181212 and 030101: A/DE46/DE46.HTM

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Test Material: Input and Output Linearization Method (ILM and OLM) with 32 ISO/IEC-test colours

32 ISO/IEC-test colours defined by raw scan data or by raw scan data which are changed by different local input transfer functions. Each image of the 16 on one page include three series:

1. local raw scan image data
2. local raw scan image data transfered by a PS code program and by the input Linearization Method (ILM)
3. local raw scan image data transfered by a separate FORTRAN program to the new hexadecimal image data and by the input Linearization Method (ILM)

and one global output Linearization Method (OLM). The model method uses here a square root (sqrt) function.

1. global sqrt model transfer with setcolortransfer

Test intention for the Input Linearization Method (ILM):
A raw scan image file including olv* orcmyn* color data of 8bit image data in relative coordinates olv* (rgb*)
and cmyn* is changed.

One of three identical parts of the raw scan image data is changed by a separate FORTRAN program to new hexadecimal image data by the input Linearization Method (ILM). This lead to the standard image data in this part.

Test intention for the Output Linearization Method (OLM):
The image file (one of the three parts includes standard image data) is changed by a setcolortransfer function to produce the same output by different output Linearization Methods (LM) using the output Linearization Method data in the PS-file (F), a Distiller Startup (S) directory, or in the PS-device (D) memory, e. g. a PS-printer.

A Output Linearization Method file OUTLINXY.PS (X=N,F,S,D,T,E; Y=A,P) is used to store the following data:
The standard PS-operators setgray, setrgbcolor, setcmykcolor , settransfer and setcolortransfer are modified and include then a square root transfer function for olv* and a square function for cmyn* changing all colours to lighter colours for the whole output page.

In a first step four global (g) PS-operators are defined to be identical to the standard PS-operators
/sggray {setgray} bind def
/sgrgbcolor {setrgbcolor} bind def
/sgcmykcolor {setcmykcolor} bind def
/sgtransfer {settransfer} bind def
/sgcolortransfer {setcolortransfer} bind def

Then the former standard PS-operators are redefined by the four global (g) PS-operators which are modified by the PS-square root function {sqrt = 0.5 exp} here in this example.

%p=positive or n=negative change with lightness for olv* (rgb*) and cmyn*
/prozp {0.5 exp} bind def /transp {prozp} bind def
/prozn {2.0 exp} bind def /transn {prozn} bind def

/setgray {transp sggray} def

/setcmykcolor {/ncolor exch transn def /ycolor exch transn def
/mcolor exch transn def /ccolor exch transn def ccolor mcolor ycolor ncolor sgcmykcolor} def

/setrgbcolor {/bcolor exch transp def /gcolor exch transp def
/rcolor exch transp def rcolor gcolor bcolor sgrgbcolor} def

/settransfer {/ntransfer exch def {ntransfer transp} sgtransfer} def
/setcolortransfer {/ntransfer exch def /ytransfer exch def /mtransfer exch def /ctransfer exch def {ctransfer transp} {mtransfer transp}{ytransfer transp} {ntransfer transp} sgcolortransfer} def

The effect is very important for the output Linearization Method: All colour data of the 8bit image and colour patches on the whole page are modified by the PS-square root function and become lighter.

Files for output Linearization Method (OLM): There are three methods (no. 2 to 4) to make the modifications. The most effective way (no. 4) is to store the file OUTLINXY.PS in a PS-device, e. g. a PS-printer. Then the PS-interpreter in the PS-printer will change all colours according to the redefined PS-functions: setgray, setcmykcolor, setrgbcolor, settransfer, and setcolortransfer.

If the transfer functions in the output Linearization Method file OUTLINXY.PS for any device are based on CIELAB Colour Measurement of the first output on this devices then any standard PS-image file will produce the same visual output on any device. This is not realized in the examples here which only give the theoretical basis for this intention.

Thefore the following examples will show that it seems possible that any 8bit image file (based on an standard P.PS-file) will produce the same visual output on any device (not only on PS-devices).

This is an important solution for the output Linearization Method as many PS-image files (A.PS- and P.PS-files) are based on only a few PS-operators which are modified according to the output Linearization Method file OUTLINXY.PS for the device output.


