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Test charts for CEN/BT TF 165 projects: CEN CSH 99012 to 99020
"...Replacable modules containing toner or ink of printer systems..."

Project number: CEN CSH 99020 - Ink
Minimum requirements for remanufactured and compatible cartridges to safegard proper interaction with inkjet printers

Part 1: Ink cartridge
Project Leader: Joachim Kretschmer

At the Berlin meeting during June 21-22 in 2005, two test charts have been recommended for this proposed CEN-Standard.

The first test chart no. 1 is similar to the DIN-test chart no. 1 "Preparation of refilled inkjet print heads and inkjet tanks for inkjet printers" according to DIN 33871-1:2003-10. The test chart no. 1 is shown here for download in PDF format.

Download of the CEN-test chart no. 1 (1.500 kByte) with english text: L08E00NP. PDF

Download of the CEN-test chart no. 1 (1.500 kByte) with german text: L08G00NP. PDF

For other file formats (PS, TIF) of this CEN-test chart no. 1, see MG08 (in German) or ME08 ( in English)

For other file formats (PS, PDF, CDR) of the similar DIN-test chart , see 33871 (in German) or 33871E ( in English)

The second test chart no. 2 is new (Oct. 2005). The colours are given in the sRGB colour space.
The test chart no. 2 is for download in PDF format.

Download of the CEN-test chart no. 2 (5.200 kByte) with english text: L09E00NP.PDF

Download of the CEN-test chart no. 2 (5.200 kByte) with german text: L09G00NP.PDF

For other file formats (PS, TIF) of this CEN-test chart no. 2, see MG09 (in German) or ME09 ( in English)

For technical remarks about other CEN-test chart files
according to WD CEN CSH 99012/3:2004, see the URL (9 pages, 64 kByte)


Project number: CEN CSH 99012
Properties and test methods for remanufactured and compatible user replacable modules containing toner used in elctrophotographic printer systems and multifunctinal devices that may contain printer components

Part 1: Monochrome
Project Leader: Peter Hortig

Proposed CEN-test charts 12/2004, see the URLs (30 pages, 500 and 100 kbyte)


For Layout and different file formats and modifications see

Action items evenness, background noise and fixing (from Barcelona Meeting, April 2005)

It was decided to measure at 15 points for evenness, 12 points for background noise and 5 points for fixing. All points are defined in one PDF file which produces three pages

For layout and different file formats and modifications for printer output see

For older versions (04/2004), see the URLs (30 pages, 500 and 100 kbyte)

For layout and different file formats and modifications see


Project number: CEN CSH 99013
Properties and test methods for remanufactured and compatible user replacable modules containing toner used in elctrophotographic printer systems and multifunctinal devices that may contain printer components

Part 2: Colour
Project Leader: Peter Hortig

Proposed CEN-test charts 12/2004, see the URLs (120 pages, 2.000 and 100 kbyte)


For layout and different file formats and modifications for colour printer output see

Action item for x step and line screen recognition

Action item 17 of document N72 is to provide print samples with ME01 and ME00 for the next CEN meeting 05-04-15.
The minimum colour reproduction requirements may be decided additionally by the study of the following test charts of eight pages in the colours CMYNOLVA (A=CMY).

For 16/32 colour steps and recognition of line screens of colour printers see

For layout and different file formats and modifications for colour printer output see

Basic reproduction properties of printers

Basic reproduction properties of 16 step grey output on colour printers for four different PS operators:
The achromatic output on colour printers may be very different for 16 step grey series. Depending on the four PS operators which are possible to define grey colours, the hard- and software of the workflow and the printer driver the following one page output may be equal or different for the four 16 step grey series.

For layout and different file formats and modifications for colour printer output see

Basic reproduction properties of 16 step colour output on colour printers for two different PS operators:
The chromatic output on colour printers may be very different for 16 step colour series. Depending on the two PS operators which are possible to define chromatic colours, the hard- and software of the workflow and the printer driver the following one page output may be equal or different for the different 16 step colour series.

