250212 'INAX' http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/iea_i.htm or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/hea_i.htm.

Go to this page in German iga_i.htm

Chapter A: Colour Image Technology and Colour Management (2019)
Introduction, content list and summary: AEAI, AEA_I, AEA_S in English or AGAI, AGA_I, AGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: AEAS, ae2s in English or AGAS, ag2s in German.

Chapter B: Colour Vision and Colorimetry (2020)
Introduction, content list and summary: BEAI, BEA_I, BEA_S in English or BGAI, BGA_I, BGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: BEAS, be2s in English or BGAS, bg2s in German.

Chapter C: Colour Spaces, Colour Differences, and Line Elements (2021)
Introduction, content list and summary: CEAI, CEA_I, CEA_S in English or CGAI, CGA_I, CGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: CEAS, ce2s in English or CGAS, cg2s in German.

Chapter D: Colour Appearance, Elementary Colours, and Metrics (2022)
Introduction, content list and summary: DEAI, DEA_I, DEA_S in English or DGAI, DGA_I, DGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: DEAS, de2s in English or DGAS, dg2s in German.

Chapter E: Colour Metrics, Differences, and Appearance (2023)
Introduction, content list and summary: eeai, eea_i, eea_s in English or egai, ega_i, ega_s in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: eeas, ee2s in English or egas, eg2s in German.

Chapter F: Colour metrics for chromatic and luminance adaptation (2024)
Introduction and content list: feai, fea_i in English or fgai (under work), fga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: feas, fe2s in English or fgas, fg2s in German.

Chapter G: Equally spaced colour scales for optimal colour-image quality (2024b)
Content list: gea_i in English or gga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series: geas ge2s in English or ggas, gg2s in German.

Chapter H: SDR and HDR-colour metric for optimal colour-image quality (2025)
Content list: hea_i in English or hga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 (and 260, under work) image series: heas he2s in English or hgas, hg2s in German.

Chapter I: Output linearization of visual data for scaling and thresholds (2025b) , under work
Content list: iea_i in English or iga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 (and 260, under work) image series: ieas ie2s in English or igas, ig2s in German.

Any large image file with 260 pages, for example he2s.htm, can be printed as image series.
Also the content can be saved as a pdf file for any of the chapters A to H.
In addition a download of the corresponding pdf file, for example he2s.pdf (about 150MB) is possible.

Project title: Colour and colour vision with Ostwald, device, and elementary colours -
Antagonistic colour-vision model TUBJND and properties for many applications

Chapter I: Output linearization of visual data for Scaling and thresholds (2025b), Main part iea_i, under work

Each chapter includes main parts (I) with information to an image part (S).
There are 26 image parts (S), each with 10 figure pages.
The 10 figure pages (0 to 9) include up to 16 figures, and each figure with up to six formats.

Structure, content, and order of files and figures on the example chapter
Colour Vision and Colorimetry

Figure 1 shows the structure of the web site BE(A..Z)I.HTM und BE(A..Z)S.HTM.
For the download of this figure in the VG-PDF format, see AEX00-5N.PDF.

Structure, content, and order of files and figures on the web site http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de.

Figure 2 shows the structure, the content, and the order of files and figures on the web site http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de.
For the download of this figure in the VG-PDF format, see AEX0L0NP.PDF.

List of links to the contents of all image parts

Image part ieas in English or igas in German.
Title: Equally spaced 9 step grey scales according to ISO 9241-306:2018 for four display reflections
Yref=4, 2, 1, and 100.
ISO-flower motif as pdf file and reproduction problems in the HDR range according to ISO/TS 22028-5

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Lightness and tristimulus value ranges between black N and white W.
3. Lightness ranges of delta L*N to L*W: CIELAB,W: 23_100, TUBLOG,U: -50_+50, TUBsRGB,W: 24_100.
4. Tristimulues value range of delta YN to YW: 4_100.
5. Image quality with regularity index g* according to ISO/IEC 15775:2022, annex G.
6. ISO-folower motif according to IS0 9241-306:2018 and ISO/IEC 15775:2022/
7. Discussion of the gamma and professional linearization.
go to the image part ieas to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iebs in English or igbs in German.
Title: Equally spaced grey scaling according to ISO 9241-306:2018 for displays;
Evaluation (e) or production (p) of the scaling for adjacent and separate colours;
Gamma and professional output linearization

