250128 'GNAX' http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/fea_i.htm or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/fea_i.htm.
Go to this page in German fga_i.htm
Chapter A:
Colour Image Technology and Colour Management (2019)
Introduction, content list and summary:
AEA_S in English or
AGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
ae2s in English or
ag2s in German.
Chapter B:
Colour Vision and Colorimetry (2020)
Introduction, content list and summary:
BEA_S in English or
BGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
be2s in English or
bg2s in German.
Chapter C:
Colour Spaces, Colour Differences, and Line Elements (2021)
Introduction, content list and summary:
CEA_S in English or
CGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
ce2s in English or
cg2s in German.
Chapter D:
Colour Appearance, Elementary Colours, and Metrics (2022)
Introduction, content list and summary:
DEA_S in English or
DGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
de2s in English or
dg2s in German.
Chapter E:
Colour Metrics, Differences, and Appearance (2023)
Introduction, content list and summary:
eea_s in English or
ega_s in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
ee2s in English or
eg2s in German.
Chapter F:
Colour metrics for chromatic and luminance adaptation (2024)
Introduction and content list:
fea_i in English or
fgai (under work),
fga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
fe2s in English or
fg2s in German.
Chapter G:
Equally spaced colour scales for optimal colour-image quality (2024b)
Content list:
gea_i in English or
gga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
ge2s in English or
gg2s in German.
Chapter H:
SDR and HDR-colour metric for optimal colour-image quality (2025)
Content list:
hea_i in English or
hga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 (and 260, under work) image series:
he2s in English or
hg2s in German.
Chapter I:
Output linearization of visual data for scaling and thresholds (2025b)
, under work
Content list:
iea_i in English or
iga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 (and 260, under work) image series:
ie2s in English or
ig2s in German.
Any large image file with 260 pages, for example
can be printed as image series.
Also the content can be saved as a pdf file for any of the chapters A to H.
In addition a download of the corresponding pdf file, for example
he2s.pdf (about 150MB) is possible.
Project title: Colour and colour vision with Ostwald, device, and elementary colours -
Antagonistic colour-vision model TUBJND and properties for many applications
Chapter F: Colour Metrics for chromatic and luminance adaptation (2024),
Main part fea_i
Each chapter includes main parts (I) with information to an image part (S).
There are 26 image parts (S), each with 10 figure pages.
The 10 figure pages (0 to 9) include up to 16 figures,
and each figure with up to six formats.
Structure, content, and order of files and figures on the example chapter
Colour Vision and Colorimetry

Figure 1 shows the structure of the web site BE(A..Z)I.HTM und BE(A..Z)S.HTM.
For the download of this figure in the VG-PDF format, see
Structure, content, and order of files and figures on the web site

Figure 2 shows the structure, the content, and the order of files and figures on the web site
For the download of this figure in the VG-PDF format, see
List of links to the contents of all image parts
Image part feas
in English or fgas in German.
Title: Colour loop and colour management;
ISO 15076-1:2010, ISO 20677:2019, ISO 9241-306:2018,
and ISO/IEC 15775/ed-2:2022;
Profile Connection Space (PCS) and Profile Connetion Condition (PCC)
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Colour management with CIELAB L*a*b* und TUBLAB rgb*
as PCS and PCC.
3. Lightness L* and relative lightness T* of the
primary colours RGB.
4. Experimental achromatic thresholds delta_L of
Lingelbach without and with adaptation level.
5. Relative elementary colour sustem; thresholds ts=0, 0,01, 0,02 and 0,03;
O/L & M/L and O/V & M/V.
6. Discussion of results for colour vision.
for further information and discussion,
see feai.
go to the image part feas
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part febs
in English or fgbs in German.
Title: Spectral sensitivity and saturation;
line elements, responses and discrimination as function of luminance;
comparison of CIEXYZ and HPE-LMS spectral values with model functions;
antagonistic achromatic and chromatic responses as function of luminance;
spectal definition and discrimination of Ostwald colours.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Complementary antagonistic symmetric responses and saturation.
