 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001819 0001940 0000953 0001814 0001940 0001009 0001000 01086 01086 00996 01421 00979 02129 21000068 (OPN_BY60) 15 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001200 0001280 0000628 0001196 0001280 0000673 0001000 01137 01137 01055 01522 01036 01961 21000069 (OPN_BY60) 11 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000826 0000880 0000424 0000823 0000880 0000462 0001000 01245 01245 01170 01710 01146 01844 21000070 (OPN_BY60) 7 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000593 0000630 0000294 0000590 0000630 0000330 0001000 01265 01265 01231 01867 01202 01840 21000071 (OPN_BY60) 5 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000434 0000460 0000207 0000431 0000460 0000237 0001000 01062 01062 01053 01632 01036 01633 21000072 (OPN_BY60) 4 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000283 0000300 0000128 0000281 0000300 0000154 0001000 00938 00938 00934 01447 00930 01518 21000073 (OPN_BY60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000230 0000240 0000096 0000228 0000240 0000123 0001000 00968 00968 00962 01467 00962 01598 21000074 (OPN_BY60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000164 0000170 0000062 0000163 0000170 0000086 0001000 00852 00852 00846 01280 00847 01434 21000075 (OPN_BY60) 1 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000117 0000120 0000039 0000115 0000120 0000059 0001000 00712 00712 00706 01068 00709 01215 21000076 (OPN_BY60) 1 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008130 0006145 0027441 0008121 0006155 0027737 0001000 00484 00484 00206 00274 00280 01812 11000077 (ANY_AY20) 29 26 -57 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007357 0006180 0020748 0007340 0006180 0020975 0001000 00480 00480 00219 00284 00281 02098 11000078 (ANY_AY20) 29 18 -44 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006791 0006430 0014511 0006774 0006430 0014709 0001000 00527 00527 00282 00361 00338 02438 11000079 (ANY_AY20) 30 10 -29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006517 0006630 0010844 0006502 0006630 0011007 0001000 00524 00524 00324 00425 00395 02421 11000080 (ANY_AY20) 30 5 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006773 0006720 0007119 0006765 0006720 0007267 0001000 00601 00601 00505 00959 00480 02652 11000081 (ANY_AY20) 31 7 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006509 0006720 0004854 0006502 0006720 0004989 0001000 00700 00700 00576 00926 00585 02456 11000082 (ANY_AY20) 31 4 4 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006351 0006220 0003128 0006344 0006220 0003294 0001000 01150 01150 00743 01117 00787 02957 11000083 (ANY_AY20) 29 8 12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006326 0006250 0001894 0006318 0006250 0002057 0001000 01559 01559 00771 00953 00806 02693 11000084 (ANY_AY20) 30 7 22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006492 0006370 0001100 0006483 0006370 0001258 0001000 02105 02105 00858 01047 00891 02437 11000085 (ANY_AY20) 30 8 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006493 0006340 0000426 0006482 0006340 0000596 0001000 03029 03029 01022 01282 01062 02557 11000086 (ANY_AY20) 30 8 43 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005866 0006250 0000480 0005850 0006250 0000642 0001000 02893 02893 00980 01204 01002 02497 11000087 (ANY_AY20) 30 2 41 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014769 0017325 0027328 0014932 0017335 0027211 0001000 00968 00968 00670 00778 00740 02101 11000088 (BDY_RC60) 48 -4 -24 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014753 0016905 0023505 0014894 0016914 0023405 0001000 00835 00835 00626 00783 00809 01893 11000089 (BDY_RC60) 48 -2 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015200 0017285 0020560 0015346 0017295 0020451 0001000 00862 00862 00697 00945 00972 01989 11000090 (BDY_RC60) 48 -2 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015432 0017435 0018556 0015558 0017445 0018464 0001000 00736 00736 00634 00888 00899 01715 11000091 (BDY_RC60) 48 -1 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015668 0017505 0016862 0015787 0017515 0016776 0001000 00683 00683 00634 00865 00920 01619 11000092 (BDY_RC60) 48 0 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014769 0016475 0014588 0014870 0016484 0014519 0001000 00595 00595 00574 00860 00836 01430 11000093 (BDY_RC60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015034 0016230 0010538 0015159 0016230 0010424 0001000 00840 00840 00667 01117 00971 01933 11000094 (BDY_RC60) 47 2 10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018752 0019935 0007862 0018938 0019945 0007700 0001000 01125 01125 00673 00949 00794 02224 11000095 (BDY_RC60) 51 4 27 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0016919 0017745 0004528 0017082 0017755 0004387 0001000 01177 01177 00577 00774 00650 02084 11000096 (BDY_RC60) 49 5 38 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017430 0018075 0002383 0017622 0018085 0002210 0001000 01808 01808 00655 00870 00723 02403 11000097 (BDY_RC60) 49 6 53 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017934 0018485 0000807 0018100 0018494 0000659 0001000 02928 02928 00729 01027 00749 02004 11000098 (BDY_RC60) 50 7 73 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0029362 0016440 0002211 0029699 0016460 0001940 0001000 02801 02801 00767 01330 00837 02772 11000099 (RDC_RC60) 47 70 52 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024730 0015815 0005341 0024969 0015825 0005134 0001000 01438 01438 00430 00650 00439 02424 11000100 (RDC_RC60) 46 54 29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0022251 0016205 0010761 0022478 0016214 0010569 0001000 01181 01181 00449 00640 00443 02591 11000101 (RDC_RC60) 47 41 9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019352 0016725 0011443 0019526 0016734 0011300 0001000 00948 00948 00450 00542 00463 02128 11000102 (RDC_RC60) 47 24 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017029 0016795 0013505 0017176 0016804 0013389 0001000 00838 00838 00560 00690 00674 01976 11000103 (RDC_RC60) 48 11 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014932 0016645 0015014 0015039 0016654 0014938 0001000 00630 00630 00609 00882 00882 01514 11000104 (RDC_RC60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012494 0016055 0015359 0012685 0016064 0015197 0001000 01323 01323 00823 00965 01021 02762 11000105 (RDC_RC60) 47 -12 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010405 0016695 0017094 0010587 0016705 0016941 0001000 01400 01400 00571 00670 00586 02312 11000106 (RDC_RC60) 47 -31 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009663 0017715 0018760 0009879 0017724 0018572 0001000 01750 01750 00590 00724 00599 02533 11000107 (RDC_RC60) 49 -42 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008471 0018025 0019656 0008713 0018035 0019441 0001000 02143 02143 00613 00795 00621 02719 11000108 (RDC_RC60) 49 -54 -8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007489 0018335 0020476 0007761 0018345 0020242 0001000 02601 02601 00652 00894 00661 02873 11000109 (RDC_RC60) 49 -64 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005390 0017425 0002639 0005610 0017435 0002427 0001000 03099 03099 01169 01242 00969 02222 11000110 (GDV_RC60) 48 -82 50 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007521 0016905 0005380 0007697 0016914 0005217 0001000 01828 01828 00803 00814 00696 01950 11000111 (GDV_RC60) 48 -57 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009961 0016405 0008728 0010141 0016414 0008566 0001000 01504 01504 00820 00834 00753 02265 11000112 (GDV_RC60) 47 -33 17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012381 0016915 0011654 0012527 0016925 0011533 0001000 01023 01023 00677 00746 00710 01900 11000113 (GDV_RC60) 48 -18 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0013813 0016705 0013459 0013948 0016714 0013352 0001000 00869 00869 00698 00887 00874 01886 11000114 (GDV_RC60) 47 -7 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014851 0016515 0014835 0014971 0016525 0014746 0001000 00719 00719 00704 01028 01025 01739 11000115 (GDV_RC60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014872 0015065 0015322 0015022 0015075 0015206 0001000 00913 00913 00741 01361 00895 02232 11000116 (GDV_RC60) 45 8 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015798 0014175 0017017 0015965 0014185 0016889 0001000 00972 00972 00639 01086 00644 02347 11000117 (GDV_RC60) 44 19 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017167 0014065 0019044 0017341 0014075 0018914 0001000 00956 00956 00549 00888 00517 02258 11000118 (GDV_RC60) 44 27 -16 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017729 0013575 0019989 0017908 0013585 0019857 0001000 00957 00957 00504 00803 00467 02231 11000119 (GDV_RC60) 43 33 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018357 0013265 0020985 0018541 0013275 0020851 0001000 00961 00961 00473 00750 00433 02208 11000120 (GDV_RC60) 43 39 -22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004440 0014995 0018421 0004680 0015005 0018215 0001000 03215 03215 00676 01010 00686 02835 11000121 (TDM_RC60) 45 -80 -12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007030 0015035 0017092 0007221 0015045 0016928 0001000 01894 01894 00558 00717 00565 02454 11000122 (TDM_RC60) 45 -51 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010151 0015745 0016331 0010338 0015755 0016173 0001000 01465 01465 00632 00736 00659 02526 11000123 (TDM_RC60) 46 -28 -6 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012731 0016795 0016418 0012889 0016804 0016289 0001000 01067 01067 00617 00715 00741 02133 11000124 (TDM_RC60) 48 -15 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014520 0017275 0016117 0014642 0017285 0016026 0001000 00748 00748 00567 00712 00757 01657 11000125 (TDM_RC60) 48 -6 -2 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014815 0016560 0014900 0014907 0016560 0014821 0001000 00598 00598 00571 00830 00827 01426 11000126 (TDM_RC60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019400 0015785 0015922 0019542 0015795 0015820 0001000 00719 00719 00370 00587 00351 01695 11000127 (TDM_RC60) 46 29 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0026079 0015974 0018468 0026299 0015985 0018299 0001000 00952 00952 00351 00583 00314 02189 11000128 (TDM_RC60) 46 59 -10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0032550 0016995 0021548 0032832 0017005 0021328 0001000 01068 01068 00338 00593 00294 02402 11000129 (TDM_RC60) 48 79 -14 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0036460 0017145 0023226 0036736 0017154 0023019 0001000 00964 00964 00277 00506 00238 02122 11000130 (TDM_RC60) 48 92 -17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0039167 0017210 0024706 0039515 0017230 0024470 0001000 01111 01111 00303 00567 00258 02415 11000131 (TDM_RC60) 48 100 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014924 0017320 0027356 0014778 0017340 0027184 0001000 01056 01056 00768 00904 00842 02469 11000132 (BDY_GV60) 48 -4 -24 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014886 0016900 0023523 0014761 0016920 0023387 0001000 00927 00927 00720 00918 00922 02224 11000133 (BDY_GV60) 48 -2 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015335 0017280 0020578 0015211 0017300 0020434 0001000 00919 00919 00772 01082 01060 02259 11000134 (BDY_GV60) 48 -2 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015555 0017430 0018574 0015435 0017450 0018445 0001000 00886 00886 00792 01156 01105 02163 11000135 (BDY_GV60) 48 -1 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015786 0017500 0016885 0015669 0017520 0016753 0001000 00869 00869 00820 01133 01169 02173 11000136 (BDY_GV60) 48 0 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014877 0016470 0014619 0014763 0016490 0014488 0001000 00894 00894 00885 01337 01239 02271 11000137 (BDY_GV60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015145 0016219 0010536 0015049 0016240 0010426 0001000 00797 00797 00677 01253 00998 01878 11000138 (BDY_GV60) 47 2 10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018914 0019930 0007857 0018777 0019950 0007705 0001000 01023 01023 00672 00991 00811 02017 11000139 (BDY_GV60) 51 4 27 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017071 0017740 0004532 0016931 0017760 0004384 0001000 01238 01238 00691 00961 00802 02188 11000140 (BDY_GV60) 49 5 38 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017598 0018070 0002373 0017455 0018090 0002220 0001000 01624 01624 00688 00933 00800 02156 11000141 (BDY_GV60) 49 6 53 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018095 0018475 0000820 0017939 0018505 0000647 0001000 03430 03430 00979 01374 01084 02394 11000142 (BDY_GV60) 50 7 73 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0029621 0016435 0002175 0029441 0016465 0001977 0001000 02075 02075 00883 01669 01034 02128 11000143 (RDC_GV60) 47 70 52 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024923 0015809 0005319 0024776 0015830 0005157 0001000 01135 01135 00575 01066 00628 01957 11000144 (RDC_GV60) 46 54 29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0022449 0016199 0010755 0022281 0016219 0010576 0001000 01083 01083 00545 00973 00535 02455 11000145 (RDC_GV60) 47 41 9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019517 0016720 0011459 0019362 0016740 0011285 0001000 01062 01062 00674 01279 00690 02474 11000146 (RDC_GV60) 47 24 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017157 0016789 0013508 0017048 0016810 0013387 0001000 00808 00808 00606 01188 00706 01990 11000147 (RDC_GV60) 48 11 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015042 0016640 0015039 0014930 0016660 0014913 0001000 00870 00870 00855 01238 01206 02199 11000148 (RDC_GV60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012657 0016049 0015356 0012522 0016070 0015200 0001000 01118 01118 00800 00940 00933 02476 11000149 (RDC_GV60) 47 -12 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010586 0016685 0017115 0010407 0016715 0016922 0001000 01627 01627 00796 00857 00800 02868 11000150 (RDC_GV60) 47 -31 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009866 0017705 0018770 0009677 0017734 0018562 0001000 01763 01763 00723 00793 00724 02766 11000151 (RDC_GV60) 49 -42 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008684 0018015 0019653 0008501 0018045 0019445 0001000 01839 01839 00643 00734 00645 02595 11000152 (RDC_GV60) 49 -54 -8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007729 0018325 0020479 0007521 0018355 0020241 0001000 02209 02209 00677 00811 00679 02796 11000153 (RDC_GV60) 49 -64 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005621 0017410 0002666 0005381 0017450 0002403 0001000 03778 03778 00726 01136 00712 02723 11000154 (GDV_GV60) 48 -82 50 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007699 0016895 0005400 0007520 0016925 0005198 0001000 02163 02163 00555 00754 00548 02351 11000155 (GDV_GV60) 48 -57 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010126 0016395 0008732 0009977 0016425 0008563 0001000 01514 01514 00573 00683 00568 02347 11000156 (GDV_GV60) 47 -33 17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012532 0016905 0011679 0012377 0016935 0011509 0001000 01356 01356 00722 00832 00792 02597 11000157 (GDV_GV60) 48 -18 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0013954 0016699 0013484 0013807 0016720 0013327 0001000 01148 01148 00853 01060 01067 02569 11000158 (GDV_GV60) 47 -7 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014967 0016510 0014853 0014856 0016530 0014729 0001000 00867 00867 00853 01246 01216 02199 11000159 (GDV_GV60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015016 0015059 0015339 0014879 0015080 0015190 0001000 01044 01044 00716 00894 00925 02671 11000160 (GDV_GV60) 45 8 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015957 0014170 0017035 0015807 0014190 0016873 0001000 01089 01089 00543 00646 00600 02793 11000161 (GDV_GV60) 44 19 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017337 0014054 0019073 0017171 0014085 0018886 0001000 01207 01207 00496 00596 00506 03134 11000162 (GDV_GV60) 44 27 -16 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017905 0013565 0020019 0017733 0013595 0019828 0001000 01218 01218 00445 00549 00449 03148 11000163 (GDV_GV60) 43 33 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018532 0013255 0021011 0018367 0013285 0020826 0001000 01156 01156 00386 00486 00388 02997 11000164 (GDV_GV60) 43 39 -22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004690 0014980 0018465 0004432 0015020 0018172 0001000 03793 03793 00972 01262 00969 03911 11000165 (TDM_GV60) 45 -80 -12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007214 0015025 0017108 0007038 0015055 0016913 0001000 02002 02002 00729 00820 00730 02864 11000166 (TDM_GV60) 45 -51 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010319 0015740 0016337 0010171 0015760 0016168 0001000 01354 01354 00712 00760 00722 02518 11000167 (TDM_GV60) 46 -28 -6 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012880 0016789 0016430 0012740 0016810 0016278 0001000 01132 01132 00764 00869 00867 02377 11000168 (TDM_GV60) 48 -15 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014645 0017270 0016143 0014517 0017290 0016001 0001000 00984 00984 00828 01064 01048 02288 11000169 (TDM_GV60) 48 -6 -2 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014910 0016550 0014917 0014812 0016570 0014805 0001000 00782 00782 00768 01115 01073 01979 11000170 (TDM_GV60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019543 0015780 0015951 0019400 0015800 0015792 0001000 00950 00950 00428 00576 00428 02426 11000171 (TDM_GV60) 46 29 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0026284 0015964 0018488 0026094 0015995 0018279 0001000 01098 01098 00333 00497 00320 02800 11000172 (TDM_GV60) 46 59 -10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0032807 0016980 0021571 0032575 0017020 0021306 0001000 01219 01219 00311 00503 00293 03138 11000173 (TDM_GV60) 48 79 -14 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0036728 0017130 0023269 0036469 0017170 0022977 0001000 01253 01253 00288 00488 00269 03209 11000174 (TDM_GV60) 48 92 -17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0039489 0017199 0024749 0039194 0017240 0024428 0001000 01337 01337 00282 00492 00265 03361 11000175 (TDM_GV60) 48 100 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014923 0017325 0027267 0014778 0017335 0027273 0001000 00945 00945 00684 00806 00754 01878 11000176 (BDY_TM60) 48 -4 -24 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014885 0016905 0023454 0014762 0016914 0023456 0001000 00816 00816 00636 00812 00823 01688 11000177 (BDY_TM60) 48 -2 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015335 0017285 0020507 0015211 0017295 0020504 0001000 00799 00799 00674 00947 00945 01668 11000178 (BDY_TM60) 48 -2 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015555 0017435 0018508 0015435 0017445 0018511 0001000 00768 00768 00687 00999 00983 01614 11000179 (BDY_TM60) 48 -1 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015788 0017505 0016820 0015667 0017515 0016817 0001000 00769 00769 00730 01008 01079 01645 11000180 (BDY_TM60) 48 0 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014877 0016480 0014560 0014762 0016480 0014547 0001000 00705 00705 00698 01069 01026 01525 11000181 (BDY_TM60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015157 0016225 0010483 0015036 0016234 0010479 0001000 00790 00790 00673 01251 01033 01716 11000182 (BDY_TM60) 47 2 10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018925 0019935 0007787 0018766 0019945 0007774 0001000 00882 00882 00620 00931 00767 01830 11000183 (BDY_TM60) 51 4 27 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017073 0017745 0004466 0016929 0017755 0004449 0001000 00868 00868 00550 00780 00656 01829 11000184 (BDY_TM60) 49 5 38 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017609 0018075 0002308 0017444 0018085 0002285 0001000 00986 00986 00543 00750 00667 02032 11000185 (BDY_TM60) 49 6 53 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018098 0018485 0000744 0017935 0018494 0000722 0001000 01018 01018 00465 00649 00590 01952 11000186 (BDY_TM60) 50 7 73 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008194 0006145 0027563 0008058 0006155 0027614 0001000 01355 01355 00654 00873 00923 02920 11000187 (ANY_TM20) 29 26 -57 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007411 0006174 0020843 0007287 0006185 0020878 0001000 01317 01317 00722 00946 00977 02953 11000188 (ANY_TM20) 29 18 -44 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006840 0006424 0014602 0006726 0006435 0014617 0001000 01279 01279 00833 01112 01079 02978 11000189 (ANY_TM20) 30 10 -29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006568 0006625 0010923 0006451 0006635 0010927 0001000 01347 01347 01010 01460 01496 03195 11000190 (ANY_TM20) 30 5 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006827 0006720 0007199 0006711 0006720 0007188 0001000 01204 01204 00910 01471 01203 02820 11000191 (ANY_TM20) 31 7 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006564 0006714 0004922 0006447 0006725 0004920 0001000 01353 01353 01136 01973 01601 03216 11000192 (ANY_TM20) 31 4 4 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006398 0006220 0003214 0006297 0006220 0003207 0001000 01103 01103 00839 01583 01161 02572 11000193 (ANY_TM20) 29 8 12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006375 0006250 0001980 0006270 0006250 0001970 0001000 01146 01146 00827 01357 01070 02676 11000194 (ANY_TM20) 30 7 22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006541 0006370 0001184 0006434 0006370 0001173 0001000 01143 01143 00759 01145 00908 02648 11000195 (ANY_TM20) 30 8 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006547 0006340 0000516 0006429 0006340 0000505 0001000 01269 01269 00765 01095 00923 02923 11000196 (ANY_TM20) 30 8 43 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005912 0006250 0000570 0005804 0006250 0000552 0001000 01270 01270 00770 01050 00914 02945 11000197 (ANY_TM20) 30 2 41 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0029633 0016445 0002090 0029429 0016455 0002061 0001000 00898 00898 00334 00622 00388 01444 11000198 (RDC_TM60) 47 70 52 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024952 0015815 0005253 0024748 0015825 0005223 0001000 00961 00961 00368 00637 00394 01730 11000199 (RDC_TM60) 46 54 29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0022441 0016205 0010675 0022288 0016214 0010655 0001000 00778 00778 00297 00434 00297 01499 11000200 (RDC_TM60) 47 41 9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019512 0016725 0011377 0019367 0016734 0011366 0001000 00805 00805 00413 00624 00438 01637 11000201 (RDC_TM60) 47 24 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017169 0016795 0013452 0017036 0016804 0013443 0001000 00799 00799 00539 00785 00684 01690 11000202 (RDC_TM60) 48 11 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015039 0016645 0014979 0014932 0016654 0014974 0001000 00712 00712 00700 01024 01033 01544 11000203 (RDC_TM60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012656 0016055 0015280 0012523 0016064 0015275 0001000 00973 00973 00639 00754 00785 01725 11000204 (RDC_TM60) 47 -12 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010571 0016695 0017022 0010421 0016705 0017013 0001000 01219 01219 00525 00603 00529 01609 11000205 (RDC_TM60) 47 -31 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009852 0017715 0018667 0009690 0017724 0018665 0001000 01367 01367 00486 00581 00483 01524 11000206 (RDC_TM60) 49 -42 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008677 0018025 0019551 0008508 0018035 0019546 0001000 01547 01547 00467 00588 00464 01465 11000207 (RDC_TM60) 49 -54 -8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007730 0018335 0020363 0007520 0018345 0020355 0001000 02067 02067 00550 00728 00545 01697 11000208 (RDC_TM60) 49 -64 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005608 0017425 0002547 0005392 0017435 0002519 0001000 02639 02639 00652 00862 00587 01681 11000209 (GDV_TM60) 48 -82 50 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007714 0016905 0005309 0007506 0016914 0005288 0001000 02053 02053 00653 00778 00602 01853 11000210 (GDV_TM60) 48 -57 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010115 0016405 0008652 0009987 