250101 1L2L002F_S2710.HTK, http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/fg2s.htm or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/fg2s.htm

Section 2, Chapter F: Colour Metrics for chromatic and luminance adaptation (2024)
This image page with 260 image series: fe2s in English, fg2s in German.
Previous image page: ee2s in English, eg2s in German.
Next image page, see ge2s in English, gg2s in German.
Introduction, content list and summary: feai, fea_i, fea_s in English or fgai, fga_i, fga_s in German.

Section 2: Colourimetry, Colour Vision and Applications for Colour Image Technology (2019-2024), Image part fe2s

Chapter F: Colour Metrics for chromatic and Luminance Adapdaton (2024)

The following 260 image series between fea0 and fez9
show the content with links to the single figures in up to six formats.

Image fea0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fea0l0np.pdf, see
fea0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fea0: TUB-test chart fea0; ISO-colour file and colour loop:
ISO file -> print -> scan -> ISO file; application of
ISO 9241-306 & ISO/IEC 15775: input and output linearization

Image fea1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fea1l0np.pdf, see
fea1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fea1: TUB-test chart fea1; Colour management according to ISO 15076-1
:2010, ISO 20677:2018, and with 729(=9x9=9) equally spaced
rgb*-PCS-PCC data according to ISO 9241-306:2018

Image fea2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fea2l0np.pdf, see
fea2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fea2: TUB-test chart fea2; Colour management according to ISO 15076-1
:2010, ISO 20677:2018, and with 729(=9x9=9) equally spaced
rgb*-PCS-PCC data according to ISO 9241-306:2018

Image fea3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fea3l0np.pdf, see
fea3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fea3: TUB-test chart fea3; Lightness L* in colourimetry
Relative lightness T* of the sRGB primary colours
Spacing for adjacent and separate colours

Image fea4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fea4l0np.pdf, see
fea4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fea4: TUB-test chart fea4; Achromatic thresholds, 5 Lu on Y
thresholds delta_L (0,4s), contrast and lightness; experi-
mental data of Lingelbach and Richter without adaptation

Image fea5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fea5l0np.pdf, see
fea5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fea5: TUB-test chart fea5; Achromatic thresholds, 5 Lu & Lm on Y
thresholds delta_L (0,4s), contrast and lightness; experi-
mental data of Lingelbach and Richter with adaptation

Image fea6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fea6l0np.pdf, see
fea6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fea6: TUB-test chart fea6; Relative elementary colour vision
of the antagonistic TUBLAB model, threshold ts=0,00&0,01
log[sensitivity and responses], O/L & M/L

Image fea7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fea7l0np.pdf, see
fea7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fea7: TUB-test chart fea7; Relative elementary colour vision
of the antagonistic TUBLAB model, threshold ts=0,02&0,03
log[sensitivity and responses], O/L & M/L

Image fea8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fea8l0np.pdf, see
fea8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fea8: TUB-test chart fea8; Relative elementary colour vision
of the antagonistic TUBLAB model, threshold ts=0,00&0,01
log[sensitivity and responses], O/V & M/V

Image fea9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fea9l0np.pdf, see
fea9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fea9: TUB-test chart fea9; Scaling and thresholds of achromatic
and chromatic colours as function of chromaticity
and luminance for adaptation times 0,1s and 25s

Image feb0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feb0l0np.pdf, see
feb0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feb0: TUB-test chart feb0; Luminance contrast L/delta_L
as function of luminance presentation time 0,1s; sensitivity
of LMS and V & V' for day and night vision

Image feb1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feb1l0np.pdf, see
feb1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feb1: TUB-test chart feb1; Logarithmic spectralsensitivities
L, M & B; S-shaped achromatic and chromatic
responses as function of luminance L and line elements

Image feb2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feb2l0np.pdf, see
feb2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feb2: TUB-test chart feb2; Single and double-line elements;
responses and differences; antagonistic response function;
thresholds and scaling for achromatic and chromatic colours

Image feb3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feb3l0np.pdf, see
feb3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feb3: TUB-test chart feb3; Complementary colours;
logarithmic antagonistic symmetric response and
saturation for contrasts & chromaticity diagrams

Image feb4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feb4l0np.pdf, see
feb4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feb4: TUB-test chart feb4; Logarithmic response and
saturation for contrasts; chromaticity diagrams; response
and discrimination as function of luminance

Image feb5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feb5l0np.pdf, see
feb5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feb5: TUB-test chart feb5; Colour vision and physiology;
reflection range for surface colours; physiological
response as function of luminance and chromaticity

Image feb6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feb6l0np.pdf, see
feb6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feb6: TUB-test chart feb6; HPE-CIE 1931 02-degree colourimetry
between CIEXYZ and HPE-LMS; cone sensitivity
and spectral value functions for illuminant E, log data

Image feb7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feb7l0np.pdf, see
feb7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feb7: TUB-test chart feb6; HPE-CIE 1931 02-degree colourimetry
between CIEXYZ and HPE-LMS; cone sensitivity
and spectral value functions for illuminant E, linear data

Image feb8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feb8l0np.pdf, see
feb8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feb8: TUB-test chart feb8; Wavelength ranges of 6
Ostwald colours, chromatic values, C=25:1, +-signals
Reflections R, Rr=R/0,18, Rs=log(Rr), hue threshold dhA2B2=6

Image feb9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feb9l0np.pdf, see
feb9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feb9: TUB-test chart feb9; Wavelength ranges of 6
Ostwald colours, chromatic values, C=2:1, +-signals
Reflections R, Rr=R/0,18, Rs=log(Rr), hue threshold dhA2B2=18