3. Antagonistic achromatic and chromatic responses as function of
4. Colour vision and physiological responses in the range of
surface colours.
5. Comparison of CIEXYZ and HPE-LMS spectral values with
Gauß-model functions
6. Antagonistic spectral Gauß-colour values and responses.
7. Spectal definition and discrimination of Ostwald colours.
go to the image part febs
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fecs
in English or fgcs in German.
Title: Ostwald-optimal colours;
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A; hue plane YB;
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1
1. Introduction and goals.
2. CIE tristimulus value Y;
3. Lightness -50 < L'CIE, L'CIr, L'TUr, L'TAr <50.
4. Lightness 0 < L*CIE, L*CIr, L*TUr, L*TAr <100.
5. Diskussion of results.
go to the image part fecs
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part feds
in English or fgds in German.
Title: Ostwald-optimal colours;
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A; hue plane YB;
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1
1. Introduction and goals.
2. CIE tristimulus value Y;
3. Lightness -50 < L'CIE, L'CIr, L'TUr, L'TAr <50.
4. Lightness 0 < L*CIE, L*CIr, L*TUr, L*TAr <100.
5. Diskussion of results.
go to the image part feds
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fees
in English or fges in German.
Title: Ostwald-optimal colours;
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A; hue plane CR;
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1
1. Introduction and goals.
2. CIE tristimulus value Y;
3. Lightness -50 < L'CIE, L'CIr, L'TUr, L'TAr <50.
4. Lightness 0 < L*CIE, L*CIr, L*TUr, L*TAr <100.
5. Diskussion of results.
go to the image part fees
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fefs
in English or fgfs in German.
Title: Ostwald-optimal colours;
4 illuminants D65, D50, P40, A; hue plane GM;
4 contrasts C >288:1, 25:1, 16:1, 9:1
1. Introduction and goals.
2. CIE tristimulus value Y;
3. Lightness -50 < L'CIE, L'CIr, L'TUr, L'TAr <50.
4. Lightness 0 < L*CIE, L*CIr, L*TUr, L*TAr <100.
5. Diskussion of results.
go to the image part fefs
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fegs
in English or fggs in German.
Title: CIEXYZ and LABJND data of Yellow-Blue-YB and
Green-Magenta-GM optimal colours
for 8 Dxx and 8 Pxx illuminants
1. Introduction and goals;
2. YB and GM data for 8 Dxx and 8 Pxx illuminants;
3. CIE 2 observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and CIELAB data;
4. YABCabh1&2 data, wavelength lambda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald
5. Definition of wavelength lambda1 (feg0 to feg3);
6. Definition of wavelength lambda1 and lambda2 (feg4 to feg9);
7. Performance of the calculation of lambda(2,d,c);
8. Application for the four elemetary colours RJGBe.
go to the image part fegs
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fehs
in English or fghs in German.
Title: CIEXYZ and LABJND data of Yellow-Blue-YB and
Green-Magenta-GM optimal colours
for 8 Dxx and 8 Pxx illuminants
1. Introduction and goals;
2. YB and GM data for 8 Dxx and 8 Pxx illuminants;
3. CIE 10 degree observer, CIEXYZ, LABJND, and
CIELAB data;
4. YABCabh1&2 data, wavelength lambda(1,2,d,c) of Ostwald
5. Definition of wavelength lambda1 (feh0 to feh3);
6. Definition of wavelength lambda1 and lambda2 (feh4 to feh9);
7. Performance of the calculation of lambda(2,d,c);
8. Application for the four elemetary colours RJGBe.
go to the image part fehs
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part feis
in English or fgis in German.
