259128 'DNAX' http://farbe.li.tu-berlin.de/DEA_I.HTM or http://color.li.tu-berlin.de/DEA_I.HTM.
Go to this page in German DGA_I.HTM
Chapter A:
Colour Image Technology and Colour Management (2019)
Introduction, content list and summary:
AEA_S in English or
AGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
ae2s in English or
ag2s in German.
Chapter B:
Colour Vision and Colorimetry (2020)
Introduction, content list and summary:
BEA_S in English or
BGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
be2s in English or
bg2s in German.
Chapter C:
Colour Spaces, Colour Differences, and Line Elements (2021)
Introduction, content list and summary:
CEA_S in English or
CGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
ce2s in English or
cg2s in German.
Chapter D:
Colour Appearance, Elementary Colours, and Metrics (2022)
Introduction, content list and summary:
DEA_S in English or
DGA_S in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
de2s in English or
dg2s in German.
Chapter E:
Colour Metrics, Differences, and Appearance (2023)
Introduction, content list and summary:
eea_s in English or
ega_s in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
ee2s in English or
eg2s in German.
Chapter F:
Colour metrics for chromatic and luminance adaptation (2024)
Introduction and content list:
fea_i in English or
fgai (under work),
fga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
fe2s in English or
fg2s in German.
Chapter G:
Equally spaced colour scales for optimal colour-image quality (2024b)
Content list:
gea_i in English or
gga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 and 260 image series:
ge2s in English or
gg2s in German.
Chapter H:
SDR and HDR-colour metric for optimal colour-image quality (2025)
Content list:
hea_i in English or
hga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 (and 260, under work) image series:
he2s in English or
hg2s in German.
Chapter I:
Output linearization of visual data for scaling and thresholds (2025b)
, under work
Content list:
iea_i in English or
iga_i in German.
Image pages with 10 (and 260, under work) image series:
ie2s in English or
ig2s in German.
Any large image file with 260 pages, for example
can be printed as image series.
Also the content can be saved as a pdf file for any of the chapters A to H.
In addition a download of the corresponding pdf file, for example
he2s.pdf (about 150MB) is possible.
Project title: Colour and colour vision with Ostwald, device, and elementary colours -
Antagonistic colour-vision model TUBJND and properties for many applications
Chapter D: Colour Appearance, Elementary Colours, and Metrics (2022),
Main part DEA_I
Each chapter includes main parts (I) with information to an image part (S).
There are 26 image parts (S), each with 10 figure pages.
The 10 figure pages (0 to 9) include up to 16 figures,
and each figure with up to six formats.
Structure, content, and order of files and figures on the example chapter
Colour Vision and Colorimetry

Figure 1 shows the structure of the web site BE(A..Z)I.HTM und BE(A..Z)S.HTM.
For the download of this figure in the VG-PDF format, see
Structure, content, and order of files and figures on the web site

Figure 2 shows the structure, the content, and the order of files and figures on the web site
For the download of this figure in the VG-PDF format, see
List of links to the contents of all image parts
Image part DEAS
in English or DGAS in German.
Title: Colour metrics for light and colour as function of the
relative luminance L/Lu (Lu=surround luminance)
Experimental data and model functions Q/Fab(xr).
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Experimental data from a book for xr=log(L/Lu);
3. Response functions Q/Fab[e^(xr/a) or 10^(xr/a')] with
a'=a ln(10).
4. Deviations of the response functions for luminance discrimination.
5. Antichromatic models of colour vision.
6. Receptor sensitivity for achromatic colours.
7. Logarithmic and linear models for combinations of the sensitivities.
for further information and discussion,
see DEAI.
go to the image part DEAS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEBS
in English or DGBS in German.
Title: Colour metrics for light and colour as function of the
relative luminance L/Lu (Lu=surround luminance)
Experimental data and model function Qab(xr).
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Experimental data from a book for xr=log(L/Lu);
3. Response functions Q/Fab[e^(xr/a) or 10^(xr/a')] with
a'=a ln(10).
4. Derivations of the response functions for luminance discrimination.
go to the image part DEBS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DECS
in English or DGCS in German.