Image fec0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fec0l0np.pdf, see
fec0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fec0: TUB-test chart fec0; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< Y <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fec1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fec1l0np.pdf, see
fec1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fec1: TUB-test chart fec1; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, -50< L*CIE <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fec2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fec2l0np.pdf, see
fec2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fec2: TUB-test chart fec2; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, -50< L*CIr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fec3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fec3l0np.pdf, see
fec3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fec3: TUB-test chart fec3; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, -50< L*TUr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fec4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fec4l0np.pdf, see
fec4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fec4: TUB-test chart fec4; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, -50< L*TAr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fec5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fec5l0np.pdf, see
fec5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fec5: TUB-test chart fec5; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< Y <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fec6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fec6l0np.pdf, see
fec6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fec6: TUB-test chart fec6; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< L*CIE <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fec7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fec7l0np.pdf, see
fec7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fec7: TUB-test chart fec7; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< L*CIr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fec8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fec8l0np.pdf, see
fec8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fec8: TUB-test chart fec8; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< L*TUr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fec9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fec9l0np.pdf, see
fec9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fec9: TUB-test chart fec9; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< L*TAr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fed0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fed0l0np.pdf, see
fed0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fed0: TUB-test chart fed0; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< Y <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fed1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fed1l0np.pdf, see
fed1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fed1: TUB-test chart fed1; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, -50< L*CIE <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fed2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fed2l0np.pdf, see
fed2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fed2: TUB-test chart fed2; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, -50< L*CIr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fed3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fed3l0np.pdf, see
fed3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fed3: TUB-test chart fed3; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, -50< L*TUr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fed4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fed4l0np.pdf, see
fed4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fed4: TUB-test chart fed4; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, -50< L*TAr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fed5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fed5l0np.pdf, see
fed5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fed5: TUB-test chart fed5; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< Y <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fed6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fed6l0np.pdf, see
fed6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fed6: TUB-test chart fed6; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< L*CIE <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fed7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fed7l0np.pdf, see
fed7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fed7: TUB-test chart fed7; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< L*CIr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fed8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fed8l0np.pdf, see
fed8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fed8: TUB-test chart fed8; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< L*TUr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fed9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fed9l0np.pdf, see
fed9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fed9: TUB-test chart fed9; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane YB, 0< L*TAr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fee0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fee0l0np.pdf, see
fee0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fee0: TUB-test chart fee0; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane CR, 0< Y <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fee1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fee1l0np.pdf, see
fee1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fee1: TUB-test chart fee1; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane CR, -50< L*CIE <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fee2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fee2l0np.pdf, see
fee2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fee2: TUB-test chart fee2; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane CR, -50< L*CIr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fee3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fee3l0np.pdf, see
fee3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fee3: TUB-test chart fee3; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane CR, -50< L*TUr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fee4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fee4l0np.pdf, see
fee4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fee4: TUB-test chart fee4; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane CR, -50< L*TAr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fee5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fee5l0np.pdf, see
fee5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fee5: TUB-test chart fee5; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane CR, 0< Y <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fee6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fee6l0np.pdf, see
fee6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fee6: TUB-test chart fee6; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane CR, 0< L*CIE <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fee7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fee7l0np.pdf, see
fee7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fee7: TUB-test chart fee7; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane CR, 0< L*CIr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fee8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fee8l0np.pdf, see
fee8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fee8: TUB-test chart fee8; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane CR, 0< L*TUr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fee9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fee9l0np.pdf, see
fee9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fee9: TUB-test chart fee9; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane CR, 0< L*TAr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fef0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fef0l0np.pdf, see
fef0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fef0: TUB-test chart fef0; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane GM, 0< Y <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fef1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fef1l0np.pdf, see
fef1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fef1: TUB-test chart fef1; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane GM, -50< L*CIE <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fef2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fef2l0np.pdf, see
fef2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fef2: TUB-test chart fef2; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane GM, -50< L*CIr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fef3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fef3l0np.pdf, see
fef3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fef3: TUB-test chart fef3; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane GM, -50< L*TUr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fef4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fef4l0np.pdf, see
fef4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fef4: TUB-test chart fef4; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane GM, -50< L*TAr <50
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fef5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fef5l0np.pdf, see
fef5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fef5: TUB-test chart fef5; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane GM, 0< Y <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fef6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fef6l0np.pdf, see
fef6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fef6: TUB-test chart fef6; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane GM, 0< L*CIE <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fef7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fef7l0np.pdf, see
fef7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fef7: TUB-test chart fef7; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane GM, 0< L*CIr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fef8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fef8l0np.pdf, see
fef8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fef8: TUB-test chart fef8; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane GM, 0< L*TUr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image fef9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fef9l0np.pdf, see
fef9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fef9: TUB-test chart fef9; Ostwald-optimal colours
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A, hue plane GM, 0< L*TAr <100
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1

Image feg0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feg0l0np.pdf, see
feg0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feg0: TUB-test chart feg0; YB and GM data for 8 Dxx illuminants
CIE 2 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feg1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feg1l0np.pdf, see
feg1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feg1: TUB-test chart feg1; YB and GM data for 8 Pxx illuminants
CIE 2 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feg2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feg2l0np.pdf, see
feg2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feg2: TUB-test chart feg2; YB and GM data for 8 Dxx illuminants
CIE 2 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND1, and LABJND2 data
YABCabh(1&2) data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feg3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feg3l0np.pdf, see
feg3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feg3: TUB-test chart feg3; YB and GM data for 8 Pxx illuminants
CIE 2 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND1, and LABJND2 data
YABCabh(1&2) data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feg4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feg4l0np.pdf, see
feg4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feg4: TUB-test chart feg4; YB and GM data for 8 Dxx illuminants
CIE 2 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feg5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feg5l0np.pdf, see
feg5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feg5: TUB-test chart feg5; YB and GM data for 8 Pxx illuminants
CIE 2 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feg6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feg6l0np.pdf, see
feg6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feg6: TUB-test chart feg6; YB and GM data for 8 Dxx illuminants
CIE 2 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND1, and LABJND2 data
YABCabh(1&2) data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feg7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feg7l0np.pdf, see
feg7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feg7: TUB-test chart feg7; YB and GM data for 8 Pxx illuminants
CIE 2 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND1, and LABJND2 data
YABCabh(1&2) data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feg8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feg8l0np.pdf, see
feg8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feg8: TUB-test chart feg8; YB and GM data for 8 Dxx illuminants
CIE 2 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of optimal colors

Image feg9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feg9l0np.pdf, see
feg9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feg9: TUB-test chart feg9; YB and GM data for 8 Pxx illuminants
CIE 2 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of optimal colors

Image feh0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feh0l0np.pdf, see
feh0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feh0: TUB-test chart feh0; YB and GM data for 8 Dxx illuminants
CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feh1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feh1l0np.pdf, see
feh1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feh1: TUB-test chart feh1; YB and GM data for 8 Pxx illuminants
CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feh2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feh2l0np.pdf, see
feh2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feh2: TUB-test chart feh2; YB and GM data for 8 Dxx illuminants
CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND1, and LABJND2 data
YABCabh(1&2) data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feh3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feh3l0np.pdf, see
feh3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feh3: TUB-test chart feh3; YB and GM data for 8 Pxx illuminants
CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND1, and LABJND2 data
YABCabh(1&2) data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feh4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feh4l0np.pdf, see
feh4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feh4: TUB-test chart feh4; YB and GM data for 8 Dxx illuminants
CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feh5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feh5l0np.pdf, see
feh5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feh5: TUB-test chart feh5; YB and GM data for 8 Pxx illuminants
CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feh6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feh6l0np.pdf, see
feh6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feh6: TUB-test chart feh6; YB and GM data for 8 Dxx illuminants
CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND1, and LABJND2 data
YABCabh(1&2) data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feh7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feh7l0np.pdf, see
feh7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feh7: TUB-test chart feh7; YB and GM data for 8 Pxx illuminants
CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND1, and LABJND2 data
YABCabh(1&2) data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald colors

