230201 1NL82N00(T1): http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/DEL8/DEL8.HTM or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/DEL8/DEL8.HTM

For this page, see DEL8 in English, DGL8 in German.
For the previous similar page, see DEL7 in English, DGL7 in German.
For the next similar page, see DEL9 in English, DGL9 in German.

For the corresponding image page with 10 colour series, see DELS in English, DGLS in German.
For the previous image page, see DEKS in English, DGKS in German.
For the next image page, see DEMS in English, DGMS in German.

TUB-test chart DEL7; Scan, reduced, linearized
Slide film (sf), relative gamma 0,475<=gP<=2,105, pixel: 384x256
Reflective original according to ISO/IEC 15775 & ISO 9241-306

Figure L0N1: Output layout of page 1 of the file DEL8L0NP.PDF with the format A6, see
DEL8L0N1. PS / TXT / jpg / PDF
and the format A4 in the following tables.

One page, orientation A4L,
Intended for PDF output,
No linearization or transfer
One page, orientation A4L,
Intended for PS output,
No linearization or transfer

Eight pictures of one page (left side) Eight pictures of one page (right side)
DEL80-1N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL80-2N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL80-3N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL80-4N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL80-5N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL80-6N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL80-7N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL80-8N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL81-1N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL81-2N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL81-3N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL81-4N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL81-5N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL81-6N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL81-7N. PS / TXT / PDF
DEL81-8N. PS / TXT / PDF

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (not archive), see index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.