190107 and 080401 A/9241E.html
For this page in German see 9241E.html.

Digital ISO-test charts according to ISO/FDIS 9241-306:2008 and additionally prEN ISO 9241-306:2007

ISO/FDIS 9241-306 has the title: Ergonomics of human-system interaction
- Part 306: Field assessment methods for electronic visual displays

For the achromatic ISO-test chart ME16 according to ISO 9241-306, see the URL (1 page, 200 kByte)

Remarks: This ISO 9241-306-test chart is identical to the ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 according to ISO/IEC 15775:1999 and identical to the ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 according to ISO/IEC TR 24705:2005.
At present (2008-04) the last public version of the Draft Technical Report ISO/IEC DTR 24705:2005 with the title "Method of specifying image reproduction of colour devices by digital and analog test charts" is freely available in PDF format see

For all ISO/IEC-test charts according to ISO/IEC TR 24705:2005-10 see

For the effect of the ambient light on the input - output relationship and the inverse relationship, see the achromatic ISO-test chart ME15 according to ISO 9241-306 at the URL (16 pages, 1.7 MByte),

Remarks: For further information, especially of the influence of the ambient light on the display colours, see: K. Richter, "Output of 16 step colour scales equally spaced in CIELAB for 8 display contrast ratios", Tagungsband LUX Europa, LiTG und TU Berlin, Berlin 2005

K. Richter, "Visual Efficiency for image output on colour displays", see the URL (16 pages, 1.1 MByte),

This paper describes additionally the application of other ISO-test charts according to ISO 9241-306.

For the achromatic ISO-test chart ME17 according to ISO 9241-306 for visual output linearisation of 5- and 16-step grey scales, see the URL (4 pages, 150 kByte)

Remarks: A method for output linearisation of colour devices is described in the technical report ISO/IEC TR 19797:2004. At present (2008-04) the last public version of the Draft Technical Report ISO/IEC DTR 19797:2004 with the title
"Device output of 16-step colour scales, output linearization method (LM) and specification of the reproduction properties" is freely available in PDF format, see
For all ISO/IEC-test charts according to ISO/IEC TR 19797:2004-01 see

For the chromatic ISO-test chart ME18 according to ISO 9241-306 for visual output linearisation of eight 5- and 16-step colour scales see the URL (8 pages, 420 kByte)

Remarks: Probably in 2008 the DIN standard based on the draft E DIN 33872-1 to -6 :2007 with the title: Information technology - Office machines - Method of specifying relative colour reproduction with YES/NO criteria will be published. It is for example tested if the DIN-test charts according to DIN 33872-2 produce linearized output of 5- and 16-step colour scales in 10 hue planes. There are methods under development which produce relative linearized output on displays and printers. For the DIN-test charts according to E DIN 33872-1 to -6 see

For additional information see the paper with the title Colorimetric supplement to DIN 33872-1 to -6 (41 pages, 1,4 MByte)

For older proposal of test charts according to ISO/CD 9241-306:2005 with the title

"Display output linearization and evaluation of achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart output for 8 different ambient light reflections at visual work places", see the URL (11 pages, 1.5 Mbyte)

For older proposals for ISO-test chart according to ISO/CD 9241-306:2005, see

Remark: The old ISO series number ist ISO 18789-1 to 6:2003. Go for older information to

For information (archive 2000-2009) about International and National Standards, Technical Reports, and Meetings, see
4STAE.html in English or
4STAG.html in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about colour test charts and colorimetric calculations, see
indexAE.html in English or
indexAG.html in German.

For publications (archive 2000-2009) of the BAM research group, see
XY91AE.html in English or
XY91AG.html in German.

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