Image feh8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feh8l0np.pdf, see
feh8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feh8: TUB-test chart feh8; YB and GM data for 8 Dxx illuminants
CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of optimal colors

Image feh9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feh9l0np.pdf, see
feh9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feh9: TUB-test chart feh9; YB and GM data for 8 Pxx illuminants
CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data
YABCabh data, wavelength lamda(1,2,d,c) of optimal colors

Image fei0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fei0l0np.pdf, see
fei0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fei0: TUB-test chart fei0; 1080 colours Grid 2g-d0
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue (DH)

Image fei1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fei1l0np.pdf, see
fei1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fei1: TUB-test chart fei1; 1080 colours Grid 2o_d0
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue (DH)

Image fei2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fei2l0np.pdf, see
fei2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fei2: TUB-test chart fei2; 1080 colours Grid 2e_d0
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue (DH)

Image fei3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fei3l0np.pdf, see
fei3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fei3: TUB-test chart fei3; 1080 colours Grid 2g_di & pixel graphic
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue (DH)

Image fei4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fei4l0np.pdf, see
fei4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fei4: TUB-test chart fei4; 1080 colours Grid 2e_di & pixel graphic
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue (DH)

Image fei5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fei5l0np.pdf, see
fei5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fei5: TUB-test chart fei5; 1080 colours Grid 2g_e0
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device to Elemetary Hue (DEH)

Image fei6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fei6l0np.pdf, see
fei6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fei6: TUB-test chart fei6; 1080 colours Grid 2o_e0
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device to Elemetary Hue (DEH)

Image fei7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fei7l0np.pdf, see
fei7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fei7: TUB-test chart fei7; 1080 colours Grid 2e_e0
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device to Elemetary Hue (DEH)

Image fei8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fei8l0np.pdf, see
fei8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fei8: TUB-test chart fei8; 1080 colours Grid 2g_ei & pixel graphic
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device to Elemetary Hue (DEH)

Image fei9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fei9l0np.pdf, see
fei9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fei9: TUB-test chart fei9; 1080 colours Grid 2e_ei & pixel graphic
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device to Elemetary Hue (DEH)

Image fej0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fej0l0np.pdf, see
fej0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fej0: TUB-test chart fej0; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^1,0; 2 x 8 images

Image fej1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fej1l0np.pdf, see
fej1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fej1: TUB-test chart fej1; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^1,0; 4 x 4 images

Image fej2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fej2l0np.pdf, see
fej2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fej2: TUB-test chart fej2; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^0,7; 4 x 4 images

Image fej3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fej3l0np.pdf, see
fej3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fej3: TUB-test chart fej3; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^0,5; 4 x 4 images

Image fej4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fej4l0np.pdf, see
fej4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fej4: TUB-test chart fej4; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
derivation of the responses; tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^1,0; 4 x 4 images

Image fej5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fej5l0np.pdf, see
fej5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fej5: TUB-test chart fej5; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
derivation of the responses; tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^0,7; 4 x 4 images

Image fej6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fej6l0np.pdf, see
fej6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fej6: TUB-test chart fej6; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
derivation of the responses; tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^0,5; 4 x 4 images

Image fej7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fej7l0np.pdf, see
fej7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fej7: TUB-test chart fej7; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
derivation of the responses; tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^1,0; 4 x 4 images

Image fej8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fej8l0np.pdf, see
fej8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fej8: TUB-test chart fej8; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
derivation of the responses; tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^0,7; 4 x 4 images

Image fej9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fej9l0np.pdf, see
fej9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fej9: TUB-test chart fej9; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
derivation of the responses; tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^0,5; 4 x 4 images

Image fek0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fek0l0np.pdf, see
fek0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fek0: TUB-test chart fek0; Achromatic receptor responses
Components of absolute and relative responses in figures
Hyperbel function equations and mahematical derivation

Image fek1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fek1l0np.pdf, see
fek1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fek1: TUB-test chart fek1; Achromatic receptor responses F(x)
Change of derivation F'(x) with parameter a
Experiments as function of sample distance and adaptation

Image fek2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fek2l0np.pdf, see
fek2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fek2: TUB-test chart fek2; Achromatic thresholds, 5 Lu & Lm on Y
thresholds delta_L (0,4s), contrast and lightness; experi-
mental data of Lingelbach and Richter with adaptation

Image fek3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fek3l0np.pdf, see
fek3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fek3: TUB-test chart fek3; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
derivation of the responses; tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a'
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^0,7; 4 x 4 images

Image fek4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fek4l0np.pdf, see
fek4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fek4: TUB-test chart fek4; Additive colour mixture, spectral
mixture to optimal colours of Ostwald, ideal
projector colours, mixture with colour integrator for D65

Image fek5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fek5l0np.pdf, see
fek5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fek5: TUB-test chart fek5; 16 grey steps and NW for
the Television-Luminous-Systems TLS00, TLS18, TLS70;
data rgb* and CIELAB LabC*h for 3 reflections

Image fek6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fek6l0np.pdf, see
fek6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fek6: TUB-test chart fek6; Relative colour television system
Standard sRGB device according to IEC 61966-2-1
CIE data of 3 basic and 3 mixture colours, Yw=88,6

Image fek7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fek7l0np.pdf, see
fek7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fek7: TUB-test chart fek7; 1080 colours Grid 2g_di & flower image
File data: rgb/cmy0/000n/w & rgb*=1,25&1,56->1,00rgb*; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue (DH)

Image fek8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fek8l0np.pdf, see
fek8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fek8: TUB-test chart fek8; 1080 colours Grid 2g_di & flower image
File data: rgb/cmy0/000n/w & rgb*=1,25&1,56->0,80rgb*; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue (DH)

Image fek9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fek9l0np.pdf, see
fek9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fek9: TUB-test chart fek9; 1080 colours Grid 2g_di & flower image
File data: rgb/cmy0/000n/w & rgb*=1,25&1,56->0,64rgb*; 3 pages
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue (DH)

