241201 1L2L0X0F_K2710.KTS/YEolFIN.KTS http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/feos.htm or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/feos.htm

For links to the Section 2, Chapter F Colour Metrics for chromatic and luminance adaptation (2024), see
For this image page with 10 colour series, see feos in English, fgos in German.
For the previous image page, see fens in English, fgns in German.
For the next image page, see feps in English, fgps in German.
For the first image page of the previous chapter E, see eeas in English, egas in German.
For the first image page of the next chapter G, see geas in English, ggas in German.

Content list of chapter F: fea_i in English or fga_i in German.
Summary of chapter F (in Arbeit): fea_s in English or fga_s in German.
For the large image page of chapter F with 260 colour series, see fe2s in English or fg2s in German.

Section 2, Chapter F
Colour metrics for chromatic and luminance adaptation (2024), Image part feos

Title: Colourimetric logarithmic and potential scaling functions
of achromatic colours between black N and white W,
for different contrast and luminance ranges according to
ISO/IEC 15775:2023, ISO 9241-306:2018, ISO 22028-5:2023,
ITU_R BT.2100-2:2018, and ITU-R BT.2390-10:2021.

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Colourimetric goal: Equal relative luminance and equal chromaticity
of the photographic scene and the display reproduction;
3. Usual Y-contrast range W:N=90:3,6=25:1 for surface colours
and W:N=100:4=25:1 for display colous;
4. The display luminance measured in cd/m^2 is proportional to the
CIE tristimulus value Y according to ISO/CIE 11664-2;
5. Comparison of office luminances L of surface and display colours;
6. Coding and inverse coding of Y and RGB values, and for relative luminance L;
7. Example colour spaces TUBLOG_U, CIELAB_W, CIELAB_U, IECsRGB_W,
ITUsRGB_W normalized to Grey U or White W, or Peak White P2;
8. Equal reproduction of relatice luminance and chromaticity between scene
input and display output for the corresponding coding and inverse coding
of the above colourimetric spaces;
9. Proposal to use the colourimetric space TUBLOG_U for coding
and inverse coding with 33%-HDR room for light colours and
67%-SDR room for surface colours.
10. Discussion

The following ten pages feo0 to feo9 of this chapter
show the content with links to the single figures in up to six formats.

Figure feo0l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo0l0np.pdf, see
feo0l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo0: TUB-test chart feo0; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P2:p2=800:4 with YnW, YnU, see ISO 22028-5

Figure feo1l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo1l0np.pdf, see
feo1l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo1: TUB-test chart feo1; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P1:p1=400:4 with YnW, YnU, see ISO 22028-5

Figure feo2l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo2l0np.pdf, see
feo2l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo2: TUB-test chart feo2; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P2:p2=1000:4 with YnW, YnU, see ISO 22028-5

Figure feo3l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo3l0np.pdf, see
feo3l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo3: TUB-test chart feo3; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P1:p1=448:3,6 with YnW, YnU, see ISO 22028-5

Figure feo4l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo4l0np.pdf, see
feo4l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo4: TUB-test chart feo4; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P2:p2=800:4 with LrW, LrU, see ISO 22028-5

Figure feo5l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo5l0np.pdf, see
feo5l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo5: TUB-test chart feo5; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3.6, P1:p1=400:4 with LrW, LrU, see ISO 22028-5

Figure feo6l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo6l0np.pdf, see
feo6l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo6: TUB-test chart feo6; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=90:3,6, P2:p2=1000:4 with LrW, LrU, see ISO 22028-5

Figure feo7l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo7l0np.pdf, see
feo7l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo7: TUB-test chart feo7; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=100:4, P2:p2=448:3,6 with LrW, LrU, see ISO 22028-5

Figure feo8l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo8l0np.pdf, see
feo8l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo8: TUB-test chart feo8; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=100:4, P2:p2=1000:3,6, LrW, LrU, see ITU-R BT.2390-10, 5.31

Figure feo9l0n1.jpg: Output in format A6 of the file feo9l0np.pdf, see
feo9l0n1. ps / txt / pdf / jpg

feo9: TUB-test chart feo9; Scaling of display colours
achromatic colurs between white W and black N, contrast
W:N=100:4, P2:p2=1000:3,6, LrW, LrU, see ITU-R BT.2390-10, 5.31

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.

Back to the main page of this TUB web site (NOT archive), see index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.