0016414 0008642 0001000 01078 01078 00465 00521 00446 01381 11000211 (GDV_TM60) 47 -33 17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012522 0016915 0011598 0012386 0016925 0011589 0001000 00989 00989 00565 00643 00627 01591 11000212 (GDV_TM60) 48 -18 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0013948 0016705 0013411 0013813 0016714 0013400 0001000 00925 00925 00701 00879 00914 01772 11000213 (GDV_TM60) 47 -7 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014969 0016515 0014795 0014853 0016525 0014786 0001000 00764 00764 00754 01110 01126 01665 11000214 (GDV_TM60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015019 0015065 0015264 0014876 0015075 0015264 0001000 00937 00937 00690 01089 00898 02030 11000215 (GDV_TM60) 45 8 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015952 0014175 0016957 0015811 0014185 0016950 0001000 00889 00889 00496 00725 00537 01885 11000216 (GDV_TM60) 44 19 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017331 0014065 0018979 0017176 0014075 0018980 0001000 00924 00924 00443 00644 00437 01897 11000217 (GDV_TM60) 44 27 -16 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017894 0013575 0019921 0017744 0013585 0019925 0001000 00880 00880 00383 00557 00370 01773 11000218 (GDV_TM60) 43 33 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018528 0013265 0020918 0018371 0013275 0020917 0001000 00900 00900 00360 00526 00345 01780 11000219 (GDV_TM60) 43 39 -22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004692 0014995 0018322 0004429 0015005 0018313 0001000 03600 03600 00817 01161 00807 02280 11000220 (TDM_TM60) 45 -80 -12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007246 0015035 0017015 0007006 0015045 0017005 0001000 02458 02458 00780 00962 00771 02392 11000221 (TDM_TM60) 45 -51 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010349 0015745 0016259 0010141 0015755 0016245 0001000 01690 01690 00783 00890 00796 02349 11000222 (TDM_TM60) 46 -28 -6 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012894 0016795 0016355 0012725 0016804 0016353 0001000 01201 01201 00738 00854 00874 02027 11000223 (TDM_TM60) 48 -15 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014653 0017275 0016077 0014509 0017285 0016066 0001000 00955 00955 00765 00978 01014 01861 11000224 (TDM_TM60) 48 -6 -2 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014921 0016555 0014863 0014801 0016564 0014859 0001000 00793 00793 00776 01141 01136 01710 11000225 (TDM_TM60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019562 0015785 0015877 0019380 0015795 0015866 0001000 00992 00992 00424 00511 00436 01995 11000226 (TDM_TM60) 46 29 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0026296 0015974 0018389 0026082 0015985 0018378 0001000 00958 00958 00262 00358 00261 01700 11000227 (TDM_TM60) 46 59 -10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0032835 0016995 0021442 0032547 0017005 0021434 0001000 01099 01099 00245 00371 00242 01760 11000228 (TDM_TM60) 48 79 -14 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0036746 0017145 0023129 0036450 0017154 0023116 0001000 01053 01053 00208 00335 00206 01587 11000229 (TDM_TM60) 48 92 -17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0039496 0017210 0024587 0039186 0017230 0024589 0001000 01104 01104 00206 00344 00202 01630 11000230 (TDM_TM60) 48 100 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024644 0027155 0023141 0024523 0027164 0023135 0001000 00570 00570 00560 00812 00845 01120 11000231 (WDN_TM60) 59 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015150 0016730 0014844 0015069 0016730 0014834 0001000 00491 00491 00488 00734 00729 01066 11000232 (WDN_TM60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009425 0010410 0009504 0009366 0010410 0009498 0001000 00494 00494 00484 00697 00726 01150 11000233 (WDN_TM60) 38 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006325 0006980 0006420 0006279 0006980 0006416 0001000 00495 00495 00485 00697 00729 01189 11000234 (WDN_TM60) 31 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004342 0004790 0004370 0004304 0004790 0004365 0001000 00526 00526 00518 00757 00777 01262 11000235 (WDN_TM60) 26 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0003010 0003320 0002983 0002980 0003320 0002979 0001000 00543 00543 00538 00807 00804 01260 11000236 (WDN_TM60) 21 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0002087 0002290 0002009 0002060 0002290 0002006 0001000 00615 00616 00611 00930 00916 01339 11000237 (WDN_TM60) 16 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001628 0001770 0001514 0001605 0001770 0001511 0001000 00623 00623 00608 00905 00909 01269 11000238 (WDN_TM60) 14 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001175 0001270 0001047 0001154 0001270 0001045 0001000 00697 00697 00678 00987 01014 01273 11000239 (WDN_TM60) 11 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000856 0000920 0000726 0000839 0000920 0000724 0001000 00726 00726 00702 01005 01053 01169 11000240 (WDN_TM60) 8 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000601 0000640 0000480 0000585 0000640 0000478 0001000 00717 00717 00694 00996 01040 01182 11000241 (WDN_TM60) 5 0 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0189092 0197475 0086993 0188121 0197525 0086901 0001000 01136 01136 01089 01597 01631 01317 21000242 (QPN_TM60) 129 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0114444 0120285 0055113 0113879 0120315 0055023 0001000 00930 00930 00894 01238 01313 01252 21000243 (QPN_TM60) 107 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0070572 0074329 0034877 0070171 0074350 0034829 0001000 00905 00905 00856 01181 01249 01407 21000244 (QPN_TM60) 89 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0047272 0049805 0023500 0047000 0049815 0023467 0001000 00793 00793 00752 01036 01099 01382 21000245 (QPN_TM60) 75 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0032722 0034395 0016082 0032521 0034405 0016057 0001000 00759 00759 00729 01009 01078 01464 21000246 (QPN_TM60) 65 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0023579 0024665 0011419 0023437 0024675 0011403 0001000 00678 00678 00657 00925 00994 01427 21000247 (QPN_TM60) 56 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0017031 0017735 0008009 0016911 0017744 0008000 0001000 00720 00720 00700 01023 01049 01626 21000248 (QPN_TM60) 49 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0012425 0012870 0005645 0012337 0012870 0005636 0001000 00602 00602 00573 00845 00851 01430 21000249 (QPN_TM60) 42 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0008934 0009190 0003876 0008861 0009190 0003866 0001000 00629 00629 00599 00856 00878 01552 21000250 (QPN_TM60) 36 1 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0006494 0006620 0002671 0006424 0006620 0002663 0001000 00741 00741 00695 01000 01021 01860 21000251 (QPN_TM60) 30 1 2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004629 0004680 0001792 0004580 0004680 0001786 0001000 00655 00655 00607 00905 00893 01633 21000252 (QPN_TM60) 25 1 3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004857 0005120 0002426 0004808 0005120 0002420 0001000 00618 00618 00601 00847 00883 01543 21000253 (OPN_TM60) 27 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0002994 0003170 0001562 0002956 0003170 0001557 0001000 00676 00676 00651 00901 00949 01605 21000254 (OPN_TM60) 20 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001832 0001940 0000983 0001801 0001940 0000979 0001000 00767 00767 00737 01020 01078 01644 21000255 (OPN_TM60) 15 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001211 0001280 0000652 0001186 0001280 0000649 0001000 00835 00835 00806 01121 01181 01571 21000256 (OPN_TM60) 11 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000836 0000880 0000444 0000814 0000880 0000441 0001000 00884 00884 00856 01199 01260 01446 21000257 (OPN_TM60) 7 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000602 0000630 0000313 0000581 0000630 0000310 0001000 00828 00828 00812 01174 01201 01451 21000258 (OPN_TM60) 5 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000442 0000460 0000223 0000424 0000460 0000221 0001000 00741 00741 00732 01088 01088 01365 21000259 (OPN_TM60) 4 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000291 0000300 0000142 0000274 0000300 0000140 0001000 00724 00724 00719 01091 01072 01395 21000260 (OPN_TM60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000238 0000240 0000110 0000221 0000240 0000108 0001000 00723 00723 00718 01089 01074 01416 21000261 (OPN_TM60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000171 0000170 0000074 0000156 0000170 0000073 0001000 00593 00593 00589 00897 00883 01183 21000262 (OPN_TM60) 1 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000124 0000120 0000050 0000109 0000120 0000049 0001000 00602 00603 00598 00909 00897 01210 21000263 (OPN_TM60) 1 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014820 0017295 0027236 0014881 0017365 0027304 0001000 00095 00095 00088 00071 00088 00943 11000264 (BDY_WN60) 48 -4 -24 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014805 0016890 0023437 0014841 0016930 0023473 0001000 00054 00054 00051 00042 00051 00541 11000265 (BDY_WN60) 48 -2 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015246 0017260 0020478 0015300 0017320 0020533 0001000 00077 00077 00075 00061 00075 00779 11000266 (BDY_WN60) 48 -2 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015468 0017410 0018486 0015522 0017470 0018534 0001000 00078 00078 00076 00063 00076 00773 11000267 (BDY_WN60) 48 -1 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015701 0017480 0016790 0015754 0017540 0016848 0001000 00074 00074 00074 00058 00073 00759 11000268 (BDY_WN60) 48 0 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014793 0016449 0014527 0014847 0016510 0014580 0001000 00077 00077 00077 00061 00075 00799 11000269 (BDY_WN60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015078 0016209 0010462 0015115 0016250 0010499 0001000 00058 00058 00054 00047 00054 00548 11000270 (BDY_WN60) 47 2 10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018824 0019915 0007758 0018866 0019965 0007804 0001000 00100 00100 00067 00061 00067 00596 11000271 (BDY_WN60) 51 4 27 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0016974 0017720 0004430 0017027 0017780 0004485 0001000 00189 00189 00097 00096 00097 00802 11000272 (BDY_WN60) 49 5 38 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017499 0018050 0002271 0017553 0018110 0002322 0001000 00328 00328 00118 00133 00119 00797 11000273 (BDY_WN60) 49 6 53 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017989 0018460 0000707 0018044 0018520 0000759 0001000 00799 00799 00198 00270 00200 00791 11000274 (BDY_WN60) 50 7 73 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008103 0006125 0027565 0008148 0006175 0027612 0001000 00225 00225 00135 00156 00114 01928 11000275 (ANY_WN20) 29 26 -57 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007332 0006160 0020853 0007365 0006200 0020869 0001000 00200 00200 00114 00131 00098 01601 11000276 (ANY_WN20) 29 18 -44 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006760 0006404 0014586 0006806 0006455 0014633 0001000 00153 00153 00126 00139 00101 01603 11000277 (ANY_WN20) 30 10 -29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006487 0006605 0010903 0006531 0006655 0010947 0001000 00142 00142 00125 00136 00102 01472 11000278 (ANY_WN20) 30 5 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006744 0006694 0007173 0006794 0006745 0007214 0001000 00123 00123 00122 00144 00098 01359 11000279 (ANY_WN20) 31 7 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006485 0006700 0004905 0006526 0006740 0004937 0001000 00097 00097 00096 00109 00081 01074 11000280 (ANY_WN20) 31 4 4 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006326 0006200 0003195 0006369 0006240 0003226 0001000 00113 00113 00108 00139 00095 01146 11000281 (ANY_WN20) 29 8 12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006298 0006225 0001956 0006347 0006275 0001994 0001000 00189 00189 00143 00166 00123 01453 11000282 (ANY_WN20) 30 7 22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006463 0006345 0001160 0006512 0006395 0001198 0001000 00326 00326 00176 00208 00163 01461 11000283 (ANY_WN20) 30 8 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006468 0006320 0000494 0006507 0006360 0000527 0001000 00441 00441 00178 00214 00170 01206 11000284 (ANY_WN20) 30 8 43 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005837 0006225 0000540 0005879 0006275 0000582 0001000 00564 00564 00226 00268 00213 01528 11000285 (ANY_WN20) 30 2 41 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004528 0014965 0018287 0004593 0015035 0018348 0001000 00477 00477 00139 00168 00136 01100 11000286 (TDM_WN60) 45 -80 -12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007108 0015019 0016991 0007144 0015060 0017029 0001000 00141 00141 00067 00067 00065 00604 11000287 (TDM_WN60) 45 -51 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010212 0015715 0016220 0010277 0015785 0016284 0001000 00146 00146 00105 00094 00103 00995 11000288 (TDM_WN60) 46 -28 -6 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012779 0016765 0016324 0012841 0016835 0016383 0001000 00099 00099 00092 00076 00092 00927 11000289 (TDM_WN60) 48 -15 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014553 0017250 0016046 0014609 0017310 0016097 0001000 00078 00078 00077 00063 00078 00771 11000290 (TDM_WN60) 48 -6 -2 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014830 0016525 0014830 0014892 0016595 0014892 0001000 00089 00089 00089 00071 00088 00928 11000291 (TDM_WN60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019452 0015769 0015854 0019490 0015810 0015889 0001000 00063 00063 00054 00046 00053 00566 11000292 (TDM_WN60) 46 29 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0026164 0015950 0018359 0026214 0016010 0018408 0001000 00153 00153 00086 00079 00084 00911 11000293 (TDM_WN60) 46 59 -10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0032655 0016960 0021405 0032726 0017040 0021470 0001000 00209 00209 00108 00099 00107 01177 11000294 (TDM_WN60) 48 79 -14 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0036554 0017105 0023079 0036642 0017195 0023166 0001000 00222 00222 00118 00106 00117 01294 11000295 (TDM_WN60) 48 92 -17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0039305 0017175 0024553 0039377 0017265 0024623 0001000 00284 00284 00121 00117 00121 01371 11000296 (TDM_WN60) 48 100 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024543 0027115 0023100 0024624 0027205 0023177 0001000 00082 00082 00082 00058 00073 00773 11000297 (WDN_WN60) 59 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015078 0016695 0014808 0015141 0016765 0014870 0001000 00089 00089 00089 00071 00087 00920 11000298 (WDN_WN60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009368 0010380 0009474 0009423 0010440 0009528 0001000 00104 00104 00104 00096 00090 01163 11000299 (WDN_WN60) 38 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006284 0006960 0006400 0006320 0007000 0006436 0001000 00091 00091 00091 00096 00072 01044 11000300 (WDN_WN60) 31 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004305 0004770 0004349 0004341 0004810 0004386 0001000 00117 00117 00117 00143 00086 01340 11000301 (WDN_WN60) 26 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0002981 0003304 0002968 0003009 0003335 0002995 0001000 00112 00112 00112 00160 00078 01241 11000302 (WDN_WN60) 21 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0002060 0002274 0001994 0002087 0002305 0002020 0001000 00143 00143 00143 00248 00096 01486 11000303 (WDN_WN60) 16 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001608 0001760 0001504 0001625 0001780 0001522 0001000 00114 00114 00114 00222 00075 01102 11000304 (WDN_WN60) 14 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001156 0001260 0001037 0001174 0001280 0001055 0001000 00142 00142 00142 00277 00091 01234 11000305 (WDN_WN60) 11 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000838 0000910 0000717 0000856 0000930 0000734 0001000 00175 00175 00175 00342 00108 01347 11000306 (WDN_WN60) 8 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000584 0000630 0000471 0000602 0000650 0000488 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00109 01454 11000307 (WDN_WN60) 5 0 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0188033 0196900 0086683 0189179 0198100 0087211 0001000 00294 00294 00294 00140 00134 01548 21000308 (QPN_QN60) 129 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0113834 0119955 0054910 0114489 0120645 0055226 0001000 00235 00235 00235 00121 00127 01448 21000309 (QPN_QN60) 107 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0070177 0074134 0034757 0070565 0074545 0034949 0001000 00193 00193 00193 00108 00122 01372 21000310 (QPN_QN60) 89 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0047003 0049670 0023417 0047268 0049950 0023549 0001000 00172 00172 00172 00105 00124 01373 21000311 (QPN_QN60) 75 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0032536 0034310 0016027 0032707 0034490 0016111 0001000 00141 00141 00141 00093 00116 01247 21000312 (QPN_QN60) 65 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0023436 0024595 0011376 0023579 0024745 0011446 0001000 00147 00147 00147 00105 00135 01405 21000313 (QPN_QN60) 56 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0016923 0017690 0007982 0017018 0017789 0008027 0001000 00122 00122 00122 00095 00122 01251 21000314 (QPN_QN60) 49 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0012333 0012820 0005619 0012429 0012920 0005662 0001000 00151 00151 00151 00130 00138 01636 21000315 (QPN_QN60) 42 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0008860 0009150 0003853 0008935 0009230 0003889 0001000 00153 00153 00152 00147 00129 01708 21000316 (QPN_QN60) 36 1 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0006430 0006589 0002654 0006487 0006650 0002680 0001000 00142 00142 00142 00153 00112 01625 21000317 (QPN_QN60) 30 1 2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004580 0004654 0001778 0004628 0004705 0001801 0001000 00153 00153 00151 00188 00114 01702 21000318 (QPN_QN60) 25 1 3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004799 0005085 0002408 0004865 0005154 0002438 0001000 00197 00197 00197 00235 00148 02249 21000319 (OPN_ON60) 27 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0002951 0003145 0001549 0002998 0003195 0001571 0001000 00194 00194 00194 00285 00136 02121 21000320 (OPN_ON60) 20 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001798 0001920 0000972 0001836 0001960 0000990 0001000 00215 00215 00215 00419 00144 02126 21000321 (OPN_ON60) 15 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001184 0001265 0000643 0001213 0001295 0000657 0001000 00213 00213 00212 00414 00136 01845 21000322 (OPN_ON60) 11 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000815 0000870 0000438 0000834 0000890 0000447 0001000 00507 00507 00496 00784 00602 01360 21000323 (OPN_ON60) 7 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000582 0000620 0000307 0000601 0000640 0000316 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00108 01455 21000324 (OPN_ON60) 5 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000423 0000450 0000217 0000442 0000470 0000226 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00107 01527 21000325 (OPN_ON60) 4 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000273 0000290 0000136 0000292 0000310 0000145 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00105 01603 21000326 (OPN_ON60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000220 0000229 0000104 0000239 0000250 0000113 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00105 01633 21000327 (OPN_ON60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000154 0000160 0000069 0000173 0000180 0000078 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00105 01670 21000328 (OPN_ON60) 1 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000107 0000110 0000045 0000126 0000130 0000053 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00104 01697 21000329 (OPN_ON60) 1 0 0 % ] def %END UE510-7T.TXT 141125 in 'UK91' %******************************************************************** %BEG proc_03.PS 141122 %******************************************************************** /NR1i 600 array def /NR2i 600 array def /NR3i 600 array def /NR4i 600 array def /NRLi 600 array def /NRAi 600 array def /NRBi 600 array def /NRCi 600 array def /NRHi 600 array def /NRSi 600 array def /d_CIELABi 600 array def /d_CIELCHi 600 array def /d_C94LCHi 600 array def /d_CMCLCHi 600 array def /d_C00LCHi 600 array def /d_C85LCHi 600 array def /d_CM2LCHi 600 array def /d_C77LCHi 600 array def /d_C78LCHi 600 array def /d_C79LCHi 600 array def /d_CIEL*i 600 array def /d_CIEa*i 600 array def /d_CIEb*i 600 array def /d_C85L*i 600 array def /d_C85a*i 600 array def /d_C85b*i 600 array def %*********************************************************** /D13 1 3 div def /D841_108 841 108 div def /D4_29 4 29 div def /D6_29 6 29 div 3 exp def /FL 0.000001 def /FY 0.001 def %******************************************************************** /proc_coldiff {%BEG procedure proc_coldiff %calculates CIE colour data and differences for 10 colour spaces %BEG CIELAB/CIELCH X0 XW div D6_29 gt {/FXXN X0 XW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FXXN D841_108 X0 XW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse Y0 YW div D6_29 gt {/FYYN Y0 YW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FYYN D841_108 Y0 YW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse Z0 ZW div D6_29 gt {/FZZN Z0 ZW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FZZN D841_108 Z0 ZW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse /CIEL*0 116. FYYN mul 16. sub def /CIEa*0 500. FXXN FYYN sub mul def /CIEb*0 200. FYYN FZZN sub mul def /CIEC*ab0 CIEa*0 dup mul CIEb*0 dup mul add 0.0001 add sqrt def /CIEhab0 CIEb*0 CIEa*0 0.0001 add atan def X1 XW div D6_29 gt {/FXXN X1 XW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FXXN D841_108 X1 XW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse Y1 YW div D6_29 gt {/FYYN Y1 YW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FYYN D841_108 Y1 YW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse Z1 ZW div D6_29 gt {/FZZN Z1 ZW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FZZN D841_108 Z1 ZW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse /CIEL*1 116. FYYN mul 16. sub def /CIEa*1 500. FXXN FYYN sub mul def /CIEb*1 200. FYYN FZZN sub mul def /CIEC*ab1 CIEa*1 dup mul CIEb*1 dup mul add 0.0001 add sqrt def /CIEhab1 CIEb*1 CIEa*1 0.0001 add atan def %mixed terms with *0 sn *1: /d_CIEL* CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub def /d_CIEa* CIEa*1 CIEa*0 sub def /d_CIEb* CIEb*1 CIEb*0 sub def d_CIEL*i i d_CIEL* put d_CIEa*i i d_CIEa* put d_CIEb*i i d_CIEb* put d_CIELABi i d_CIEL* dup mul d_CIEa* dup mul add d_CIEb* dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put /d_CIEh CIEhab1 CIEhab0 sub def %see CIEDE2000 page 4 CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 mul 0 eq {/d_CIEh 0 def} if %CIEC*ab1 x CIEC*ab0 =0 CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 mul 0 ne d_CIEh 180 gt and {/d_CIEh d_CIEh 360 sub def} if CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 mul 0 ne d_CIEh -180 lt and {/d_CIEh d_CIEh 360 add def} if /d_CIEL CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub def /d_CIECab CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 sub def /d_CIEHab CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 mul 0.000001 add sqrt 2 mul d_CIEh 0.5 mul sin mul def d_CIELCHi i d_CIEL dup mul d_CIECab dup mul add d_CIEHab dup mul add 0.000001 add sqrt put %BEG CIELAB/CIELCH %BEG CIE94 /S94L 1 def /S94C 1 0.045 CIEC*ab0 mul add def /S94H 1 0.015 CIEC*ab0 mul add def /K94L 1 def /K94C 1 def /K94H 1 def /LC94*0 CIEL*0 K94L div S94L div def /LC94*1 CIEL*1 K94L div S94L div def /CC94*ab0 CIEC*ab0 K94C div S94C div def /CC94*ab1 CIEC*ab1 K94C div S94C div def d_C94LCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub K94L div S94L div dup mul CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 sub K94C div S94C div dup mul add d_CIEHab K94H div S94H div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END CIE94 %BEG CMC(l:c=1:1) CIEL*0 16 lt {/SCML 0.511 def} {/SCML 0.040975 CIEL*0 mul 0.011765 CIEL*0 mul 1 add div