Title: 1080 colours and flower image for grids 2g, 2o, and 2e
with devive (d) or elementary (e) output
without (0) or with image (i) for eight ambient reflections
according to ISO 9241-306
1. Introduction and goals;
2. 1080 colours according to ISO 9241-306;
3. Flower image according to ISO 9241-306, and ISO/IEC 15775;
4. Change of Gamma gP in 8 steps according to ISO 9241-306;
5. Equal Gamma change for colour samples and flower image;
6. Applications for an ergonomic image technology for the consumer area.
go to the image part feis
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fejs
in English or fgjs in German.
Title: Colour metrics for light and colour as function of the
relative luminance L/Lu (Lu=surround luminance)
Experimental data and model functions Fab(xr).
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Experimental data from a book for xr=log(L/Lu);
3. Response functions Q/Fab[e^(xr/a) or 10^(xr/a')] with
a'=a ln(10).
4. Derivations of the response functions for luminance discrimination.
go to the image part fejs
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part feks
in English or fgks in German.
Title: Visual and colourimetric properties for the HDR range;
Changes SDR <-> HDR for 1080 colours and the flower image
for the devive (d) output,
and with image (i) for eight ambient
reflections according to ISO 9241-306
1. Introduction and goals;
2. Some colourimetric properties for the range
High Dynamic Range (HDR);
3. Changes SDR <-> HDR for 1080 colours according to ISO 9241-306;
4. Flower image according to ISO 9241-306, and ISO/IEC 15775;
5. Change of Gamma gP in 8 steps according to ISO 9241-306;
6. Equal Gamma change for colour samples and flower image;
7. Applications for an ergonomic image technology for the consumer area.
go to the image part feks
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fels
in English or fgls in German.
Title: 1080 colours and two HDR images for eight parameters
with devive (d) or elementary (e) output
without (0) or with image (i) for eight ambient reflections
according to ISO 9241-306
1. Introduction and goals;
2. 1080 colours according to ISO 9241-306;
3. Two HDR images with many high (h) and low (l) image parts;
4. Equal Gamma change gP and gN of colour samples and the images
in 8 steps according to ISO 9241-306;
5. Gamma-range reduction with parameter GammaR only for colour samples
towards 90% and 80% with stativ (s) colour image;
6. Applications for an ergonomic image technology for the consumer area.
go to the image part fels
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fems
in English or fgms in German.
Title: Frame-File PS-Code (FF_PS) and Frame-File Colour-Management (FF-CM)
Application of the PS steering for DIN 33872-1 to 6, and ISO 9241-306
Experimental colour thresholds results, CIEXYZ, CIELAB, and rgb* data
in the SDR/HDR range of +0, +1, and +2 stop over exposure
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Frame-File PS-Code (FF_PS) and Frame-File Colour-Management (FF-CM).
3. Application of Frame-File Colour-Management (FF-CM) on test charts
according to DIN 33872-1 to 6 and ISO 9241-306.
4. Experimental results: linear and logarithmic relative
lightness L* and contrast L/deltaL.
5. Reflection of surface colours Re, Ye, Ge, Be with elementary hue, and
with a white feet (3,6%).
6. Table data CIEXYZxy, CIELAB and rgb* for colours of
+0, +1, and +2 over exposure.
7. Discussion.
go to the image part fems
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fens
in English or fgns in German.
Title: Antagonistic colorimetric properties of the Ostwald-optimal
colours, CIE & TUB-colour metric and cone sensitivities
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Ostwald-optimal colours for 2 illuminants and 2 observers.
3. TUB-model: linear and logarithmic sesitivities and saturation for L
and M cones.
4. Linear and logarithmic sesitivities for L and M
cones according to CIE 15 and CIE 170.
5. Three set of display colours in (x, y) and (A2, B2) for colours of
Ostwald, sRGB, WCGa according to ISO 22028-5
for Yw=100 and 90.
6. Table data CIEXYZxy, CIELAB, TUBLAB2 for colours of
Ostwald, sRGB, WCGa according to ISO 22028-5
for Yw=100 and 90.