Image fel0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fel0l0np.pdf, see
fel0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fel0: TUB-test chart fel0; 1080 colours Grid whv_d10 & image
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
Parameter: 1MR, DH, Ufield=w, Uimage=Hv, GammaR=1,0

Image fel1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fel1l0np.pdf, see
fel1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fel1: TUB-test chart fel1; 1080 colours Grid whv_d10 & image
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
Parameter: 1MR, DH, Ufield=w, Uimage=Hv, GammaR=1,0

Image fel2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fel2l0np.pdf, see
fel2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fel2: TUB-test chart fel2; 1080 colours Grid uhv_d10 & image
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
Parameter: 1MR, DH, Ufield=u, Uimage=Hv, GammaR=1,0

Image fel3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fel3l0np.pdf, see
fel3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fel3: TUB-test chart fel3; 1080 colours Grid ulv_d10 & image
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
Parameter: 1MR, DH, Ufield=u, Uimage=Hv, GammaR=1,0

Image fel4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fel4l0np.pdf, see
fel4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fel4: TUB-test chart fel4; 1080 colours Grid uhv_d09 & image
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
Parameter: 1MR, DH, Ufield=u, Uimage=Hs, GammaR=0,9

Image fel5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fel5l0np.pdf, see
fel5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fel5: TUB-test chart fel5; 1080 colours Grid ulv_d09 & image
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
Parameter: 1MR, DH, Ufield=u, Uimage=Hs, GammaR=0,9

Image fel6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fel6l0np.pdf, see
fel6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fel6: TUB-test chart fel6; 1080 colours Grid uhv_d08 & image
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
Parameter: 1MR, DH, Ufield=u, Uimage=Hs, GammaR=0,8

Image fel7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fel7l0np.pdf, see
fel7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fel7: TUB-test chart fel7; 1080 colours Grid ulv_d08 & image
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
Parameter: 1MR, DH, Ufield=u, Uimage=Hs, GammaR=0,8

Image fel8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fel8l0np.pdf, see
fel8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fel8: TUB-test chart fel8; 1080 colours Grid uhv_e10 & image
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
Parameter: 1MR, DEH, Ufield=u, Uimage=Hv, GammaR=1,0

Image fel9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fel9l0np.pdf, see
fel9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fel9: TUB-test chart fel9; 1080 colours Grid ulv_e10 & image
Data in file: rgb/cmy0/000n/w/nnn0/www; 3 pages
Parameter: 1MR, DEH, Ufield=u, Uimage=Hv, GammaR=1,0

Image fem0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fem0l0np.pdf, see
fem0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fem0: TUB-test chart fem0; Frame-File PS-Code (FF_PS)
Main file: loops for PS-Code changes
Transfer of PS-Code: setgray & setcmykcolor -> setrgbcolor

Image fem1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fem1l0np.pdf, see
fem1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fem1: TUB-test chart fem1; Frame-File PS-Code (FF_PS)
Definition of PS-colour spaces DeviceGray/RGB/CMYK
Output and steering of test chart AE49 of ISO 9241-306

Image fem2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fem2l0np.pdf, see
fem2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fem2: TUB-test chart fem2; Frame-File PS-Code (FF_PS)
Definition of PS-colour spaces DeviceGray/RGB/CMYK
Output and steering of test chart AE49 of ISO 9241-306

Image fem3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fem3l0np.pdf, see
fem3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fem3: TUB-test chart fem3; Test charts 1 and 2 according
to DIN 33872-5; Agreement of the elementary colours,
Discrimination of 20 hues and 5 or 9 step grey scales (Yes/No)?

Image fem4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fem4l0np.pdf, see
fem4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fem4: TUB-test chart fem4; Basis of the development
of ISO and CIE-standard documents; Accessibility to data
Links and basis literature; visual thresholds

Image fem5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fem5l0np.pdf, see
fem5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fem5: TUB-test chart fem5; Nine step grey scaling
for 4 display reflections Yref=3,6, 1,8, 0,9, 90
and black YN=3,6 & white YW=90, normalization: grey U

Image fem6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fem6l0np.pdf, see
fem6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fem6: TUB-test chart fem6; Contrast experiments
Linear and logarithmic relative lightness and contrast
three-dimensional colour values; reflection factor of R, Y, G, B

Image fem7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fem7l0np.pdf, see
fem7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fem7: TUB-test chart fem7; Display system sRGB according to
IEC 61966-2-1 (1,8 < Y < 500), CIE dataset of 3 basic and
3 mixture colours, Data CIEXYZ, YD0/P0/P1/P2=90,100,200,500

Image fem8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fem8l0np.pdf, see
fem8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fem8: TUB-test chart fem8; Display system sRGB according to
IEC 61966-2-1 (1,8 < Y < 360), CIE dataset of 3 basic and
3 mixture colours, Data CIEXYZ, YD0/P1/P2=90, 180, 360

Image fem9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fem9l0np.pdf, see
fem9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fem9: TUB-test chart fem9; Display system sRGB according to
IEC 61966-2-1 (1,8 < Y < 500), CIE dataset of 3 basic and
3 mixture colours, Data CIEXYZ, YD0/P1/P2=100, 200, 500

Image fen0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fen0l0np.pdf, see
fen0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fen0: TUB-test chart fen0; Colour threshold experiments
as function of luminance and distance of the samples
Colour threshold function Fab and derivation as function of a

Image fen1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fen1l0np.pdf, see
fen1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fen1: TUB-test chart fen1; 1080 colours Grid 2g_di & flower image
File data: rgb/cmy0/000n/w &rgb*<=1,25; clipping ->1,00 for rgb*
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue (DH)

Image fen2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fen2l0np.pdf, see
fen2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fen2: TUB-test chart fen2; 1080 colours Grid 2g_di & flower image
File data: rgb/cmy0/000n/w &rgb*<=1,56; clipping ->1,00 for rgb*
1-Minus-Relation (1MR) and Device Hue (DH)

Image fen3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fen3l0np.pdf, see
fen3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fen3: TUB-test chart fen3; Colour-display systems, sRGB according
to IEC 61966-2-1, and WCGa according to ISO 22028-5
3 basic and mixture colours: CIEXYZ and CIELAB, Yw=88,6

Image fen4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fen4l0np.pdf, see
fen4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fen4: TUB-test chart fen4; Colour-display systems, sRGB according
to IEC 61966-2-1, and WCGa according to ISO 22028-5
3 basic and mixture colours: CIEXYZ and CIELAB, Yw=100

