181212 and 030101: A/DE15/DE15.HTM
For this page, see
DE15 in English or
DG15 in German.
For the previous page, see
DE14 in English or
DG14 in German.
For the next page, see
DE16 in English or
DG16 in German.
Back to the main page of this colour series, see
../DE in English or
../DG in German.
For similar Methods to produce a start and linearized output of a single Figure or many Figures of the ISO/IEC-test charts or the complete ISO/IEC-test charts, see DE00
1. Different model files for Output Linearization (OL) of 16step colour series
File names (only last 4 characters)
to produce the output by No Output Linearization (OLN)
(using "N" and characters A, B, ..., T)
File names (only last 4 characters)
to produce the output by File Output Linearization (OLF)
(using "F" and characters A, B, ..., T):
PS-output files NA.PS and FA.PS
useful for a PS device only:
The file NA.PS (No Linearization Method) includes no output measurement
data S1. The file NA.PS will produce the standard output in series
The file FA.PS (F=File Output Linearization (OLF) includes the
output measurement data (CIELAB data) of the file NA.PS. The file
FA.PS will produce the linearized output for the 16step grey and
colour scales.
Every page includes here colour series
with both No and File Output Linearization (OLN and OLF) and
only the letter N is used. The files are produced for different
Devices (D=F,O,T)
2. Output Linearization (OL) of 16step colour series by single
pages with file formats PS and PDF.
2.1 Output Linearization (OLN and OLF), Device F, start and linearized output on one page, file formats PS and PDF only
Digital colour test charts for colour printers and black and white printers | Remarks for use and reproduction | Both PostScript format File extent. NA.PS and NA.TXT |
PostScript and Portable Document Format (Version
3.0) File extent. NP.PS and NP.PDF |
Files: F10E00N.. series: wcmyn (N + F) |
No and File Output Linearization (OLN and OLF) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByt.e |
Files: F10E10N.. series: wcmyn (F + N) |
File and No Output Linearization (OLF and OLN) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByte |
Files: F10E20N... series: wolvn(=cmy) (N + F) |
No and File Output Linearization (OLN and OLF) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByte |
Files: F10E30N... series: wolvn(=cmy) (F + N) |
File and No Output Linearization (OLF and OLN) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByte |
2.2 Output Linearization (OLN and OLF), Device O, start and linearized output on one page, file formats PS and PDF only
Digital colour test charts for colour printers and black and white printers | Remarks for use and reproduction | Both PostScript format File extent. NA.PS and NA.TXT |
PostScript and Portable Document Format (Version
3.0) File extent. NP.PS and NP.PDF |
Files: O10E00N.. series: wcmyn (N + F) |
No and File Output Linearization (OLN and OLF) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByt.e |
Files: O10E10N.. series: wcmyn (F + N) |
File and No Output Linearization (OLF and OLN) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByte |
Files: O10E20N... series: wolvn(=cmy) (N + F) |
No and File Output Linearization (OLN and OLF) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByte |
Files: O10E30N... series: wolvn(=cmy) (F + N) |
File and No Output Linearization (OLF and OLN) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByte |
2.3 Output Linearization (OLN and OLF), Device T, start and linearized output on one page, file formats PS and PDF only
Digital colour test charts for colour printers and black and white printers | Remarks for use and reproduction | Both PostScript format File extent. NA.PS and NA.TXT |
PostScript and Portable Document Format (Version
3.0) File extent. NP.PS and NP.PDF |
Files: T10E00N.. series: wcmyn (N + F) |
No and File Output Linearization (OLN and OLF) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByt.e |
Files: T10E10N.. series: wcmyn (F + N) |
File and No Output Linearization (OLF and OLN) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByte |
Files: T10E20N... series: wolvn(=cmy) (N + F) |