7. Discussion.
go to the image part fens
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part feos
in English or fgos in German.
Title: Colourimetric logarithmic and potential scaling functions
of achromatic colours between black N and white W,
for different contrast and luminance ranges according to
ISO/IEC 15775:2023, ISO 9241-306:2018, ISO 22028-5:2023,
ITU_R BT.2100-2:2018, and ITU-R BT.2390-10:2021.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Colourimetric goal: Equal relative luminance and equal chromaticity
of the photographic scene and the display reproduction;
3. Usual Y-contrast range W:N=90:3,6=25:1 for surface colours
and W:N=100:4=25:1 for display colous;
4. The display luminance measured in cd/m^2 is proportional to the
CIE tristimulus value Y according to ISO/CIE 11664-2;
5. Comparison of office luminances L of surface and display colours;
6. Coding and inverse coding of Y and RGB values, and for
relative luminance L;
7. Example colour spaces TUBLOG_U, CIELAB_W, CIELAB_U, IECsRGB_W,
ITUsRGB_W normalized to Grey U or White W, or Peak White P2;
8. Equal reproduction of relatice luminance and chromaticity between scene
input and display output for the corresponding coding and inverse coding
of the above colourimetric spaces;
9. Proposal to use the colourimetric space TUBLOG_U for coding
and inverse coding with 33%-HDR room for light colours and
67%-SDR room for surface colours.
10. Discussion
go to the image part feos
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part feps
in English or fgps in German.
Title: LMS-R21 Colour-vision model, lin[threshold]=0 & 0,04 & 0,10;
lin[sensitivity] and lin[ratio]
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Cone ratio L:M:S, saturation V;
3. Sensitivities LMV->L/V & M/V and OLM->O/L & M/L;
4. Four adaptations: 620,570,520,470 and 595,570,545,520;
5. Sensitivity 557,457,507, VNg->V/g & N/g, WN-antigonisme;
6. Sensitivity 570,470,520, LBG->L/G & B/G, YB-antigonisme.
go to the image part feps
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part feqs
in English or fgqs in German.
Title: LMS-R21 Colour-vision model, lin[threshold]=0 & 0,04 & 0,10;
log[sensitivity] and log[ratio]
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Cone ratio L:M:S, saturation V;
3. Sensitivities LMV->L/V & M/V and OLM->O/L & M/L;
4. Four adaptations: 620,570,520,470 and 595,570,545,520;
5. Sensitivity 557,457,507, VNg->V/g & N/g, WN-antigonisme;
6. Sensitivity 570,470,520, LBG->L/G & B/G, YB-antigonisme.
go to the image part feqs
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fers
in English or fgrs in German.
Title: LMS-R21 Colour-vision model, lin[threshold]=0 & 0,04 & 0,10;
lin & log [sensitivity & ratio]
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Cone ratio L:M:S, saturation V;
3. Sensitivities LMV->L/V & M/V and OLM->O/L & M/L;
4. Four adaptations: 620,570,520,470 and 595,570,545,520;
5. Sensitivity 557,457,507, VNg->V/g & N/g, WN-antigonisme;
6. Sensitivity 570,470,520, LBG->L/G & B/G, YB-antigonisme.
go to the image part fers
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fess
in English or fgss in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling
and Gamma calculation;
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series WRGBCMY-N und RGB-W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. 3, 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Advantages and disadvantages of the part and complete scaling;
4. Calculation of visual Gamma for 33 grey steps and of the inverse Gamma;
5. Applications and discussion.
For the 3 or 5-step similar scaling see the serie
For the 5 or 9-step similar scaling see the serie
go to the image part fess
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fets
in English or fgts in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series WRGBCMY-N und RGB-W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. 3 or 5-step intervall scaling;
3. Advantages and disadvantages of the part and complete scaling;
4. Calculation of visual Gamma and of the inverse Gamma;
5. Applications and discussion.
Remarks: For the 5 or 9-step similar scaling see the serie
For many 3-step examples, and a W-U-N example with 33 steps
see fess.htm.
go to the image part fets
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part feus
in English or fgus in German.