For layout and different file formats and modifications for colour printer output see

Visual output linearization of colour printer output

For visual output linearization with improved recognition of 5/32 grey steps and Landolt-rings of colour printers use for achromatic colours

For layout and different file formats and modifications for colour printer output and output linearization see

For visual output linearization with improved recognition of 5/32 colour steps and Landolt-rings of colour printers use for chromatic colours

For layout and different file formats and modifications for colour printer output and output linearization see

General procedure for visual output linearization which leads to improved recognition

1. download the file L04L00FP.PS (achromatic) or L05L00FP.PS (chromatic) from the above folder.
2. produce the first FP1.PDF-file from the FP1.PS-file with any software on any operating system.
3. produce a first output on the printer (or the monitor) with the FP1.PDF file
4. include the 15 visual recognition data of Black N (or 8x15 data of CMYNOLVA) in the FP2.PS file near the beginning.
3. produce the second FP2.PDF-file from the FP2.PS-file with any software on any operating system.
5. produce a second output on the printer (or monitor) with the FP2.PDF file
6. study the effect of output linearisation and the expected improved recognition.


Project number: CEN CSH 99014
Properties and test methods for remanufactured and compatible user replacable modules containing ink used in inkjet printer systems and multifunctinal devices that may contain printer components

Part 1: Ink cartridge
Project Leader: Joachim Kretschmer

Test charts to be proposed
at present use DIN-test charts according to DIN 33871-1, see
33871.html (German) and

For test chart 2 in Annex B (4 basic colours CMYN) of CEN CSH 99014 (2005/03) see

For layout and different file formats and modifications for colour printer output see

For test chart 3 in Annex C (16 steps of 4 basic and 4 mixture colours CMYN) of CEN CSH 99014 (2005/03) see

For layout and different file formats and modifications for colour printer output see<

For main information about DIN- and ISO/IEC-test charts for the test of image reproduction, yield and emission in english (E) or german (G)

ISO/IEC-test charts according to ISO/IEC TR 19797:2004 "Output Linearizing" see
DE95 or

ISO/IEC-test charts according to ISO/IEC DTR 24705:2004 "Image reproduction properties", see
DE96 or

ISO/IEC-test charts according to ISO/IEC 15775:1999 and DIS ISO/IEC 19839-1 to -4:2000 "Image reproduction properties", see
IE13 or

DIN-test charts according to DIN 33866-1 to -5:2000, "Image reproduction properties", see
DE13 or

DIN-test charts according to DIN 33870:2001, "Relative yield of achromatic toner printers", see
DE02 or

DIN-test charts according to DIN 33871-1:2003, "Relative yield of inkjet color printers", see
33871E.html or

Proposal for ISO/IEC-test charts according to ISO/IEC/FCD 19752:2003 "Yield of achromatic toner printers", see
19752E.html or

Proposal for ISO-test charts according to ISO/CD 9241-306:2004 "Visual Displays", see
9241E.html or

Proposal for CEN-test charts according to CEN CSH 99012 to 15 for "Replacable modules containing toner or ink of printers", see CEN.html

Digital Asian ISO/IEC-test charts with english text:

Overwiew for additional test charts:
According to ISO/IEC 15775:1999, ISO/IEC TR 19797:2004, ISO/IEC DTR 24705:2004, see
DE or

Acording to DIN 33870:2001, DIN 33871-1:2002, ISO/IEC/FCD 19752:2003, see
BE or

Acording to ISO/CD 9241-306:2004 "Visual Displays", see
CE or

Acording to ISO/IEC TR 19797:2004 with additional blackish colour scales, see
LE or

Für Information (Archiv 2000-2009) über Internationale und Nationale Standards, Technische Berichte und Tagungen, siehe
4STAE.html in englisch oder
4STAG.html in deutsch.

Für Information (Archiv 2000-2009) über Prüfvorlagen und farbmetrische Berechnungen, siehe
indexAE.html in englisch oder
indexAG.html in deutsch.

Für Veröffentlichungen (Archiv 2000-2009) der BAM-Forschungsgruppe, siehe
XY91AE.html in englisch oder
XY91AG.html in deutsch.

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