def } ifelse /SCMC 0.0638 CIEC*ab0 mul 0.0131 CIEC*ab0 mul 1 add div 0.638 add def %beg special /FCMC CIEC*ab0 dup mul dup mul CIEC*ab0 dup mul dup mul 1900 add div sqrt def CIEhab1 164 lt CIEhab1 345 gt and {/TCMC CIEhab0 35 add cos 0.4 mul 0.36 add def} {/TCMC CIEhab0 168 add cos 0.2 mul 0.56 add def} ifelse %end special /SCMH TCMC FCMC mul 1 add FCMC sub SCMC mul def /KCML 1 def %=l /KCMC 1 def %=c /KCMH 1 def %1 /CMCL*0 CIEL*0 KCML div SCML div def /CMCL*1 CIEL*1 KCML div SCML div def /CMCC*ab0 CIEC*ab0 KCMC div SCMC div def /CMCC*ab1 CIEC*ab1 KCMC div SCMC div def d_CMCLCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub KCML div SCML div dup mul CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 sub KCMC div SCMC div dup mul add d_CIEHab KCMH div SCMH div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END CMC(l:c=1:1)=CMC %BEG CM2(l:c=1:2)=CM2 /KM2L 1 def %=l /KM2C 2 def %=c /KM2H 1 def %1 /CM2L*0 CIEL*0 KM2L div SCML div def /CM2L*1 CIEL*1 KM2L div SCML div def /CM2C*ab0 CIEC*ab0 KM2C div SCMC div def /CM2C*ab1 CIEC*ab1 KM2C div SCMC div def d_CM2LCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub KM2L div SCML div dup mul CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 sub KM2C div SCMC div dup mul add d_CIEHab KM2H div SCMH div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END CM2(l:c=1:2)=CM2 %BEG CIEDE2000=C00 %beg special equation (7) /CIEC*ab CIEC*ab0 CIEC*ab1 add 0.5 mul def /DEG 1 CIEC*ab 7 exp CIEC*ab 7 exp 25 7 exp add div 0.000001 add sqrt sub 0.5 mul def %end special equation (7) %beg special EQUATION (1) TO (6) %0 /C00L0S CIEL*0 def /C00a0S 1 DEG add CIEa*0 mul def /C00b0S CIEb*0 def /C00C0S C00a0S dup mul C00b0S dup mul add 0.000001 add sqrt def C00C0S 0 eq {/C00h0S 0 def} {/C00h0S C00b0S C00a0S 0.0001 add atan def } ifelse %1 /C00L1S CIEL*1 def /C00a1S 1 DEG add CIEa*1 mul def /C00b1S CIEb*1 def /C00C1S C00a1S dup mul C00b1S dup mul add 0.000001 add sqrt def C00C1S 0 eq {/C00h1S 0 def} {/C00h1S C00b1S C00a1S 0.0001 add atan def } ifelse %end special EQUATION (1) TO (6) %beg special EQUATION (11) TO (14) /d_C00hS C00h1S C00h0S sub def %see CIEDE2000 page 4 C00C1S C00C0S mul 0 eq {/d_C00hS 0 def} if %CIEC*ab1 x CIEC*ab0 =0 C00C1S C00C0S mul 0 ne d_C00hS 180 gt and {/d_C00hS d_C00hS 360 sub def} if C00C1S C00C0S mul 0 ne d_C00hS -180 lt and {/d_C00hS d_C00hS 360 add def} if %end special EQUATION (11) TO (14) %beg special EQUATION (8) TO (10) /d_C00LS C00L1S C00L0S sub def /d_C00aS C00a1S C00a0S sub def /d_C00bS C00b1S C00b0S sub def /d_C00CS C00C1S C00C0S sub def /d_C00HS C00C0S C00C1S mul 0.000001 add sqrt 2 mul d_C00hS 0.5 mul sin mul def %end special EQUATION (8) TO (10) %beg special EQUATION (23) TO (26) /d_C00hS C00h0S C00h1S sub abs def /a_C00hs C00h0S C00h1S add 0.5 mul def /m_C00CS C00h0S C00h1S mul def d_C00hS 180 le m_C00CS 0 ne and {/C00hSq C00h0S C00h1S add 0.5 mul def} if d_C00hS 180 gt a_C00hs 360 le and m_C00CS 0 ne and {/C00hSq C00h0S C00h1S add 360 add 0.5 mul def} if d_C00hS 180 gt a_C00hs 360 ge and m_C00CS 0 ne and {/C00hSq C00h0S C00h1S add 360 sub 0.5 mul def} if m_C00CS 0 eq {/C00hSq C00h0S C00h1S add def } if %end special EQUATION (23) TO (26) %beg special EQUATIONS (16) TO (22) /C00LSq C00L0S C00L1S add 0.5 mul def /C00CSq C00C0S C00C1S add 0.5 mul def /C00SL C00LSq 50 sub dup mul 0.015 mul C00LSq 50 sub dup mul 20 add sqrt div 1 add def /C00SC 0.045 C00CSq mul 1 add def %beg special T, RT, d_D, RC /C00T C00hSq 30 sub cos -0.17 mul C00hSq 2 mul cos 0.24 mul add C00hSq 3 mul 6 add cos 0.32 mul add C00hSq 4 mul 63 sub cos 0.20 mul sub 1 add def /C00SH 0.015 C00CSq mul C00T mul 1 add def /C00RC C00CSq 7 exp C00CSq 7 exp 25 7 exp add 0.000001 add div 0.000001 add sqrt 2 mul def /C00DT 30 C00hSq 275 sub 25 div dup mul neg exp def /C00RT C00DT 2 mul sin neg C00RC mul def %end special T, RT, d_D, RC %end special EQUATIONS (16) TO (22) %beg special EQUATION (15) /C00KL 1.0 def /C00KC 1.0 def /C00KH 1.0 def /d_C00LSN d_C00LS C00KL div C00SL div def /d_C00CSN d_C00CS C00KC div C00SC div def /d_C00HSN d_C00HS C00KH div C00SH div def d_C00LCHi i d_C00LSN dup mul d_C00CSN dup mul add d_C00HSN dup mul add d_C00CSN d_C00HSN mul C00RT mul add 0.000001 add sqrt put %end special EQUATION (15) %END CIEDE2000=C00 %BEG LABJND_1985=C85 %/X0 XYZ i21 3 add get 0.001 mul def %X0 %/Y0 XYZ i21 4 add get 0.001 mul def %Y0 %/Z0 XYZ i21 5 add get 0.001 mul def %Z0 %/X1 XYZ i21 6 add get 0.001 mul def %X1 %/Y1 XYZ i21 7 add get 0.001 mul def %Y1 %/Z1 XYZ i21 8 add get 0.001 mul def %Z1 /Yq Y0 Y1 add 0.5 mul def /d_Y Y1 Y0 sub def /a085 X0 Y0 0.000001 add div def /b085 Z0 Y0 0.000001 add div 0.4 mul neg def /a185 X1 Y1 0.000001 add div def /b185 Z1 Y1 0.000001 add div 0.4 mul neg def /an85 XW YW 0.000001 add div def /bn85 ZW YW 0.000001 add div 0.4 mul neg def /d_a085 a085 an85 sub def /d_b085 b085 bn85 sub def /d_a185 a185 an85 sub def /d_b185 b185 bn85 sub def /a0"85 d_a085 d_a085 abs 0.5 mul 1 add div an85 add def /b0"85 d_b085 d_b085 abs 0.5 mul 1 add div bn85 add def /a1"85 d_a185 d_a185 abs 0.5 mul 1 add div an85 add def /b1"85 d_b185 d_b185 abs 0.5 mul 1 add div bn85 add def /d_Y Y1 Y0 sub def /d_a"85 a1"85 a0"85 sub def /d_b"85 b1"85 b0"85 sub def /s85 0.0170 def /q85 0.0058 def /g85 1.0000 def %not used %ZW 50 ge {%D65 or A /a0085 0.7 def /b0085 1.3 def /Y0085 1.2 def % }%D65 % {%A % /a0085 1.0 def % /b0085 1.7 def % /Y0085 1.0 def % } ifelse /Y_MUL Y0085 q85 Yq mul s85 add div def /d_C85L* d_Y Y_MUL mul def /d_C85a* a0085 d_a"85 mul Yq mul Y_MUL mul def /d_C85b* b0085 d_b"85 mul Yq mul Y_MUL mul def d_C85L*i i d_C85L* put d_C85a*i i d_C85a* put d_C85b*i i d_C85b* put d_C85LCHi i d_C85L* dup mul d_C85a* dup mul add d_C85b* dup mul add FL add sqrt put %d_C85LCHi i d_Y dup mul % a0085 d_a"85 mul Yq mul dup mul add % b0085 d_b"85 mul Yq mul dup mul add % 0.000001 add sqrt Y0085 mul % q85 Yq mul s85 add div 0.1 mul put %END LABJND_1985=C85 %BEG LABHNU_1977=C77 /S77L 1 def /S77A 1 def /S77B 1 def /K77L 1 def /K77A 1 def /K77B 1 def %C77a'=(x/y+1/6)**(1/3)/4 %C77b'=-(z/y+1/6)**(1/3)/12 %C77L*=L*CIE %C77a*=500*[C77a'-C77a'n]*Y**(1/3) %C77b*=500*[C77b'-C77b'n]*Y**(1/3) /C77a'0 X0 Y0 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 4 div def /C77a'1 X1 Y1 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 4 div def /C77a'n XW YW FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 4 div def /C77b'0 Z0 Y0 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C77b'1 Z1 Y1 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C77b'n ZW YW FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C77a*0 C77a'0 C77a'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C77a*1 C77a'1 C77a'n sub 500 mul Y1 1 3 div exp mul def /C77b*0 C77b'0 C77b'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C77b*1 C77b'1 C77b'n sub 500 mul Y1 1 3 div exp mul def d_C77LCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub K77L div S77L div dup mul C77a*1 C77a*0 sub K77A div S77A div dup mul add C77b*1 C77b*0 sub K77B div S77B div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END LABHNU_1977=C77 %BEG LABHNU1=C78 /S78L 1 def /S78A 1 def /S78B 1 def /K78L 1 def /K78A 1 def /K78B 1 def %C78a'=(x/y+1)/15 %C78b'=-(z/y+1/6)**(1/3)/12 %C78L*=L*CIE %C78a*=500*[C78a'-C78a'n]*Y**(1/3) %C78b*=500*[C78b'-C78b'n]*Y**(1/3) /C78a'0 X0 Y0 FL add div 1 add 15 div def /C78a'1 X1 Y1 FL add div 1 add 15 div def /C78a'n XW YW FL add div 1 add 15 div def /C78b'0 Z0 Y0 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C78b'1 Z1 Y1 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C78b'n ZW YW FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C78a*0 C78a'0 C78a'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C78a*1 C78a'1 C78a'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C78b*0 C78b'0 C78b'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C78b*1 C78b'1 C78b'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def d_C78LCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub K78L div S78L div dup mul C78a*1 C78a*0 sub K78A div S78A div dup mul add C78b*1 C78b*0 sub K78B div S78B div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END LABHNU1_1978-C78 %BEG LABHNU2_1979=C79 /S79L 1 def /S79A 1 def /S79B 1 def /K79L 1 def /K79A 1 def /K79B 1 def %C79a'=(x/y+1/6)**(2/3)/15 %C79b'=-(z/y+1/6)**(1/3)/12 %C79L*=L*CIE %C79a*=500*[C79a'-C79a'n]*Y**(1/3) %C79b*=500*[C79b'-C79b'n]*Y**(1/3) /C79a'0 X0 Y0 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.6667 exp 15 div def /C79a'1 X1 Y1 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.6667 exp 15 div def /C79a'n XW YW FL add div 1 6 div add 0.6667 exp 15 div def /C79b'0 Z0 Y0 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C79b'1 Z1 Y1 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C79b'n ZW YW FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C79a*0 C79a'0 C79a'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C79a*1 C79a'1 C79a'n sub 500 mul Y1 1 3 div exp mul def /C79b*0 C79b'0 C79b'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C79b*1 C79b'1 C79b'n sub 500 mul Y1 1 3 div exp mul def d_C79LCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub K79L div S79L div dup mul C79a*1 C79a*0 sub K79A div S79A div dup mul add C79b*1 C79b*0 sub K79B div S79B div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END LABHNU2_1979=C79 } bind def %END procedure proc_coldiff %******************************************************************** %******************************************************************** /proc_colcode {%BEG procedure proc_colcode %NRXi calculation, XYZ_i21_(16,17)-change based on CIE(Lab*)(1,0) NRLi i CIEL*0 put %116. FYYN mul 16. sub def NRAi i CIEa*0 put %500. FXXN FYYN sub mul def NRBi i CIEb*0 put %200. FYYN FZZN sub mul def NRCi i CIEC*ab0 put %CIEa*0 dup mul %CIEb*0 dup mul add 0.0001 add sqrt def NRHi i CIEhab0 put %CIEb*0 CIEa*0 0.0001 add atan def NR3i i 0 put %default CIEC*ab0 3 le {%CIEC*ab0<=3,>3 NR3i i 1 put } %CIEC*ab0<=3 { %CIEC*ab0>3 CIEhab0 337.5 ge CIEhab0 022.5 lt and {NR3i i 2 put} if CIEhab0 022.5 ge CIEhab0 067.5 lt and {NR3i i 3 put} if CIEhab0 067.5 ge CIEhab0 112.5 lt and {NR3i i 4 put} if CIEhab0 112.5 ge CIEhab0 167.5 lt and {NR3i i 5 put} if CIEhab0 167.5 ge CIEhab0 202.5 lt and {NR3i i 6 put} if CIEhab0 202.5 ge CIEhab0 247.5 lt and {NR3i i 7 put} if CIEhab0 247.5 ge CIEhab0 292.5 lt and {NR3i i 8 put} if CIEhab0 292.5 ge CIEhab0 337.5 lt and {NR3i i 9 put} if } ifelse %CIEC*abm<=3,>3 /d_CIEL10 CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub def /d_CIEA10 CIEa*1 CIEa*0 sub def /d_CIEB10 CIEb*1 CIEb*0 sub def /d_CIEC10 d_CIEA10 dup mul d_CIEB10 dup mul add FL add sqrt def /d_CIEH10 d_CIEB10 d_CIEA10 FL add atan def d_CIEC10 0.1 le {/d_CIEH10 0 def} if NR4i i 0 put %default d_CIEL10 d_CIEC10 ge {%d_CIEL*>=d_CIEC* or d_CIEL*=d_CIEC* { %d_CIEL*=d_CIEC* or d_CIEL*=0 nx 0.5 ge {%nx>=0.5 /nx nx 0.5 add cvi def nx 9 le {(0) show} if nx 99 le {(0) show} if nx 6 string cvs show } if nx -0.5 le {%nx<=-0.5 /nx nx 0.5 sub cvi def nx abs 99 le {(0) show} if nx 6 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 } def /cvi02xshow {/nx exch def %with round nx abs 0.5 lt {%|nx|<=0.5 ( ) show nx cvi 6 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 nx 0.5 ge {%nx>=0.5 /nx nx 0.5 add cvi def nx 9 le {( ) show} if nx 99 le {( ) show} if nx 6 string cvs show } if nx -0.5 le {%nx<=-0.5 /nx nx 0.5 sub cvi def nx abs 99 le {( ) show} if nx 6 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 } def /cvi03nshow {/nx exch def %with round nx abs 0.5 lt {%nx=0 (000) show nx cvi 7 string cvs show } if %|nx|<=0.5 nx 0.5 ge {%nx>=0.5 /nx nx 0.5 add cvi def nx 9 le {(0) show} if nx 99 le {(0) show} if nx 999 le {(0) show} if nx 7 string cvs show } if nx -0.5 le {%nx<=-0.5 /nx nx 0.5 sub cvi def nx abs 9 le {(0) show} if nx abs 99 le {(0) show} if nx 7 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 } def /cvi03xshow {/nx exch def %with round nx abs 0.5 lt {%|nx|<=0.5 ( ) show nx cvi 7 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 nx 0.5 ge {%nx>=0.5 /nx nx 0.5 add cvi def nx 9 le {( ) show} if nx 99 le {( ) show} if nx 999 le {( ) show} if nx 7 string cvs show } if nx -0.5 le {%nx<=-0.5 /nx nx 0.5 sub cvi def nx abs 9 le {( ) show} if nx abs 99 le {( ) show} if nx 7 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 } def %******************************************* %%EndProlog gsave /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showea {1 lanind le {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colorMD colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetaMD pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output 5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def 75 85 moveto lanind cvishow (-) show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow xcolor cvishow xchart cvishow pchart cvishow colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave /xchart xchart1 def 5 /Times-ISOL1 FS 340 85 moveto (XG050-7) show xchart 0 eq {(N) show} {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse 72 90 translate /yhoe 17400 def /xbre 12000 def 0.01 MM dup scale 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto xbre 0 rlineto 0 yhoe rlineto xbre neg 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto xbre 0 rlineto 0 yhoe rlineto xbre neg 0 rlineto closepath stroke 0 yhoe 550 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke /yd 520 def %y-Zeilenabstand for font G /ydg 600 def %yd for equation lines /yd2 300 def %y-Zeilenabstand for font M %Spalten /S1 100 def /S2 200 def /S30 1400 def %d_CIEL*i /S31 2200 def %d_CIEa*i /S32 3000 def %d_CIEb*i /S33 3800 def %d_CIEE*i /S40 4300 def %delta_Y_WN /S41 4550 def %d_C85L*i /S42 5350 def %d_C85a*i /S43 6150 def %d_C85b*i /S44 6950 def %d_C85E*i /S51 7700 def %d_CMCL*i /S52 8500 def %d_C94a*i /S53 9300 def %d_C00b*i /S5 10100 def %notes /yu0 17000 def %titel /yu1 16500 def %first line /yu2 15400 def %second line /yu3 11900 def %third line /yu4 11200 def %fourth line %0 yu1 320 add moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke 0 yu2 320 add moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke S30 050 sub yhoe 0550 sub moveto 0 yhoe 2300 sub neg rlineto stroke %L_CIELAB S31 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 3000 sub neg rlineto stroke %a S32 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 3000 sub neg rlineto stroke %b S33 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 2350 sub neg rlineto stroke %E S41 050 sub yhoe 0550 sub moveto 0 yhoe 1650 sub neg rlineto stroke %L_C85LCH S42 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 3000 sub neg rlineto stroke %a S43 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 3000 sub neg rlineto stroke %b S44 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 2350 sub neg rlineto stroke %E S51 050 sub yhoe 0550 sub moveto 0 yhoe 1650 sub neg rlineto stroke %CMC S52 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 2350 sub neg rlineto stroke %C94 S53 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 2350 sub neg rlineto stroke %C00 S5 050 sub yhoe 0550 sub moveto 0 yhoe 1650 sub neg rlineto stroke %notes %WPN_WN_RG_BY: 308_329, 242_263, 055_076 %22 steps /j1WPN [308 329 242 263 055 076] def %WDN_WN_RG_BY: 297_307, 231_241, 044_054 %11 steps /j2WDN [297 307 231 241 044 054] def %TDM_WN_RG_BY: 286_296, 220_230, 033_043 %11 steps /j3TDM [286 296 220 230 033 043] def %BDY_WN_RG_BY: 264_274, 176_186, 000_010 %11 steps /j4BDY [264 274 176 186 000 010] def %WPN_WN, WDN_WN, TDM_WN, BDY_WN %WPN_RG, WDN_RG, TDM_RG, BDY_RG %WPN_BY, WDN_BY, TDM_BY, BDY_BY %array 100*21 = 2100 (min 44*21) /XYZ_WN 2100 array def 0 1 20 {/j exch def %j=0,20 dat per line /i1 j1WPN 0 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 i 21 mul def /i121 i1 i 2 mul add 21 mul def XYZ_WN i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j2WDN 0 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 11 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_WN i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j3TDM 0 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 22 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_WN i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j4BDY 0 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 33 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_WN i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 } for %j=0,20 %data per line /XYZ_RG 2100 array def 0 1 20 {/j exch def %j=0,20 dat per line /i1 j1WPN 2 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 i 21 mul def /i121 i1 i 2 mul add 21 mul def XYZ_RG i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j2WDN 2 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 11 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_RG i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j3TDM 2 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 22 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_RG i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j4BDY 2 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 33 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_RG i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 } for %j=0,20 %data per line /XYZ_BY 2100 array def 0 1 20 {/j exch def %j=0,20 dat per line /i1 j1WPN 4 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 i 21 mul def /i121 i1 i 2 mul add 21 mul def XYZ_BY i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j2WDN 4 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 11 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_BY i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j3TDM 4 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 22 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_BY i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j4BDY 4 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 33 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_BY i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 } for %j=0,20 %data per line %STOPA /yd3 292 def /FL 0.000001 def TM /iim 43 def /kk 1 def %0 1 02 {/kk exch def %kk=0,02 for series _WN, _RG, _BY /dkk_CIELAB 0 def /dkk_C94LCH 0 def /dkk_CMCLCH 0 def /dkk_C00LCH 0 def /dkk_C85LCH 0 def /d_CIELAB_min 99998 def /d_CIELCH_min 99998 def /d_C94LCH_min 99998 def /d_CMCLCH_min 99998 def /d_C00LCH_min 99998 def /d_C85LCH_min 99998 def /d_CM2LCH_min 99998 def /d_C77LCH_min 99998 def /d_C78LCH_min 99998 def /d_C79LCH_min 99998 def /d_CIELAB_max 0 def /d_CIELCH_max 0 def /d_C94LCH_max 0 def /d_CMCLCH_max 0 def /d_C00LCH_max 0 def /d_C85LCH_max 0 def /d_CM2LCH_max 0 def /d_C77LCH_max 0 def /d_C78LCH_max 0 def /d_C79LCH_max 0 def 0 1 iim {/i exch def %i=0,iim TM /id i 11 idiv def /ix i id add def /i021 i 21 mul def /yu2ix yu2 yd3 ix mul sub def %horizontal lines i 10 eq {0 yu2ix 150 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke} if i 21 eq {0 yu2ix 150 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke} if i 32 eq {0 yu2ix 150 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke} if i 43 eq {0 yu2ix 150 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke} if S1 yu2ix moveto i cvishow TIM S1 450 add yu2ix moveto i 0 ge i 10 le and {(WPN) show} if i 11 ge i 21 le and {(WDN) show} if i 22 ge i 32 le and {(GDR) show} if i 33 ge i 43 le and {(BDY) show} if TM kk 0 eq {%kk=0 /XW XYZ_WN i021 0 add get 0.001 mul def /YW XYZ_WN i021 1 add get 0.001 mul def /ZW XYZ_WN i021 2 add get 0.001 mul def /X0 XYZ_WN i021 3 add get 0.001 mul def /Y0 XYZ_WN i021 4 add get 0.001 mul def /Z0 XYZ_WN i021 5 add get 0.001 mul def /X1 XYZ_WN i021 6 add get 0.001 mul def /Y1 XYZ_WN i021 7 add get 0.001 mul def /Z1 XYZ_WN i021 8 add get 0.001 mul def /DV XYZ_WN i021 9 add get 0.001 mul def %DV } if %kk=0 kk 1 eq {%kk=1 /XW XYZ_RG i021 0 add get 0.001 mul def /YW XYZ_RG i021 1 add get 0.001 mul def /ZW XYZ_RG i021 2 add get 0.001 mul def /X0 XYZ_RG i021 3 add get 0.001 mul def /Y0 XYZ_RG i021 4 add get 0.001 mul def /Z0 XYZ_RG i021 5 add get 0.001 mul def /X1 XYZ_RG i021 6 add get 0.001 mul def /Y1 XYZ_RG i021 7 add get 0.001 mul def /Z1 XYZ_RG i021 8 add get 0.001 mul def /DV XYZ_RG i021 9 add get 0.001 mul def %DV } if %kk=1 kk 2 eq {%kk=2 /XW XYZ_BY i021 0 add get 0.001 mul def /YW XYZ_BY i021 1 add get 0.001 mul def /ZW XYZ_BY i021 2 add get 0.001 mul def /X0 XYZ_BY i021 3 add get 0.001 mul def /Y0 XYZ_BY i021 4 add get 0.001 mul def /Z0 XYZ_BY i021 5 add get 0.001 mul def /X1 XYZ_BY i021 6 add get 0.001 mul def /Y1 XYZ_BY i021 7 add get 0.001 mul def /Z1 XYZ_BY i021 8 add get 0.001 mul def /DV XYZ_BY i021 9 add get 0.001 mul def %DV } if %kk=2 %defines all d_CIELABi and others up to d_C85LCHi (i=0,308) proc_coldiff /dkk_CIELAB dkk_CIELAB d_CIELABi i get add def /dkk_C94LCH dkk_C94LCH d_C94LCHi i get add def /dkk_CMCLCH dkk_CMCLCH d_CMCLCHi i get add def /dkk_C00LCH dkk_C00LCH d_C00LCHi i get add def /dkk_C85LCH dkk_C85LCH d_C85LCHi i get add def /iout 0 def iout 1 eq {%iout=1 S30 yu2ix moveto Y0_WN cvsshow2 %Y0_WN S31 yu2ix moveto xan0_WN cvsshow4 %xan0_WN S32 yu2ix moveto yan0_WN cvsshow4 %yan0_WN S40 yu2ix moveto Y1_WN Y0_WN sub cvsshow2 %delta_Y_WN S41 yu2ix moveto xan1_RG xan0_RG sub cvsshow4 %delta_xan_RG S42 yu2ix moveto yan1_RG yan0_RG sub cvsshow4 %delta_yan_RG S43 yu2ix moveto xan1_BY xan0_BY sub cvsshow4 %delta_xan_BY S44 yu2ix moveto yan1_BY yan0_BY sub cvsshow4 %delta_yan_BY } if %iout=1 S30 yu2ix moveto d_CIEL*i i get cvsshow2 S31 yu2ix moveto d_CIEa*i i get cvsshow2 S32 yu2ix moveto d_CIEb*i i get cvsshow2 S33 yu2ix moveto d_CIELABi i get cvsshow2 S41 yu2ix moveto d_C85L*i i get cvsshow2 S42 yu2ix moveto d_C85a*i i get cvsshow2 S43 yu2ix moveto d_C85b*i i get cvsshow2 S44 yu2ix moveto d_C85LCHi i get cvsshow2 S51 yu2ix moveto d_CMCLCHi i get cvsshow2 S52 yu2ix moveto d_C94LCHi i get cvsshow2 S53 yu2ix moveto d_C00LCHi i get cvsshow2 TIM i 00 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto (_WN, GR, BY) show} if i 11 eq i 22 eq or i 33 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto (_WN, GR, BY) show} if TM i 01 eq i 12 eq or i 23 eq or i 34 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto (grey surround) showea (graues Umfeld) showde} if i 02 eq i 13 eq or i 24 eq or i 35 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (Y) show (G) is2 TM (=) show (16.6) show} if % i 02 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto (CIE data no. 03) showea % (Daten Nr. 03) showde} if % i 13 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto (CIE data no. 12) showea % (Daten Nr. 12) showde} if % i 24 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto (CIE data no. 27) showea % (Daten Nr. 27) showde} if % i 35 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto (CIE data no. 38) showea % (Daten Nr. 38) showde} if i 03 eq i 14 eq or i 25 eq or i 36 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto (with white) showea (mit weissem) showde} if i 04 eq i 15 eq or i 26 eq or i 37 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto (border) showea (Rand) showde} if i 05 eq i 16 eq or i 27 eq or i 38 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (X) show (W) is2 TM (=) show XW cvsshow2} if i 06 eq i 17 eq or i 28 eq or i 39 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (Y) show (W) is2 TM (=) show YW cvsshow2} if i 07 eq i 18 eq or i 29 eq or i 40 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (Z) show (W) is2 TM (=) show ZW cvsshow2} if i 08 eq i 19 eq or i 30 eq or i 41 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (x) show (W) is2 TM (=) show XW XW YW add ZW add div cvsshow4} if i 09 eq i 20 eq or i 31 eq or i 42 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (y) show (W) is2 TM (=) show YW XW YW add ZW add div cvsshow4} if i 10 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (near P4000) show} if i 21 eq i 32 eq or i 43 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (near D65) show} if } for %i=0,iim TBM /ix 47.5 def /yu2ix yu2 yd3 ix mul sub def /iimp iim 1 add def /dkm_CIELAB dkk_CIELAB iimp div def /dkm_C85LCH dkk_C85LCH iimp div def /dkm_CMCLCH dkk_CMCLCH iimp div def /dkm_C94LCH dkk_C94LCH iimp div def /dkm_C00LCH dkk_C00LCH iimp div def S33 yu2ix moveto dkm_CIELAB cvsshow2 S44 yu2ix moveto dkm_C85LCH cvsshow2 S51 yu2ix moveto dkm_CMCLCH cvsshow2 S52 yu2ix moveto dkm_C94LCH cvsshow2 S53 yu2ix moveto dkm_C00LCH cvsshow2 S1 yu2ix moveto (Mittel) showde (mean) showea /dkd_CIELAB 0 def /dkd_C85LCH 0 def /dkd_CMCLCH 0 def /dkd_C94LCH 0 def /dkd_C00LCH 0 def 0 1 iim {/i exch def %i=0,imm /dkd_CIELAB dkd_CIELAB d_CIELABi i get dkm_CIELAB sub dup mul add def /dkd_C85LCH dkd_C85LCH d_C85LCHi i get dkm_C85LCH sub dup mul add def /dkd_CMCLCH dkd_CMCLCH d_CMCLCHi i get dkm_CMCLCH sub dup mul add def /dkd_C94LCH dkd_C94LCH d_C94LCHi i get dkm_C94LCH sub dup mul add def /dkd_C00LCH dkd_C00LCH d_C00LCHi i get dkm_C00LCH sub dup mul add def } for %i=0,imm /ix 48.5 def /yu2ix yu2 yd3 ix mul sub def /iimp iim 1 add def S33 yu2ix moveto dkd_CIELAB iimp div sqrt cvsshow2 S44 yu2ix moveto dkd_C85LCH iimp div sqrt cvsshow2 S51 yu2ix moveto dkd_CMCLCH iimp div sqrt cvsshow2 S52 yu2ix moveto dkd_C94LCH iimp div sqrt cvsshow2 S53 yu2ix moveto dkd_C00LCH iimp div sqrt cvsshow2 S1 yu2ix moveto (Standardabweichung) showde (standard deviation) showea /ix 48.5 def /yu2ix yu2 yd3 ix mul sub def %horizontal end line 0 yu2ix 150 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke TM 100 700 moveto (Samples: bright white (W, no. 0), dark black (S, no. 10), White (W, no. 11), Black (N, no. 21)) showea (Muster: helles Weiss (W, Nr. 0), dunkles Schwarz (Nr. 10), Weiss (W, Nr. 11), Schwarz (Nr. 21)) showde 100 400 moveto (Green (G=T (turqois), no. 22), Red (R=M (magenta), no. 32), Blue (B, no. 33), Yellow (Y, no. 43)) showea (Gr\374n (G=T (T\374rkis), Nr. 22), Rot (R=M (Magenta), Nr. 32), Blau (B, Nr. 33), Gelb (Y, Nr. 43)) showde 100 100 moveto (Source: BAM Research Report no. 115 (1985), Tables 5.40;1 to 11) showea (Quelle: BAM\255Forschungsbericht Nr. 115 (1985), Tabellen 5.40;1 bis 11) showde (; LABJND) show TK 0 -20 rmoveto (0,7; 1,3; 1,2) show 0 20 rmoveto %Titeltext TBG S1 yu0 yd 0 mul add moveto (Farbreize f\374r gerade unterscheibare Farb\255Schwellen) showde (Colour stimuli of just noticable colour thresholds) showea TBG ( \050) show TBIG (p) show TBG (=50%\051 in ) show TBIG kk 0 eq {%kk=0 (WN) show } if %kk=0 kk 1 eq {%kk=1 (GR) show } if %kk=1 kk 2 eq {%kk=2 (BY) showea } if %kk=2 TBG (\255Richtung) showde ( direction) showea TBM S1 yu1 yd2 0 mul sub moveto (Nummer) showde (number) showea S1 yu1 yd2 1 mul sub moveto (Farb\255) showde (Colour) showea S1 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (Serie) showde (series) showea TBM S30 yu1 yd2 0 mul sub moveto (CIELAB\255Differenzen) showde (CIELAB differences) showea S30 yu1 yd2 1 mul sub moveto (Helligkeit, Buntheiten, ) showde (lightness, chroma,) showea (S) ss2 S30 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (L*) bs2 S31 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (a*) bs2 S32 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (b*) bs2 S33 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (E) bs2 0 20 rmoveto (*) bs2 0 -20 rmoveto -70 -10 rmoveto (ab) is2 TBM S41 yu1 yd 0 mul sub moveto (LABJND\255Differenzen) showde (LABJND differences) showea S41 yu1 yd2 1 mul sub moveto (Helligkeit, Buntheiten, ) showde (lightness, chroma, ) showea (S) ss2 S41 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (L*) js2 S42 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (a*) js2 S43 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (b*) js2 S44 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (E*) js2 TBM S51 yu1 yd 0 mul sub moveto (Farb\255Differenzen) showde (colour differences) showea S51 yu1 yd2 1 mul sub moveto (andere Formeln ) showde (other formulae ) showea S51 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (CMC) show S52 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (C94) show S53 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (C00) show TBM S5 yu1 yd2 0 mul sub moveto (Bemerkungen) showde (notes) showea S5 yu1 yd2 1 mul sub moveto (Experiment\255) showde (experimental) showea S5 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (Serie) showde (series) showea %} for %kk=0,2 showpage grestore %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 86 MM 020 MM translate 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS -9 MM -7 MM moveto ( ) show 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 18 %line 409 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 XG050-8, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (XG050-8,) show 72 90 translate %! 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %! 15 setlinewidth %! 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto %! closepath stroke grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 161 MM 197 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 12 %line 419 %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 161 MM 152 MM translate 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 21 %line 429 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 XG051-1, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (XG051-1,) show 72 90 translate %! 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0.0 0.0 0.00 setcmyk_olvcolor} bind def /cvishow {cvi 10 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow2 {100 mul cvi 0.01 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow3 {1000 mul cvi 0.001 mul 7 string cvs show} def /cvsshow4 {10000 mul cvi 0.0001 mul 7 string cvs show} def %BEG UE510-7T.TXT 141125 in 'UK91' %Daten XYZ 330 x 21 = 6930, 330 colours a 21 data /iim 329 def /ii2 329 300 sub def /xcmax 07 def /ncode (_RI) def /NRSER 11000000 def /XYZ 12600 array def %max 600 x 21 data /XYZ [ %1-003030-L0 UE510-7R_0_0 'UK0X'UE510-7R.TXT %XS YS ZS X0 Y0 Z0 X1 Y1 Z1 DV dE*ab dE*CH dE*94 dE*CM dE*00 dE*85 NR Code L* a* b* % %CIEXYZ*1000 data for all colour (a) of experiment % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014858 0017330 0027161 0014843 0017330 0027379 0001000 00372 00372 00177 00205 00178 01555 11000000 (BDY_BY60) 48 -4 -24 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014833 0016910 0023328 0014813 0016910 0023582 0001000 00481 00481 00265 00307 00270 01978 11000001 (BDY_BY60) 48 -2 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015282 0017290 0020399 0015264 0017290 0020612 0001000 00441 00441 00288 00342 00295 01757 11000002 (BDY_BY60) 48 -2 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015503 0017440 0018410 0015486 0017440 0018609 0001000 00439 00439 00330 00412 00336 01706 11000003 (BDY_BY60) 48 -1 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015736 0017510 0016718 0015719 0017510 0016920 0001000 00473 00473 00412 00563 00418 01797 11000004 (BDY_BY60) 48 0 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014827 0016480 0014463 0014812 0016480 0014644 0001000 00465 00465 00459 00700 00466 01743 11000005 (BDY_BY60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015108 0016230 0010362 0015085 0016230 0010600 0001000 00758 00758 00504 00604 00515 02134 11000006 (BDY_BY60) 47 2 10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018854 0019940 0007674 0018836 0019940 0007888 0001000 00824 00824 00362 00422 00366 01463 11000007 (BDY_BY60) 51 4 27 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017008 0017750 0004346 0016993 0017750 0004570 0001000 01240 01240 00450 00545 00456 01602 11000008 (BDY_BY60) 49 5 38 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017535 0018080 0002180 0017517 0018080 0002413 0001000 02006 02006 00581 00755 00591 01575 11000009 (BDY_BY60) 49 6 53 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018023 0018485 0000599 0018010 0018494 0000868 0001000 04859 04859 01108 01596 01144 01740 11000010 (BDY_BY60) 50 7 73 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0029532 0016445 0001945 0029529 0016455 0002207 0001000 02385 02385 00859 01589 00997 01900 11000011 (RDC_BY60) 47 70 52 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024855 0015815 0005103 0024844 0015825 0005373 0001000 01320 01320 00600 01087 00652 02163 11000012 (RDC_BY60) 46 54 29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0022368 0016205 0010517 0022361 0016214 0010814 0001000 00899 00899 00528 00998 00513 02598 11000013 (RDC_BY60) 47 41 9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019446 0016725 0011235 0019433 0016734 0011509 0001000 00800 00800 00535 01050 00525 02361 11000014 (RDC_BY60) 47 24 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017111 0016800 0013325 0017094 0016800 0013570 0001000 00655 00655 00537 01202 00499 02247 11000015 (RDC_BY60) 48 11 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014996 0016650 0014875 0014975 0016650 0015078 0001000 00517 00517 00499 00750 00509 01932 11000016 (RDC_BY60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012597 0016059 0015168 0012581 0016059 0015388 0001000 00548 00548 00441 00513 00421 02105 11000017 (RDC_BY60) 47 -12 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010506 0016700 0016891 0010486 0016700 0017145 0001000 00595 00595 00379 00363 00381 02282 11000018 (RDC_BY60) 47 -31 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009779 0017720 0018544 0009763 0017720 0018788 0001000 00538 00538 00308 00285 00314 02062 11000019 (RDC_BY60) 49 -42 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008601 0018030 0019427 0008583 0018030 0019670 0001000 00527 00527 00267 00248 00274 01993 11000020 (RDC_BY60) 49 -54 -8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007633 0018335 0020226 0007616 0018345 0020493 0001000 00561 00561 00253 00241 00260 02053 11000021 (RDC_BY60) 49 -64 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005509 0017425 0002401 0005490 0017435 0002666 0001000 02131 02131 00809 00861 00669 01846 11000022 (GDV_BY60) 48 -82 50 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007619 0016910 0005181 0007599 0016910 0005416 0001000 01175 01175 00564 00555 00481 01791 11000023 (GDV_BY60) 48 -57 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010061 0016410 0008532 0010041 0016410 0008763 0001000 00838 00838 00523 00513 00465 01953 11000024 (GDV_BY60) 47 -33 17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012462 0016920 0011472 0012446 0016920 0011716 0001000 00726 00726 00544 00596 00493 02139 11000025 (GDV_BY60) 48 -18 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0013889 0016710 0013292 0013872 0016710 0013519 0001000 00612 00612 00540 00712 00516 02095 11000026 (GDV_BY60) 47 -7 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014919 0016520 0014686 0014903 0016520 0014896 0001000 00532 00532 00518 00789 00523 02005 11000027 (GDV_BY60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014954 0015065 0015132 0014941 0015075 0015397 0001000 00637 00637 00544 01098 00511 02517 11000028 (GDV_BY60) 45 8 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015894 0014180 0016832 0015869 0014180 0017075 0001000 00572 00572 00419 00770 00378 02358 11000029 (GDV_BY60) 44 19 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017260 0014065 0018835 0017248 0014075 0019124 0001000 00600 00600 00393 00675 00358 02542 11000030 (GDV_BY60) 44 27 -16 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017825 0013575 0019777 0017813 0013585 0020069 0001000 00586 00586 00359 00603 00325 02522 11000031 (GDV_BY60) 43 33 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018453 0013265 0020774 0018445 0013275 0021063 0001000 00557 00557 00321 00534 00289 02432 11000032 (GDV_BY60) 43 39 -22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004570 0015000 0018199 0004551 0015000 0018438 0001000 00576 00576 00223 00222 00229 02177 11000033 (TDM_BY60) 45 -80 -12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007137 0015040 0016898 0007115 0015040 0017123 0001000 00556 00556 00276 00261 00281 02127 11000034 (TDM_BY60) 45 -51 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010252 0015750 0016154 0010237 0015750 0016351 0001000 00474 00474 00311 00303 00309 01849 11000035 (TDM_BY60) 46 -28 -6 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012818 0016800 0016251 0012802 0016800 0016456 0001000 00490 00490 00376 00418 00358 01870 11000036 (TDM_BY60) 48 -15 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014589 0017280 0015964 0014573 0017280 0016180 0001000 00517 00517 00453 00583 00442 01952 11000037 (TDM_BY60) 48 -6 -2 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014869 0016560 0014763 0014853 0016560 0014960 0001000 00498 00498 00481 00718 00485 01877 11000038 (TDM_BY60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019481 0015790 0015754 0019461 0015790 0015989 0001000 00569 00569 00392 00756 00340 02235 11000039 (TDM_BY60) 46 29 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0026196 0015974 0018237 0026182 0015985 0018531 0001000 00621 00621 00326 00595 00270 02512 11000040 (TDM_BY60) 46 59 -10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0032694 0016995 0021270 0032687 0017005 0021607 0001000 00639 00639 00289 00543 00234 02620 11000041 (TDM_BY60) 48 79 -14 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0036601 0017145 0022930 0036595 0017154 0023316 0001000 00696 00696 00289 00558 00230 02890 11000042 (TDM_BY60) 48 92 -17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0039346 0017215 0024373 0039335 0017224 0024804 0001000 00747 00747 00294 00578 00232 03124 11000043 (TDM_BY60) 48 100 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024589 0027160 0023071 0024578 0027160 0023206 0001000 00255 00255 00241 00355 00249 00837 11000044 (WDN_BY60) 59 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015114 0016730 0014790 0015106 0016730 0014889 0001000 00250 00250 00246 00379 00250 00939 11000045 (WDN_BY60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009398 0010410 0009461 0009393 0010410 0009541 0001000 00270 00270 00257 00379 00260 01102 11000046 (WDN_BY60) 38 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006304 0006980 0006385 0006300 0006980 0006451 0001000 00286 00286 00272 00401 00274 01209 11000047 (WDN_BY60) 31 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004324 0004790 0004343 0004322 0004790 0004392 0001000 00274 00274 00264 00397 00266 01156 11000048 (WDN_BY60) 26 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0002997 0003320 0002959 0002993 0003320 0003004 0001000 00330 00330 00324 00498 00328 01335 11000049 (WDN_BY60) 21 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0002075 0002290 0001989 0002072 0002290 0002026 0001000 00352 00352 00351 00542 00359 01317 11000050 (WDN_BY60) 16 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001618 0001770 0001497 0001615 0001770 0001529 0001000 00371 00371 00362 00542 00369 01274 11000051 (WDN_BY60) 14 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001166 0001270 0001032 0001164 0001270 0001059 0001000 00396 00396 00377 00554 00386 01179 11000052 (WDN_BY60) 11 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000849 0000920 0000713 0000846 0000920 0000738 0001000 00456 00456 00420 00603 00433 01185 11000053 (WDN_BY60) 8 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000594 0000640 0000467 0000592 0000640 0000491 0001000 00434 00434 00403 00581 00415 01200 11000054 (WDN_BY60) 5 0 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0188650 0197480 0086027 0188562 0197520 0087870 0001000 01760 01760 01720 02490 01720 01703 21000055 (QPN_BY60) 129 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0114205 0120290 0054559 0114118 0120310 0055580 0001000 01328 01328 01221 01749 01197 01535 21000056 (QPN_BY60) 107 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0070386 0074329 0034521 0070356 0074350 0035187 0001000 01165 01165 01021 01403 01001 01575 21000057 (QPN_BY60) 89 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0047148 0049805 0023261 0047124 0049815 0023707 0001000 01018 01018 00895 01233 00880 01547 21000058 (QPN_BY60) 75 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0032628 0034395 0015895 0032614 0034405 0016244 0001000 01024 01024 00933 01325 00916 01710 21000059 (QPN_BY60) 65 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0023511 0024665 0011285 0023504 0024675 0011537 0001000 00921 00921 00863 01258 00852 01660 21000060 (QPN_BY60) 56 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0016979 0017740 0007904 0016963 0017740 0008105 0001000 00952 00952 00933 01410 00931 01817 21000061 (QPN_BY60) 49 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0012387 0012870 0005557 0012376 0012870 0005724 0001000 00999 00999 00978 01427 00975 01979 21000062 (QPN_BY60) 42 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0008903 0009190 0003800 0008892 0009190 0003942 0001000 01086 01086 01009 01430 01027 02170 21000063 (QPN_BY60) 36 1 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0006464 0006620 0002606 0006454 0006620 0002729 0001000 01209 01209 01071 01489 01099 02377 21000064 (QPN_BY60) 30 1 2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004608 0004680 0001738 0004600 0004680 0001841 0001000 01317 01317 01122 01545 01155 02470 21000065 (QPN_BY60) 25 1 3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004836 0005120 0002381 0004829 0005120 0002465 0001000 00886 00886 00836 01225 00824 01942 21000066 (OPN_BY60) 27 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0002977 0003170 0001525 0002972 0003170 0001595 0001000 00972 00972 00895 01280 00880 02081 21000067 (OPN_BY60) 20 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001819 0001940 0000953 0001814 0001940 0001009 0001000 01086 01086 00996 01421 00979 02129 21000068 (OPN_BY60) 15 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001200 0001280 0000628 0001196 0001280 0000673 0001000 01137 01137 01055 01522 01036 01961 21000069 (OPN_BY60) 11 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000826 0000880 0000424 0000823 0000880 0000462 0001000 01245 01245 01170 01710 01146 01844 21000070 (OPN_BY60) 7 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000593 0000630 0000294 0000590 0000630 0000330 0001000 01265 01265 01231 01867 01202 01840 21000071 (OPN_BY60) 5 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000434 0000460 0000207 0000431 0000460 0000237 0001000 01062 01062 01053 01632 01036 01633 21000072 (OPN_BY60) 4 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000283 0000300 0000128 0000281 0000300 0000154 0001000 00938 00938 00934 01447 00930 01518 21000073 (OPN_BY60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000230 0000240 0000096 0000228 0000240 0000123 0001000 00968 00968 00962 01467 00962 01598 21000074 (OPN_BY60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000164 0000170 0000062 0000163 0000170 0000086 0001000 00852 00852 00846 01280 00847 01434 21000075 (OPN_BY60) 1 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000117 0000120 0000039 0000115 0000120 0000059 0001000 00712 00712 00706 01068 00709 01215 21000076 (OPN_BY60) 1 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008130 0006145 0027441 0008121 0006155 0027737 0001000 00484 00484 00206 00274 00280 01812 11000077 (ANY_AY20) 29 26 -57 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007357 0006180 0020748 0007340 0006180 0020975 0001000 00480 00480 00219 00284 00281 02098 11000078 (ANY_AY20) 29 18 -44 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006791 0006430 0014511 0006774 0006430 0014709 0001000 00527 00527 00282 00361 00338 02438 11000079 (ANY_AY20) 30 10 -29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006517 0006630 0010844 0006502 0006630 0011007 0001000 00524 00524 00324 00425 00395 02421 11000080 (ANY_AY20) 30 5 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006773 0006720 0007119 0006765 0006720 0007267 0001000 00601 00601 00505 00959 00480 02652 11000081 (ANY_AY20) 31 7 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006509 0006720 0004854 0006502 0006720 0004989 0001000 00700 00700 00576 00926 00585 02456 11000082 (ANY_AY20) 31 4 4 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006351 0006220 0003128 0006344 0006220 0003294 0001000 01150 01150 00743 01117 00787 02957 11000083 (ANY_AY20) 29 8 12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006326 0006250 0001894 0006318 0006250 0002057 0001000 01559 01559 00771 00953 00806 02693 11000084 (ANY_AY20) 30 7 22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006492 0006370 0001100 0006483 0006370 0001258 0001000 02105 02105 00858 01047 00891 02437 11000085 (ANY_AY20) 30 8 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006493 0006340 0000426 0006482 0006340 0000596 0001000 03029 03029 01022 01282 01062 02557 11000086 (ANY_AY20) 30 8 43 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005866 0006250 0000480 0005850 0006250 0000642 0001000 02893 02893 00980 01204 01002 02497 11000087 (ANY_AY20) 30 2 41 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014769 0017325 0027328 0014932 0017335 0027211 0001000 00968 00968 00670 00778 00740 02101 11000088 (BDY_RC60) 48 -4 -24 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014753 0016905 0023505 0014894 0016914 0023405 0001000 00835 00835 00626 00783 00809 01893 11000089 (BDY_RC60) 48 -2 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015200 0017285 0020560 0015346 0017295 0020451 0001000 00862 00862 00697 00945 00972 01989 11000090 (BDY_RC60) 48 -2 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015432 0017435 0018556 0015558 0017445 0018464 0001000 00736 00736 00634 00888 00899 01715 11000091 (BDY_RC60) 48 -1 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015668 0017505 0016862 0015787 0017515 0016776 0001000 00683 00683 00634 00865 00920 01619 11000092 (BDY_RC60) 48 0 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014769 0016475 0014588 0014870 0016484 0014519 0001000 00595 00595 00574 00860 00836 01430 11000093 (BDY_RC60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015034 0016230 0010538 0015159 0016230 0010424 0001000 00840 00840 00667 01117 00971 01933 11000094 (BDY_RC60) 47 2 10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018752 0019935 0007862 0018938 0019945 0007700 0001000 01125 01125 00673 00949 00794 02224 11000095 (BDY_RC60) 51 4 27 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0016919 0017745 0004528 0017082 0017755 0004387 0001000 01177 01177 00577 00774 00650 02084 11000096 (BDY_RC60) 49 5 38 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017430 0018075 0002383 0017622 0018085 0002210 0001000 01808 01808 00655 00870 00723 02403 11000097 (BDY_RC60) 49 6 53 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017934 0018485 0000807 0018100 0018494 0000659 0001000 02928 02928 00729 01027 00749 02004 11000098 (BDY_RC60) 50 7 73 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0029362 0016440 0002211 0029699 0016460 0001940 0001000 02801 02801 00767 01330 00837 02772 11000099 (RDC_RC60) 47 70 52 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024730 0015815 0005341 0024969 0015825 0005134 0001000 01438 01438 00430 00650 00439 02424 11000100 (RDC_RC60) 46 54 29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0022251 0016205 0010761 0022478 0016214 0010569 0001000 01181 01181 00449 00640 00443 02591 11000101 (RDC_RC60) 47 41 9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019352 0016725 0011443 0019526 0016734 0011300 0001000 00948 00948 00450 00542 00463 02128 11000102 (RDC_RC60) 47 24 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017029 0016795 0013505 0017176 0016804 0013389 0001000 00838 00838 00560 00690 00674 01976 11000103 (RDC_RC60) 48 11 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014932 0016645 0015014 0015039 0016654 0014938 0001000 00630 00630 00609 00882 00882 01514 11000104 (RDC_RC60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012494 0016055 0015359 0012685 0016064 0015197 0001000 01323 01323 00823 00965 01021 02762 11000105 (RDC_RC60) 47 -12 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010405 0016695 0017094 0010587 0016705 0016941 0001000 01400 01400 00571 00670 00586 02312 11000106 (RDC_RC60) 47 -31 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009663 0017715 0018760 0009879 0017724 0018572 0001000 01750 01750 00590 00724 00599 02533 11000107 (RDC_RC60) 49 -42 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008471 0018025 0019656 0008713 0018035 0019441 0001000 02143 02143 00613 00795 00621 02719 11000108 (RDC_RC60) 49 -54 -8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007489 0018335 0020476 0007761 0018345 0020242 0001000 02601 02601 00652 00894 00661 02873 11000109 (RDC_RC60) 49 -64 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005390 0017425 0002639 0005610 0017435 0002427 0001000 03099 03099 01169 01242 00969 02222 11000110 (GDV_RC60) 48 -82 50 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007521 0016905 0005380 0007697 0016914 0005217 0001000 