3.0 Linearization Method (LM) with 32 ISO/IEC-test colours for the device T

Remark 1: The files for the different LM methods N, F, S, D are in the chapters X.1, X.2, X.3, X.4 (X=3 for the devices T)

3.1 N=No Linearization Method, Device T, Start output of step S1, file formats PS and PDF only
Digital colour test charts for colour printers and black and white printers Remarks for use and reproduction  Both PostScript format
File extent. NA.PS and NA.TXT
PostScript and Portable Document Format (Version 3.0)
File extent. NP.PS and NP.PDF
Files: T10E00N..
32 ISO/IEC-test colours
N=No Linearization Method

T10E00NA(.PS / .TXT )
119 kByte

T10E00NP(.PS / PDF )
119 / 39 kByte 

3.2 F=File Linearization Method, Device T, linearized output of step S2, file formats PS and PDF only
Digital colour test charts for colour printers and black and white printers Remarks for use and reproduction  Both PostScript format
File extent. FA.PS and FA.TXT
PostScript and Portable Document Format (Version 3.0)
File extent. FP.PS and FP.PDF
Files: T10E00F..
32 ISO/IEC-test colours
F=File Linearization Method

T10E00FA(.PS / .TXT )
119 kByte

T10E00FP(.PS / PDF )
119 / 39 kByte 


3.3 S=Startup Linearization Method by Adobe Acrobat Distiller 3.0 using the file T10E00SA.PS and the file OUTLINSA.PS in the Distiller Startup directory (S). This output can be simulated by the file T10E00TP.PS which includes in the file the same Startup (S) file OUTLINTP.PS. The file T10E00SP.PS includes no output linearization file and will therefore show the result with no output linearization.

Remark 1: The Distiller 3.0_S (S=Startup) directory has been used to produce the file with the extention TP.PDF frorm TP.PS. This simulates the output.
Digital colour test charts for colour printers and black and white printers Remarks for use and reproduction  Both PostScript format
File extent. SA.PS and SA.TXT
File for output linearization in the Startup (S) directory:
PostScript and Portable Document Format (Version 3.0)
File extent. SP.PS and SP.PDF
Simulation: TP.PS and TP.PDF
T: Simulation of output linearization including the file:
Files: T10E00S..
32 ISO/IEC-test colours
S=Startup Linearization Method

T10E00SA(.PS / .TXT )
119 kByte

T10E00SP(.PS / PDF )
Simulation: T10E00TP(.PS / PDF )
119 / 39 kByt.e

3.4 D=Device Linearization Method
using the file T10E00DA.PS file and the file OUTLINDA.PS included in the PS Device (D). This output can be simulated by the file T10E00EP.PS which includes the same file OUTLINEP.PS of the Device (D). The file T10E00DP.PS includes no output linearization file and will therefore show the result with no output linearization.

Remark 1: The Distiller 3.0_S (S=Startup) directory has been used to produce the file with the extention EP.PDF frorm EP.PS. This simulates the output only approximately. We found larger differences between PS output and PDF output which varies by the every Distiller version.
Digital colour test charts for colour printers and black and white printers Remarks for use and reproduction  Both PostScript format
File extent. DA.PS and DA.TXT
File for output linearization in the PS Device (D):
PostScript and Portable Document Format (Version 3.0)
File extent. DP.PS and DP.PDF
Simulation: EP.PS and EP.PDF
E: Simulation of output linearization including the file:
Files: T10E00D..
32 ISO/IEC-test colours
D=Device Linearization Method

T10E00DA(.PS / .TXT )
119 kByte

T10E00DP(.PS / PDF )
Simulation: T10E00EP(.PS / PDF )
119 / 39 kByt.e


Remarks to the files:
There are three identical PostScript-files with the file extensions "A.TXT", "A.PS" and "P.PS" and one PDF-file "P.PDF".

The file with the extention "A.TXT" is used to show directly the PostScript-program code in the browser window.

The file with the extention "A.PS" is used for download to the local drive and is used for output on a PostScript printer or a Display PostScript System.

Very important remarks: The file with the name OUTLINXY.PS (X=N,F,S,D,T,E; Y=A,P) includes the output Linearization Method data. This file is only a part of a PostScript program. There are three possibilities to locate (store) this program:

1. The file OUTLINXY.PS is included in the file L8640EFA.PS to produce a download to a PS-device, e. g. a printer. Or the file L8640EFP.PS and the standard Distiller are used to distill the P.PS-file.

2. The file OUTLINXY.PS is added to a Startup (S) directory (there is one file Example.ps allready). It is recommended here to use the standard Distiller in a special directory (_S=Startup) to distill the P.PS-file L8640ESP.PS (For more information look at the following).

3. The file OUTLINXY.PS is added to the PS-definitions in a PostScript device (e. g. a printer or DPS-System). The PS file L8640EDA.PS is downloaded to the PS-device (D). The information in this file is used for every output (in normal case for every output until restart of the PS-device).

Five remarks to the important possibility no. 2 (Linearization Method data in Startup directory):
Remark 1: You may add the file OUTLINXY.PS to the existing file Example.ps in the Startup (S) directory of the Acrobat 3.0 (or 4.0) directory but this is not recommended here as every distiller job will then use this information!

Remark 2: It is recommended to duplicate the Adobe Acrobat 3.0 (or 4.0) directory (about 50 Mbyte or install only Acrobat Distiller in this new directory (10 Mbyte)) and rename this directory to Acrobat 3.0_S. This directory then also includes the directory Startup (S) with the only existing file Example.ps. Add the file OUTLINXY.PS. If You start the Distiller stored in the Acrobat_S directory then this information will be used in all Distiller jobs.

