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Remarque: Jusqu'à présent, certaines parties de cette page sont en anglais. Cependant, les fichiers référencés sont souvent déjà en français.

Images couleurs pour l'enseignement de la colorimétrie, fondées sur trois ouvrages de K. Richter, ainsi que les normes DIN et ISO/IEC.

All colour figures are in the folders MFXX (colour series M, F=français, XX=00 to 99).

The colours in the following files are defined by the free choise of the four standard PostScript (PS) operators:
rgb setrgbcolor, cmyk setcmwkcolor, w setgray, 000k setcmykcolor

Dossiers et titres
Sortie des couleurs avec des coordonnées rgb pour écrans
­ MF00 à MF01, graphiques couleurs n° 1 et n° 2
­ MF02 à MF06, couleurs et visions des couleurs n° 1 à n° 5
­ MF07 à MF08, valeurs des couleurs et mesure colorimétrique n° 1 et n° 2.
­ MF09 à MF14, échelonnement des couleurs et seuils colorimétriques n° 1 à n° 6.
­ MF15 à MF18, espace colorimétrique et mesure colorimétrique n° 1 à n° 4.
­ MF19 à MF25, classification et reproduction des couleurs n° 1 à n° 7.
­ MF26, reproduction avec imprimante n° 1.
­ MF27 à MF38, espaces colorimétriques CIE et PostScript n° 1 à n° 12.
­ MF39 à MF46, tableaux colorimétriques et calculs n° 1 à n° 8.
­ MF47, exemples de programmation PostScript n° 1.
­ MF48 à MF49, séries de couleurs spéciales, vision des couleurs et colorimétrie

Sortie des couleurs avec des coordonnées cmyk pour impression offset et pour une imprimante laser
­ MF50 à MF51, graphiques couleurs n° 1 et n° 2
­ MF52 à MF56, couleurs et visions des couleurs n° 1 à n° 5
­ MF57 à MF58, valeurs des couleurs et mesure colorimétrique n° 1 et n° 2.
­ MF59 à MF64, échelonnement des couleurs et seuils colorimétriques n° 1 à n° 6.
­ MF65 à MF68, espace colorimétrique et mesure colorimétrique n° 1 à n° 4.
­ MF69 à MF75, classification et reproduction des couleurs n° 1 à n° 7.
­ MF76, reproduction avec imprimante n° 1.
­ MF77 à MF88, espaces colorimétriques CIE et PostScript n° 1 à n° 12.
­ MF89 à MF96, tableaux colorimétriques et calculs n° 1 à n° 8.
­ MF97, exemples de programmation PostScript n° 1.
­ MF98 à MF99, séries de couleurs spéciales, vision des couleurs et colorimétrie

Many additional remarks and special examples.
The colours of the above files are defined by the free choise of the four standard PostSript (PS) operators:
rgb setrgbcolor, cmyk setcmwkcolor, w setgray, 000k setcmykcolor
Any file may use up to four different PS operators, see for example the file: ME02L0N0.PDF
In addition some files are available in the languages German, Spanish, French, and Italian,
see for the rgb-data output
and for the cmyk-data output

There is software which produces for the corresponding colorimetric PS operators either equal or different output (often the case), see for examples the achromatic and chromatic test files according to DIN 33872-2 and -4:
or see the standard file with 1078 colours which produces for the four PS operators on the pages 1 and 3 often different and on the pages 2 and 4 always equal output:

The most known software Adobe PDF-Reader produces at present with the default parameters different output. However for the years between 1970 and 1995, and for example with the older software PS- und PDF-Preview on MAC OS 10.0 to 10.2 (up to 2003) the output of the pages 1 and 3 was equal. It seems still an open question to be discussed further, if this device-dependent software change arround the year 2000 is appropriate for the field of image technology. This change seems not appropriate according to ergonomic and colorimetric reasons. The output is equal, if the so called 1-Minus-Relation is used by the software (or the colour workflow).

For example for the new software Adobe FrameMaker (Version 8, Windows, 2011) the output is equal for all files of this web page. The software Adobe Reader (all versions, Windows and Mac) produces different output. On the operating system Unix the output is usually equal. The output is often equal, if colour management can be switched off in the device driver. The colorimetric difference in CIELAB increases up to delta E*=30 in the green and blue colour area. A visible color differerence is seen near delta E*=1.

The many possibilities of the colour output lead often to a color chaos in the output. The device-independent elementary hue output, and the 3D-linearization define only one output goal which can be proofed visually at any time. This aim may reduce in future the colour chaos with appropriate software and hardware.

The colorimetric calculations within the files use the 1-Minus-Relation for the output of the pages 2 and 4 and produce either the device dependent device hues RGBYd (page 2) or the device-independent elementary hues RYGBe (page 4) according CIE R1-47 for the rgb-data (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (0,1,0), and (0,0,1).

The special file output of the pages 2 and 4 produces for the following three devices:
1. sRGB colour display only rgb-data,
2. standard offset on paper L only cmyk-data,
3. laser printer on paper APCO only cmyk-data.

The final rgb- or cmyk-data of the output are calculated by an additional PS-program code within the file for the output of the pages 2 and 4. This PS-program code uses the colour measurement data of 729 (9x9x9) output colours, see the file output
One may study the spectral refection data of 729 colours within this file (1,2 MB, lines 3174 to 8644 for 5 papers and for the offset print).

For the three devices there are outputs with the properties:
1. Transfer to device hue (RGBd)
2. Transfer to the elementary hue (RGBe)
3. 3D-linearization to the device hue (RGBd*)
4. 3D-linearization to the elementary hue (RGBe*)
The star (*) indicates a thee-dimensional 3D-linearization in the CIELAB colour space L*a*b* for the CIE standard illuminant D65.

1. Display output:
The original color data (pages 1 and 3),
are transfered to rgb-data for the device hue output (page 2), and for elementary hue output (page 4)
The follwowing file includes a 3D-linearization for the device hue output (page 2), and for the elementary hue ouput (page 4)

2. Standard offset output on paper L:
The original color data (pages 1 and 3),
are transfered to cmyk-data for the device hue output (page 2), and for the elementary hue output (page 4)
The follwowing file includes a 3D-linearization for the device hue output (page 2), and for the elementary hue ouput (page 4)

3. Laser printer output on paper APCO:
The original color data (pages 1 and 3),
are transfered to cmyk-data for the device hue output (page 2), and for the elementary hue output (page 4)
The follwowing file includes a 3D-linearization for the device hue output (page 2), and for the elementary hue output (page 4)

Order and download of the book Colour and Colour Vision
Many of the colour figures are from this book. Members of standard organisations and teachers in the area of colour can order a free printed version, see
The printed book gives a much better introduction in the area of colour and its applications compared to the internet versions. The book may be downloaded for a 3D-linearized output for the three devices: display, offset print, and a laser printer, see

Pour cette page en différentes langues, voir
ME en anglais, MG en allemand, MF en français, MS en espagnol, MI en italien, MN en norvégien .

Pour les informations d'archivage (2000-2009) du serveur BAM "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
sur les diagrammes de test de couleur, les calculs colorimétriques, normes et publications, voir
indexAE.html en anglais, indexAG.html en allemand.

Retour à la page principale de ce site Web (non archivé), voir
index.html en anglais, indexDE.html en allemand.