01828 01828 00803 00814 00696 01950 11000111 (GDV_RC60) 48 -57 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009961 0016405 0008728 0010141 0016414 0008566 0001000 01504 01504 00820 00834 00753 02265 11000112 (GDV_RC60) 47 -33 17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012381 0016915 0011654 0012527 0016925 0011533 0001000 01023 01023 00677 00746 00710 01900 11000113 (GDV_RC60) 48 -18 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0013813 0016705 0013459 0013948 0016714 0013352 0001000 00869 00869 00698 00887 00874 01886 11000114 (GDV_RC60) 47 -7 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014851 0016515 0014835 0014971 0016525 0014746 0001000 00719 00719 00704 01028 01025 01739 11000115 (GDV_RC60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014872 0015065 0015322 0015022 0015075 0015206 0001000 00913 00913 00741 01361 00895 02232 11000116 (GDV_RC60) 45 8 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015798 0014175 0017017 0015965 0014185 0016889 0001000 00972 00972 00639 01086 00644 02347 11000117 (GDV_RC60) 44 19 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017167 0014065 0019044 0017341 0014075 0018914 0001000 00956 00956 00549 00888 00517 02258 11000118 (GDV_RC60) 44 27 -16 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017729 0013575 0019989 0017908 0013585 0019857 0001000 00957 00957 00504 00803 00467 02231 11000119 (GDV_RC60) 43 33 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018357 0013265 0020985 0018541 0013275 0020851 0001000 00961 00961 00473 00750 00433 02208 11000120 (GDV_RC60) 43 39 -22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004440 0014995 0018421 0004680 0015005 0018215 0001000 03215 03215 00676 01010 00686 02835 11000121 (TDM_RC60) 45 -80 -12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007030 0015035 0017092 0007221 0015045 0016928 0001000 01894 01894 00558 00717 00565 02454 11000122 (TDM_RC60) 45 -51 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010151 0015745 0016331 0010338 0015755 0016173 0001000 01465 01465 00632 00736 00659 02526 11000123 (TDM_RC60) 46 -28 -6 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012731 0016795 0016418 0012889 0016804 0016289 0001000 01067 01067 00617 00715 00741 02133 11000124 (TDM_RC60) 48 -15 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014520 0017275 0016117 0014642 0017285 0016026 0001000 00748 00748 00567 00712 00757 01657 11000125 (TDM_RC60) 48 -6 -2 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014815 0016560 0014900 0014907 0016560 0014821 0001000 00598 00598 00571 00830 00827 01426 11000126 (TDM_RC60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019400 0015785 0015922 0019542 0015795 0015820 0001000 00719 00719 00370 00587 00351 01695 11000127 (TDM_RC60) 46 29 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0026079 0015974 0018468 0026299 0015985 0018299 0001000 00952 00952 00351 00583 00314 02189 11000128 (TDM_RC60) 46 59 -10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0032550 0016995 0021548 0032832 0017005 0021328 0001000 01068 01068 00338 00593 00294 02402 11000129 (TDM_RC60) 48 79 -14 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0036460 0017145 0023226 0036736 0017154 0023019 0001000 00964 00964 00277 00506 00238 02122 11000130 (TDM_RC60) 48 92 -17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0039167 0017210 0024706 0039515 0017230 0024470 0001000 01111 01111 00303 00567 00258 02415 11000131 (TDM_RC60) 48 100 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014924 0017320 0027356 0014778 0017340 0027184 0001000 01056 01056 00768 00904 00842 02469 11000132 (BDY_GV60) 48 -4 -24 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014886 0016900 0023523 0014761 0016920 0023387 0001000 00927 00927 00720 00918 00922 02224 11000133 (BDY_GV60) 48 -2 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015335 0017280 0020578 0015211 0017300 0020434 0001000 00919 00919 00772 01082 01060 02259 11000134 (BDY_GV60) 48 -2 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015555 0017430 0018574 0015435 0017450 0018445 0001000 00886 00886 00792 01156 01105 02163 11000135 (BDY_GV60) 48 -1 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015786 0017500 0016885 0015669 0017520 0016753 0001000 00869 00869 00820 01133 01169 02173 11000136 (BDY_GV60) 48 0 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014877 0016470 0014619 0014763 0016490 0014488 0001000 00894 00894 00885 01337 01239 02271 11000137 (BDY_GV60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015145 0016219 0010536 0015049 0016240 0010426 0001000 00797 00797 00677 01253 00998 01878 11000138 (BDY_GV60) 47 2 10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018914 0019930 0007857 0018777 0019950 0007705 0001000 01023 01023 00672 00991 00811 02017 11000139 (BDY_GV60) 51 4 27 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017071 0017740 0004532 0016931 0017760 0004384 0001000 01238 01238 00691 00961 00802 02188 11000140 (BDY_GV60) 49 5 38 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017598 0018070 0002373 0017455 0018090 0002220 0001000 01624 01624 00688 00933 00800 02156 11000141 (BDY_GV60) 49 6 53 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018095 0018475 0000820 0017939 0018505 0000647 0001000 03430 03430 00979 01374 01084 02394 11000142 (BDY_GV60) 50 7 73 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0029621 0016435 0002175 0029441 0016465 0001977 0001000 02075 02075 00883 01669 01034 02128 11000143 (RDC_GV60) 47 70 52 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024923 0015809 0005319 0024776 0015830 0005157 0001000 01135 01135 00575 01066 00628 01957 11000144 (RDC_GV60) 46 54 29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0022449 0016199 0010755 0022281 0016219 0010576 0001000 01083 01083 00545 00973 00535 02455 11000145 (RDC_GV60) 47 41 9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019517 0016720 0011459 0019362 0016740 0011285 0001000 01062 01062 00674 01279 00690 02474 11000146 (RDC_GV60) 47 24 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017157 0016789 0013508 0017048 0016810 0013387 0001000 00808 00808 00606 01188 00706 01990 11000147 (RDC_GV60) 48 11 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015042 0016640 0015039 0014930 0016660 0014913 0001000 00870 00870 00855 01238 01206 02199 11000148 (RDC_GV60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012657 0016049 0015356 0012522 0016070 0015200 0001000 01118 01118 00800 00940 00933 02476 11000149 (RDC_GV60) 47 -12 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010586 0016685 0017115 0010407 0016715 0016922 0001000 01627 01627 00796 00857 00800 02868 11000150 (RDC_GV60) 47 -31 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009866 0017705 0018770 0009677 0017734 0018562 0001000 01763 01763 00723 00793 00724 02766 11000151 (RDC_GV60) 49 -42 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008684 0018015 0019653 0008501 0018045 0019445 0001000 01839 01839 00643 00734 00645 02595 11000152 (RDC_GV60) 49 -54 -8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007729 0018325 0020479 0007521 0018355 0020241 0001000 02209 02209 00677 00811 00679 02796 11000153 (RDC_GV60) 49 -64 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005621 0017410 0002666 0005381 0017450 0002403 0001000 03778 03778 00726 01136 00712 02723 11000154 (GDV_GV60) 48 -82 50 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007699 0016895 0005400 0007520 0016925 0005198 0001000 02163 02163 00555 00754 00548 02351 11000155 (GDV_GV60) 48 -57 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010126 0016395 0008732 0009977 0016425 0008563 0001000 01514 01514 00573 00683 00568 02347 11000156 (GDV_GV60) 47 -33 17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012532 0016905 0011679 0012377 0016935 0011509 0001000 01356 01356 00722 00832 00792 02597 11000157 (GDV_GV60) 48 -18 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0013954 0016699 0013484 0013807 0016720 0013327 0001000 01148 01148 00853 01060 01067 02569 11000158 (GDV_GV60) 47 -7 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014967 0016510 0014853 0014856 0016530 0014729 0001000 00867 00867 00853 01246 01216 02199 11000159 (GDV_GV60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015016 0015059 0015339 0014879 0015080 0015190 0001000 01044 01044 00716 00894 00925 02671 11000160 (GDV_GV60) 45 8 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015957 0014170 0017035 0015807 0014190 0016873 0001000 01089 01089 00543 00646 00600 02793 11000161 (GDV_GV60) 44 19 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017337 0014054 0019073 0017171 0014085 0018886 0001000 01207 01207 00496 00596 00506 03134 11000162 (GDV_GV60) 44 27 -16 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017905 0013565 0020019 0017733 0013595 0019828 0001000 01218 01218 00445 00549 00449 03148 11000163 (GDV_GV60) 43 33 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018532 0013255 0021011 0018367 0013285 0020826 0001000 01156 01156 00386 00486 00388 02997 11000164 (GDV_GV60) 43 39 -22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004690 0014980 0018465 0004432 0015020 0018172 0001000 03793 03793 00972 01262 00969 03911 11000165 (TDM_GV60) 45 -80 -12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007214 0015025 0017108 0007038 0015055 0016913 0001000 02002 02002 00729 00820 00730 02864 11000166 (TDM_GV60) 45 -51 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010319 0015740 0016337 0010171 0015760 0016168 0001000 01354 01354 00712 00760 00722 02518 11000167 (TDM_GV60) 46 -28 -6 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012880 0016789 0016430 0012740 0016810 0016278 0001000 01132 01132 00764 00869 00867 02377 11000168 (TDM_GV60) 48 -15 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014645 0017270 0016143 0014517 0017290 0016001 0001000 00984 00984 00828 01064 01048 02288 11000169 (TDM_GV60) 48 -6 -2 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014910 0016550 0014917 0014812 0016570 0014805 0001000 00782 00782 00768 01115 01073 01979 11000170 (TDM_GV60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019543 0015780 0015951 0019400 0015800 0015792 0001000 00950 00950 00428 00576 00428 02426 11000171 (TDM_GV60) 46 29 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0026284 0015964 0018488 0026094 0015995 0018279 0001000 01098 01098 00333 00497 00320 02800 11000172 (TDM_GV60) 46 59 -10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0032807 0016980 0021571 0032575 0017020 0021306 0001000 01219 01219 00311 00503 00293 03138 11000173 (TDM_GV60) 48 79 -14 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0036728 0017130 0023269 0036469 0017170 0022977 0001000 01253 01253 00288 00488 00269 03209 11000174 (TDM_GV60) 48 92 -17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0039489 0017199 0024749 0039194 0017240 0024428 0001000 01337 01337 00282 00492 00265 03361 11000175 (TDM_GV60) 48 100 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014923 0017325 0027267 0014778 0017335 0027273 0001000 00945 00945 00684 00806 00754 01878 11000176 (BDY_TM60) 48 -4 -24 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014885 0016905 0023454 0014762 0016914 0023456 0001000 00816 00816 00636 00812 00823 01688 11000177 (BDY_TM60) 48 -2 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015335 0017285 0020507 0015211 0017295 0020504 0001000 00799 00799 00674 00947 00945 01668 11000178 (BDY_TM60) 48 -2 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015555 0017435 0018508 0015435 0017445 0018511 0001000 00768 00768 00687 00999 00983 01614 11000179 (BDY_TM60) 48 -1 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015788 0017505 0016820 0015667 0017515 0016817 0001000 00769 00769 00730 01008 01079 01645 11000180 (BDY_TM60) 48 0 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014877 0016480 0014560 0014762 0016480 0014547 0001000 00705 00705 00698 01069 01026 01525 11000181 (BDY_TM60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015157 0016225 0010483 0015036 0016234 0010479 0001000 00790 00790 00673 01251 01033 01716 11000182 (BDY_TM60) 47 2 10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018925 0019935 0007787 0018766 0019945 0007774 0001000 00882 00882 00620 00931 00767 01830 11000183 (BDY_TM60) 51 4 27 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017073 0017745 0004466 0016929 0017755 0004449 0001000 00868 00868 00550 00780 00656 01829 11000184 (BDY_TM60) 49 5 38 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017609 0018075 0002308 0017444 0018085 0002285 0001000 00986 00986 00543 00750 00667 02032 11000185 (BDY_TM60) 49 6 53 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018098 0018485 0000744 0017935 0018494 0000722 0001000 01018 01018 00465 00649 00590 01952 11000186 (BDY_TM60) 50 7 73 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008194 0006145 0027563 0008058 0006155 0027614 0001000 01355 01355 00654 00873 00923 02920 11000187 (ANY_TM20) 29 26 -57 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007411 0006174 0020843 0007287 0006185 0020878 0001000 01317 01317 00722 00946 00977 02953 11000188 (ANY_TM20) 29 18 -44 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006840 0006424 0014602 0006726 0006435 0014617 0001000 01279 01279 00833 01112 01079 02978 11000189 (ANY_TM20) 30 10 -29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006568 0006625 0010923 0006451 0006635 0010927 0001000 01347 01347 01010 01460 01496 03195 11000190 (ANY_TM20) 30 5 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006827 0006720 0007199 0006711 0006720 0007188 0001000 01204 01204 00910 01471 01203 02820 11000191 (ANY_TM20) 31 7 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006564 0006714 0004922 0006447 0006725 0004920 0001000 01353 01353 01136 01973 01601 03216 11000192 (ANY_TM20) 31 4 4 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006398 0006220 0003214 0006297 0006220 0003207 0001000 01103 01103 00839 01583 01161 02572 11000193 (ANY_TM20) 29 8 12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006375 0006250 0001980 0006270 0006250 0001970 0001000 01146 01146 00827 01357 01070 02676 11000194 (ANY_TM20) 30 7 22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006541 0006370 0001184 0006434 0006370 0001173 0001000 01143 01143 00759 01145 00908 02648 11000195 (ANY_TM20) 30 8 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006547 0006340 0000516 0006429 0006340 0000505 0001000 01269 01269 00765 01095 00923 02923 11000196 (ANY_TM20) 30 8 43 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005912 0006250 0000570 0005804 0006250 0000552 0001000 01270 01270 00770 01050 00914 02945 11000197 (ANY_TM20) 30 2 41 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0029633 0016445 0002090 0029429 0016455 0002061 0001000 00898 00898 00334 00622 00388 01444 11000198 (RDC_TM60) 47 70 52 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024952 0015815 0005253 0024748 0015825 0005223 0001000 00961 00961 00368 00637 00394 01730 11000199 (RDC_TM60) 46 54 29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0022441 0016205 0010675 0022288 0016214 0010655 0001000 00778 00778 00297 00434 00297 01499 11000200 (RDC_TM60) 47 41 9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019512 0016725 0011377 0019367 0016734 0011366 0001000 00805 00805 00413 00624 00438 01637 11000201 (RDC_TM60) 47 24 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017169 0016795 0013452 0017036 0016804 0013443 0001000 00799 00799 00539 00785 00684 01690 11000202 (RDC_TM60) 48 11 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015039 0016645 0014979 0014932 0016654 0014974 0001000 00712 00712 00700 01024 01033 01544 11000203 (RDC_TM60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012656 0016055 0015280 0012523 0016064 0015275 0001000 00973 00973 00639 00754 00785 01725 11000204 (RDC_TM60) 47 -12 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010571 0016695 0017022 0010421 0016705 0017013 0001000 01219 01219 00525 00603 00529 01609 11000205 (RDC_TM60) 47 -31 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009852 0017715 0018667 0009690 0017724 0018665 0001000 01367 01367 00486 00581 00483 01524 11000206 (RDC_TM60) 49 -42 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008677 0018025 0019551 0008508 0018035 0019546 0001000 01547 01547 00467 00588 00464 01465 11000207 (RDC_TM60) 49 -54 -8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007730 0018335 0020363 0007520 0018345 0020355 0001000 02067 02067 00550 00728 00545 01697 11000208 (RDC_TM60) 49 -64 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005608 0017425 0002547 0005392 0017435 0002519 0001000 02639 02639 00652 00862 00587 01681 11000209 (GDV_TM60) 48 -82 50 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007714 0016905 0005309 0007506 0016914 0005288 0001000 02053 02053 00653 00778 00602 01853 11000210 (GDV_TM60) 48 -57 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010115 0016405 0008652 0009987 0016414 0008642 0001000 01078 01078 00465 00521 00446 01381 11000211 (GDV_TM60) 47 -33 17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012522 0016915 0011598 0012386 0016925 0011589 0001000 00989 00989 00565 00643 00627 01591 11000212 (GDV_TM60) 48 -18 8 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0013948 0016705 0013411 0013813 0016714 0013400 0001000 00925 00925 00701 00879 00914 01772 11000213 (GDV_TM60) 47 -7 3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014969 0016515 0014795 0014853 0016525 0014786 0001000 00764 00764 00754 01110 01126 01665 11000214 (GDV_TM60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015019 0015065 0015264 0014876 0015075 0015264 0001000 00937 00937 00690 01089 00898 02030 11000215 (GDV_TM60) 45 8 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015952 0014175 0016957 0015811 0014185 0016950 0001000 00889 00889 00496 00725 00537 01885 11000216 (GDV_TM60) 44 19 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017331 0014065 0018979 0017176 0014075 0018980 0001000 00924 00924 00443 00644 00437 01897 11000217 (GDV_TM60) 44 27 -16 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017894 0013575 0019921 0017744 0013585 0019925 0001000 00880 00880 00383 00557 00370 01773 11000218 (GDV_TM60) 43 33 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018528 0013265 0020918 0018371 0013275 0020917 0001000 00900 00900 00360 00526 00345 01780 11000219 (GDV_TM60) 43 39 -22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004692 0014995 0018322 0004429 0015005 0018313 0001000 03600 03600 00817 01161 00807 02280 11000220 (TDM_TM60) 45 -80 -12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007246 0015035 0017015 0007006 0015045 0017005 0001000 02458 02458 00780 00962 00771 02392 11000221 (TDM_TM60) 45 -51 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010349 0015745 0016259 0010141 0015755 0016245 0001000 01690 01690 00783 00890 00796 02349 11000222 (TDM_TM60) 46 -28 -6 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012894 0016795 0016355 0012725 0016804 0016353 0001000 01201 01201 00738 00854 00874 02027 11000223 (TDM_TM60) 48 -15 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014653 0017275 0016077 0014509 0017285 0016066 0001000 00955 00955 00765 00978 01014 01861 11000224 (TDM_TM60) 48 -6 -2 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014921 0016555 0014863 0014801 0016564 0014859 0001000 00793 00793 00776 01141 01136 01710 11000225 (TDM_TM60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019562 0015785 0015877 0019380 0015795 0015866 0001000 00992 00992 00424 00511 00436 01995 11000226 (TDM_TM60) 46 29 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0026296 0015974 0018389 0026082 0015985 0018378 0001000 00958 00958 00262 00358 00261 01700 11000227 (TDM_TM60) 46 59 -10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0032835 0016995 0021442 0032547 0017005 0021434 0001000 01099 01099 00245 00371 00242 01760 11000228 (TDM_TM60) 48 79 -14 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0036746 0017145 0023129 0036450 0017154 0023116 0001000 01053 01053 00208 00335 00206 01587 11000229 (TDM_TM60) 48 92 -17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0039496 0017210 0024587 0039186 0017230 0024589 0001000 01104 01104 00206 00344 00202 01630 11000230 (TDM_TM60) 48 100 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024644 0027155 0023141 0024523 0027164 0023135 0001000 00570 00570 00560 00812 00845 01120 11000231 (WDN_TM60) 59 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015150 0016730 0014844 0015069 0016730 0014834 0001000 00491 00491 00488 00734 00729 01066 11000232 (WDN_TM60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009425 0010410 0009504 0009366 0010410 0009498 0001000 00494 00494 00484 00697 00726 01150 11000233 (WDN_TM60) 38 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006325 0006980 0006420 0006279 0006980 0006416 0001000 00495 00495 00485 00697 00729 01189 11000234 (WDN_TM60) 31 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004342 0004790 0004370 0004304 0004790 0004365 0001000 00526 00526 00518 00757 00777 01262 11000235 (WDN_TM60) 26 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0003010 0003320 0002983 0002980 0003320 0002979 0001000 00543 00543 00538 00807 00804 01260 11000236 (WDN_TM60) 21 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0002087 0002290 0002009 0002060 0002290 0002006 0001000 00615 00616 00611 00930 00916 01339 11000237 (WDN_TM60) 16 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001628 0001770 0001514 0001605 0001770 0001511 0001000 00623 00623 00608 00905 00909 01269 11000238 (WDN_TM60) 14 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001175 0001270 0001047 0001154 0001270 0001045 0001000 00697 00697 00678 00987 01014 01273 11000239 (WDN_TM60) 11 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000856 0000920 0000726 0000839 0000920 0000724 0001000 00726 00726 00702 01005 01053 01169 11000240 (WDN_TM60) 8 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000601 0000640 0000480 0000585 0000640 0000478 0001000 00717 00717 00694 00996 01040 01182 11000241 (WDN_TM60) 5 0 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0189092 0197475 0086993 0188121 0197525 0086901 0001000 01136 01136 01089 01597 01631 01317 21000242 (QPN_TM60) 129 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0114444 0120285 0055113 0113879 0120315 0055023 0001000 00930 00930 00894 01238 01313 01252 21000243 (QPN_TM60) 107 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0070572 0074329 0034877 0070171 0074350 0034829 0001000 00905 00905 00856 01181 01249 01407 21000244 (QPN_TM60) 89 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0047272 0049805 0023500 0047000 0049815 0023467 0001000 00793 00793 00752 01036 01099 01382 21000245 (QPN_TM60) 75 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0032722 0034395 0016082 0032521 0034405 0016057 0001000 00759 00759 00729 01009 01078 01464 21000246 (QPN_TM60) 65 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0023579 0024665 0011419 0023437 0024675 0011403 0001000 00678 00678 00657 00925 00994 01427 21000247 (QPN_TM60) 56 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0017031 0017735 0008009 0016911 0017744 0008000 0001000 00720 00720 00700 01023 01049 01626 21000248 (QPN_TM60) 49 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0012425 0012870 0005645 0012337 0012870 0005636 0001000 00602 00602 00573 00845 00851 01430 21000249 (QPN_TM60) 42 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0008934 0009190 0003876 0008861 0009190 0003866 0001000 00629 00629 00599 00856 00878 01552 21000250 (QPN_TM60) 36 1 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0006494 0006620 0002671 0006424 0006620 0002663 0001000 00741 00741 00695 01000 01021 01860 21000251 (QPN_TM60) 30 1 2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004629 0004680 0001792 0004580 0004680 0001786 0001000 00655 00655 00607 00905 00893 01633 21000252 (QPN_TM60) 25 1 3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004857 0005120 0002426 0004808 0005120 0002420 0001000 00618 00618 00601 00847 00883 01543 21000253 (OPN_TM60) 27 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0002994 0003170 0001562 0002956 0003170 0001557 0001000 00676 00676 00651 00901 00949 01605 21000254 (OPN_TM60) 20 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001832 