No and File Output Linearization (OLN and OLF) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByte |
Files: T10E30N... series: wolvn(=cmy) (F + N) |
File and No Output Linearization (OLF and OLN) |
119 kByte |
119 / 39 kByte |
3. Output Linearization (OL) of 16step colour series output with different file formats BMP, GIF, HTM_GIF, HTM_JPE, JPE, TIF
3.1 N=No Output Linearization (OLN), Device T, start output of step S1, file formats BMP, GIF, HTM_GIF, HTM_JPE, JPE, TIF
Files and Colour Series (N + F =No and File Output Linearization (OLF)) |
Format BMP (olv*, 72 ppi) |
Format GIF Format GIF89 (olv*, 72 ppi) |
Format HTM_GIF89 (olv*, 72 ppi) |
Format HTM_JPE (cmyn*, 72 ppi) |
Format JPE Format JPEG (cmyn*, 72 ppi) |
Format TIF Format TIFF (cmyn*, 72 ppi) |
T10E00N series: wcmyn (N + F) |
120 / 120 / 1500 kB |
120 / 120 / 36 kB |
120 / 120 / 40 kB |
120 / 120 / 156 kB |
120 / 120 / 152 kB |
120 / 120 / 2000 kB |
T10E10N series: wcmyn (F + N) |
120 / 120 / 1500 kB |
120 / 120 / 36 kB |
120 / 120 / 40 kB |
120 / 120 / 156 kB |
120 / 120 / 152 kB |
120 / 120 / 2000 kB |
T10E20N series: wolvn(=cmy) (N + F) |
120 / 120 / 1500 kB |
120 / 120 / 36 kB |
120 / 120 / 40 kB |
120 / 120 / 156 kB |
120 / 120 / 152 kB |
120 / 120 / 2000 kB |
T10E30N series: wolvn(=cmy) (F + N) |
120 / 120 / 1500 kB |
120 / 120 / 36 kB |
120 / 120 / 40 kB |
120 / 120 / 156 kB |
120 / 120 / 152 kB |
120 / 120 / 2000 kB |
Remark 3: The linearized colour output (equal relative spacing in CIELAB) is independent of the file format (PS, PDF, BMP, GIF, HTM_GIF89, HTM_JPE, JPE, TIF) and the application software (Adobe Acrobat Illustrator , GoScript ) and the computer operating system (Windows, Mac, Unix) used. This statement must be confirmed for every file format and application software by colour measurement.
Remark 4: There is the user requirement to linearize the colour output only for a limited amount of file formats and application programs for his computer environement. Different file formats and application programs may give the same first and second output. It is important to realize that the linearization is possible (on the second output step S2) for every combination of file format and application program.
3.2 F=File Output Linearization (OLF), Device T, linearized output of step S2, file formats BMP, GIF, HTM_GIF, HTM_JPE, JPE, TIF
Files and Colour Series (N + F =No and File Output Linearization (OLF)) |
Format BMP (olv*, 72 ppi) |
Format GIF Format GIF89 (olv*, 72 ppi) |
Format HTM_GIF89 (olv*, 72 ppi) |
Format HTM_JPE (cmyn*, 72 ppi) |
Format JPE Format JPEG (cmyn*, 72 ppi) |
Format TIF Format TIFF (cmyn*, 72 ppi) |
T10E00F series: wcmyn (N + F) |
120 / 120 / 1500 kB |
120 / 120 / 36 kB |
120 / 120 / 40 kB |
120 / 120 / 156 kB |
120 / 120 / 152 kB |
120 / 120 / 2000 kB |
T10E10F series: wcmyn (F + N) |
120 / 120 / 1500 kB |
120 / 120 / 36 kB |
120 / 120 / 40 kB |
120 / 120 / 156 kB |
120 / 120 / 152 kB |
120 / 120 / 2000 kB |
T10E20F series: wolvn(=cmy) (N + F) |
120 / 120 / 1500 kB |
120 / 120 / 36 kB |
120 / 120 / 40 kB |
120 / 120 / 156 kB |
120 / 120 / 152 kB |
120 / 120 / 2000 kB |
T10E30F series: wolvn(=cmy) (F + N) |
120 / 120 / 1500 kB |
120 / 120 / 36 kB |
120 / 120 / 40 kB |
120 / 120 / 156 kB |
120 / 120 / 152 kB |
120 / 120 / 2000 kB |
For an introduction (archive 2000-2009) to all folders
compared to this folder DE15, see
../DE.HTM in English or
../DG.HTM in German.
For information (archive 2000-2009) about International and
National Standards, Technical Reports, and Meetings, see
../4STAE.html in English or
../4STAG.html in German.
For information (archive 2000-2009) about colour test charts
and colorimetric calculations, see
../indexAE.html in English or
../indexAG.html in German.
For publications (archive 2000-2009) of the BAM research group, see
../XY91AE.html in English or
../XY91AG.html in German.
Back to the main page of the TU web site
(not archive), see
../../index.html in English or
../../indexDE.html in German.
The last link may not work, if you have visited
directly this archive site.
Then go to the main page of one of the
two TU web sites in a new window, see
http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/index.html or