Title: Colour metrics for light and colour as function of the
relative luminance L/Lu (Lu=surround luminance)
Experimental data and model functions Fab(xr).
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Experimental data from a book for xr=log(L/Lu);
3. Response functions Q/Fab[e^(xr/a) or 10^(xr/a')] with
a'=a ln(10).
4. Derivations of the response functions for luminance discrimination.
go to the image part DECS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEDS
in English or DGDS in German.
Title: Proposal for ISO-test charts for colour copiers
according to ISO/IEC 15775,
ISO-layout (no. 1 to 3), ISO-test charts (no. 4 to 7),
Output linearization with 1080 colours,
Intended and measured CIELAB data.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. First edition in 1999 and intended edition 2 in 2022.
3. Versions in PostScript and PDF.
4. Versions in the languages English (E), German (G),
and French (F).
5. Versions in four different resolutions
192x128, 384x256, 768x512, 1536x1024.
6. Use of ISO-test chart AE49 with 1080 colours
according to ISO 9241-306:2018 for output linearization.
7. Intended and produced CIELAB colours and differences
in standard offset printing for the ISO/CIE-standard illuminant D65,
the 45/0 geometrie, and the 2-degree observer.
go to the image part DEDS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEES
in English or DGES in German.
Title: Proposal for ISO-test charts for colour copiers according
to ISO/IEC 15775,
Chromatic ISO-test charts no. 2 and 4 in three resolutions,
Output linearization of 1080 colours, and of the flower motif,
Intended and measured rgb* and CIELAB data.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. ISO-test charts in the languages English (E), German (G),
and French (F).
3. ISO-test charts with flower motif in three resolutions
384x256, 768x512, 1536x1024.
4. Output linearization of 1080 colours and of the flower motif.
5. Intended and produced rgb* and CIELAB colours and differences
in standard offset printing for the CIE illuminant D50,
the 45/0 geometrie, and the 2-degree observer.
go to the image part DEES
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEFS
in English or DGFS in German.
Title: Three CIE standard illuminants D65, D50, and A
for the calculation of the Ostwald-optimal colours for CIE 02-degree;
complementary optimal colours with antagonistic tristimulues values
X, Y, Z, and Xw-X, Yw-Y, Zw-Z
in the CIE chromaticity diagram (x, y), and
colorimetric chromaticity and chromatic values diagrams.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Relative sprectral radiation of the 3 illuminants D65, D50, and A.
3. Wavelength ranges of the Ostwald colours for D65, D50, and A.
4. Calculations of tristimulues values
X, Y, Z, and Xw-X, Yw-Y, Zw-Z, as well as
wavelength limits, dominant and complementary wavelength.
5. Alternative starting wavelength limits compared to the
preferred limits.
6. Equal chromatic values for the antagonistic colour pairs
R-C, Y-B und G-M
in the chromatic value diagram (A2, B2),
and comparison with CIELAB chroma.
go to the image part DEFS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEGS
in English or DGGS in German.
Title: Colour metrics for light and colour as function of the
relative luminance L/Lu (Lu=surround luminance)
Experimental data and model function Qab(xr).
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Experimental data from a book for xr=log(L/Lu);
3. Response functions Q/Fab[e^(xr/a) or 10^(xr/a')] with
a'=a ln(10).
4. Deviations of the response functions for luminance discrimination.
go to the image part DEGS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEHS
in English or DGHS in German.
Title: Colour metrics for light and colour as function of the
relative luminance L/Lu (Lu=surround luminance)
Experimental data and model functions Fab(xr).
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Experimental data from a book for xr=log(L/Lu);
3. Response functions Q/Fab[e^(xr/a) or 10^(xr/a')] with
a'=a ln(10).
4. Deviations of the response functions for luminance discrimination.
go to the image part DEHS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEIS
in English or DGIS in German.
Title: Proposal for ISO-test charts for colour copiers according
to ISO/IEC 15775,
ISO-layout (no. 1 to 3), ISO-test charts (no. 4 to 7),
Output linearization with 1080 colours,
Intended and measured CIELAB data.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. First edition in 1999 and intended edition 2 in 2022.