Image fen5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fen5l0np.pdf, see
fen5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fen5: TUB-test chart fen5; Colour-display systems
sRGB according IEC 61966-2-1, WCGa according to ISO 22028-5,
3 basic and mixture colours: CIEXYZxy, Y=100 & 88,6

Image fen6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fen6l0np.pdf, see
fen6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fen6: TUB-test chart fen6; Colour-display systems
sRGB according IEC 61966-2-1, WCGa according to ISO 22028-5,
3 basic and mixture colours: CIELAB, Y=100 & 88,6

Image fen7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fen7l0np.pdf, see
fen7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fen7: TUB-test chart fen7;Colour-display systems
sRGB according IEC 61966-2-1, WCGa according to ISO 22028-5,
3 basic and mixture colours: TUBLAB2, Y=100 and 88,6

Image fen8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fen8l0np.pdf, see
fen8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fen8: TUB-test chart fen8;Colour-display systems
sRGB according IEC 61966-2-1, WCGa according to ISO 22028-5,
basic & mixture colours: CIEXYZxy, CIELAB, TUBLAB2, Y=100

Image fen9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fen9l0np.pdf, see
fen9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fen9: TUB-test chart fen9;Colour-display systems
sRGB according IEC 61966-2-1, WCGa according to ISO 22028-5,
basic & mixture colours: CIEXYZ, CIELAB, TUBLAB2, Y=88,6

Image feo0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo0l0np.pdf, see
feo0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo0: TUB-test chart feo0; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P2:p2=800:4 with YnW, YnU, see ISO 22028-5

Image feo1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo1l0np.pdf, see
feo1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo1: TUB-test chart feo1; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P1:p1=400:4 with YnW, YnU, see ISO 22028-5

Image feo2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo2l0np.pdf, see
feo2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo2: TUB-test chart feo2; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P2:p2=1000:4 with YnW, YnU, see ISO 22028-5

Image feo3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo3l0np.pdf, see
feo3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo3: TUB-test chart feo3; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P1:p1=448:3,6 with YnW, YnU, see ISO 22028-5

Image feo4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo4l0np.pdf, see
feo4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo4: TUB-test chart feo4; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P2:p2=800:4 with LrW, LrU, see ISO 22028-5

Image feo5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo5l0np.pdf, see
feo5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo5: TUB-test chart feo5; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3.6, P1:p1=400:4 with LrW, LrU, see ISO 22028-5

Image feo6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo6l0np.pdf, see
feo6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo6: TUB-test chart feo6; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P2:p2=1000:4 with LrW, LrU, see ISO 22028-5

Image feo7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo7l0np.pdf, see
feo7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo7: TUB-test chart feo7; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=100:4, P2:p2=448:3,6 with LrW, LrU, see ISO 22028-5

Image feo8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo8l0np.pdf, see
feo8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo8: TUB-test chart feo8; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=100:4, P2:p2=1000:3,6, LrW, LrU, see ITU-R BT.2390-10, 5.31

Image feo9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo9l0np.pdf, see
feo9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo9: TUB-test chart feo9; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=100:4, P2:p2=1000:3,6, LrW, LrU, see ITU-R BT.2390-10, 5.31

Image fep0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fep0l0np.pdf, see
fep0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fep0: TUB-test chart fep0; LMS-R24-colour vision model
cone ratio L:M:S=red:green:blue=16:8:1
lin[sensitivities], lin[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image fep1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fep1l0np.pdf, see
fep1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fep1: TUB-test chart fep1; LMS-R24-colour vision model
ratio L:M:S=yellow:greenish yellow:redish blue=16:8:1
lin[sensitivities], lin[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image fep2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fep2l0np.pdf, see
fep2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fep2: TUB-test chart fep2; LMS-R24-colour vision model
adaptation of the sensitivities 570,557,545, LVM->(LVM)/V
lin[sensitivities], lin[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image fep3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fep3l0np.pdf, see
fep3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fep3: TUB-test chart fep3; LMS-R24-colour vision model
adaptation of the sensitivities 595,570,545, OLM->(OLM)/L
lin[sensitivities], lin[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image fep4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fep4l0np.pdf, see
fep4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fep4: TUB-test chart fep4; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 620,570,520,470, LVM->(LVM)/V
lin[sensitivities], lin[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image fep5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fep5l0np.pdf, see
fep5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fep5: TUB-test chart fep5; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 620,570,520,470, OLM->(OLM)/L
lin[sensitivities], lin[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image fep6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fep6l0np.pdf, see
fep6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fep6: TUB-test chart fep6; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 620,570,520,470, OLM->(OLM)/L
lin[sensitivities], lin[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image fep7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fep7l0np.pdf, see
fep7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fep7: TUB-test chart fep7; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 595,570,545,520, OLM->(OLM)/L
lin[sensitivities], lin[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image fep8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fep8l0np.pdf, see
fep8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fep8: TUB-test chart fep8; LMS-R24-colour vision model
WN antagonisme of sensitivities 547,457, V,N->V/g,N/g
lin[sensitivities], lin[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image fep9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fep9l0np.pdf, see
fep9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fep9: TUB-test chart fep9; LMS-R24-colour vision model
YB antagonisme of sensitivities 570,470, Y,B->J/G,B/G
lin[sensitivities], lin[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image feq0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feq0l0np.pdf, see
feq0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feq0: TUB-test chart feq0; LMS-R24-colour vision model
cone ratio L:M:S=red:green:blue=16:8:1
log[sensitivities], log[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image feq1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feq1l0np.pdf, see
feq1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feq1: TUB-test chart feq1; LMS-R24-colour vision model
ratio L:M:S=yellow:greenish yellow:redish blue=16:8:1
log[sensitivities], log[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image feq2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feq2l0np.pdf, see
feq2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feq2: TUB-test chart feq2; LMS-R24-colour vision model
adaptation of the sensitivities 570,557,545, LVM->(LVM)/V
log[sensitivities], log[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image feq3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feq3l0np.pdf, see
feq3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feq3: TUB-test chart feq3; LMS-R24-colour vision model
adaptation of the sensitivities 595,570,545, OLM->(OLM)/L
log[sensitivities], log[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image feq4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feq4l0np.pdf, see
feq4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feq4: TUB-test chart feq4; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 620,570,520,470, LVM->(LVM)/V
log[sensitivities], log[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image feq5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feq5l0np.pdf, see
feq5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feq5: TUB-test chart feq5; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 620,570,520,470, OLM->(OLM)/L
log[sensitivities], log[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image feq6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feq6l0np.pdf, see
feq6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feq6: TUB-test chart feq6; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 620,570,520,470, OLM->(OLM)/L
log[sensitivities], log[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image feq7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feq7l0np.pdf, see
feq7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feq7: TUB-test chart feq7; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 595,570,545,520, OLM->(OLM)/L
log[sensitivities], log[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image feq8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feq8l0np.pdf, see
feq8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feq8: TUB-test chart feq8; LMS-R24-colour vision model
WN antagonisme of sensitivities 547,457, V,N->V/g,N/g
log[sensitivities], log[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image feq9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feq9l0np.pdf, see
feq9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feq9: TUB-test chart feq9; LMS-R24-colour vision model
YB antagonisme of sensitivities 570,470, Y,B->J/G,B/G
log[sensitivities], log[ratios], lin[thresholds]=0&0,04

