241201 1L2L0X0A_S2710.KTS/YEQLAIN.KTS, http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/AEQS.HTM or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/AEQS.HTM

For links to the Section 2, Chapter A Colour Image Technology and Colour Management (2019), see
For this image page with 10 colour series, see AEQS in English, AGQS in German.
For the previous image page, see AEPS in English, AGPS in German.
For the next image page, see AERS in English, AGRS in German.
No previous chapter of chapter A .
For the first image page of the next chapter B, see BEAS in English, BGAS in German.

Content list of chapter A: AEA_I in English or AGA_I in German.
Summary of chapter A: AEA_S in English or AGA_S in German.
For the large image page of chapter A with 260 colour series, see ae2s in English or ag2s in German.

Section 2, Chapter A
Colour Image Technology and Colour Management (2019), Image part AEQS

Title: ISO and CIE standard documents for achromatic colours,
Relation between colorimetry and physiological signals in colour vision,
Luminance and contrast discrimination as function of luminance,
CIE data of the continuous colour circle of Ostwald
with elementary colours

1. Introduction and goals.
2. ISO and CIE standard documents for achromatic colours.
3. Relation between colorimetry and physiological signals in colour vision.
4. Luminance and contrast discrimination as function of luminance.
5. CIE data and diagrams of the continuous colour circle of Ostwald with elementary colours.

The following ten pages AEQ0 to AEQ9 of this chapter
show the content with links to the single figures in up to six formats.

Figure AEQ0L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEQ0L0NP.PDF, see
AEQ0L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEQ0: TUB-Test chart AEQ0; Ostwald-optimal colours
Continuous hue circle with elementary colours
Chromaticity (x,y) and chromatic value (A, B)

Figure AEQ1L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEQ1L0NP.PDF, see
AEQ1L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEQ1: TUB-test chart AEQ1; Colour vision
Physiological signals in colour vision
as function of luminance and chromaticity

Figure AEQ2L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEQ2L0NP.PDF, see
AEQ2L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEQ2: TUB-Test chart AEQ2; Colour threshold experiments
viewing situations for separate and adjacent colours
chromaticity (x,y), LABJND formula and line elements

Figure AEQ3L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEQ3L0NP.PDF, see
AEQ3L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEQ3: TUB-Test chart AEQ3; Luminance discrimination
Model for separate and adjacent samples
Relations between Weber and Stevens law at threshold

Figure AEQ4L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEQ4L0NP.PDF, see
AEQ4L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEQ4: TUB-test chart AEQ4; Achromatic thresholds for 5 Lu,
thresholds delta_L (0,4s), contrast and lightness;
experimental data of Lingelbach and Richter

Figure AEQ5L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEQ5L0NP.PDF, see
AEQ5L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEQ5: TUB-test chart AEQ5; Colour thresholds and scaling
Experiments as function of luminance and chromaticity
Luminance discrimination and luminace contrasts

Figure AEQ6L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEQ6L0NP.PDF, see
AEQ6L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEQ6: TUB-test chart AEQ6; Device (d) and elementary (e) colours
Ostwald-optimal colours as XYZ data, and in chromaticity,
chroma, and chromatic value diagrams, YWa=100

Figure AEQ7L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEQ7L0NP.PDF, see
AEQ7L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEQ7: TUB-test chart AEQ7; Device (d) and elementary (e) colours
Ostwald-optimal colours as YABCh(AB) data and as
LabCh*(ab) data with wavelength limits, YWa=100

Figure AEQ8L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEQ8L0NP.PDF, see
AEQ8L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEQ8: TUB-test chart AEQ8; Device (d) and elementary (e) colours
Ostwald-optimal colours as XYZ data, and in chromaticity,
chroma, and chromatic value diagrams, YWa=88,6

Figure AEQ9L0N1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file AEQ9L0NP.PDF, see
AEQ9L0N1. PS / TXT / PDF / jpg

AEQ9: TUB-test chart AEQ9; Device (d) and elementary (e) colours
Ostwald-optimal colours as YABCh(AB) data and as
LabCh*(ab) data with wavelength limits, YWa=88,6

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (NOT archive), see index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.