Title: Relative colour reproduction; Transformation of:
relative chroma c* with 5 steps, and 1080 colours of the
ISO-test charts according to ISO 9241-306.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Relative colour reproduction; transformation of relative chroma
3. Six device hues rygcbmd, and 16 device hues without and
with rgb data;
4. 1080 colours of the test charts G and the opponent test chart O;
5. Colour definitons (rgbd, cmyk)d and equivalent grey definitions
(000n, w, nnn0, www)d;
6. Colour separations cmy0d of the rgbd-input data and of
the cmy0d-input data.
7. Discussion
go to the image part feus
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fevs
in English or fgvs in German.
Title: Relative colour reproduction; Transformation of:
relative chroma c* with 5 steps, and 1080 colours of the
ISO-test charts according to ISO 9241-306.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Relative colour reproduction; transformation of relative chroma
3. Six device hues rygcbmd, and 16 device hues without and
with rgb data;
4. 1080 colours of the test charts G and the opponent test chart O;
5. Colour definitons (rgbd, cmyk)d and equivalent grey definitions
(000n, w, nnn0, www)d;
6. Colour separations cmy0d of the rgbd-input data and of
the cmy0d-input data.
7. Discussion
go to the image part fevs
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fews
in English or fgws in German.
Title: Flower motif and 1080 display colours according to 9241-306
for display ranges N-W und N-P2;
Three, 5, 9, 17, and 33 grey and colour steps as reference colours
for the luminance range of SDR and HDR displays
1. Introduction and goals;
2. PDF-files with 1080 reference colours according to ISO 9241-306;
3. Gamma change gP in 16 steps according to ISO 9241-306;
4. Test files with 3, 5, 9, 17, and 33 colour and grey steps;
5. Change of sRGB-pdf files for the display range HDR;
6. Determination of visual Gamma with 3, 5, 9, 17, and 33 colour steps;
7. Specifiction of the image quality with the regularity index
g* according to ISO/IEC 15775;
8. Increase of the image quality with colourimetric or visual Gamma;
9. Applications for an ergonomic image technology for the consumer area.
go to the image part fews
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fexs
in English or fgxs in German.
Title: 1080 display coplours for the SDR and HDR range;
Different Gamma for large and small image
for 16 ambient reflections accoprding to ISO 9241-306
1. Introduction and goals;
2. 1080 colours according to ISO 9241-306;
3. Gamma change gP for 9 and 17 steps according to ISO 9241-306;
4. Extention of the sRGB files for the display range HDR;
5. Determination of visual Gamma for the HDR-white range P2-W
with 9 and 17 colour steps;
6. Applications for an ergonomic image technology for the consumer area.
For newer and similar test charts see
go to the image part fexs
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part feys
in English or fgys in German.
Title: Adjacent and separate colour samples for interval scaling;
Evaluation example and evaluation of colour steps
of the series WRGBCMY-N und RGB-W with 3 or 5 of 17 steps.
1. Introduction and goals;
2. 5 or 9-step intervall scaling;
3. Advantages and disadvantages of the part and complete scaling;
4. Calculation of visual Gamma and of the inverse Gamma;
5. Applications and discussion.
Remark: For the 3 or 5-step similar scaling see the serie
For many 3-step examples, and a W-U-N example with 33 steps
see fess.htm.
go to the image part feys
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part fezs
in English or fgzs in German.
Title: Special test images
Only for the development and maintenance of this web site.
1. Introduction and goals;
2. This image part has no colourimetric content.
go to the image part fezs
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
For the start TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English,
indexDE.html in German.
For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server
"www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations,
standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English,
indexAG.html in German.