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Equal steps between black N and white W.
3. Available relative gamma values g(rel)=0,66 and 0,75.
4. With and without numbering of the colour samples and their changes.
5. Colour threshold evaluation (e) or producion (p).
6. Discussion of the gamma and professional linearization.
go to the image part iebs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iecs in English or igcs in German.
Title: Equally spaced 9 step grey scales according to CIELAB,W for four display reflections
Yref=4, 2, 1, (100 or 110 or 120 or 200 or 60) on ten pages

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Five lightness and tristimulus value ranges between black N and white W.
3. delta L*N to L*W: 23,7_100, 22,4_103,7, 21,3_107,3, 15,5_130,1, 31_81,8.
4. delta YN to YW: 4_100, 3,6_110, 3,3_120, 2_200, 6,7_60.
5. Contrast YW:YN: 25:1, 30:1, 36:1, 100:1, 9:1.
6. with regularity index g* according to ISO/IEC 15775:2022, annex G.
7. Discussion of gamma values for different ranges.
go to the image part iecs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part ieds in English or igds in German.
Title: Equally spaced 9 step grey scales according to TUBLOG,Ua for four display reflections
Yref=4, 2, 1, (100 or 110 or 120 or 200 or 60) on ten pages

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Five lightness and tristimulus value ranges between black N and white W.
3. delta L*N to L*W: -50_50, -52,8_53, -55,6_55,7, -71,4_71,5, -34,0_34,1.
4. delta YN to YW: 4_100, 3,6_110, 3,3_120, 2_200, 6,7_60.
5. Contrast YW:YN: 25:1, 30:1, 36:1, 100:1, 9:1.
6. with regularity index g* according to ISO/IEC 15775:2022, annex G.
7. Discussion of gamma values for different ranges.
go to the image part ieds to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iees in English or iges in German.
Title: Equally spaced 9 step grey scales according to TUBsRGB,W for four display reflections
Yref=4, 2, 1, (100 or 110 or 120 or 200 or 60) on ten pages

1. Introduction and goals.
2. Five lightness and tristimulus value ranges between black N and white W.
3. delta L*N to L*W: 24,7_100, 23,7_104,2, 22,8_108,2, 18,3_135,1, 30,8_80,1.
4. delta YN to YW: 4_100, 3,6_110, 3,3_120, 2_200, 6,7_60.
5. Contrast YW:YN: 25:1, 30:1, 36:1, 100:1, 9:1.
6. with regularity index g* according to ISO/IEC 15775:2022, annex G.
7. Discussion of gamma values for different ranges.
go to the image part iees to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iefs in English or igfs in German.
go to the image part iefs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iegs in English or iggs in German.
go to the image part iegs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iehs in English or ighs in German.
go to the image part iehs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part ieis in English or igis in German.
go to the image part ieis to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iejs in English or igjs in German.
go to the image part iejs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part ieks in English or igks in German.
go to the image part ieks to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iels in English or igls in German.
go to the image part iels to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iems in English or igms in German.
go to the image part iems to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iens in English or igns in German.
go to the image part iens to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part ieos in English or igos in German.
go to the image part ieos to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part ieps in English or igps in German.
go to the image part ieps to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part ieqs in English or igqs in German.
go to the image part ieqs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iers in English or igrs in German.
go to the image part iers to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iess in English or igss in German.
go to the image part iess to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iets in English or igts in German.
go to the image part iets to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part ieus in English or igus in German.
go to the image part ieus to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part ievs in English or igvs in German.
go to the image part ievs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iews in English or igws in German.
go to the image part iews to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iexs in English or igxs in German.
go to the image part iexs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part ieys in English or igys in German.
go to the image part ieys to study the 10 image pages and the content.

Image part iezs in English or igzs in German.
go to the image part iezs to study the 10 image pages and the content.

For the start TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English, indexDE.html in German.

For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server "www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations, standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English, indexAG.html in German.