181212 and 030101: A/DE80/DE802.HTM

For the start page, see DE80 in English or DG80 in German.

For this page with MTL code for OL with:
CIEXYZ data of luminous colours, see IE802 in English and IG802 in German,
CIELAB data of surface colours, see DE802 in English and DG802 in German,
For additional Information, see IE803 in English and IG803 in German,
DE803 in English and DG803 in German.

Parameter i*ptrsc (number 0 to 7) used as input or output PS operator for different Colour Workflow (CW) and Output Linearisation (OL)

The following parameter i*ptrsc (number 0 to 7) is used as input or output PS operator for different Colour Workflow (CW) and Output Linearisation (OL)

0. cmy0* setcmykcolor and 000n* setcmykcolor (e. g. used in ISO/IEC-test charts no. 2, n* = colorimetric blackness,)
1. olv* setrgbcolor and w* setgray (e. g. used in ISO/IEC-test charts no. 2, w* = colorimetric whiteness)
2. cmy0* setcmykcolor and nnn0* setcmykcolor (e. g. used in ISO/IEC-test charts no. 4)
3. olv* setrgbcolor and www* setrgbcolor (e. g. used in ISO/IEC-test charts no. 4)
4. lab* setcolor (relative CIELAB space, relative lightness l*=(L*-L*n)/(L*w-L*n), n=noir= black, w=white, for the grey scale: l*=w*= relative whiteness)
5. LAB* setcolor (used for all ISO/IEC-test charts, LAB* =L*a*b* in absolute CIELAB space)
6. 000n* setcmykcolor (e. g. used in ISO/IEC-test charts no. 3, only grey colours)
7. w* setgray (e. g. used in ISO/IEC-test charts no. 3, only grey colours)

For input there may be a mixture (m) of different input PS parameters. The output PS operator is defined by one parameter i*ptrsc (=0 to 7) within the PS MTL code (MTL = Measurement, Transfer and Linearization) for the above eight PS operators, see at the beginning of the DAT files or the FP files. For grey input colors no. 1 and 6 and no. 1 and 7 are identical.

The ISO/IEC-test charts according to ISO/IEC 15775 and DIS ISO/IEC 19839-1 to -4 with english text: IE13
The ISO/IEC-test charts according to ISO/IEC 15775 and DIS ISO/IEC 19839-1 to -4 with german text: IG13
The DIN-test charts according to DIN 33866-1 to -5 with german text: DG13
The DIN-test charts according to DIN 33866-1 to -5 with english text: DE13

For an introduction (archive 2000-2009) to all folders, see
../DE.HTM in English or ../DG.HTM in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about International and National Standards, Technical Reports, and Meetings, see
../4STAE.html in English or ../4STAG.html in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about colour test charts and colorimetric calculations, see
../indexAE.html in English or ../indexAG.html in German.

For publications (archive 2000-2009) of the BAM research group, see
../XY91AE.html in English or ../XY91AG.html in German.

Back to the main page of the TU web site (not archive), see
../../index.html in English or ../../indexDE.html in German.

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Then go to the main page of one of the two TU web sites in a new window, see
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