Image fer0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fer0l0np.pdf, see
fer0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fer0: TUB-test chart fer0; LMS-R24-colour vision model
cone ratio L:M:S=red:green:blue=16:8:1
log & lin[sensitivities & ratios], lin[thresholds]=0,1

Image fer1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fer1l0np.pdf, see
fer1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fer1: TUB-test chart fer1; LMS-R24-colour vision model
ratio L:M:S=yellow:greenish yellow:redish blue=16:8:1
log & lin[sensitivities & ratios], lin[thresholds]=0,1

Image fer2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fer2l0np.pdf, see
fer2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fer2: TUB-test chart fer2; LMS-R24-colour vision model
adaptation of the sensitivities 570,557,545, LVM->(LVM)/V
log & lin[sensitivities & ratios], lin[thresholds]=0,1

Image fer3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fer3l0np.pdf, see
fer3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fer3: TUB-test chart fer3; LMS-R24-colour vision model
adaptation of the sensitivities 595,570,545, OLM->(OLM)/L
log & lin[sensitivities & ratios], lin[thresholds]=0,1

Image fer4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fer4l0np.pdf, see
fer4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fer4: TUB-test chart fer4; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 620,570,520,470, LVM->(LVM)/V
log & lin[sensitivities & ratios], lin[thresholds]=0,1

Image fer5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fer5l0np.pdf, see
fer5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fer5: TUB-test chart fer5; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 620,570,520,470, OLM->(OLM)/L
log & lin[sensitivities & ratios], lin[thresholds]=0,1

Image fer6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fer6l0np.pdf, see
fer6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fer6: TUB-test chart fer6; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 620,570,520,470, OLM->(OLM)/L
log & lin[sensitivities & ratios], lin[thresholds]=0,1

Image fer7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fer7l0np.pdf, see
fer7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fer7: TUB-test chart fer7; LMS-R24-colour vision model
4 adaptations of 595,570,545,520, OLM->(OLM)/L
log & lin[sensitivities & ratios], lin[thresholds]=0,1

Image fer8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fer8l0np.pdf, see
fer8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fer8: TUB-test chart fer8; LMS-R24-colour vision model
WN antagonisme of sensitivities 547,457, V,N->V/g,N/g
log & lin[sensitivities & ratios], lin[thresholds]=0,1

Image fer9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fer9l0np.pdf, see
fer9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fer9: TUB-test chart fer9; LMS-R24-colour vision model
YB antagonisme of sensitivities 570,470, Y,B->J/G,B/G
log & lin[sensitivities & ratios], lin[thresholds]=0,1

Image fes0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fes0l0np.pdf, see
fes0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fes0: TUB-test chart fes0; Grey samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of grey steps
of the series W-CBMRYG and CBMRYG-N with 3 of 17 steps

Image fes1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fes1l0np.pdf, see
fes1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fes1: TUB-test chart fes1; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series W-CBMRYG and CBMRYG-N with 3 of 17 steps

Image fes2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fes2l0np.pdf, see
fes2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fes2: TUB-test chart fes2; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series W-CBMRYG and CB-N with 3 of 17 steps

Image fes3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fes3l0np.pdf, see
fes3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fes3: TUB-test chart fes3;Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series MRYG-N and W-N with 3 and 5 of 17 steps

Image fes4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fes4l0np.pdf, see
fes4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fes4: TUB-test chart fes4; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series W-CBMRYG with 5 of 17 steps

Image fes5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fes5l0np.pdf, see
fes5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fes5: TUB-test chart fes5; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series CBMRYG-N mit 5 of 17 steps

Image fes6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fes6l0np.pdf, see
fes6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fes6: TUB-test chart fes6; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of 33 grey steps
of the serie W - mean grey U with 3 or 5x5 of 17 steps

Image fes7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fes7l0np.pdf, see
fes7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fes7: TUB-test chart fes7; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of 33 grey steps
of the series mean grey U - N with 3 or 5x5 of 17 steps

Image fes8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fes8l0np.pdf, see
fes8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fes8: TUB-test chart fes8; Colour samples for Gamma calculation
Evaluation example and evaluation of 33 grey steps
of the serie W-N with 3 or 5x5 of 17 steps

Image fes9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fes9l0np.pdf, see
fes9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fes9: TUB-test chart fes9; Colour samples for Gamma calculation
Evaluation example and evaluation of 33 grey steps
of the series W-N with 3 or 5x5 of 17 steps

Image fet0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fet0l0np.pdf, see
fet0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fet0: TUB-test chart fet0; Grey samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of grey steps
of the series W-N=W00n-W16n=N with 3 or 5 of 17 steps

Image fet1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fet1l0np.pdf, see
fet1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fet1: TUB-test chart fet1; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series R-N=R00n-R16n=N with 3 or 5 of 17 steps

Image fet2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fet2l0np.pdf, see
fet2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fet2: TUB-test chart fet2; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series G-N=G00n-G16n=N with 3 or 5 of 17 steps

Image fet3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fet3l0np.pdf, see
fet3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fet3: TUB-test chart fet3;Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series B-N=B00n-B16n=N with 3 or 5 of 17 steps

Image fet4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fet4l0np.pdf, see
fet4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fet4: TUB-test chart fet4; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series C_N=C00n-C16n=N with 3 or 5 of 17 steps

Image fet5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fet5l0np.pdf, see
fet5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fet5: TUB-test chart fet5; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series M_N=M00n-M16n=N with 3 or 5 of 17 steps

Image fet6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fet6l0np.pdf, see
fet6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fet6: TUB-test chart fet6; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series Y-N=Y00n-Y16n=N with 3 or 5 of 17 steps

Image fet7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fet7l0np.pdf, see
fet7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fet7: TUB-test chart fet7; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series R-W=R00w-R16w=W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps

Image fet8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fet8l0np.pdf, see
fet8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fet8: TUB-test chart fet8; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series G-W=G00w-G16w=W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps

Image fet9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fet9l0np.pdf, see
fet9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fet9: TUB-test chart fet9; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series B-W=B00w-B16w=W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps

Image feu0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feu0l0np.pdf, see
feu0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feu0: TUB-test chart feu0; Relative colour reproduction
Colourimetric c*-transformation and olv*i output
Formula c*i = a c*^b; 6 rgb-colours (RYGCBM)d; see fg0A

Image feu1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feu1l0np.pdf, see
feu1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feu1: TUB-test chart feu1; Relative colour reproduction
Colourimetric c*-transformation and olv*i-text output
Formula c*i = a c*^b; 6 rgb-colours (RYGCBM)d; see fg1A

Image feu2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feu2l0np.pdf, see
feu2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feu2: TUB-test chart feu2; Relative colour reproduction
Colourimetric c*-transformation and olv*i output
Formula c*i = a c*^b; 16 rgb-colours (R..Y..G..B)d; see fg2A

Image feu3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feu3l0np.pdf, see
feu3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feu3: TUB-test chart feu3; Relative colour reproduction
Colourimetric c*-transformation and olv*i-text output
Formula c*i = a c*^b; 16 rgb-colours (R..Y..G..B)d; see fg3A

Image feu4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feu4l0np.pdf, see
feu4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feu4: TUB-test chart feu4; 1080 Standard colours G
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> olv*i; 3 pages
see fex4 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image feu5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feu5l0np.pdf, see
feu5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feu5: TUB-test chart feu5; 1080 opponent colours O
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> olv*i; 3 pages
see fex5 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image feu6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feu6l0np.pdf, see
feu6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feu6: TUB-test chart feu6; 1080 standard colours G
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> olv*i; 5 pages
see fex6 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image feu7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feu7l0np.pdf, see
feu7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feu7: TUB-test chart feu7; 1080 opponent colours O
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> olv*i; 5 pages
see fex7 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image feu8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feu8l0np.pdf, see
feu8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feu8: TUB-test chart feu8; 1080 standard colours G
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> olv*i; 11 pages
see fex8 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image feu9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feu9l0np.pdf, see
feu9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feu9: TUB-test chart feu9; 1080 opponent colours O
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> olv*i; 11 pages
see fex9 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image fev0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fev0l0np.pdf, see
fev0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fev0: TUB-test chart fev0; Relative colour reproduction
Colourimetric c*-transformation and rgb*id output
Formula c*i = a c*^b; 6 rgb-colours (RYGCBM)d; see fgy0

Image fev1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fev1l0np.pdf, see
fev1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fev1: TUB-test chart fev1; Relative colour reproduction
Colourimetric c*-transformation and rgb*id-text output
Formula c*i = a c*^b; 6 rgb-colours (RYGCBM)d; see fgy1

Image fev2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fev2l0np.pdf, see
fev2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fev2: TUB-test chart fev2; Relative colour reproduction
Colourimetric c*-transformation and rgb*id output
Formula c*i = a c*^b; 16 rgb-colours (R..Y..G..B)d; see fgy2

Image fev3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fev3l0np.pdf, see
fev3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fev3: TUB-test chart fev3; Relative colour reproduction
Colourimetric c*-transformation and rgb*id-text output
Formula c*i = a c*^b; 16 rgb-colours (R..Y..G..B)d; see fgy3

Image fev4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fev4l0np.pdf, see
fev4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fev4: TUB-test chart fev4; 1080 standard colours G
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> rgb*id; 3 pages
see fey4 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image fev5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fev5l0np.pdf, see
fev5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fev5: TUB-test chart fev5; 1080 opponent colours O
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> rgb*id; 3 pages
see fey5 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image fev6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fev6l0np.pdf, see
fev6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fev6: TUB-test chart fev6; 1080 standard colours G
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> rgb*id; 5 pages
see fey6 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image fev7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fev7l0np.pdf, see
fev7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fev7: TUB-test chart fev7; 1080 opponent colours O
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> rgb*id; 5 pages
see fey7 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image fev8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fev8l0np.pdf, see
fev8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fev8: TUB-test chart fev8; 1080 standard colours G
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> rgb*id; 11 pages
see fey8 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image fev9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fev9l0np.pdf, see
fev9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fev9: TUB-test chart fev9; 1080 oponent colours O
Data (rgb/000n/w/nnn0/www)d -> rgb*id; 11 pages
see fey9 for Frame-File Colour-Management FF_CM

Image few0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file few0l0np.pdf, see
few0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

few0: TUB-test chart few0; Receptor responses and lightness;
theoretical and visual metric for SDR and HDR

Image few1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file few1l0np.pdf, see
few1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

few1: TUB-test chart few1; 5&9&16 steps P2-W and W-N, with image,
Flower motif range W-N for SDR displays in pixel graphics,
display reflection according to ISO 9241-306, g_rel=1,000

Image few2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file few2l0np.pdf, see
few2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

few2: TUB-test chart few2; 5&9&16 steps P2-W and W-N, with image,
Flower image range P2_N for HDR displays in pixel graphics,
display reflection according to ISO 9241-306, g_rel=1,000

Image few3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file few3l0np.pdf, see
few3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

few3: TUB-test chart fej3; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a', lightness L*TUBLOG,U
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^0,5; 4 x 4 images

Image few4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file few4l0np.pdf, see
few4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

few4: TUB-test chart few4; Fab(xr)-model for visual responses
tanh(xr) with e^xr/a and 10^xr/a', lightness L*TUBLOG, L*CIELAB
a'=a ln(10); a^n = a^0,5; 4 x 4 images

Image few5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file few5l0np.pdf, see
few5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

few5: TUB-test chart few5; 9 steps P2-W, 13 steps W-N, without image
complete the serie P2-W on HDR displays with Photoshop,
display reflection according to ISO 9241-306, g_rel=1,000

Image few6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file few6l0np.pdf, see
few6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

few6: TUB-test chart few6; 9 steps P2-W, 13 steps W-N, without image
complete the serie P2-W on HDR displays with Photoshop,
display reflection according to ISO 9241-306, g_rel=0,775

Image few7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file few7l0np.pdf, see
few7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

few7: TUB-test chart few7; 9 steps P2-W, 13 steps W-N, with image
complete the series P2-W on HDR displays with Photoshop,
display reflection according to ISO 9241-306, g_rel=1,000

Image few8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file few8l0np.pdf, see
few8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

few8: TUB-test chart few8; 9 steps P2-W, 13 steps W-N, with image
complete the series P2-W on HDR displays with Photoshop,
display reflection according to ISO 9241-306, g_rel=0,775