0001940 0000983 0001801 0001940 0000979 0001000 00767 00767 00737 01020 01078 01644 21000255 (OPN_TM60) 15 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001211 0001280 0000652 0001186 0001280 0000649 0001000 00835 00835 00806 01121 01181 01571 21000256 (OPN_TM60) 11 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000836 0000880 0000444 0000814 0000880 0000441 0001000 00884 00884 00856 01199 01260 01446 21000257 (OPN_TM60) 7 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000602 0000630 0000313 0000581 0000630 0000310 0001000 00828 00828 00812 01174 01201 01451 21000258 (OPN_TM60) 5 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000442 0000460 0000223 0000424 0000460 0000221 0001000 00741 00741 00732 01088 01088 01365 21000259 (OPN_TM60) 4 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000291 0000300 0000142 0000274 0000300 0000140 0001000 00724 00724 00719 01091 01072 01395 21000260 (OPN_TM60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000238 0000240 0000110 0000221 0000240 0000108 0001000 00723 00723 00718 01089 01074 01416 21000261 (OPN_TM60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000171 0000170 0000074 0000156 0000170 0000073 0001000 00593 00593 00589 00897 00883 01183 21000262 (OPN_TM60) 1 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000124 0000120 0000050 0000109 0000120 0000049 0001000 00602 00603 00598 00909 00897 01210 21000263 (OPN_TM60) 1 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014820 0017295 0027236 0014881 0017365 0027304 0001000 00095 00095 00088 00071 00088 00943 11000264 (BDY_WN60) 48 -4 -24 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014805 0016890 0023437 0014841 0016930 0023473 0001000 00054 00054 00051 00042 00051 00541 11000265 (BDY_WN60) 48 -2 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015246 0017260 0020478 0015300 0017320 0020533 0001000 00077 00077 00075 00061 00075 00779 11000266 (BDY_WN60) 48 -2 -11 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015468 0017410 0018486 0015522 0017470 0018534 0001000 00078 00078 00076 00063 00076 00773 11000267 (BDY_WN60) 48 -1 -7 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015701 0017480 0016790 0015754 0017540 0016848 0001000 00074 00074 00074 00058 00073 00759 11000268 (BDY_WN60) 48 0 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014793 0016449 0014527 0014847 0016510 0014580 0001000 00077 00077 00077 00061 00075 00799 11000269 (BDY_WN60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015078 0016209 0010462 0015115 0016250 0010499 0001000 00058 00058 00054 00047 00054 00548 11000270 (BDY_WN60) 47 2 10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0018824 0019915 0007758 0018866 0019965 0007804 0001000 00100 00100 00067 00061 00067 00596 11000271 (BDY_WN60) 51 4 27 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0016974 0017720 0004430 0017027 0017780 0004485 0001000 00189 00189 00097 00096 00097 00802 11000272 (BDY_WN60) 49 5 38 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017499 0018050 0002271 0017553 0018110 0002322 0001000 00328 00328 00118 00133 00119 00797 11000273 (BDY_WN60) 49 6 53 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0017989 0018460 0000707 0018044 0018520 0000759 0001000 00799 00799 00198 00270 00200 00791 11000274 (BDY_WN60) 50 7 73 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0008103 0006125 0027565 0008148 0006175 0027612 0001000 00225 00225 00135 00156 00114 01928 11000275 (ANY_WN20) 29 26 -57 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007332 0006160 0020853 0007365 0006200 0020869 0001000 00200 00200 00114 00131 00098 01601 11000276 (ANY_WN20) 29 18 -44 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006760 0006404 0014586 0006806 0006455 0014633 0001000 00153 00153 00126 00139 00101 01603 11000277 (ANY_WN20) 30 10 -29 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006487 0006605 0010903 0006531 0006655 0010947 0001000 00142 00142 00125 00136 00102 01472 11000278 (ANY_WN20) 30 5 -18 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006744 0006694 0007173 0006794 0006745 0007214 0001000 00123 00123 00122 00144 00098 01359 11000279 (ANY_WN20) 31 7 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006485 0006700 0004905 0006526 0006740 0004937 0001000 00097 00097 00096 00109 00081 01074 11000280 (ANY_WN20) 31 4 4 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006326 0006200 0003195 0006369 0006240 0003226 0001000 00113 00113 00108 00139 00095 01146 11000281 (ANY_WN20) 29 8 12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006298 0006225 0001956 0006347 0006275 0001994 0001000 00189 00189 00143 00166 00123 01453 11000282 (ANY_WN20) 30 7 22 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006463 0006345 0001160 0006512 0006395 0001198 0001000 00326 00326 00176 00208 00163 01461 11000283 (ANY_WN20) 30 8 32 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006468 0006320 0000494 0006507 0006360 0000527 0001000 00441 00441 00178 00214 00170 01206 11000284 (ANY_WN20) 30 8 43 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0005837 0006225 0000540 0005879 0006275 0000582 0001000 00564 00564 00226 00268 00213 01528 11000285 (ANY_WN20) 30 2 41 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004528 0014965 0018287 0004593 0015035 0018348 0001000 00477 00477 00139 00168 00136 01100 11000286 (TDM_WN60) 45 -80 -12 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0007108 0015019 0016991 0007144 0015060 0017029 0001000 00141 00141 00067 00067 00065 00604 11000287 (TDM_WN60) 45 -51 -9 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0010212 0015715 0016220 0010277 0015785 0016284 0001000 00146 00146 00105 00094 00103 00995 11000288 (TDM_WN60) 46 -28 -6 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0012779 0016765 0016324 0012841 0016835 0016383 0001000 00099 00099 00092 00076 00092 00927 11000289 (TDM_WN60) 48 -15 -3 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014553 0017250 0016046 0014609 0017310 0016097 0001000 00078 00078 00077 00063 00078 00771 11000290 (TDM_WN60) 48 -6 -2 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0014830 0016525 0014830 0014892 0016595 0014892 0001000 00089 00089 00089 00071 00088 00928 11000291 (TDM_WN60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0019452 0015769 0015854 0019490 0015810 0015889 0001000 00063 00063 00054 00046 00053 00566 11000292 (TDM_WN60) 46 29 -5 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0026164 0015950 0018359 0026214 0016010 0018408 0001000 00153 00153 00086 00079 00084 00911 11000293 (TDM_WN60) 46 59 -10 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0032655 0016960 0021405 0032726 0017040 0021470 0001000 00209 00209 00108 00099 00107 01177 11000294 (TDM_WN60) 48 79 -14 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0036554 0017105 0023079 0036642 0017195 0023166 0001000 00222 00222 00118 00106 00117 01294 11000295 (TDM_WN60) 48 92 -17 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0039305 0017175 0024553 0039377 0017265 0024623 0001000 00284 00284 00121 00117 00121 01371 11000296 (TDM_WN60) 48 100 -19 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0024543 0027115 0023100 0024624 0027205 0023177 0001000 00082 00082 00082 00058 00073 00773 11000297 (WDN_WN60) 59 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0015078 0016695 0014808 0015141 0016765 0014870 0001000 00089 00089 00089 00071 00087 00920 11000298 (WDN_WN60) 47 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0009368 0010380 0009474 0009423 0010440 0009528 0001000 00104 00104 00104 00096 00090 01163 11000299 (WDN_WN60) 38 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0006284 0006960 0006400 0006320 0007000 0006436 0001000 00091 00091 00091 00096 00072 01044 11000300 (WDN_WN60) 31 0 -1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0004305 0004770 0004349 0004341 0004810 0004386 0001000 00117 00117 00117 00143 00086 01340 11000301 (WDN_WN60) 26 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0002981 0003304 0002968 0003009 0003335 0002995 0001000 00112 00112 00112 00160 00078 01241 11000302 (WDN_WN60) 21 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0002060 0002274 0001994 0002087 0002305 0002020 0001000 00143 00143 00143 00248 00096 01486 11000303 (WDN_WN60) 16 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001608 0001760 0001504 0001625 0001780 0001522 0001000 00114 00114 00114 00222 00075 01102 11000304 (WDN_WN60) 14 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0001156 0001260 0001037 0001174 0001280 0001055 0001000 00142 00142 00142 00277 00091 01234 11000305 (WDN_WN60) 11 0 0 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000838 0000910 0000717 0000856 0000930 0000734 0001000 00175 00175 00175 00342 00108 01347 11000306 (WDN_WN60) 8 0 1 % 0090383 0100000 0087548 0000584 0000630 0000471 0000602 0000650 0000488 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00109 01454 11000307 (WDN_WN60) 5 0 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0188033 0196900 0086683 0189179 0198100 0087211 0001000 00294 00294 00294 00140 00134 01548 21000308 (QPN_QN60) 129 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0113834 0119955 0054910 0114489 0120645 0055226 0001000 00235 00235 00235 00121 00127 01448 21000309 (QPN_QN60) 107 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0070177 0074134 0034757 0070565 0074545 0034949 0001000 00193 00193 00193 00108 00122 01372 21000310 (QPN_QN60) 89 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0047003 0049670 0023417 0047268 0049950 0023549 0001000 00172 00172 00172 00105 00124 01373 21000311 (QPN_QN60) 75 0 -3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0032536 0034310 0016027 0032707 0034490 0016111 0001000 00141 00141 00141 00093 00116 01247 21000312 (QPN_QN60) 65 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0023436 0024595 0011376 0023579 0024745 0011446 0001000 00147 00147 00147 00105 00135 01405 21000313 (QPN_QN60) 56 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0016923 0017690 0007982 0017018 0017789 0008027 0001000 00122 00122 00122 00095 00122 01251 21000314 (QPN_QN60) 49 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0012333 0012820 0005619 0012429 0012920 0005662 0001000 00151 00151 00151 00130 00138 01636 21000315 (QPN_QN60) 42 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0008860 0009150 0003853 0008935 0009230 0003889 0001000 00153 00153 00152 00147 00129 01708 21000316 (QPN_QN60) 36 1 1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0006430 0006589 0002654 0006487 0006650 0002680 0001000 00142 00142 00142 00153 00112 01625 21000317 (QPN_QN60) 30 1 2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004580 0004654 0001778 0004628 0004705 0001801 0001000 00153 00153 00151 00188 00114 01702 21000318 (QPN_QN60) 25 1 3 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0004799 0005085 0002408 0004865 0005154 0002438 0001000 00197 00197 00197 00235 00148 02249 21000319 (OPN_ON60) 27 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0002951 0003145 0001549 0002998 0003195 0001571 0001000 00194 00194 00194 00285 00136 02121 21000320 (OPN_ON60) 20 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001798 0001920 0000972 0001836 0001960 0000990 0001000 00215 00215 00215 00419 00144 02126 21000321 (OPN_ON60) 15 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0001184 0001265 0000643 0001213 0001295 0000657 0001000 00213 00213 00212 00414 00136 01845 21000322 (OPN_ON60) 11 0 -2 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000815 0000870 0000438 0000834 0000890 0000447 0001000 00507 00507 00496 00784 00602 01360 21000323 (OPN_ON60) 7 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000582 0000620 0000307 0000601 0000640 0000316 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00108 01455 21000324 (OPN_ON60) 5 0 -1 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000423 0000450 0000217 0000442 0000470 0000226 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00107 01527 21000325 (OPN_ON60) 4 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000273 0000290 0000136 0000292 0000310 0000145 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00105 01603 21000326 (OPN_ON60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000220 0000229 0000104 0000239 0000250 0000113 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00105 01633 21000327 (OPN_ON60) 2 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000154 0000160 0000069 0000173 0000180 0000078 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00105 01670 21000328 (OPN_ON60) 1 0 0 % 0095189 0100000 0044159 0000107 0000110 0000045 0000126 0000130 0000053 0001000 00180 00180 00180 00353 00104 01697 21000329 (OPN_ON60) 1 0 0 % ] def %END UE510-7T.TXT 141125 in 'UK91' %******************************************************************** %BEG proc_03.PS 141122 %******************************************************************** /NR1i 600 array def /NR2i 600 array def /NR3i 600 array def /NR4i 600 array def /NRLi 600 array def /NRAi 600 array def /NRBi 600 array def /NRCi 600 array def /NRHi 600 array def /NRSi 600 array def /d_CIELABi 600 array def /d_CIELCHi 600 array def /d_C94LCHi 600 array def /d_CMCLCHi 600 array def /d_C00LCHi 600 array def /d_C85LCHi 600 array def /d_CM2LCHi 600 array def /d_C77LCHi 600 array def /d_C78LCHi 600 array def /d_C79LCHi 600 array def /d_CIEL*i 600 array def /d_CIEa*i 600 array def /d_CIEb*i 600 array def /d_C85L*i 600 array def /d_C85a*i 600 array def /d_C85b*i 600 array def %*********************************************************** /D13 1 3 div def /D841_108 841 108 div def /D4_29 4 29 div def /D6_29 6 29 div 3 exp def /FL 0.000001 def /FY 0.001 def %******************************************************************** /proc_coldiff {%BEG procedure proc_coldiff %calculates CIE colour data and differences for 10 colour spaces %BEG CIELAB/CIELCH X0 XW div D6_29 gt {/FXXN X0 XW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FXXN D841_108 X0 XW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse Y0 YW div D6_29 gt {/FYYN Y0 YW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FYYN D841_108 Y0 YW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse Z0 ZW div D6_29 gt {/FZZN Z0 ZW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FZZN D841_108 Z0 ZW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse /CIEL*0 116. FYYN mul 16. sub def /CIEa*0 500. FXXN FYYN sub mul def /CIEb*0 200. FYYN FZZN sub mul def /CIEC*ab0 CIEa*0 dup mul CIEb*0 dup mul add 0.0001 add sqrt def /CIEhab0 CIEb*0 CIEa*0 0.0001 add atan def X1 XW div D6_29 gt {/FXXN X1 XW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FXXN D841_108 X1 XW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse Y1 YW div D6_29 gt {/FYYN Y1 YW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FYYN D841_108 Y1 YW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse Z1 ZW div D6_29 gt {/FZZN Z1 ZW div 0.0001 add D13 exp def} {/FZZN D841_108 Z1 ZW div mul D4_29 add def} ifelse /CIEL*1 116. FYYN mul 16. sub def /CIEa*1 500. FXXN FYYN sub mul def /CIEb*1 200. FYYN FZZN sub mul def /CIEC*ab1 CIEa*1 dup mul CIEb*1 dup mul add 0.0001 add sqrt def /CIEhab1 CIEb*1 CIEa*1 0.0001 add atan def %mixed terms with *0 sn *1: /d_CIEL* CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub def /d_CIEa* CIEa*1 CIEa*0 sub def /d_CIEb* CIEb*1 CIEb*0 sub def d_CIEL*i i d_CIEL* put d_CIEa*i i d_CIEa* put d_CIEb*i i d_CIEb* put d_CIELABi i d_CIEL* dup mul d_CIEa* dup mul add d_CIEb* dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put /d_CIEh CIEhab1 CIEhab0 sub def %see CIEDE2000 page 4 CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 mul 0 eq {/d_CIEh 0 def} if %CIEC*ab1 x CIEC*ab0 =0 CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 mul 0 ne d_CIEh 180 gt and {/d_CIEh d_CIEh 360 sub def} if CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 mul 0 ne d_CIEh -180 lt and {/d_CIEh d_CIEh 360 add def} if /d_CIEL CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub def /d_CIECab CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 sub def /d_CIEHab CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 mul 0.000001 add sqrt 2 mul d_CIEh 0.5 mul sin mul def d_CIELCHi i d_CIEL dup mul d_CIECab dup mul add d_CIEHab dup mul add 0.000001 add sqrt put %BEG CIELAB/CIELCH %BEG CIE94 /S94L 1 def /S94C 1 0.045 CIEC*ab0 mul add def /S94H 1 0.015 CIEC*ab0 mul add def /K94L 1 def /K94C 1 def /K94H 1 def /LC94*0 CIEL*0 K94L div S94L div def /LC94*1 CIEL*1 K94L div S94L div def /CC94*ab0 CIEC*ab0 K94C div S94C div def /CC94*ab1 CIEC*ab1 K94C div S94C div def d_C94LCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub K94L div S94L div dup mul CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 sub K94C div S94C div dup mul add d_CIEHab K94H div S94H div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END CIE94 %BEG CMC(l:c=1:1) CIEL*0 16 lt {/SCML 0.511 def} {/SCML 0.040975 CIEL*0 mul 0.011765 CIEL*0 mul 1 add div def } ifelse /SCMC 0.0638 CIEC*ab0 mul 0.0131 CIEC*ab0 mul 1 add div 0.638 add def %beg special /FCMC CIEC*ab0 dup mul dup mul CIEC*ab0 dup mul dup mul 1900 add div sqrt def CIEhab1 164 lt CIEhab1 345 gt and {/TCMC CIEhab0 35 add cos 0.4 mul 0.36 add def} {/TCMC CIEhab0 168 add cos 0.2 mul 0.56 add def} ifelse %end special /SCMH TCMC FCMC mul 1 add FCMC sub SCMC mul def /KCML 1 def %=l /KCMC 1 def %=c /KCMH 1 def %1 /CMCL*0 CIEL*0 KCML div SCML div def /CMCL*1 CIEL*1 KCML div SCML div def /CMCC*ab0 CIEC*ab0 KCMC div SCMC div def /CMCC*ab1 CIEC*ab1 KCMC div SCMC div def d_CMCLCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub KCML div SCML div dup mul CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 sub KCMC div SCMC div dup mul add d_CIEHab KCMH div SCMH div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END CMC(l:c=1:1)=CMC %BEG CM2(l:c=1:2)=CM2 /KM2L 1 def %=l /KM2C 2 def %=c /KM2H 1 def %1 /CM2L*0 CIEL*0 KM2L div SCML div def /CM2L*1 CIEL*1 KM2L div SCML div def /CM2C*ab0 CIEC*ab0 KM2C div SCMC div def /CM2C*ab1 CIEC*ab1 KM2C div SCMC div def d_CM2LCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub KM2L div SCML div dup mul CIEC*ab1 CIEC*ab0 sub KM2C div SCMC div dup mul add d_CIEHab KM2H div SCMH div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END CM2(l:c=1:2)=CM2 %BEG CIEDE2000=C00 %beg special equation (7) /CIEC*ab CIEC*ab0 CIEC*ab1 add 0.5 mul def /DEG 1 CIEC*ab 7 exp CIEC*ab 7 exp 25 7 exp add div 0.000001 add sqrt sub 0.5 mul def %end special equation (7) %beg special EQUATION (1) TO (6) %0 /C00L0S CIEL*0 def /C00a0S 1 DEG add CIEa*0 mul def /C00b0S CIEb*0 def /C00C0S C00a0S dup mul C00b0S dup mul add 0.000001 add sqrt def C00C0S 0 eq {/C00h0S 0 def} {/C00h0S C00b0S C00a0S 0.0001 add atan def } ifelse %1 /C00L1S CIEL*1 def /C00a1S 1 DEG add CIEa*1 mul def /C00b1S CIEb*1 def /C00C1S C00a1S dup mul C00b1S dup mul add 0.000001 add sqrt def C00C1S 0 eq {/C00h1S 0 def} {/C00h1S C00b1S C00a1S 0.0001 add atan def } ifelse %end special EQUATION (1) TO (6) %beg special EQUATION (11) TO (14) /d_C00hS C00h1S C00h0S sub def %see CIEDE2000 page 4 C00C1S C00C0S mul 0 eq {/d_C00hS 0 def} if %CIEC*ab1 x CIEC*ab0 =0 C00C1S C00C0S mul 0 ne d_C00hS 180 gt and {/d_C00hS d_C00hS 360 sub def} if C00C1S C00C0S mul 0 ne d_C00hS -180 lt and {/d_C00hS d_C00hS 360 add def} if %end special EQUATION (11) TO (14) %beg special EQUATION (8) TO (10) /d_C00LS C00L1S C00L0S sub def /d_C00aS C00a1S C00a0S sub def /d_C00bS C00b1S C00b0S sub def /d_C00CS C00C1S C00C0S sub def /d_C00HS C00C0S C00C1S mul 0.000001 add sqrt 2 mul d_C00hS 0.5 mul sin mul def %end special EQUATION (8) TO (10) %beg special EQUATION (23) TO (26) /d_C00hS C00h0S C00h1S sub abs def /a_C00hs C00h0S C00h1S add 0.5 mul def /m_C00CS C00h0S C00h1S mul def d_C00hS 180 le m_C00CS 0 ne and {/C00hSq C00h0S C00h1S add 0.5 mul def} if d_C00hS 180 gt a_C00hs 360 le and m_C00CS 0 ne and {/C00hSq C00h0S C00h1S add 360 add 0.5 mul def} if d_C00hS 180 gt a_C00hs 360 ge and m_C00CS 0 ne and {/C00hSq C00h0S C00h1S add 360 sub 0.5 mul def} if m_C00CS 0 eq {/C00hSq C00h0S C00h1S add def } if %end special EQUATION (23) TO (26) %beg special EQUATIONS (16) TO (22) /C00LSq C00L0S C00L1S add 0.5 mul def /C00CSq C00C0S C00C1S add 0.5 mul def /C00SL C00LSq 50 sub dup mul 0.015 mul C00LSq 50 sub dup mul 20 add sqrt div 1 add def /C00SC 0.045 C00CSq mul 1 add def %beg special T, RT, d_D, RC /C00T C00hSq 30 sub cos -0.17 mul C00hSq 2 mul cos 0.24 mul add C00hSq 3 mul 6 add cos 0.32 mul add C00hSq 4 mul 63 sub cos 0.20 mul sub 1 add def /C00SH 0.015 C00CSq mul C00T mul 1 add def /C00RC C00CSq 7 exp C00CSq 7 exp 25 7 exp add 0.000001 add div 0.000001 add sqrt 2 mul def /C00DT 30 C00hSq 275 sub 25 div dup mul neg exp def /C00RT C00DT 2 mul sin neg C00RC mul def %end special T, RT, d_D, RC %end special EQUATIONS (16) TO (22) %beg special EQUATION (15) /C00KL 1.0 def /C00KC 1.0 def /C00KH 1.0 def /d_C00LSN d_C00LS C00KL div C00SL div def /d_C00CSN d_C00CS C00KC div C00SC div def /d_C00HSN d_C00HS C00KH div C00SH div def d_C00LCHi i d_C00LSN dup mul d_C00CSN dup mul add d_C00HSN dup mul add d_C00CSN d_C00HSN mul C00RT mul add 0.000001 add sqrt put %end special EQUATION (15) %END CIEDE2000=C00 %BEG LABJND_1985=C85 %/X0 XYZ i21 3 add get 0.001 mul def %X0 %/Y0 XYZ i21 4 add get 0.001 mul def %Y0 %/Z0 XYZ i21 5 add get 0.001 mul def %Z0 %/X1 XYZ i21 6 add get 0.001 mul def %X1 %/Y1 XYZ i21 7 add get 0.001 mul def %Y1 %/Z1 XYZ i21 8 add get 0.001 mul def %Z1 /Yq Y0 Y1 add 0.5 mul def /d_Y Y1 Y0 sub def /a085 X0 Y0 0.000001 add div def /b085 Z0 Y0 0.000001 add div 0.4 mul neg def /a185 X1 Y1 0.000001 add div def /b185 Z1 Y1 0.000001 add div 0.4 mul neg def /an85 XW YW 0.000001 add div def /bn85 ZW YW 0.000001 add div 0.4 mul neg def /d_a085 a085 an85 sub def /d_b085 b085 bn85 sub def /d_a185 a185 an85 sub def /d_b185 b185 bn85 sub def /a0"85 d_a085 d_a085 abs 0.5 mul 1 add div an85 add def /b0"85 d_b085 d_b085 abs 0.5 mul 1 add div bn85 add def /a1"85 d_a185 d_a185 abs 0.5 mul 1 add div an85 add def /b1"85 d_b185 d_b185 abs 0.5 mul 1 add div bn85 add def /d_Y Y1 Y0 sub def /d_a"85 a1"85 a0"85 sub def /d_b"85 b1"85 b0"85 sub def /s85 0.0170 def /q85 0.0058 def /g85 1.0000 def %not used %ZW 50 ge {%D65 or A /a0085 0.7 def /b0085 1.3 def /Y0085 1.2 def % }%D65 % {%A % /a0085 1.0 def % /b0085 1.7 def % /Y0085 1.0 def % } ifelse /Y_MUL Y0085 q85 Yq mul s85 add div def /d_C85L* d_Y Y_MUL mul def /d_C85a* a0085 d_a"85 mul Yq mul Y_MUL mul def /d_C85b* b0085 d_b"85 mul Yq mul Y_MUL mul def d_C85L*i i d_C85L* put d_C85a*i i d_C85a* put d_C85b*i i d_C85b* put d_C85LCHi i d_C85L* dup mul d_C85a* dup mul add d_C85b* dup mul add FL add sqrt put %d_C85LCHi i d_Y dup mul % a0085 d_a"85 mul Yq mul dup mul add % b0085 d_b"85 mul Yq mul dup mul add % 0.000001 add sqrt Y0085 mul % q85 Yq mul s85 add div 0.1 mul put %END LABJND_1985=C85 %BEG LABHNU_1977=C77 /S77L 1 def /S77A 1 def /S77B 1 def /K77L 1 def /K77A 1 def /K77B 1 def %C77a'=(x/y+1/6)**(1/3)/4 %C77b'=-(z/y+1/6)**(1/3)/12 %C77L*=L*CIE %C77a*=500*[C77a'-C77a'n]*Y**(1/3) %C77b*=500*[C77b'-C77b'n]*Y**(1/3) /C77a'0 X0 Y0 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 4 div def /C77a'1 X1 Y1 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 4 div def /C77a'n XW YW FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 4 div def /C77b'0 Z0 Y0 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C77b'1 Z1 Y1 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C77b'n ZW YW FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C77a*0 C77a'0 C77a'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C77a*1 C77a'1 C77a'n sub 500 mul Y1 1 3 div exp mul def /C77b*0 C77b'0 C77b'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C77b*1 C77b'1 C77b'n sub 500 mul Y1 1 3 div exp mul def d_C77LCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub K77L div S77L div dup mul C77a*1 C77a*0 sub K77A div S77A div dup mul add C77b*1 C77b*0 sub K77B div S77B div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END LABHNU_1977=C77 %BEG LABHNU1=C78 /S78L 1 def /S78A 1 def /S78B 1 def /K78L 1 def /K78A 1 def /K78B 1 def %C78a'=(x/y+1)/15 %C78b'=-(z/y+1/6)**(1/3)/12 %C78L*=L*CIE %C78a*=500*[C78a'-C78a'n]*Y**(1/3) %C78b*=500*[C78b'-C78b'n]*Y**(1/3) /C78a'0 X0 Y0 FL add div 1 add 15 div def /C78a'1 X1 Y1 FL add div 1 add 15 div def /C78a'n XW YW FL add div 1 add 15 div def /C78b'0 Z0 Y0 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C78b'1 