3. Versions in PostScript and PDF.
4. Versions in the languages English (E), German (G),
and French (F).
5. Versions in only the resolution 768x512.
6. Use of ISO-test chart AE49 with 1080 colours
according to ISO 9241-306:2018 for output linearization,
not realized.
7. Intended and produced CIELAB colours and differences
in standard offset printing for the ISO/CIE-standard illuminant D65,
the 45/0 geometrie, and the 2-degree observer,
not realized.
go to the image part DEIS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEJS
in English or DGJS in German.
Title: Three CIE standard illuminants D65, D50, and A
for the calculation of the Ostwald-optimal colours for CIE 10-degree;
complementary optimal colours with antagonistic tristimulues values
X10, Y10, Z10, and X10w-X10, Y10w-Y10, Z10w-Z10
in the CIE chromaticity diagram (x10, y10), and
colorimetric chromaticity and chromatic values diagrams.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Relative sprectral radiation of the 3 illuminants D65, D50, and A.
3. Wavelength ranges of the Ostwald colours for D65, D50, and A.
4. Calculations of tristimulues values
X10, Y10, Z10, and X10w-X10, Y10w-Y10, Z10w-Z10, as well as
wavelength limits, dominant and complementary wavelength.
5. Alternative starting wavelength limits compared to the
preferred limits.
6. Equal chromatic values for the antagonistic colour pairs
R-C, Y-B und G-M
in the chromatic value diagram (A2,10, B2,10),
and comparison with CIELAB chroma.
go to the image part DEJS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEKS
in English or DGKS in German.
Title: Technology for the change of vector to pixel graphic,
Input-output relationship between CIE L* and rgb*,
Transfer analog-digital ad_rgbd*' and digital-analog
1. Introduction and goals.
2. ISO/IEC-flower motiv with 192x128 pixel; see
http://standards.iso.org/iso/9241/306/ed-2/index.html or
3. Input-output relationship between CIE lightness L* and
8bit rgbd* data for slide film (sf) and negative
film (nf);
4. Data ad_rgbd*' (d=device) between under and over exposure;
5. Raw scan and size change of image according to ISO/IEC 15775
and ISO 9241-306;
6. Grid for capture of hex data;
7. Use of hex data for the linearized output;
8. Applications.
go to the image part DEKS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DELS
in English or DGLS in German.
Title: Technology for the change of vector to pixel graphic,
Input-output relationship between CIE L* and rgb*,
Transfer analog-digital ad_rgbd*' and digital-analog
1. Introduction and goals.
2. ISO/IEC-flower motiv with 384x256 pixel; see
http://standards.iso.org/iso/9241/306/ed-2/index.html or
3. Input-output relationship between CIE lightness L* and
8bit rgbd* data for slide film (sf) and negative
film (nf);
4. Data ad_rgbd*' (d=device) between under and over exposure;
5. Raw scan and size change of image according to ISO/IEC 15775
and ISO 9241-306;
6. Grid for capture of hex data;
7. Use of hex data for the linearized output;
8. Applications.
go to the image part DELS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEMS
in English or DGMS in German.
Title: Technology for the change of vector to pixel graphic,
Input-output relationship between CIE L* and rgb*,
Transfer analog-digital ad_rgbd*' and digital-analog
1. Introduction and goals.
2. ISO/IEC-flower motiv with 784x512 pixel; see
http://standards.iso.org/iso/9241/306/ed-2/index.html or
3. Input-output relationship between CIE lightness L* and
8bit rgbd* data for slide film (sf) and negative
film (nf);
4. Data ad_rgbd*' (d=device) between under and over exposure;
5. Raw scan and size change of image according to ISO/IEC 15775
and ISO 9241-306;
6. Grid for capture of hex data;
7. Use of hex data for the linearized output;
8. Applications.
go to the image part DEMS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DENS
in English or DGNS in German.