Image few9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file few9l0np.pdf, see
few9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

few9: TUB-test chart few9; 9 steps P2-W, 13 steps W-N, without image
for linearized display output; visual optimization
for 15 Gamma vallues 0,5 < g_rel < 2,1, g_rel=1,000

Image fex0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fex0l0np.pdf, see
fex0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fex0: TUB-test chart fex0; 5 steps P2-W, 9 steps W-N, without image
complete the serie P2-W on HDR displays with Photoshop,
display reflection C_YP8 according to ISO 9241-306, g_rel=1,000

Image fex1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fex1l0np.pdf, see
fex1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fex1: TUB-test chart fex1; 5 steps P2-W, 9 steps W-N, without image
complete the serie P2-W on HDR displays with Photoshop,
display reflection C_YP5 according to ISO 9241-306, g_rel=0,775

Image fex2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fex2l0np.pdf, see
fex2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fex2: TUB-test chart fex2; 5 steps P2-W, 9 steps W-N, with image
complete the series P2-W on HDR displays with Photoshop,
display reflection C_YP8 according to ISO 9241-306, g_rel=1,000

Image fex3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fex3l0np.pdf, see
fex3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fex3: TUB-test chart fex3; 5 steps P2-W, 9 steps W-N, with image
complete the series P2-W on HDR displays with Photoshop,
display reflection C_YP5 according to ISO 9241-306, g_rel=0,775

Image fex4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fex4l0np.pdf, see
fex4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fex4: TUB-test chart fex4; 5 steps P2-W, 9 steps W-N, without image
for linearized display output; visual optimization
for 15 Gamma vallues 0,5 < g_rel < 2,1, no reference

Image fex5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fex5l0np.pdf, see
fex5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fex5: TUB-test chart fex5; 5 steps P2-W, 9 steps W-N, with image
for linearized displays output with Photoshop, visual
optimization for 0,5 < g_rel < 2,1, reference g_rel=1,000

Image fex6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fex6l0np.pdf, see
fex6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fex6: TUB-test chart fex6; 5 steps P2-W, 9 steps W-N, with image
for linearized displays output with Photoshop, visual
optimization for 0,5 < g_rel < 2,1, reference g_rel=0,775

Image fex7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fex7l0np.pdf, see
fex7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fex7: TUB-test chart fex7; 9 steps P2-W, 17 steps W-N, without image
for linearized display output; visual optimization
for 15 Gamma values 0,5 < g_rel < 2,1, no reference

Image fex8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fex8l0np.pdf, see
fex8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fex8: TUB-test chart fex8; 9 steps P2-W, 17 steps W-N, without image
complete the image P2-W on HDR displays with Photoshop,
optimization for 0,5 < g_rel < 2,1, reference g_rel=1,000

Image fex9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fex9l0np.pdf, see
fex9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fex9: TUB-test chart fex9; 9 steps P2-W, 17 steps W-N, without image
complete the image P2-W on HDR displays with Photoshop,
optimization for 0,5 < g_rel < 2,1, reference g_rel=0,775

Image fey0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fey0l0np.pdf, see
fey0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fey0: TUB-test chart fey0; Grey samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of grey steps
of the series W-N=W00n-W16n=N with 5 or 9 of 17 steps

Image fey1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fey1l0np.pdf, see
fey1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fey1: TUB-test chart fey1; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series R-N=R00n-R16n=N with 5 or 9 of 17 steps

Image fey2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fey2l0np.pdf, see
fey2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fey2: TUB-test chart fey2; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series G-N=G00n-G16n=N with 5 or 9 of 17 steps

Image fey3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fey3l0np.pdf, see
fey3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fey3: TUB-test chart fey3;Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series B-N=B00n-B16n=N with 5 or 9 of 17 steps

Image fey4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fey4l0np.pdf, see
fey4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fey4: TUB-test chart fey4; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series C_N=C00n-C16n=N with 5 or 9 of 17 steps

Image fey5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fey5l0np.pdf, see
fey5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fey5: TUB-test chart fey5; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series M_N=M00n-M16n=N with 5 or 9 of 17 steps

Image fey6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fey6l0np.pdf, see
fey6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fey6: TUB-test chart fey6; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series Y-N=Y00n-Y16n=N with 5 or 9 of 17 steps

Image fey7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fey7l0np.pdf, see
fey7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fey7: TUB-test chart fey7; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series R-W=R00w-R16w=W with 5 or 9 of 17 steps

Image fey8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fey8l0np.pdf, see
fey8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fey8: TUB-test chart fey8; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series G-W=G00w-G16w=W with 5 or 9 of 17 steps

Image fey9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fey9l0np.pdf, see
fey9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fey9: TUB-test chart fey9; Colour samples for intervall scaling
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series B-W=B00w-B16w=W with 5 or 9 of 17 steps

Image fez0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fez0l0np.pdf, see
fez0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fez0: TUB-test chart fez0; Under development

Image fez1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fez1l0np.pdf, see
fez1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fez1: TUB-test chart fez1; Under development

Image fez2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fez2l0np.pdf, see
fez2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fez2: TUB-test chart fez2; Under development

Image fez3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fez3l0np.pdf, see
fez3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fez3: TUB-test chart fez3; Under development

Image fez4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fez4l0np.pdf, see
fez4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fez4: TUB-test chart fez4; Under development

Image fez5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fez5l0np.pdf, see
fez5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fez5: TUB-test chart fez5; Under development

Image fez6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fez6l0np.pdf, see
fez6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fez6: TUB-test chart fez6; Under development

Image fez7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fez7l0np.pdf, see
fez7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fez7: TUB-test chart fez7; Under development

Image fez8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fez8l0np.pdf, see
fez8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fez8: TUB-test chart fez8; Under development

Image fez9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file fez9l0np.pdf, see
fez9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

fez9: TUB-test chart fez9; Under development

Section 2, Chapter F: Colour Metrics for chromatic and luminance adaptation (2024)
This image page with 260 image series: fe2s in English, fg2s in German.
Previous image page: ee2s in English, eg2s in German.
Next image page, see ge2s in English, gg2s in German.
Introduction, content list and summary: feai, fea_i, fea_s in English or fgai, fga_i, fga_s in German.

Für Archiv-Information (2000-2009) des BAM servers "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
über Prüfvorlagen, farbmetrische Berechnungen, Normen und Veröffentlichungen, siehe
indexAE.html in englisch, indexAG.html in deutsch.

Zurück zur TUB-Hauptseite (NICHT Archiv), siehe index.html in englisch, indexDE.html. in deutsch.