181212 and 030101: A/DE00/DE00.HTM

For this page, see DE00 in English or DG00 in German.
For the previous page, see DE99 in English or DG99 in German.
For the next page, see DE01 in English or DG01 in German.
Back to the main page of this colour series, see ../DE in English or ../DG in German.

Start and linearized printer output of a single Figure or many Figures of the DIN- or ISO/IEC-test charts
(Series W-CMYN, W-OLVN, N-CMYW, N-OLVW, printer range)
according to ISO/IEC 15775:1999-12
There are at least three different methods to linearize the printer output:
1. By Linearization Method data (CIELAB data and PS code) in the PS file (F)
2. By Linearization Method data in theDistiller Startup (S) directory
3. By Linearization Method data in the PostScript device (D) memory

Remark 1: The output result produced is the same with the three methods, see the URL DE09
Remark 2: The file names and tables in some directories include only files for No and the File Linearization Method (N and F).
Remark 3: For linearizing the x-chart output of DIN 33870 which consists of a 16step grey series, see DE02

Remark 4: For linearizing the achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart output according to ISO/IEC 15775 which includes 16step grey series, see DE09

Use of LAB* setcolor (CIELAB colour space) in Fig. B3, B4 and D4 of ISO/IEC-test charts no. 2 and 4
and colorimetric transfer by LAB*_to_cmy* to use the CMY colour space instead

1. Use of LAB* setcolor (CIELAB colour space) and
colorimetric transfer by LAB*_to_cmy* and use of cmy0* setcmykcolor (CMY colour space) instead
without and with Output Linearization (OL)
see DE48 for series W-C, W-M, W-Y and CIE-test colours
see DE49 for series W-O, W-L, W-V and W-N (=CMY)

2. Examples calculated by the PS procedure LAB*_to_cmy*
see DE48X for the series W-C, W-M, W-Y and CIE-test colours
see DE49X for the series W-O, W-L, W-V and W-N (=CMY)

Accuracy of the start and linearized printer output
of Figures of ISO/IEC-test charts No. 2 and No. 4 (W-CMYN and W-OLVN, whitish series), see DE14L
- The same for the the blackish colour series (N-CMYW and N-OLVW), see DE24L (under development)

Accuracy of the start and linearized printer output using the different versions 2.1, 3.0, 4.0
of Adobe Acrobat Distiller, see DE14D

Combined Input and Output Linearization Method (ILM and OLM) of real 32 ISO/IEC test colours according to ISO/IEC 15775. The 32 colours are taken by slide and negative film (sf and nf) for exposure variation between under and over exposure. The Kodak Photo-CD process has been used to get the raw scan image data. The input image data are transfered to the standard image data by the Input Linearization Method (ILM) and then the Ouput Linearization Method (OLM) is used.

1. Local input transfer of hex image data by a FORTRAN program and global output transfer by a square root model, see DE35 for olv* image data and DE45 for cmy* image data

2. Local input transfer of hex image data by both PS code and a FORTRAN program and global output transfer by a square root model, see DE36 for olv* image data and DE46 for cmy* image data

3. Local input transfer of hex image data by PS code and a FORTRAN program and global output transfer for a real device T, see DE37 for olv* image data and DE47 for cmy* image data

Start and linearized printer output of a single Figure or many Figures of the ISO/IEC-test charts

Achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 with Linearization Methods N, F, S, D, T, and E using CIE-lightness L* measurement data, see DE09

Achromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 3 with Linearization Methods N, F, S, D, T, and E using LAB* CIELAB measurement data : see DE19

Chromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 2 (W-CMYN, whitish series)
Figures B4, B5, B6, B7 of the ISO/IEC-test chart no. 2 with Linearization Methods (LM): File (F), Startup (S) and Device (D)
- With No Linearization Method (=N) and the Linearization Method LAB* -> delta LAB* (=F, S, D, T, and E) on different pages: see 010501: DE10
- The same for the the blackish colour series (N-CMYW), see 010501: DE20

Chromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 4 (W-OLVN, whitish series)
- Figures D4, D5, D6, D7 of the ISO/IEC-test chart no. 4 with the Linearization Methods (LM): File (F), Startup (S) and Device (D)
- With No Linearization Method (=N) and the Linearization Method LAB* -> delta LAB* (=F, S, D, T, and E) on different pages: see 010501: DE11
- The same for the the blackish colour series (N-OLVW), see 010501: DE21

PostScript document file created by a layout program with chromatic Fig. B4 of ISO/IEC-test chart no. 2 (W-CMYN, whitish series)
- with No (=N) and Linearization Methods (LM): File (F), Startup (S) and Device (D)
- With No Linearization Method (=N) and the LM LAB* -> delta LAB* (=F, S, D) on one page only: see 010509: DE12
- The same for the the blackish colour series (N-OLVW), see XXXXX: DE22

Combinations of Figures of ISO/IEC-test charts No. 2 and No. 4 (W-CMYN and W-OLVN, whitish series):
Figures B4 and D4 with 16step series in linear arrangement (14 mm x 14 mm)
- With No Linearization Method (=N) and the Linearization Method LAB* -> delta LAB* (=F, S, D, T, and E) on different pages: see 010501: DE14
- The same for the the blackish colour series (N-CMYW and N-OLVW), see 010501: DE24

- With No Linearization Method (Local=L0) and the Linearization Method LAB* -cmynolvw* (Global=G1) on the same page: see 010501: DE15
- The same for the the blackish colour series (N-CMYW and N-OLVW), see 010501: DE25

Figures B4 and D4 (W-CMYN and W-OLV(CMY)) with 16step series in x-chart arrangement (14 mm x 10 mm)
- With No Linearization Method (=N) and the Linearization Method LAB* -> delta LAB* (=F) on different pages: see 010501: DE16
- The same for the the blackish colour series (N-CMYW and N-OLVW), see 010501: DE26

-With No Linearization Method (Local=L0) and the Linearization Method LAB* -> cmynolvw* (Global=G1) on the same page: see 010501: DE17
- The same for the the blackish colour series (N-CMYW and N-OLVW), see DE27

Many Figures of the chromatic ISO/IEC-test chart no. 2 and 4 on one page (W-CMYN and W-OLVN, whitish series)
Figures B4, B5, B6, B7 and Figures D4, D5, D6, D7 of the ISO/IEC-test charts no. 2 and no. 4
with Linearization Method Methods (LM): File (F), Startup (S) and Device (D)
- With No Linearization Method (=N) and the LM LAB* -> delta LAB* (=F, S, D, T, and E) on different pages: see 010501: DE23

For an introduction (archive 2000-2009) to all folders compared to this folder DE00, see
../DE.HTM in English or ../DG.HTM in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about International and National Standards, Technical Reports, and Meetings, see
../4STAE.html in English or ../4STAG.html in German.

For information (archive 2000-2009) about colour test charts and colorimetric calculations, see
../indexAE.html in English or ../indexAG.html in German.

For publications (archive 2000-2009) of the BAM research group, see
../XY91AE.html in English or ../XY91AG.html in German.

Back to the main page of the TU web site (not archive), see
../../index.html in English or ../../indexDE.html in German.

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Then go to the main page of one of the two TU web sites in a new window, see
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