Z1 Y1 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C78b'n ZW YW FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C78a*0 C78a'0 C78a'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C78a*1 C78a'1 C78a'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C78b*0 C78b'0 C78b'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C78b*1 C78b'1 C78b'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def d_C78LCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub K78L div S78L div dup mul C78a*1 C78a*0 sub K78A div S78A div dup mul add C78b*1 C78b*0 sub K78B div S78B div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END LABHNU1_1978-C78 %BEG LABHNU2_1979=C79 /S79L 1 def /S79A 1 def /S79B 1 def /K79L 1 def /K79A 1 def /K79B 1 def %C79a'=(x/y+1/6)**(2/3)/15 %C79b'=-(z/y+1/6)**(1/3)/12 %C79L*=L*CIE %C79a*=500*[C79a'-C79a'n]*Y**(1/3) %C79b*=500*[C79b'-C79b'n]*Y**(1/3) /C79a'0 X0 Y0 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.6667 exp 15 div def /C79a'1 X1 Y1 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.6667 exp 15 div def /C79a'n XW YW FL add div 1 6 div add 0.6667 exp 15 div def /C79b'0 Z0 Y0 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C79b'1 Z1 Y1 FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C79b'n ZW YW FL add div 1 6 div add 0.3333 exp 12 div neg def /C79a*0 C79a'0 C79a'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C79a*1 C79a'1 C79a'n sub 500 mul Y1 1 3 div exp mul def /C79b*0 C79b'0 C79b'n sub 500 mul Y0 1 3 div exp mul def /C79b*1 C79b'1 C79b'n sub 500 mul Y1 1 3 div exp mul def d_C79LCHi i CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub K79L div S79L div dup mul C79a*1 C79a*0 sub K79A div S79A div dup mul add C79b*1 C79b*0 sub K79B div S79B div dup mul add 0.00000001 add sqrt put %END LABHNU2_1979=C79 } bind def %END procedure proc_coldiff %******************************************************************** %******************************************************************** /proc_colcode {%BEG procedure proc_colcode %NRXi calculation, XYZ_i21_(16,17)-change based on CIE(Lab*)(1,0) NRLi i CIEL*0 put %116. FYYN mul 16. sub def NRAi i CIEa*0 put %500. FXXN FYYN sub mul def NRBi i CIEb*0 put %200. FYYN FZZN sub mul def NRCi i CIEC*ab0 put %CIEa*0 dup mul %CIEb*0 dup mul add 0.0001 add sqrt def NRHi i CIEhab0 put %CIEb*0 CIEa*0 0.0001 add atan def NR3i i 0 put %default CIEC*ab0 3 le {%CIEC*ab0<=3,>3 NR3i i 1 put } %CIEC*ab0<=3 { %CIEC*ab0>3 CIEhab0 337.5 ge CIEhab0 022.5 lt and {NR3i i 2 put} if CIEhab0 022.5 ge CIEhab0 067.5 lt and {NR3i i 3 put} if CIEhab0 067.5 ge CIEhab0 112.5 lt and {NR3i i 4 put} if CIEhab0 112.5 ge CIEhab0 167.5 lt and {NR3i i 5 put} if CIEhab0 167.5 ge CIEhab0 202.5 lt and {NR3i i 6 put} if CIEhab0 202.5 ge CIEhab0 247.5 lt and {NR3i i 7 put} if CIEhab0 247.5 ge CIEhab0 292.5 lt and {NR3i i 8 put} if CIEhab0 292.5 ge CIEhab0 337.5 lt and {NR3i i 9 put} if } ifelse %CIEC*abm<=3,>3 /d_CIEL10 CIEL*1 CIEL*0 sub def /d_CIEA10 CIEa*1 CIEa*0 sub def /d_CIEB10 CIEb*1 CIEb*0 sub def /d_CIEC10 d_CIEA10 dup mul d_CIEB10 dup mul add FL add sqrt def /d_CIEH10 d_CIEB10 d_CIEA10 FL add atan def d_CIEC10 0.1 le {/d_CIEH10 0 def} if NR4i i 0 put %default d_CIEL10 d_CIEC10 ge {%d_CIEL*>=d_CIEC* or d_CIEL*=d_CIEC* { %d_CIEL*=d_CIEC* or d_CIEL*=0 nx 0.5 ge {%nx>=0.5 /nx nx 0.5 add cvi def nx 9 le {(0) show} if nx 99 le {(0) show} if nx 6 string cvs show } if nx -0.5 le {%nx<=-0.5 /nx nx 0.5 sub cvi def nx abs 99 le {(0) show} if nx 6 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 } def /cvi02xshow {/nx exch def %with round nx abs 0.5 lt {%|nx|<=0.5 ( ) show nx cvi 6 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 nx 0.5 ge {%nx>=0.5 /nx nx 0.5 add cvi def nx 9 le {( ) show} if nx 99 le {( ) show} if nx 6 string cvs show } if nx -0.5 le {%nx<=-0.5 /nx nx 0.5 sub cvi def nx abs 99 le {( ) show} if nx 6 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 } def /cvi03nshow {/nx exch def %with round nx abs 0.5 lt {%nx=0 (000) show nx cvi 7 string cvs show } if %|nx|<=0.5 nx 0.5 ge {%nx>=0.5 /nx nx 0.5 add cvi def nx 9 le {(0) show} if nx 99 le {(0) show} if nx 999 le {(0) show} if nx 7 string cvs show } if nx -0.5 le {%nx<=-0.5 /nx nx 0.5 sub cvi def nx abs 9 le {(0) show} if nx abs 99 le {(0) show} if nx 7 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 } def /cvi03xshow {/nx exch def %with round nx abs 0.5 lt {%|nx|<=0.5 ( ) show nx cvi 7 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 nx 0.5 ge {%nx>=0.5 /nx nx 0.5 add cvi def nx 9 le {( ) show} if nx 99 le {( ) show} if nx 999 le {( ) show} if nx 7 string cvs show } if nx -0.5 le {%nx<=-0.5 /nx nx 0.5 sub cvi def nx abs 9 le {( ) show} if nx abs 99 le {( ) show} if nx 7 string cvs show } if %nx>=0 } def %******************************************* %%EndProlog gsave /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (F) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showea {1 lanind le {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} {/lanind1 0 def /lanind2 0 def} ifelse /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colorMD colormdf def} {/colorm1 0 def} ifelse /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} {/deintp1 0 def} ifelse /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} {/xcolor1 3 def} ifelse /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchart1 0 def /xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 0 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} {/pchart1 3 def} ifelse /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} {/colsep1 0 def} ifelse /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetaMD pmetamdf def} {/pmetam1 0 def} ifelse %either defaul values for xchart=0 or values for xchart=1 /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if %always independent of intended output 5 /Times-ISOL1 FS /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def 75 85 moveto lanind cvishow (-) show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow xcolor cvishow xchart cvishow pchart cvishow colsep cvishow (-L) show pmetam cvishow gsave /xchart xchart1 def 5 /Times-ISOL1 FS 340 85 moveto (XG051-7) show xchart 0 eq {(N) show} {deintp colorm 2 mul add cvishow} ifelse 72 90 translate /yhoe 17400 def /xbre 12000 def 0.01 MM dup scale 15 setlinewidth 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto xbre 0 rlineto 0 yhoe rlineto xbre neg 0 rlineto closepath fill 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 setcmyk_olvcolor 0 0 moveto xbre 0 rlineto 0 yhoe rlineto xbre neg 0 rlineto closepath stroke 0 yhoe 550 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke /yd 520 def %y-Zeilenabstand for font G /ydg 600 def %yd for equation lines /yd2 300 def %y-Zeilenabstand for font M %Spalten /S1 100 def /S2 200 def /S30 1400 def %d_CIEL*i /S31 2200 def %d_CIEa*i /S32 3000 def %d_CIEb*i /S33 3800 def %d_CIEE*i /S40 4300 def %delta_Y_WN /S41 4550 def %d_C85L*i /S42 5350 def %d_C85a*i /S43 6150 def %d_C85b*i /S44 6950 def %d_C85E*i /S51 7700 def %d_CMCL*i /S52 8500 def %d_C94a*i /S53 9300 def %d_C00b*i /S5 10100 def %notes /yu0 17000 def %titel /yu1 16500 def %first line /yu2 15400 def %second line /yu3 11900 def %third line /yu4 11200 def %fourth line %0 yu1 320 add moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke 0 yu2 320 add moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke S30 050 sub yhoe 0550 sub moveto 0 yhoe 2300 sub neg rlineto stroke %L_CIELAB S31 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 3000 sub neg rlineto stroke %a S32 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 3000 sub neg rlineto stroke %b S33 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 2350 sub neg rlineto stroke %E S41 050 sub yhoe 0550 sub moveto 0 yhoe 1650 sub neg rlineto stroke %L_C85LCH S42 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 3000 sub neg rlineto stroke %a S43 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 3000 sub neg rlineto stroke %b S44 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 2350 sub neg rlineto stroke %E S51 050 sub yhoe 0550 sub moveto 0 yhoe 1650 sub neg rlineto stroke %CMC S52 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 2350 sub neg rlineto stroke %C94 S53 050 sub yhoe 1250 sub moveto 0 yhoe 2350 sub neg rlineto stroke %C00 S5 050 sub yhoe 0550 sub moveto 0 yhoe 1650 sub neg rlineto stroke %notes %WPN_WN_RG_BY: 308_329, 242_263, 055_076 %22 steps /j1WPN [308 329 242 263 055 076] def %WDN_WN_RG_BY: 297_307, 231_241, 044_054 %11 steps /j2WDN [297 307 231 241 044 054] def %TDM_WN_RG_BY: 286_296, 220_230, 033_043 %11 steps /j3TDM [286 296 220 230 033 043] def %BDY_WN_RG_BY: 264_274, 176_186, 000_010 %11 steps /j4BDY [264 274 176 186 000 010] def %WPN_WN, WDN_WN, TDM_WN, BDY_WN %WPN_RG, WDN_RG, TDM_RG, BDY_RG %WPN_BY, WDN_BY, TDM_BY, BDY_BY %array 100*21 = 2100 (min 44*21) /XYZ_WN 2100 array def 0 1 20 {/j exch def %j=0,20 dat per line /i1 j1WPN 0 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 i 21 mul def /i121 i1 i 2 mul add 21 mul def XYZ_WN i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j2WDN 0 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 11 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_WN i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j3TDM 0 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 22 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_WN i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j4BDY 0 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 33 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_WN i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 } for %j=0,20 %data per line /XYZ_RG 2100 array def 0 1 20 {/j exch def %j=0,20 dat per line /i1 j1WPN 2 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 i 21 mul def /i121 i1 i 2 mul add 21 mul def XYZ_RG i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j2WDN 2 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 11 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_RG i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j3TDM 2 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 22 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_RG i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j4BDY 2 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 33 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_RG i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 } for %j=0,20 %data per line /XYZ_BY 2100 array def 0 1 20 {/j exch def %j=0,20 dat per line /i1 j1WPN 4 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 i 21 mul def /i121 i1 i 2 mul add 21 mul def XYZ_BY i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j2WDN 4 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 11 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_BY i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j3TDM 4 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 22 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_BY i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 /i1 j4BDY 4 get def 0 1 10 {/i exch def %i=0,11 /i021 33 i add 21 mul def /i121 i1 i add 21 mul def XYZ_BY i021 j add XYZ i121 j add get put } for %i=0,11 } for %j=0,20 %data per line %STOPA /yd3 292 def /FL 0.000001 def TM /iim 43 def /kk 2 def %0 1 02 {/kk exch def %kk=0,02 for series _WN, _RG, _BY /dkk_CIELAB 0 def /dkk_C94LCH 0 def /dkk_CMCLCH 0 def /dkk_C00LCH 0 def /dkk_C85LCH 0 def /d_CIELAB_min 99998 def /d_CIELCH_min 99998 def /d_C94LCH_min 99998 def /d_CMCLCH_min 99998 def /d_C00LCH_min 99998 def /d_C85LCH_min 99998 def /d_CM2LCH_min 99998 def /d_C77LCH_min 99998 def /d_C78LCH_min 99998 def /d_C79LCH_min 99998 def /d_CIELAB_max 0 def /d_CIELCH_max 0 def /d_C94LCH_max 0 def /d_CMCLCH_max 0 def /d_C00LCH_max 0 def /d_C85LCH_max 0 def /d_CM2LCH_max 0 def /d_C77LCH_max 0 def /d_C78LCH_max 0 def /d_C79LCH_max 0 def 0 1 iim {/i exch def %i=0,iim TM /id i 11 idiv def /ix i id add def /i021 i 21 mul def /yu2ix yu2 yd3 ix mul sub def %horizontal lines i 10 eq {0 yu2ix 150 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke} if i 21 eq {0 yu2ix 150 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke} if i 32 eq {0 yu2ix 150 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke} if i 43 eq {0 yu2ix 150 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke} if S1 yu2ix moveto i cvishow TIM S1 450 add yu2ix moveto i 0 ge i 10 le and {(WPN) show} if i 11 ge i 21 le and {(WDN) show} if i 22 ge i 32 le and {(GDR) show} if i 33 ge i 43 le and {(BDY) show} if TM kk 0 eq {%kk=0 /XW XYZ_WN i021 0 add get 0.001 mul def /YW XYZ_WN i021 1 add get 0.001 mul def /ZW XYZ_WN i021 2 add get 0.001 mul def /X0 XYZ_WN i021 3 add get 0.001 mul def /Y0 XYZ_WN i021 4 add get 0.001 mul def /Z0 XYZ_WN i021 5 add get 0.001 mul def /X1 XYZ_WN i021 6 add get 0.001 mul def /Y1 XYZ_WN i021 7 add get 0.001 mul def /Z1 XYZ_WN i021 8 add get 0.001 mul def /DV XYZ_WN i021 9 add get 0.001 mul def %DV } if %kk=0 kk 1 eq {%kk=1 /XW XYZ_RG i021 0 add get 0.001 mul def /YW XYZ_RG i021 1 add get 0.001 mul def /ZW XYZ_RG i021 2 add get 0.001 mul def /X0 XYZ_RG i021 3 add get 0.001 mul def /Y0 XYZ_RG i021 4 add get 0.001 mul def /Z0 XYZ_RG i021 5 add get 0.001 mul def /X1 XYZ_RG i021 6 add get 0.001 mul def /Y1 XYZ_RG i021 7 add get 0.001 mul def /Z1 XYZ_RG i021 8 add get 0.001 mul def /DV XYZ_RG i021 9 add get 0.001 mul def %DV } if %kk=1 kk 2 eq {%kk=2 /XW XYZ_BY i021 0 add get 0.001 mul def /YW XYZ_BY i021 1 add get 0.001 mul def /ZW XYZ_BY i021 2 add get 0.001 mul def /X0 XYZ_BY i021 3 add get 0.001 mul def /Y0 XYZ_BY i021 4 add get 0.001 mul def /Z0 XYZ_BY i021 5 add get 0.001 mul def /X1 XYZ_BY i021 6 add get 0.001 mul def /Y1 XYZ_BY i021 7 add get 0.001 mul def /Z1 XYZ_BY i021 8 add get 0.001 mul def /DV XYZ_BY i021 9 add get 0.001 mul def %DV } if %kk=2 %defines all d_CIELABi and others up to d_C85LCHi (i=0,308) proc_coldiff /dkk_CIELAB dkk_CIELAB d_CIELABi i get add def /dkk_C94LCH dkk_C94LCH d_C94LCHi i get add def /dkk_CMCLCH dkk_CMCLCH d_CMCLCHi i get add def /dkk_C00LCH dkk_C00LCH d_C00LCHi i get add def /dkk_C85LCH dkk_C85LCH d_C85LCHi i get add def /iout 0 def iout 1 eq {%iout=1 S30 yu2ix moveto Y0_WN cvsshow2 %Y0_WN S31 yu2ix moveto xan0_WN cvsshow4 %xan0_WN S32 yu2ix moveto yan0_WN cvsshow4 %yan0_WN S40 yu2ix moveto Y1_WN Y0_WN sub cvsshow2 %delta_Y_WN S41 yu2ix moveto xan1_RG xan0_RG sub cvsshow4 %delta_xan_RG S42 yu2ix moveto yan1_RG yan0_RG sub cvsshow4 %delta_yan_RG S43 yu2ix moveto xan1_BY xan0_BY sub cvsshow4 %delta_xan_BY S44 yu2ix moveto yan1_BY yan0_BY sub cvsshow4 %delta_yan_BY } if %iout=1 S30 yu2ix moveto d_CIEL*i i get cvsshow2 S31 yu2ix moveto d_CIEa*i i get cvsshow2 S32 yu2ix moveto d_CIEb*i i get cvsshow2 S33 yu2ix moveto d_CIELABi i get cvsshow2 S41 yu2ix moveto d_C85L*i i get cvsshow2 S42 yu2ix moveto d_C85a*i i get cvsshow2 S43 yu2ix moveto d_C85b*i i get cvsshow2 S44 yu2ix moveto d_C85LCHi i get cvsshow2 S51 yu2ix moveto d_CMCLCHi i get cvsshow2 S52 yu2ix moveto d_C94LCHi i get cvsshow2 S53 yu2ix moveto d_C00LCHi i get cvsshow2 TIM i 00 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto (_WN, GR, BY) show} if i 11 eq i 22 eq or i 33 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto (_WN, GR, BY) show} if TM i 01 eq i 12 eq or i 23 eq or i 34 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto (grey surround) showea (graues Umfeld) showde} if i 02 eq i 13 eq or i 24 eq or i 35 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (Y) show (G) is2 TM (=) show (16.6) show} if % i 02 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto (CIE data no. 03) showea % (Daten Nr. 03) showde} if % i 13 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto (CIE data no. 12) showea % (Daten Nr. 12) showde} if % i 24 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto (CIE data no. 27) showea % (Daten Nr. 27) showde} if % i 35 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto (CIE data no. 38) showea % (Daten Nr. 38) showde} if i 03 eq i 14 eq or i 25 eq or i 36 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto (with white) showea (mit weissem) showde} if i 04 eq i 15 eq or i 26 eq or i 37 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto (border) showea (Rand) showde} if i 05 eq i 16 eq or i 27 eq or i 38 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (X) show (W) is2 TM (=) show XW cvsshow2} if i 06 eq i 17 eq or i 28 eq or i 39 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (Y) show (W) is2 TM (=) show YW cvsshow2} if i 07 eq i 18 eq or i 29 eq or i 40 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (Z) show (W) is2 TM (=) show ZW cvsshow2} if i 08 eq i 19 eq or i 30 eq or i 41 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (x) show (W) is2 TM (=) show XW XW YW add ZW add div cvsshow4} if i 09 eq i 20 eq or i 31 eq or i 42 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (y) show (W) is2 TM (=) show YW XW YW add ZW add div cvsshow4} if i 10 eq {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (near P4000) show} if i 21 eq i 32 eq or i 43 eq or {S5 yu2ix moveto TIM (near D65) show} if } for %i=0,iim TBM /ix 47.5 def /yu2ix yu2 yd3 ix mul sub def /iimp iim 1 add def /dkm_CIELAB dkk_CIELAB iimp div def /dkm_C85LCH dkk_C85LCH iimp div def /dkm_CMCLCH dkk_CMCLCH iimp div def /dkm_C94LCH dkk_C94LCH iimp div def /dkm_C00LCH dkk_C00LCH iimp div def S33 yu2ix moveto dkm_CIELAB cvsshow2 S44 yu2ix moveto dkm_C85LCH cvsshow2 S51 yu2ix moveto dkm_CMCLCH cvsshow2 S52 yu2ix moveto dkm_C94LCH cvsshow2 S53 yu2ix moveto dkm_C00LCH cvsshow2 S1 yu2ix moveto (Mittel) showde (mean) showea /dkd_CIELAB 0 def /dkd_C85LCH 0 def /dkd_CMCLCH 0 def /dkd_C94LCH 0 def /dkd_C00LCH 0 def 0 1 iim {/i exch def %i=0,imm /dkd_CIELAB dkd_CIELAB d_CIELABi i get dkm_CIELAB sub dup mul add def /dkd_C85LCH dkd_C85LCH d_C85LCHi i get dkm_C85LCH sub dup mul add def /dkd_CMCLCH dkd_CMCLCH d_CMCLCHi i get dkm_CMCLCH sub dup mul add def /dkd_C94LCH dkd_C94LCH d_C94LCHi i get dkm_C94LCH sub dup mul add def /dkd_C00LCH dkd_C00LCH d_C00LCHi i get dkm_C00LCH sub dup mul add def } for %i=0,imm /ix 48.5 def /yu2ix yu2 yd3 ix mul sub def /iimp iim 1 add def S33 yu2ix moveto dkd_CIELAB iimp div sqrt cvsshow2 S44 yu2ix moveto dkd_C85LCH iimp div sqrt cvsshow2 S51 yu2ix moveto dkd_CMCLCH iimp div sqrt cvsshow2 S52 yu2ix moveto dkd_C94LCH iimp div sqrt cvsshow2 S53 yu2ix moveto dkd_C00LCH iimp div sqrt cvsshow2 S1 yu2ix moveto (Standardabweichung) showde (standard deviation) showea /ix 48.5 def /yu2ix yu2 yd3 ix mul sub def %horizontal end line 0 yu2ix 150 sub moveto xbre 0 rlineto stroke TM 100 700 moveto (Samples: bright white (W, no. 0), dark black (S, no. 10), White (W, no. 11), Black (N, no. 21)) showea (Muster: helles Weiss (W, Nr. 0), dunkles Schwarz (Nr. 10), Weiss (W, Nr. 11), Schwarz (Nr. 21)) showde 100 400 moveto (Green (G=T (turqois), no. 22), Red (R=M (magenta), no. 32), Blue (B, no. 33), Yellow (Y, no. 43)) showea (Gr\374n (G=T (T\374rkis), Nr. 22), Rot (R=M (Magenta), Nr. 32), Blau (B, Nr. 33), Gelb (Y, Nr. 43)) showde 100 100 moveto (Source: BAM Research Report no. 115 (1985), Tables 5.40;1 to 11) showea (Quelle: BAM\255Forschungsbericht Nr. 115 (1985), Tabellen 5.40;1 bis 11) showde (; LABJND) show TK 0 -20 rmoveto (0,7; 1,3; 1,2) show 0 20 rmoveto %Titeltext TBG S1 yu0 yd 0 mul add moveto (Farbreize f\374r gerade unterscheibare Farb\255Schwellen) showde (Colour stimuli of just noticable colour thresholds) showea TBG ( \050) show TBIG (p) show TBG (=50%\051 in ) show TBIG kk 0 eq {%kk=0 (WN) show } if %kk=0 kk 1 eq {%kk=1 (GR) show } if %kk=1 kk 2 eq {%kk=2 (BY) showea } if %kk=2 TBG (\255Richtung) showde ( direction) showea TBM S1 yu1 yd2 0 mul sub moveto (Nummer) showde (number) showea S1 yu1 yd2 1 mul sub moveto (Farb\255) showde (Colour) showea S1 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (Serie) showde (series) showea TBM S30 yu1 yd2 0 mul sub moveto (CIELAB\255Differenzen) showde (CIELAB differences) showea S30 yu1 yd2 1 mul sub moveto (Helligkeit, Buntheiten, ) showde (lightness, chroma,) showea (S) ss2 S30 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (L*) bs2 S31 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (a*) bs2 S32 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (b*) bs2 S33 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (E) bs2 0 20 rmoveto (*) bs2 0 -20 rmoveto -70 -10 rmoveto (ab) is2 TBM S41 yu1 yd 0 mul sub moveto (LABJND\255Differenzen) showde (LABJND differences) showea S41 yu1 yd2 1 mul sub moveto (Helligkeit, Buntheiten, ) showde (lightness, chroma, ) showea (S) ss2 S41 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (L*) js2 S42 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (a*) js2 S43 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (b*) js2 S44 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (D) ss2 (E*) js2 TBM S51 yu1 yd 0 mul sub moveto (Farb\255Differenzen) showde (colour differences) showea S51 yu1 yd2 1 mul sub moveto (andere Formeln ) showde (other formulae ) showea S51 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (CMC) show S52 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (C94) show S53 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (C00) show TBM S5 yu1 yd2 0 mul sub moveto (Bemerkungen) showde (notes) showea S5 yu1 yd2 1 mul sub moveto (Experiment\255) showde (experimental) showea S5 yu1 yd2 2 mul sub moveto (Serie) showde (series) showea %} for %kk=0,2 showpage grestore %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 219 MM 020 MM translate 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS -9 MM -7 MM moveto ( ) show 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto ( ) show 1 1 scale -77 -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 28 %line 499 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 XG051-8, %%BoundingBox: 70 90 226 206 /FS {findfont exch scalefont setfont} bind def /MM {72 25.4 div mul} def %%EndProlog gsave 8 /Times-Roman FS 72 83 moveto %!2 (XG051-8,) show 72 90 translate %! 0.01 MM 0.01 MM scale %! 15 setlinewidth %! 0 0 moveto 5400 0 rlineto 0 4000 rlineto -5400 0 rlineto %! closepath stroke grestore showpage %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF 219 MM 080 MM add 008 MM translate %80 MM Breite von TestStreifen 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 53 MM 1 MM moveto () show 1 1 scale -77 21 MM sub -91 translate %%BeginDocument: Bild 29 Teststreifen Ueberlaenge %line 509 %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave BeginEPSF -0.0 MM -0.0 MM translate %xy-Verschiebung Rechteckrahmen nach innen% %%BeginDocument: Bild 30 %Rechteckrahmen %line 519 %!