Remark 3: You can use the standard directory Acrobat 3.0 (without _S) including the standard Distiller for all jobs to distill as usual.

Remark 4: You must quit the Distiller program if You change the file OUTLINXY.PS in the Startup (S) directory and if You like to use the changed data within the next Distiller job.

Remark 5: You may include the file Example.ps which will avoid to change cmyn*-data to olv* (rgb*)-image data. There is also the possibility to use the preference menue of Adobe Acrobat Distiller for this task.

With PS-files one can reach the best reproduction in colour and resolution. One can use by the operating system Windows "copy" and by the operating system Macintosh "download" to print the PS-file by a PostScript printer.The PS-file can be viewed directly on a colour monitor by a Display Postscript system (e. g. Nextstep, Openstep on Windows, Yap on Macintosh OS X server).

The file with the extention "P.PS" includes additionally the alphanumeric sequence "P.PS->P.PDF". The P.PS-file may be downloaded to the local drive and transfered to a P.PDF-file by the local software Adobe Acrobat Distiller or equivalent.

The file with the extention "P.PDF" is viewed in the browser window if AdobePDFviewer is installed as browser plugIn. This P.PDF-file may be downloaded to the local drive and viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

The following is very important only if the method is used to optimize the output (by CIELAB colour measurement of the first output which defines the transfer function depending on measurement data).

If the P.PDF-file test is used, then the local P.PS file must be transfered to a P.PDF file by the local computer operating system with the same version of Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent software.

Remark: The transformation from a P.PS-file to a P.PDF-file may depend on the Distiller version or the version of the equivalent software. Therefore the P.PDF-file from the internet should not be used for the test.

The test result is independend of the Distiller version or the version of the equivalent software. One can use the P.PDF-file to view the digital file on any monitor and to print on any colour or black and white printer (not only PS-printers) by Adobe Acrobat Reader (or Exchange) Version 2.1, 3.0 or 4.0.

Test procedure for output:
Basic material:

There are 16 files, 4 as Text (A.TXT), 4 as PostScript (A.PS), 4 as PostScript (P.PS), and 4 as Portable Document (P.PDF).
Test method:
There is a reference output no. 1 and three lighter outputs no. 2 to no. 4 which are approximately identical.
The smal differences are only based on the reproduction properties of the colour output and the different interpretation of software and devices of A.PS and A:PDF files. Some combinations (square output including square root transfer) must produce the reference output of the first top left picture.

For PostScript(PS) printers and Display-PostScript(DPS) systems one should use the A.PS files. The transfer of the P.PS files to the P.PDF files allows the output on any printer.

1. PDF-file output on any printer
If the test uses not a PS printer and not a DPS system then Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent software is necessary to transfer the EPS file into the PDF file. The PDF file is normaly viewed on the monitor and printed by the printer driver.

2. PS-file output on a PS-printers
If the test uses a PostScript (PS) printer then the software Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent is not necessary. The A.PS-files is used by the PS-interpreter in the printer to make the output on the PS-printer.

3. PS-file output on a DPS-system (e. g. Mac OS X Server, Application Yap)
If the test uses a Display PostScript (DPS) system then the software Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent is not necessary. The A.PS-files is used by the PS-interpreter of the DPS-system to view the file on the monitor and to make the output by the printer driver of the DPS system on any printer (PS- and other printers).

4. PDF-file output on a PDF-printer
If the test uses a Portable Document (PDF) printer then the software Adobe Acrobat Distiller or an equivalent is necessary to transfer the P.PS-file into a P.PDF-file. The P.PDF-file is used by the PDF-interpreter in the PDF-printer to make the output on the PDF-printer.

The following feature is valid only if the Linearization Method data in the file OUTLINXY.PS are based on the device, e. g. CIELAB colour measurement of the first output.
1. There is the same test result independent of the three above test methods (no. 2 to no. 4) used.
2. The test result is independent of the Adobe Acrobat Distller Software version and the PostScript version
Remark 1: Examples and methods how to store the file OUTLINXY.PS in the PS-devices are not realized here.
Remark 2: Examples which include CIELAB colour measurement data in the file OUTLINXY.PS are not realized here.

For an introduction (archive 2000-2009) to all folders compared to this folder DE46, see
../DE.HTM in English or ../DG.HTM in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about International and National Standards, Technical Reports, and Meetings, see
../4STAE.html in English or ../4STAG.html in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about colour test charts and colorimetric calculations, see
../indexAE.html in English or ../indexAG.html in German.

For publications (archive 2000-2009) of the BAM research group, see
../XY91AE.html in English or ../XY91AG.html in German.

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../../index.html in English or ../../indexDE.html in German.

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