Title: Linearization of scan or photographic images
Image capture of the 1080 colours according to ISO 9241-306:2018
Captured analog-digital data ad_rgbd*' and transfered
digital-analog data da_rgbd* similar to the original
ISO data rgb*.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. 1080 ISO-colours according to ISO 9241-306:2018 in vector graphic; see
3. Original ISO file with 1080 data rgb* in the format
decimal and hex;
4. Data modification ad_rgbd*' (d=device) for gamma values
5. Modified ISO file with grid for capture of hex data;
6. Transfer of data ad_rgbd*' to da_rgbd* for the
linearized output;
7. PDF and EPS scan file of the analog test chart similar to ISO/IEC 15775
with 1080 hex data ad_rgbd*';
8. PDF and EPS-scan file with grid for capture of hex data;
9. Linearized EPS and PDF Scan file with data da_rgbd* similar to the
original data rgb* of the ISO file according to ISO 9241-306;
10. Applications.
go to the image part DENS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEOS
in English or DGOS in German.
Title: Colourimetric data in chromaticity and chromatic values diagrams,
MacAdam ellipsis, Munsell and OSA data
for lightness Value V=1,2,5,8,9.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. MacAdam ellipsis, illuminant E, 2-degree observer;
3. OSA colour order system, illuminant D65, 10-degree observer;
4. Munsell colour order system, illuminant C, 2-degree observer;
5. Four chromaticity and chromatic value diagrams.
go to the image part DEOS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEPS
in English or DGPS in German.
Title: Colourimetric data in chromaticity and chromatic values diagrams,
Munsell and OSA data for lightness Value V=1,2,5,8,9.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. OSA colour order system, illuminant D65, 10-degree observer;
3. Munsell colour order system, illuminant C, 2-degree observer;
4. Four or eight chromaticity diagrams or chromatic value diagrams.
go to the image part DEPS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEQS
in English or DGQS in German.
Title: Line elements, colour spaces, and colour thresholds;
Comparison of LABJND and CIELAB line elements;
Display thresholds and scaling between black and white
according to ISO 9241-306.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Line elements for achromatic colours;
3. Colour spaces and chromatic thresholds;
4. Relation of the laws of Weber-Fechner & Stevens.
5. LABJND-line elements according to CIE 230:219;
6. Comparison with CIELAB-line elements according to ISO/CIE 11664-4;
7. Eight display reflections of the ambient light according to ISO 9241-306;
8. Display thresholds and scaling between black N and white W.
go to the image part DEQS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DERS
in English or DGRS in German.
Title: Technology for a gamma change of image files
of the standard size A4L with PostScript.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Step recognition for changes of the illumination and viewing angles
and mirror reflection.
3. Test chart for the dark room with the ISO-contrast step CYP8.
4. Test chart for the standard office with the ISO-contrast step
5. Test chart for the standard office with 15 ISO-contrast steps
CYP1 to CYP15.
6. Frame file in VG and ISO-AE49 file in VG.
7. Frame file in VG and ISO-AE49 file in PG.
8. Whole frame file and ISO-AE49 file in PG.
go to the image part DERS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DESS
in English or DGSS in German.
Title: Chromatic adaptation model TUBLAB2 and hue threshold,
chromatic values of Ostwald colours for three contrasts,
wavelength limits and chromatic values for two contrasts
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Chromatic adaptation models TUBLAB1 and TUBLAB2
for four illuminants D65, D50, A, and E;
3. Chromatic values and hue thresholds dhA2B2=6, 12, and 18
for four illuminants D65, D50, A, and E,
and three contrasts C=25:1, 8:1, and 2:1;
4. Wavelength limits of 6 Ostwald colours with hue thresholds
dhA2B2=6 and 18, contrast C=25:1 and 2:1.
go to the image part DESS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DETS
in English or DGTS in German.
Title: Complementary Ostwald-optimal colours,
YB1 and GM1 data for 8 Dxx and 8 Pxx iluminants,
for four CIE observers,
for three TUBLAB and the CIELAB colour space.
1. Introduction and goals;
2. Ostwald optimal colours of 2 complementary parts
Yellow-Blue (YB1: 495_770 & 380_495) and
Green-Magenta (GM1: 470_570 & 570_470);
3. Data for four CIE observers: 02, 10, F02, F10;
4. Data for four colour spaces: YCAB, YCAB1, YCAB2, LC*ab (CIELAB).
go to the image part DETS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEUS
in English or DGUS in German.