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0 Frame arround with Internet text DG02 20070101 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 598 845 %%EndProlog gsave /lanind 1 def /lantex [(G) (E) (S) (N) (I) (J) (M)] def /showde {0 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showen {1 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showes {2 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showfr {3 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showit {4 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showjp {5 lanind eq {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /showea {1 lanind le {show} {pop} ifelse} bind def /lanind1 01 def /lanind2 01 def /lanindd 01 def /colorm1 00 def /colorm2 00 def /colormd 01 def /deintp1 00 def /deintp2 00 def /deintpd 01 def /xcolor1 03 def /xcolor2 03 def /xcolord 01 def /xchart1 00 def /xchart2 00 def /xchartd 01 def /pchart1 00 def /pchart2 00 def /pchartd 01 def /colsep1 00 def /colsep2 00 def /colsepd 01 def /pmetam1 00 def /pmetam2 00 def /pmetamd 01 def /lanindf where {pop /lanind1 lanindf def /lanind2 lanindf def /lanindd laninddf def} if /colormf where {pop /colorm1 colormf def /colorm2 colormf def /colormd colormdf def} if /deintpf where {pop /deintp1 deintpf def /deintp2 deintpf def /deintpd deintpdf def} if /xcolorf where {pop /xcolor1 xcolorf def /xcolor2 xcolorf def /xcolord xcolordf def} if /xchartf where {pop /xchart1 xchartf def /xchart2 xchartf def /xchartd xchartdf def /xchartm xchart2f xchart1f sub 1 add def} {/xchartm 1 def} ifelse /xchart3f where {pop /xchart3 xchart3f def} {/xchart3 1 def} ifelse /xchart4f where {pop /xchart4 xchart4f def} {/xchart4 0 def} ifelse /pchartf where {pop /pchart1 pchartf def /pchart2 pchartf def /pchartd pchartdf def} if /colsepf where {pop /colsep1 colsepf def /colsep2 colsepf def /colsepd colsepdf def} if /pmetamf where {pop /pmetam1 pmetamf def /pmetam2 pmetamf def /pmetamd pmetamdf def} if /lanind lanind1 def % /colorm colorm1 def % /deintp deintp1 def % /xcolor xcolor1 def % /xchart xchart1 def % /pchart pchart1 def % /colsep colsep1 def % /pmetam pmetam1 def % /GSS$ where {pop /LSS$ GSS$ def} {/LSS$ (1) def} ifelse /GSC$ where {pop /LSC$ GSC$ def} {/LSC$ (N) def} ifelse /GSX$ where {pop /LSX$ GSX$ def} {/LSX$ (0) def} ifelse /GSY$ where {pop /LSY$ GSY$ def} {/LSY$ (0) def} ifelse /GEX$ where {pop /LEX$ GEX$ def} {/LEX$ (P.PS./PDF) def} ifelse /GEY$ where {pop /LEY$ GEY$ def} {/LEY$ (P.DAT) def} ifelse /IMES 0 def /i*ptrsc 0 def gsave 0 setgray 1.0 1.0 scale 0.0 MM 0.0 MM translate 0.15 MM setlinewidth /x 20 array def /y 20 array def /d 20 array def /x [000 296 296 000 002 294 294 002 005 291 291 005 %speziell 006 290 290 006 008 288 288 008 ] def /y [000 000 210 210 002 002 208 208 005 005 205 205 %speziell 006 006 204 204 008 008 202 202 ] def /d [060 017 -60 -17 058 015 -58 -15 056 013 -56 -13 054 011 -54 -11 052 009 -52 -09 ] def colorm 0 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (d) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=0 colorm 0 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (e) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=0, deintp=1 colorm 1 eq deintp 0 eq and {/Txx (dd) def /Fxx (d) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=0 colorm 1 eq deintp 1 eq and {/Txx (de) def /Fxx (e) def} if %colorm=1, deintp=1 xchart 0 eq {/Txx (-) def /Fxx (-) def} if xchart 1 ge {%xchart>=1 /i0 12 def /i1 i0 1 add def /i2 i0 2 add def /i3 i0 3 add def 2.5 MM /Times-ISOL1 FS x i0 get MM 40 MM add y i0 get MM 1 MM sub moveto lanind cvishow (-) show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow xcolor cvishow xchart cvishow pchart cvishow colsep cvishow (-F) show pmetam cvishow } if %xchart>=1 /xt 1 def xchart 1 eq {/xt 1 def} if xt 0 eq {%xt=0,1 ifelse /i0 12 def /i1 i0 1 add def /i2 i0 2 add def /i3 i0 3 add def 2.5 MM /Times-ISOL1 FS x i0 get MM 110 MM add y i0 get MM 1 MM sub moveto ( show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow colorm 0 eq {(N) show} {(F) show} ifelse (P.PDF & ) show ( show colorm cvishow deintp cvishow colorm 0 eq {(N) show} {(F) show} ifelse (P.TXT & ) show ( show } %xt=0 { %xt=1 /xlu 017 MM def /ylu 017 MM def /xro 279 MM def /yro 193 MM def /xlo 017 MM def /ylo 193 MM def /xru 279 MM def /yru 017 MM def xlu 8 MM sub ylu moveto 16 MM 0 rlineto stroke xlu ylu 8 MM sub moveto 0 16 MM rlineto stroke xro 8 MM add yro moveto -16 MM 0 rlineto stroke xro yro 8 MM add moveto 0 -16 MM rlineto stroke xru 8 MM sub yru moveto 16 MM 0 rlineto stroke xru yru 8 MM sub moveto 0 16 MM rlineto stroke xlo 8 MM add ylo moveto -16 MM 0 rlineto stroke xlo ylo 8 MM add moveto 0 -16 MM rlineto stroke 1 2 7 {/i exch def %Zentrierkreise xlu ylu i MM 0 360 arc stroke xro yro i MM 0 360 arc stroke xru yru i MM 0 360 arc stroke xlo ylo i MM 0 360 arc stroke } for %i 12 4 16 {/i exch def /i0 i def %i=0,16 %0 4 16 {/i exch def /i0 i def %i=0,16 /i1 i0 1 add def /i2 i0 2 add def /i3 i0 3 add def i 16 eq {0.30 MM setlinewidth} {0.15 MM setlinewidth} ifelse 0 setgray x i0 get MM y i0 get MM moveto x i1 get MM y i1 get MM lineto x i2 get MM y i2 get MM lineto x i3 get MM y i3 get MM lineto x i0 get MM y i0 get MM lineto stroke i 16 eq {6 /Times-ISOL1 FS /x00 67 def /xdif 32 def /y0o 202.3 def /y0u 6.3 def /x0l 6.1 def /x0r 288 def /y00 22 def /ydif 32 def x00 xdif 0 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (V) show x00 xdif 0 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (C) show x00 xdif 1 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (L) show x00 xdif 1 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (M) show x00 xdif 2 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (O) show x00 xdif 2 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (Y) show x00 xdif 3 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (Y) show x00 xdif 3 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (O) show x00 xdif 4 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (M) show x00 xdif 4 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (L) show x00 xdif 5 mul add MM y0o MM moveto (C) show x00 xdif 5 mul add MM y0u MM moveto (V) show x0l MM y00 ydif 0 mul add MM moveto (V) show x0r MM y00 ydif 0 mul add MM moveto (C) show x0l MM y00 ydif 1 mul add MM moveto (L) show x0r MM y00 ydif 1 mul add MM moveto (M) show x0l MM y00 ydif 2 mul add MM moveto (O) show x0r MM y00 ydif 2 mul add MM moveto (Y) show x0l MM y00 ydif 3 mul add MM moveto (Y) show x0r MM y00 ydif 3 mul add MM moveto (O) show x0l MM y00 ydif 4 mul add MM moveto (M) show x0r MM y00 ydif 4 mul add MM moveto (L) show x0l MM y00 ydif 5 mul add MM moveto (C) show x0r MM y00 ydif 5 mul add MM moveto (V) show } if } for %i=0,16 0 1 10 {/j0 exch def /j1 j0 1 add def %j0 j0 0 eq {tzccmy0* setcmykcolor} if j0 1 eq {0 setgray} if j0 2 eq {tzmcmy0* setcmykcolor} if j0 3 eq {0 setgray} if j0 4 eq {tzycmy0* setcmykcolor} if j0 5 eq {0 setgray} if j0 6 eq {tzocmy0* setcmykcolor} if j0 7 eq {0 setgray} if j0 8 eq {tzlcmy0* setcmykcolor} if j0 9 eq {0 setgray} if j0 10 eq {tzvcmy0* setcmykcolor} if 12 4 16 {/i exch def /i0 i def %i=0,16 %0 4 16 {/i exch def /i0 i def %i=0,16 /i1 i0 1 add def /i2 i0 2 add def /i3 i0 3 add def i 16 eq {0.30 MM setlinewidth} {0.15 MM setlinewidth} ifelse x i0 get d i0 get add 16 j0 mul add MM y i0 get MM moveto x i0 get d i0 get add 16 j1 mul add MM y i0 get MM lineto stroke x i1 get MM y i1 get d i1 get add 16 j0 mul add MM moveto x i1 get MM y i1 get d i1 get add 16 j1 mul add MM lineto stroke x i2 get d i2 get add 16 j0 mul sub MM y i2 get MM moveto x i2 get d i2 get add 16 j1 mul sub MM y i2 get MM lineto stroke x i3 get MM y i3 get d i3 get add 16 j0 mul sub MM moveto x i3 get MM y i3 get d i3 get add 16 j1 mul sub MM lineto stroke } for %i=0,16 } for %j0 0.15 MM setlinewidth /s 7 MM def /s1 8 MM def /s5 36 MM def 16 1 20 {/j exch def /j0 j 16 sub def %j=16,20 /ix0 xlu 8 MM add j0 7 MM mul add def /iy0 ylu 8 MM sub def 0 1 3 {/ij exch def %ij=0,3 ij 0 eq {/ix0 xlu 8 MM add j0 7 MM mul add def /iy0 ylu 8 MM sub def} if ij 1 eq {/ix0 xru 43 MM sub j0 7 MM mul add def /iy0 yru 8 MM sub def} if ij 2 eq {/ix0 xlo 8 MM add j0 7 MM mul add def /iy0 ylo 1 MM add def} if ij 3 eq {/ix0 xro 43 MM sub j0 7 MM mul add def /iy0 yro 1 MM add def} if i*ptrsc 0 eq i*ptrsc 2 eq or {%i*ptrsc=0,2 cmy0* setcmykcolor j 16 eq {tzan j get dup dup 0 setcmykcolor ix0 0.5 MM sub iy0 0.5 MM sub s5 s1 rec fill} if tzan j get dup dup 0 setcmykcolor ix0 iy0 s s rec fill } if %i*ptrsc=0,2 i*ptrsc 1 eq i*ptrsc 3 eq or {%i*ptrsc=1,3 www* setrgbcolor j 16 eq {1 tzan j get 1 sub dup dup setrgbcolor %N ix0 0.5 MM sub iy0 0.5 MM sub s5 s1 rec fill} if 1 tzan j get sub dup dup setrgbcolor %N ix0 iy0 s s rec fill } if %i*ptrsc=1,3 i*ptrsc 4 eq i*ptrsc 5 eq or {%i*ptrsc=4,5 [/CIEBasedABC << %Farbraum und Grenzen fuer D65 /RangeABC [0 100 -128 127 -128 127] /DecodeABC [{16 add 116 div} bind {500 div} bind {200 div} bind] /MatrixABC [1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 -1] /DecodeLMN [{dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 0.9505 mul} bind {dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse} bind {dup 6 29 div ge {dup dup mul mul} {4 29 div sub 108 841 div mul} ifelse 1.0890 mul} bind] /WhitePoint [0.9505 1 1.089] %CIEXYZ fuer D65 >>] setcolorspace j 16 eq {tznLAB* 0 get tzwLAB* 0 get tznLAB* 0 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add tznLAB* 1 get tzwLAB* 1 get tznLAB* 1 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add tznLAB* 2 get tzwLAB* 2 get tznLAB* 2 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add setcolor %N ix0 0.5 MM sub iy0 0.5 MM sub s5 s1 rec fill} if tznLAB* 0 get tzwLAB* 0 get tznLAB* 0 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add tznLAB* 1 get tzwLAB* 1 get tznLAB* 1 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add tznLAB* 2 get tzwLAB* 2 get tznLAB* 2 get sub 0.25 j0 mul mul add setcolor %N ix0 iy0 s s rec fill } if %i*ptrsc=4,5 i*ptrsc 6 eq {%i*ptrsc=6 000n* setcmykcolor j 16 eq {0 0 0 tzan j get setcmykcolor ix0 0.5 MM sub iy0 0.5 MM sub s5 s1 rec fill} if 0 0 0 tzan j get setcmykcolor ix0 iy0 s s rec fill } if %i*ptrsc=6 i*ptrsc 7 eq {%i*ptrsc=7 w* setgray j 16 eq {1 tzan j get sub setgray ix0 0.5 MM sub iy0 0.5 MM sub s5 s1 rec fill} if 1 tzan j get sub setgray ix0 iy0 s s rec fill } if %i*ptrsc=7 } for %ij=0,3 } for %j=16,20 0 setgray 018 MM 008.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-8) show 018 MM 006.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-6) show 276 MM 008.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-8) show 276 MM 006.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-6) show 018 MM 202.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-8) show 018 MM 204.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-6) show 276 MM 202.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-8) show 276 MM 204.2 MM moveto 6 /Times-Roman FS (-6) show 0 setgray 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS 61 MM 13.5 MM moveto (TUB\255Pr\374fvorlage XG05; ) showde %0XG05X-Y 0000# (TUB\255test chart XG05; ) showen %1XG05X-Y 0000# (gr\341fico TUB\255XG05; ) showes %2XG05X-Y 0000# (TUB\255test graphique XG05; ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 0000# (grafico TUB\255XG05; ) showit %4XG05X-Y 0000# (TUB\255test chart XG05; ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 0000# (Farbschwellendaten) showde %0XG05X-Y 0100# (Colour thresholds data) showea %1XG05X-Y 0100# 12 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS 61 MM 09.5 MM moveto 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS xchart4 0 eq {%xchart4=0 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS (RI\255Experimente: ) showde (RI experiments: ) showen 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS (Reihen) showde %0XG05X-Y 0200# (Series) showea %0XG05X-Y 0200# 12 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS ( WPN, WDN, GDR, BDY ) show 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS (in directions) showea (in Richtungen) showde 12 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS ( WN, GR, BY) show 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS (; LABJND) show 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -2 rmoveto (0,7; 1,3; 1,2) show 0 2 rmoveto } if %xchart4=0 xchart4 1 eq { 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS (Zapfen\255Empfindlichkeit und \255S\344ttigung ) showde %0XG05X-Y 0300# (cone sensitivity and saturation ) showea %1XG05X-Y 0300# (f\374r Abstand )showde (for distance ) showea 12 /Symbol FS (Dl) show 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS (=50) show } if %xchart4=1 xchart4 2 eq { 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS (Zapfen\255Empfindlichkeit und \255S\344ttigung ) showde %0XG05X-Y 0400# (cone sensitivity and saturation ) showea %1XG05X-Y 0400# (f\374r Abstand )showde (for distance ) showea 12 /Symbol FS (Dl) show 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS (=25) show } if %xchart4=2 xchart 9 ge {%xchart>=1 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS (, 3D=) show colorm cvishow (, de=) show deintp cvishow 12 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS xchart5f 0 eq {(, sRGB) show} if xchart5f 1 eq {(, cmyk) show} if xchart5f 2 eq {(, cmy0) show} if xchart5f 3 eq {(, cmyk) show} if colorm 1 eq {(*) show} if } if %xchart>=1 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS 165 MM 13 MM moveto (Eingabe: ) showde %0XG05X-Y 0500# (input: ) showen %1XG05X-Y 0500# (entrada: ) showes %2XG05X-Y 0500# (entr\351e: ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 0500# (immettere: ) showit %4XG05X-Y 0500# (input: ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 0500# 12 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS (w/rgb/cmyk -> ) show xchart xchart3 lt {(w/rgb/cmyk) show } if xchart xchart3 ge {%xchart>=xchart3 (rgb) show } if %xchart>=xchart3 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -2 rmoveto Txx show 0 2 rmoveto 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS /iout 0 def iout 1 eq {%iout=1 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS 165 MM 9 MM moveto (Ausgabe: ) showde %0XG05X-Y 0600# (output: ) showen %1XG05X-Y 0600# (salida: ) showes %2XG05X-Y 0600# (sortie: ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 0600# (uscita: ) showit %4XG05X-Y 0600# (output: ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 0600# %colorm=0,1! 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS xchart 8 le {%xchart=0,#0 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS (keine \304nderung) showde %0XG05X-Y 0700# (no change) showen %1XG05X-Y 0700# (ning\372n cambio) showes %2XG05X-Y 0700# (aucun changement) showfr %3XG05X-Y 0700# (nessun cambiamento) showit %4XG05X-Y 0700# (no change compared) showjp %5XG05X-Y 0700# }%xchart=0 {%xchart#0 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS colorm 0 eq {%colorm=0 (Transfer nach ) showde %0XG05X-Y 0800# (transfer to ) showen %1XG05X-Y 0800# (transfiera a ) showes %2XG05X-Y 0800# (transf\351rer \340 ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 0800# (trasferire a ) showit %4XG05X-Y 0800# (transfer to ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 0800# }%colorm=0 {%colorm=1 (3D\255Linearisierung ) showde %0XG05X-Y 0900# (3D\255linearization to ) showen %1XG05X-Y 0900# (3D\255linealizaci\363n a ) showes %2XG05X-Y 0900# (linearisation 3D selon ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 0900# (3D\255linearizzazione a ) showit %4XG05X-Y 0900# (3D\255linearization to ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 0900# } ifelse %colorm=1 12 /TimesI-ISOL1 FS xchart5f 0 eq {(rgb) show} if xchart5f 1 eq {(cmyk) show} if xchart5f 2 eq {(cmy0) show} if xchart5f 3 eq {(cmyk) show} if colorm 1 eq {(*) show} if 10 /Times-ISOL1 FS 0 -2 rmoveto Txx show 0 2 rmoveto 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS } ifelse %xchart=0,#0 } if %iout=1 %0 setgray %end white and unvisible 12 /Times-ISOL1 FS 62 MM 198.5 MM moveto ( show (0) show LSC$ show LEX$ show %1 setgray %start white and unvisible (; ) show xchart 8 le { (Start\255Ausgabe) showde %0XG05X-Y 1000# (start output) showen %1XG05X-Y 1000# (comience salida) showes %2XG05X-Y 1000# (sortie de production) showfr %3XG05X-Y 1000# (cominciare l'uscita) showit %4XG05X-Y 1000# (start output) showjp %5XG05X-Y 1000# } if LSC$ (C) eq { (Start\255Ausgabe) showde %0XG05X-Y 1100# (start output) showen %1XG05X-Y 1100# (comience salida) showes %2XG05X-Y 1100# (sortie de production) showfr %3XG05X-Y 1100# (cominciare l'uscita) showit %4XG05X-Y 1100# (start output) showjp %5XG05X-Y 1100# } if xchart 9 ge {%xchart>=1 colorm 0 eq {%colorm=0,1 (Transfer Ausgabe) showde %0XG05X-Y 1200# (transfer output) showen %1XG05X-Y 1200# (salida de transferencia) showes %2XG05X-Y 1200# (sortie de transfert) showfr %3XG05X-Y 1200# (uscita di trasferimento) showit %4XG05X-Y 1200# (transfer output) showjp %5XG05X-Y 1200# }%colorm=0 {%colorm=1 (3D\255Linearisierung) showde %0XG05X-Y 1300# (3D\255linearization) showen %1XG05X-Y 1300# (3D\255linealizaci\363n) showes %2XG05X-Y 1300# (linearisation 3D) showfr %3XG05X-Y 1300# (3D\255linearizzzazione) showit %4XG05X-Y 1300# (3D\255linearization) showjp %5XG05X-Y 1300# } ifelse %colorm=0,1 } if %xchart>=1 62 MM 194 MM moveto LSC$ (N) eq LSC$ (C) eq or { (N: Keine 3D\255Linearisierung (OL) ) showde %0XG05X-Y 1400# (N: no 3D\255linearization (OL) ) showen %1XG05X-Y 1400# (N: ninguna 3D\255linealizaci\363n (OL) ) showes %2XG05X-Y 1400# (N: aucun linearisation 3D (OL) ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 1400# (N: nessun 3D\255linearizzazione (OL) ) showit %4XG05X-Y 1400# (N: no 3D\255linearization (OL) ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 1400# (in Datei (F) oder PS\255Startup (S)) showde %0XG05X-Y 1500# (in file (F) or PS\255startup (S)) showen %1XG05X-Y 1500# (en archivo (F) o PS\255startup (S)) showes %2XG05X-Y 1500# (dans fichier (F) ou PS\255startup (S)) showfr %3XG05X-Y 1500# (nel file (F) o PS\255startup (S)) showit %4XG05X-Y 1500# (in file (F) or PS\255startup (S)) showjp %5XG05X-Y 1500# } {LSC$ show (: ) show (3D\255Linearisierung) showde %0XG05X-Y 1600# (3D\255linearization) showen %1XG05X-Y 1600# (3D\255linealizaci\363n) showes %2XG05X-Y 1600# (linearisation 3D) showfr %3XG05X-Y 1600# (3D\255linearizzzazione) showit %4XG05X-Y 1600# (3D\255linearization) showjp %5XG05X-Y 1600# ( XG05/XG05L) show LSS$ show LSX$ show (0) show LSC$ show LEY$ show } ifelse LSC$ (F) eq { ( in Datei (F)) showde %0XG05X-Y 1700# ( in file (F)) showen %1XG05X-Y 1700# ( en archivo (F)) showes %2XG05X-Y 1700# ( dans fichier (F)) showfr %3XG05X-Y 1700# ( nel file (F)) showit %4XG05X-Y 1700# ( in file (F)) showjp %5XG05X-Y 1700# } if LSC$ (S) eq { ( im Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showde %0XG05X-Y 1800# ( in Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showen %1XG05X-Y 1800# ( en el Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showes %2XG05X-Y 1800# ( dans le Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showfr %3XG05X-Y 1800# ( nel Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showit %4XG05X-Y 1800# ( in Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showjp %5XG05X-Y 1800# } if LSC$ (D) eq { ( in PS\255Device (D)) showde %0XG05X-Y 1900# ( in PS\255device (D)) showen %1XG05X-Y 1900# ( en el PS\255device (D)) showes %2XG05X-Y 1900# ( dans l'appareil PS (D)) showfr %3XG05X-Y 1900# ( nel PS\255dispositivo (D)) showit %4XG05X-Y 1900# ( in PS\255Device (D)) showjp %5XG05X-Y 1900# } if LSC$ (T) eq { ( im Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showde %0XG05X-Y 2000# ( in Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showen %1XG05X-Y 2000# ( en el Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showes %2XG05X-Y 2000# ( dans le Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showfr %3XG05X-Y 2000# ( nel Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showit %4XG05X-Y 2000# ( in Distiller Startup (S) Directory) showjp %5XG05X-Y 2000# } if LSC$ (E) eq { ( in PS\255Device (D)) showde %0XG05X-Y 2100# ( in PS\255device (D)) showen %1XG05X-Y 2100# ( en el PS\255device (D)) showes %2XG05X-Y 2100# ( dans appareil PS (D)) showfr %3XG05X-Y 2100# ( nel PS\255dispositivo (D)) showit %4XG05X-Y 2100# ( in PS\255Device (D)) showjp %5XG05X-Y 2100# } if %0 setgray %end white and unvisible (, Seite ) showde %0XG05X-Y 2200# (, page ) showen %1XG05X-Y 2200# (, p\341gina ) showes %2XG05X-Y 2200# (, page ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 2200# (, pagina ) showit %4XG05X-Y 2200# (, page ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 2200# xchart 1 add cvishow (/) show xchartm cvishow 16 MM 185 MM moveto -90 rotate (Siehe \344hnliche Dateien: ) showde %0XG05X-Y 2300# (see similar files: ) showen %1XG05X-Y 2300# (vea archivos semejantes: ) showes %2XG05X-Y 2300# (voir des fichiers similaires: ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 2300# (vedere dei file simili: ) showit %4XG05X-Y 2300# (see similar files: ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 2300# ( show %(0) show %LSC$ show LEX$ show 90 rotate 12 MM 185 MM moveto -90 rotate (Technische Information: ) showde %0XG05X-Y 2400# (technical information: ) showen %1XG05X-Y 2400# (informaci\363n t\351cnica: ) showes %2XG05X-Y 2400# (informations techniques: ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 2400# (informazioni tecniche: ) showit %4XG05X-Y 2400# (technical information: ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 2400# (http://www.ps.bam.de) show ( oder ) showde %0XG05X-Y 2500# ( or ) showen %1XG05X-Y 2500# ( o ) showes %2XG05X-Y 2500# ( ou ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 2500# ( o ) showit %4XG05X-Y 2500# ( or ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 2500# ( show 90 rotate 281 MM 185 MM moveto -90 rotate (TUB\255Registrierung: 20130201\255XG05/XG05L) showde %0XG05X-Y 2600# (TUB registration: 20130201\255XG05/XG05L) showen %1XG05X-Y 2600# (TUB matr\355cula: 20130201\255XG05/XG05L) showes %2XG05X-Y 2600# (TUB enregistrement: 20130201\255XG05/XG05L) showfr %3XG05X-Y 2600# (TUB iscrizione: 20130201\255XG05/XG05L) showit %4XG05X-Y 2600# (TUB registration: 20130201\255XG05/XG05L) showjp %5XG05X-Y 2600# (0) show LSC$ show LEX$ show 90 rotate 281 MM 74 MM moveto -90 rotate (TUB\255Material: Code=rha4ta) showde %0XG05X-Y 2700# (TUB material: code=rha4ta) showen %1XG05X-Y 2700# (TUB material: code=rha4ta) showes %2XG05X-Y 2700# (TUB mat\351riel: code=rha4ta) showfr %3XG05X-Y 2700# (TUB materiale: code=rha4ta) showit %4XG05X-Y 2700# (TUB material: code=rha4ta) showjp %5XG05X-Y 2700# 90 rotate 277 MM 185 MM moveto -90 rotate /cvishow {cvi 6 string cvs show} def /cvsshow1 {10 mul cvi 0.1 mul 7 string cvs show} def ( Anwendung f\374r Messung ) showde %0XG05X-Y 2800# ( application for measurement ) showen %1XG05X-Y 2800# ( aplicaci\363n para la medida ) showes %2XG05X-Y 2800# ( application pour la mesure ) showfr %3XG05X-Y 2800# ( la domanda per la misura ) showit %4XG05X-Y 2800# ( application for measurement ) showjp %5XG05X-Y 2800# xchart5f 0 eq {%xchart5f=0 (von Druck- oder Display-Ausgabe) showde %0XG05X-Y 2900# (of print or display output) showen %1XG05X-Y 2900# (de impresora o display output) showes %2XG05X-Y 2900# (de sortie imprimante et sur \350cran) showfr %3XG05X-Y 2900# (di stampa di offset o di display) showit %4XG05X-Y 2900# (of display output) showjp %5XG05X-Y 2900# } if %xchart5f=0 xchart5f 1 eq xchart5f 2 eq or {%xchart5f=1,2 (von Offsetdruck\255Ausgabe) showde %0XG05X-Y 3000# (of offset print output) showen %1XG05X-Y 3000# (salida en la impressi\363n offset) showes %2XG05X-Y 3000# (des sorties sur offset) showfr %3XG05X-Y 3000# (uscita nella stampa di offset) showit %4XG05X-Y 3000# (of offset print output) showjp %5XG05X-Y 3000# } if %xchart5f=1,2 xchart5f 3 eq {%xchart5f=3 (von Laserdrucker\255Ausgabe) showde %0XG05X-Y 3100# (of laser printer output) showen %1XG05X-Y 3100# (salida de impresora l\341ser) showes %2XG05X-Y 3100# (des sorties sur imprimante laser) showfr %3XG05X-Y 3100# (di uscita della stampante laser) showit %4XG05X-Y 3100# (of laser printer output) showjp %5XG05X-Y 3100# } if %xchart5f=3 xchart 1 ge {%xchart>=1 xchart5f 0 eq {%xchart5f=0 (, keine Separation) showde %0XG05X-Y 3200# (, no separation) showen %1XG05X-Y 3200# (, ninguna separaci\363n) showes %2XG05X-Y 3200# (, aucune s\351paration) showfr %3XG05X-Y 3200# (, nessuna separazione) showit %4XG05X-Y 3200# (, no separation) showjp %5XG05X-Y 3200# } if %chart5f=0 xchart5f 1 ge {%xchart5f>=1 (, Separation) showde %0XG05X-Y 3300# (, separation) showen %1XG05X-Y 3300# (, separaci\363n) showes %2XG05X-Y 3300# (, s\351paration) showfr %3XG05X-Y 3300# (, separazione) showit %4XG05X-Y 3300# (, separation) showjp %5XG05X-Y 3300# xchart5f 1 eq xchart5f 3 eq or {(cmyn6) show} if xchart5f 2 eq {(cmy0) show} if colorm 1 eq {(*) show} if colsep 0 eq {( (CMYK))}{( (CMY0))} ifelse show } if %xchart5f>=1 } if %xchart>=1 IMES 1 eq LSC$ (N) ne and { %IMES=1 (, Yr=) show Yre cvsshow1 (, XYZ) show } if %IMES=1 90 rotate /i0 8 def /i1 i0 1 add def /i2 i0 2 add def /i3 i0 3 add def 0.30 MM setlinewidth 0 setgray x i0 get MM y i0 get MM moveto x i1 get MM y i1 get MM lineto x i2 get MM y i2 get MM lineto x i3 get MM y i3 get MM lineto x i0 get MM y i0 get MM lineto stroke %/xlu1 013 MM def /ylu1 010 MM def %/xro1 283 MM def /yro1 200 MM def %/xlo1 013 MM def /ylo1 200 MM def %/xru1 283 MM def /yru1 010 MM def %xlu1 4 MM sub ylu1 moveto 8 MM 0 rlineto stroke %xlu1 ylu1 4 MM sub moveto 0 8 MM rlineto stroke %xro1 4 MM add yro1 moveto -8 MM 0 rlineto stroke %xro1 yro1 4 MM add moveto 0 -8 MM rlineto stroke %xru1 4 MM sub yru1 moveto 8 MM 0 rlineto stroke %xru1 yru1 4 MM sub moveto 0 8 MM rlineto stroke %xlo1 4 MM add ylo1 moveto -8 MM 0 rlineto stroke %xlo1 ylo1 4 MM add moveto 0 -8 MM rlineto stroke } ifelse %xt=1 grestore gsave %********************************************************** %%Trailer %%EndDocument EndEPSF grestore gsave showpage grestore %} for %colsepf=0,1 %} for %pchartf=0,0 %} for %xchartf=0,1 %} for %xcolorf=3,3 %} for %deintpf=0,1 %} for %colormf=0,1 %} for %lanindf=0,0 %%Trailer