241201 1L2L0X0A_S2710.KTS/YEALAIN.KTS, http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AEAS.HTM or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/AEAS.HTM

For links to the Section 2, Chapter A Colour Image Technology and Colour Management (2019), see
For this image page with 10 colour series, see AEAS in English, AGAS in German.
For the previous image page, see AEZS in English, AGZS in German.
For the next image page, see AEBS in English, AGBS in German.
No previous chapter of chapter A .
For the first image page of the next chapter B, see BEAS in English, BGAS in German.

Content list of chapter A: AEA_I in English or AGA_I in German.
Summary of chapter A: AEA_S in English or AGA_S in German.
For the large image page of chapter A with 260 colour series, see ae2s in English or ag2s in German.

Section 2, Chapter A
Colour Image Technology and Colour Management (2019), Image part AEAS

Title: Colour management in the RGB*-colour space with the
ISO/IEC-test chart AE49 according to ISO 9241-306

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Change of colour spacing in hue planes by the luminance reflection
of the ambient light on the display surface.
3. PostScript program code for application of the 1-Minus-Relation (1MR).
4. PostScript-Program code for production of 15 ISO-contrast steps.
5. Colour management with the Profile Connection Space (PCC) in Lab* and RGB*.
6. ISO-colour file AE49 and the colour loop: ISO-file -> print -> scan -> ISO-file
for many applictions.
7. Chromatic test chart AE49 with 1080 colours without and with the 1-Minus-Relation (1MR).
8. Chromatic test chart AE49 for 5 and 15 ISO-contrast steps.
9. Chromatic test chart AE49 with rgb, cmy0, and cmyk data.
for further information and discussion, see AEAI.

The following ten pages AEA0 to AEA9 of this chapter
show the content with links to the single figures in up to six formats.

Figure AEA0L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEA0L0NP.PDF, see
AEA0L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEA0: TUB-test chart AEA0; Application of the 1-Minus-Relation
Output and steering of the test chart AE49
of the ergonomic standard ISO 9241-306:2018

Figure AEA1L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEA1L0NP.PDF, see
AEA1L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEA1: TUB-Test chart AEA1; Colour Management
according to ISO 15076-1:2010, ISO 20677:2019,
and ISO-test charts according to ISO 9241-306:2018

Figure AEA2L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEA2L0NP.PDF, see
AEA2L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEA2: TUB-test chart AEA2; Vector and/or pixel graphic
PostScript-output steering of the test chart AE49
of the ergonomic standard ISO 9241-306:2018

Figure AEA3L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEA3L0NP.PDF, see
AEA3L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEA3: TUB-test chart AEA3; Frame file and figure file without 1MR
Output of the frame (VG) and the figure (VG) file, compare

Figure AEA4L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEA4L0NP.PDF, see
AEA4L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEA4: TUB-test chart AEA4; Frame file and figure file with 1MR
Output of the frame (VG) and the figure (VG) file, compare

Figure AEA5L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEA5L0NP.PDF, see
AEA5L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEA5: TUB-test chart AEA5; Frame file and figure file
Output of the frame (VG) and the figure (PG) file
VG of AEA4 transfered to PG in AEA5 (9,2 MB as text)

Figure AEA6L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEA6L0NP.PDF, see
AEA6L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEA6: TUB-test chart AEA6; Frame file and figure files
Output of the frame (VG) file and 16 figure (VG) files
For relative gamma gP in 15 steps between 0,475 < gP < 2,105

Figure AEA7L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEA7L0NP.PDF, see
AEA7L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEA7: TUB-test chart AEA7; Frame file and figure files
Output of the frame (VG) file and 16 figure (PG) files
VG of AEA6 transfered to PG in AEA7 (8,6 MB as text)

Figure AEA8L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEA8L0NP.PDF, see
AEA8L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEA8: TUB-test chart AEA8; Frame file and figure file with cmy0
Output of the frame (VG) and the figure (VG) file, compare

Figure AEA9L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEA9L0NP.PDF, see
AEA9L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEA9: TUB-test chart AEA9; Frame file and figure file with cmyk
Output of the frame (VG) and the figure (VG) file, compare

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (NOT archive), see index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.