Title: Complementary Ostwald-optimal colours,
YB and GM data for 8 Dxx and 8 Pxx iluminants,
for four CIE observers,
for three TUBLAB and the CIELAB colour space.
1. Introduction and goals;
2. Ostwald optimal colours of 2 complementary parts
Yellow-Blue (YB: 520_770 & 380_520) and
Green-Magenta (GM: 475_575 & 575_475);
3. Data for four CIE observers: 02, 10, F02, F10;
4. Data for four colour spaces: YCAB, YCAB1, YCAB2, LC*ab (CIELAB).
go to the image part DEUS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEVS
in English or DGVS in German.
Title: Chromatic adaptation model TUBLAB2 and hue threshold,
similar chromatic values of sRGB and Ostwald colours,
HPE transfer between XYZ and LMS(PDT).
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Chromatic adaptation model for eight illuminants Pxx (Planck) and Dxx
3. Similar chromatic values (A2, B2) of the sRGB-display colours,
and the Ostwald colours;
4. Hunt-Pointer-Esteves (HPE) transfer between XYZ and LMS(PDT) in both
5. Chromatic adaptation model TUBLAB2, hue threshold dhA2B2=6,
eigth illuminants Pxx (Planck) and Dxx (Daylight);
6. Wavelenght limits of 6 Ostwald colours with hue thresholds
dhA2B2=6 and 18, contrast C=25:1 and 2:1.
go to the image part DEVS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEWS
in English or DGWS in German.
Title: Wavelength ranges of Ostwald colours
of equal blackness N*,
reflections for the contrast C=25:1, and
antagonistic physiological +-signals.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Wavelength ranges of six Ostwald colours;
3. Eigen (e) and antagonistic (a) Ostwald colours;
4. Standard reflection R, relative reflection Rr=R/0,180
(index r=relative), and Rs=log(Rr) (index s=sensation);
5. Triangle lightness T*TUB, Blackness N* (index n), and
Whiteness W* (index w);
6. Antagonistic reflections of Ostwald colours for the contrast
7. Antagonistic physiological +-signals and colour attributes.
go to the image part DEWS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEXS
in English or DGXS in German.
Title: Wavelength ranges of Ostwald colours
of equal whiteness W*,
reflections for the contrast C=25:1, and
antagonistic physiological +-signals.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Wavelength ranges of six Ostwald colours;
3. Eigen (e) and antagonistic (a) Ostwald colours;
4. Standard reflection R, relative reflection Rr=R/0,180
(index r=relative), and Rs=log(Rr) (index s=sensation);
5. Triangle lightness T*TUB, Blackness N* (index n), and
Whiteness W* (index w);
6. Antagonistic reflections of Ostwald colours for the contrast
7. Antagonistic physiological +-signals and colour attributes.
go to the image part DEXS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEYS
in English or DGYS in German.
Title: Antagonistic colour attributes and scaling of
N*, I*, W*, T*, C*, and A*.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Colour attributes Blackness N*, whiteness W*,
Chromaticness C*, and the antagonistic attributes
I*, T*, and A*.
3. Antagonistic optimal colours of a colour half.
4. Colour vectors of the antagonistic TUB-colour vision model
and relation with nonlinear colour attributes.
go to the image part DEYS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
Image part DEZS
in English or DGZS in German.
Title: Image creation from images;
Combination of 4x4 or 4x7 images to 4 new images.
1. Introduction and goals.
2. Creation of new images by the programming language PostScript;
3. Creation of new images in a rectangular or circular layout;
4. Applications of the circular layout for hue circles.
go to the image part DEZS
to study the 10 image pages and the content.
For the start TUB web site (not archive), see
index.html in English,
indexDE.html in German.
For the archive information (2000-2009) of the BAM server
"www.ps.bam.de" (2000-2018)
about colour test charts, colorimetric calculations,
standards, and publications, see
indexAE.html in English,
indexAG.html in German.